Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Blood and Whispers


TAG: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
It's so huge

The expanse; the nothing. Between the stars and the planets, between the hyperspace lanes and the ships and the arguments and the wars. There's just so... much... nothing. My whole life, I have felt so little nothing, rather, there had always been emotions and intentions, feelings and visions. It's exhausting. This? This is... peaceful.

But the peace was imperfect.

I knew, before I even woke, I knew, something was wrong. As the sensation dragged me from the peaceful nothing and back into something, that feeling grew stronger. The sensation, what was it? Pain, coursing through me; the dull ache throbbing in time with my hearts, the rough scratching in my throat as burning lungs dragged in air. Muscles zinged with agony and as my eyes fluttered open, I saw the several sharp, crimson lines upon my skin, each stinging violently.

After the pain came the sounds; muffled at first, but growing in intensity as my head throbbed. Blaring sirens, a pulsing red light accompanying the warning noise. What was that ringing in my ears?

With a grunt, I pulled myself to my feet, my robes; Pixrunderessasa finery from the pairing ceremony, now tattered, bloody, and singed. As I stumbled to my feet, hands moving to clutch at my pounding head, I fought to focus my eyes on the scene of chaos around me.

I was in a cave; a cave of steel and electricity, of pipes and doors and lighting and framing. The sleek flat corridor ahead of me opened up into a gaping maw like a jagged wound, some unfamiliar land beyond it. My jaw clenched, and I turned back to the red, pulsing, screaming depths of my crashed ship; there had to be first aid back there somewhere.

I need to stop the bleeding.

"Ship crashed in Sector 83, my Lord.", the Officer relayed to Maliphant as he sat at his desk.

It was made of a life tree wood - specially cut from well grown force trees that exuded the light. In Korriban's harsh atmosphere, it withered from its usual rosey brown to a soft ash; a small glimpse at the dark side potential of both Maliphant and the planet. Besides that, it did him well to remind himself of just what their end goal truly was - and with the help of the Worm Emperor, he had finally begun to see it.

"Deploy the Korriban Prefect Core. If it does have force sensitives aboard, I want to see them.", he said calmly. Pushing it seat back, he stood up and pressed a button on the side of his communicator - letting his ship know to ready itself.

He didn't have to see the ship for himself, but the fact was his office was becoming boring. Time to see an oddity for himself for once.


Soldiers raised weapons as they neared the ship - looking for enemy combatants. With recent events, from the Sith incursions and Jedi genocides, security on the planet was nearly always on Defcon 2; ready for the entire planet's military to deploy in less than a few hours. It was tiresome, since there was constant checks being done to insure military readiness at all times, but it would have to suffice until their tenable position was more secure.

Between the Silver Jedi and the Sith Empire, Maliphant was getting a headache.

So instead, he would take it out by ignoring the safety concerns of his troops and simply approaching the ship - finding a crack in its hull as he entered, sensing the sensitivity of a living being within. As he broke free of the shattered metal walls, his golden eyes fell on the collapse form of a girl - and his face twisted into a frown.

Somehow, he was hoping for a Jedi. At least a Mandalorian.

"She needs medical attention, Captain.", Maliphant said sourly, though not at her.

"See to it she gets put aboard my ship.", he said as he motioned them forward, disappointed it turned out less violent than he hoped.

Soon, she would awake on the somewhat small med bay on Maliphant's personal Hypnos, flying back to the academy. He was reading a holopad, seemingly not paying attention to her as his legs were crossed, bouncing in time with the gentle turbulence outside. Silver strands fell in his face as he quietly hummed an unknown song.

Auspex Auspex



TAG: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
More darkness. More peace. More quiet.

This time, when I woke, it was to a different scene entirely. Cold, I could feel cold. Was that... physical cold? Or was it the energy of the universe, magick, force, whatever it was called in this place? With a soft grimace, I forced my eyes open. Once more, the pain assaulted my body. However, this time, it was dulled, softer, as though hindered by drugs.

In my haze, my eyes were drawn immediately to the other presence in the room. I couldn't even see him yet; not physically. Everything was still fuzzy shapes in the throbbing ache of my head. No, I couldn't see him; but his presence was so powerful that it was as though he transcended physical space. Maybe everyone could see him like this. Maybe just those like me who see beyond the physical.

I wanted to look down at my own body, inspect where I was or how I why I was no longer bleeding out. But with my vision still frustratingly blurry, I resisted, instead shifting slightly with a soft groan so I could better focus on the monumental pillar of power with whom I shared a room.

"You were broken," a hoarse whisper that barely resembled my own tumbled from my lips, as visions and reality blurred before me, "you were broken a lot. Now you are so powerful, nothing can ever break you again."

As the visions began to cascade, I lay my head back down, wincing. I couldn't even tell if the being sitting there was friend or foe. Could someone be both? Why couldn't I remember anything still?

