Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Birth of the Jedi Out of Time.

The Battle of Jabiim was a major battle of the Clone Wars between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic that took place on the planet Jabiimi in 22 BBY. The Republic had stuck it's nose in a civil war that had rumbled on months in order to preserve Jabiimi mining, and the Confederacy supported a group of Jabiimi rebels with munitions and droid soldiers.
The Republic Attack Force that had been dispatched to Jabiimi initially gained some ground, but ended up spreading themselves thin, and the Confederates, led by Alto Stratus and Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress, quickly gained the upper hand. Suffering heavy losses and pursued by the Separatists, the remaining attack force soldiers and Jedi retreated to the southern hemisphere of the planet.

Only the valiant last stand of a quickly formed battle group of clone troopers and Jedi Padawans prevented a total rout by tying up large Separatist forces for several days in the battle of Cobalt Station, buying the remnants of the Republic task force enough time to evacuate off the planet. Once the force head retreated they had realized that the battle was pretty much an all out loss. A last ditch attack had been approved by the Jedi Council but Master Yoda and Master mace Windu knew it was going to be an all out massacre. When word got back to the Jedi Knights and Padawans to go forth with the attack, It ended up being a slaughter. This gave the last bit of Republic Forces to exit the planet and return back to Coruscant.

When the remaining forces returned, beaten, battered and defeated, Yoda inspected the remaining ranks and was extremely displeased. Not, of course, with the solders, but with the way the Separatists had been so well equipped and how the Confederate enthusiasts were able to over throw the Republic Attack Force. After returning to the Jedi Temple, Yoda had pulled Mace Windu aside and began to speak with him about maybe needing something to gain the upper hand with in this war.

"Defeat we had been. Broken the soldiers are. Under went complete dissatisfaction the Special Forces took. Something must be done or a short war this will be. Short and damaging for The Republic." Yoda had spoke sincerely to Mace Windu. Mace knew it would be a long and arduous war with many casualties on both sides. The way, though, that the Separatists were able to come together and easily defeat the Special Forces.

Yoda, This defeat is very disturbing. The Confederate Forces should not of been this well equipped. Something is going to be needed. Maybe we should activate operation "Inquisitor" and train some new blood to infiltrate behind enemy lines and gather strategic information to give our troops the upper hand. We cannot risk losing to the CIS. We cannot risk Darth Sidious and Count Dooku, along with their cronies, to be the ultimate force with in the galaxy. We need to keep the Republic intake. This is going to be the only way we are going to gain the upper hand."

Master Yoda had lowered his head. He was not sure he wanted to do this. He was not sure he wanted to train padawans and lose their ranks. Yoda had though about it and looked at Master Windu

"Idea I have. Instead of training padawans, clones we could use. Kaminoians we could commission. Pay them, clone friends we could. Deceased friends."

You mean, The vault? The DNA of fallen Jedi? There are so many! Who would we initially use? Who would be the prime candidate? The perfect........Qui-Gon Jinn." Mace had instantly thought of it. Qui-Gon Jinn was not only a friend but a very very skilled Jedi. Older, Experienced and had the right amount of defiance with in him. The force connection was unbreakable. If The Kaminoians could recreate Jango Fett perfectly, they could clone a Jedi and get the DNA perfectly. This meant the Midiclorians and all, connecting the clone to the force as if they were harnessing it from Birth. Yoda seemed to like the idea that Mace had spoke of. Next step would be to talk tot he Kaminoians.

Mace Windu had been tasked to talk with the Kaminoians. Tasked to have a clone created of Qui-Gon Jinn. Mace Windu had been told that he would have ALL of Qui-Gon's force powers, strengths but not look like him. The Kaminoians had created The Grand Army of the Republic and now the Republic wanted something more. Something more skill honed so to speak. Mace Windu had sat down in the lobby of the cloning facility. Looking outside the window, the rain just hadn't let up and on Kamino, it never did. Mace had heard the hiss of the door and Lama Su had walked in.

"Master Jedi. What brings you to Kamino" Lama Su asked in his casual voice.

