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Approved Location Blackwell Agriworks Warehouse

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  • Name: Blackwell Agriworks Warehouse

  • Classification: Warehouse


  • [x002] Auto-Turret Defense Grid



Vulgrim Blackwell’s sudden ascent as a powerhouse producer of foodstuffs on Ukio attracted a great deal of attention from certain Core Worlds. The systems of the Core are dominated by planets with burgeoning populations into the hundreds of billions and planet-wide cities. Even with great advances in agricultural technology, these worlds are incapable of producing enough food to sustain their populations.

And now that many of them are independent, they are very eager to sign as many supply contracts with as many agricultural companies as possible. Anything to avoid famine.

Enter Vulgrim Blackwell, who understands the necessity of food arriving on planet as quickly and efficiently as possible. As part of each deal he cuts, a Blackwell Agriworks warehouse rises up somewhere on the planet. All Blackwell Agriworks freighters bypass the usual spaceports and customs centers of the world in favor of landing directly at the warehouse, where the food may be unloaded, inspected, and shipped off at a much faster rate.

These warehouses are lightly defended, as they are often built near outposts or headquarters of the planet’s law enforcement. Their primary means of defense from saboteurs are two grids of auto-turrets located within and without the facility. Furthermore, as part of a deal with the Helix Syndicate, Enforcers are present at the facility in order to provide security. There are some six-hundred odd employees of Blackwell Agriworks present as well, industriously tending the duties of keeping the facility operational. Unloading arriving shipments, taking stock, coordinating shipments to other parts of the planet, and so on and so forth.

Fifty-five customs officials in the employ of the government are also present at these facilities. More often than not, they are on very amicable terms with either Blackwell Agriworks or the Helix Syndicate. Perhaps too amicable. Still, they typically give cursory examinations to every crate that passes through and report back any suspicious cargo to their superiors.

There is no suspicious cargo. As far as you know, anyway. No further questions.
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