Maliphant glanced up from the report he was reading at her words - though he didn't look at her. Simply a curious stare, a sign his attention was stolen for a brief moment; then a glance to her with a furrowed brow. He offered her little more than a 'hm', not acknowledging whether she was right or wrong.

"You're a force sensitive. Were you bound for the Academy, or something else?", he said with a cock of his brow.

"I need answers before someone assumes you're a spy, you know. It'd be a shame to execute a guest so soon to their arrival."

Auspex Auspex



TAG: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

My brow furrowed, as I tried once more to turn and peer curiously at the being sitting across from me. Force, the force, yes. That was the name of this energy, although I had once called it something different, hadn't I? His next words caused a short, sharp jolt of danger to awake my nerves. Had... I just been threatened?

"I... don't remember." My brow furrowed once more as I lifted my hands to my head. Two hearts raced in my chest, a panic beginning to seep into my mind as I realized that... I couldn't remember anything.

"I... I can't see..." I whimpered as I squeezed my eyes shut, fighting against the fog in my brain, "Why can't I see? I can't only see now..."

Maliphant didn't move to comfort her, instead his cold gaze falling onto the monitors near her bed. The ship jostled slightly as it hit a rough patch before stabilizing, but Maliphant could gleam out of the updating charts and graphs before him that she was experiencing some form of stress - heavy and quickly onset, it flaired her brain activity in ways similar to someone who had experienced brain trauma.

He made a low, thoughtful noise in his throat before setting the datapad aside.

"On the contrary, now is all that matters.", he offered her flatly as he stood.

"You've landed on Korriban.", he offered her with a downward gaze, his voice tenuously contemptious as though he still assumed her a spy.

"I am Darth Maliphant. Landing, however, may not be the most accurate term - you crashed. Very likely, you'll need time before the damage is healed. Do you know who you are?"

Auspex Auspex



TAG: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
My brow furrowed at the man's reply.

I didn't agree. Perhaps he was like me, and felt the wave of displeasure wash over me, and my momentary quarrel before choosing not to speak. He'd sved my life... or at least, was responsible for those who had.

"Korriban", I repeated softly, testing, tasting the word. It didn't feel familiar in my mouth, perhaps this was the first time I'd spoken it.

Feeling his gaze on me, I twisted as best I could to meet those curious eyes, to see beyond the exterior of authority and dominance and into the man beyond. However, all I felt for the time being was pain; likely my own, maybe something in response to his question.

"I am..." A deep sigh took my aching chest as I fought to let the old thoughts flow to the surface, "... Pixrunduresasa. I am... Sight? No. Seeing?"

I winced in frustration, before suddenly the word came to me all at once,

"Auspex. My name is Auspex. I am the one who sees."

It felt good, to remember that, to know something. Although I sensed there was much yet I had forgotten, for now, the memory was treasured.

"I'm no spy, Darth Maliphant,"

"Auspex.", Maliphant repeated idly.

For a moment, he seemed to mull it over, but his gaze never left hers - authoritative as it was, he looked down upon her, both metaphorically and physically, towering over her as she lay partially injured in the bed. Yet, Maliphant had felt her prodding at him - feeling for his past, his personality, his very identity, and she would witness only one small aspect of the greater man that he was.

A hand tore the air in the span of a blink, and is fingers tightened around her throat restricting her airway. He'd wait for a moment until her body convulsed in an attempt at a cough before he spoke - deep, foreboding, his words were close enough for her to feel his breath and his anger.

"A spy prods, Auspex. Attempt to do so again, and I grind your bones into dust."

Another moment of holding her, and then he would let go, taking a step back as the scowl on his face slowly faded and he moved to sit himself down once more. As though it never happened, he simply watched her with that same apathy.

"Do you have allegiance a government, a group, or a belief, Auspex?", he asked her while she recovered from his momentary abuse.

Auspex Auspex



TAG: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

The sound of his voice whispering my name hung in the air for a moment or two, something of a calm silence settling between us. Maliphant was an enigma, a mystery, something I yearned to unwrap and explore, like a dark, twisted labyrinth. However, as one moment melted into the next, his hand suddenly appeared around my throat, squeezing and threatening to snatch back the life he'd saved.

Immediately my hands flew to my throat, weakly clawing at his grip as my entire body heaved and convulsed, fighting for air. My eyes widened with panic, fighting under him to snatch a breath.

He spoke his warning, but more than that, something nagged at the back of my mind.

There was something... right about this. Something proper, as if, somehow, some way, my purpose in the universe was... this? To be here? To yield to something or someone greater than myself, to serve them. Although only a tiny thought, it took root deep beneath the panic and fear, in the core of my mind.

Maliphant released me and I gasped, coughing and spluttering as my lungs fought to drag in breath after precious breath once again. Still, that niggling thought remained; this is right. This is where you're meant to be.

"I... understand." I spluttered, laying and staring at the ceiling as my head throbbed, "No, I have... no one."

A pause,

"Are... you a Master?" I wasn't even sure what I meant by the question, or what I expected in answer. But just as that thought rooted itself in my mind, I couldn't let it go.

"Depending on the sense, yes.", he answered simply. Slightly ambiguous, but it was the most he would offer her.

"Landing. ETA 30 seconds until touch down.", the intercom offered overhead, forcing Maliphant to give a slight raise of his brow and a glance to the speakers above him.

"It seems you'll soon many more masters."

He turned around and began to walk from the room but paused in the doorway - glancing over his shoulder to her;

"Get up. Meet me on the exit ramp.", he told her despite her injuries. And then he walked away.

Auspex Auspex



TAG: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
I swallowed as the man - a... sith, I think the word was - answered my question.

It didn't feel... like I expected it would, but the answer was a confirmation all the same. Not that I had time to dwell on it, anyhow, as some digital voice chirped to tell us that we would be landing soon. With a few words of implication, Maliphant moved towards the doorway, pausing only to command that I follow.

And there it was,

That strange sensation; a compulsion, almost, to follow him, to obey. Had it been that before the crash, I'd had a Master? Perhaps, but it felt more than that, like it was not only that I'd had one, but that I needed one, like this was how I was supposed to function.

"I... Right, yes."

My words were awkward, uncertain. As the man left, however, I moved to do as he asked. My clothes were folded neatly nearby, and as I pulled them on, I peered at the screens. Two heart monitors, two blood oxygen readings, a note about not using bacta. What was bacta? Tucking the information away for later, I left the med bay.

This ship was just as alien to my as the one in which I'd crashed. Perhaps it was instinct, but I wandered without much of a thought towards where I was going. I was following a feeling; a scent, almost, the aura of the man who called himself Darth Maliphant.

By the time I came to the exit ramp, the ship had touched down. My hearts raced, as I stepped towards him.

Before both of them was the large, black pyramid of the Korriban Academy; many of its parts still under reconstruction following the battle for Korriban's surface. Maliphant offered her nothing until they reached the bottom of the landing ramp - and as others walked past them to unload the ship, and prepare it for its next voyage, he spoke;

"This is the Royal Academy of Korriban. You will take the entrance exams. See that you pass.", he said to her with a careful gaze towards her - testing her smallest facial movements.

"The Sith Order needs manpower, and you will serve them. Serve me. Sergeant -", he said with a quick motion to a nearby man in black armor.

"- Take Auspex to the entry wing. See that she is given whatever she needs to acclimate her to her new surroundings."

The Sergeant nodded, and motioned her to follow.

Auspex Auspex



TAG: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
I gazed in wonder at the enormous noyz monilith before us.

The architecture of these people was... regal, stately, majestic and imposing. The design whispered of power and warning all who entered of the wrath of those who ruled. I understood this dynamic, although I couldn't quite be sure why. Before I could dwell on that, the Sith spoke, and his words snatched me from my musings.

"I... what?" I felt my hearts race in tandem, my brow furrowed as I felt a rising confusion and concern in my chest.

Seemingly unphased by my reaction, Maliphant called over a subordinate and instructed him to take me away.

I was confused, afraid, sore, and lost. It was against my nature to speak out, to question my betters, to stand between order and obedience. Yet... the overwhelming sensations and loss, I dropped to my knees, my hands covering my head as a soft wail escaped my lips.

"No, wait please!"I begged, "I don't even know who you all are. What is the Sith Order? Why does it need manpower? Why do you think I could do that? I don't want this!"

Maliphant paused as he glanced back to her - his gaze golden and threatening, but his words were not.

"You will learn to want this.", he challenged.

"The Sith Order will be explained as you learn, it needs manpower because of war, and you are force sensitive - that is all that is needed. If you are truly clueless as to where you are and what you face - then they will keep you safe, warm, and fed. All you must do is learn, and eventually serve the Order. It need not be complicated, and you do not need to question it any further."

"Now, are you done?"

Auspex Auspex



TAG: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
Through my own groans, I heard the Sith explain.

I should be grateful. He was my better; a superior being, he didn't need to take the time to explain it to me. He was well within his power to simply have me hauled away. At that realisation, I felt my cheeks burn. For now, however, I still wanted to keep my face hidden, my pale arms and pale hair shielding me from the rest of the world for the time being.

"Y-yes." My reply was soft, reluctant to be heard as I was reluctant to be noticed in this state. "I understand."

My chest was still heaving, two pairs of lungs fighting each other to return to a normal rhythm. Dragging myself to my feet, I turned, keeping my gaze low, indicating without words that I was ready to accept whatever future lay ahead of me.

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