I am looking to create a clone. Harvested from a Fallen friend. Myself and Master Yoda have very specific details that need to be met with this Clone." Mace had explained

Hmmm, and what are your specifications you desire?" Lama Su had asked. The Kaminoians always paid attention to detail in their clone process. They were very good at what they did. The Grand Army was proficient, hard and obedient. They were a well oiled machine. This is what Mace and Yoda wanted. A clone with that type of gumption. Hell, It's what they needed.

The specifications are this: All of the Midiclorians to be force sensitive, all of the powers, strength, solidarity of my fallen comrade. The catch is he must NOT have his memories, thoughts and even looks. All this must be implanted in a fresh clone. Not one that looked like Jango Fett, Boba Fett or the Clone Troopers. No. He must be a blank slate. There must not be ANY resemblance to any one person. He must be his own. He must also be fully grown. Can this be done?" Mace was very adamant on his request.

"This certainly will be quite the feat to accomplish Master Jedi. It has never been done before. This process could take a while. Plus, the fee, the fee will be substantial." Lama Su looked Mace Windu directly int he eyes.

This will be paid for, in full. Emergency funds have been proclaimed and are available upon completion. Nonetheless, payment will be fulfilled. But this must be done privately. None of the other Jedi, the council or the Chancellor can know about this. This must be done discreetly. Can this also be done?" Mace had a stern tone to his voice. He was beyond serious. Mace Windu had connected with Lama Su's eyes in the same manner.

"It can be done. It will be done. We will come in contact with you or Master Yoda when the process is completed."

Mace Windu nodded as well as Lama Su. Mace had stood up and proceeded to the door. The process will be started and Galen Paven will soon have a birth date. Things would surely be on the up and up for the Republic.

Months had passed when the initial request was made to create a full sized clone of Qui-Gon Jinn. The Kaminoians had been hard at work doing their process. A few failed clones had happened and a few, well, not failures but not successes happened as well. The cloning process was a delicate situation especially with what The Jedi had been asking for. This clone was to be perfect. Way more in dept then the Clone troopers and way way more of his own person. The Kaminoians were especially good at what they did. So they knew for a fact that this clone had to be more then 100 perfect perfect.

Two Kaminoian scientist had worked countlessly around the clock. When the Clone was about three-quarters done, they started to implant the midiclorians and such they needed to have the clone to be exactly like Qui-Gon, with out the looks and memories. This process was an extremely delicate process. The clone had been removed from the tank and placed upon a gurney. A 7 gauged needle was used to insert into one of the arm veins. The DNA of Qui-Gon, minus looks and memories, had been inserted into the veins via that needle. A helmet was placed on the clone's head. Leeds had been placed on the temples. This would start to send electrical impulses to the brain. Another large needle had been placed directly into the heart of the clone. This was to shock the heart with the needed impulses of electricity to slowly get it starting, the pump the blood through the system and body to start to give the skin and organs their life.

Once all this was completed, a rebreather had been placed upon his head. and placed into his mouth. The two scientists had placed the clone back into the tank, this time with Bacta fluid. This fluid would heal any damaged tissue or whatever else during the cloning process. The scientists had monitored the vital signs extremely close to make sure nothing had start to fail. So far all seemed to be going very very according to plan. Galen was just about to be a Jedi. A Cloned Jedi. Something that had never been done before. Of course, if it succeeded, the Kaminoians would go down in history as the greatest of all time. Unfortunately, being this as a TOP SECRET project, no one would know.

Another week had passed and it was time. The scientists had started to remove the Bacta fluid from the tank. When it was fully emptied, they opened it and out game The Clone. They helped him out and walked him over to the gurney. They laid him down and placed a few machines up to him to monitor his vitals, O2 in take and everything else important to his survival. Galen was nearly complete. Once he was turned over to the Jedi, the real tests would begin to hone in on his Force Skills. They would test his usage of the force and how it coursed through his body. One thing was for sure was that the clone looked amazing.

The clone looked amazing. He had fallen from the tank itself after all fluid had been removed. He fell to his knees and stood there a second, taking deep deep breaths. This would be literally the first time breathing true air. He lifted his head and stood up. He stood at attention and looked at the scientists.

"This clone is perfect! His attributes are off the charts! His midi-chlorian count is unbelievable. His charts are flowing! I can't believe how perfect the process ended up."

The scientists were just astounded

Now, for the first test, We will work on your reflexes. We will work on muscle memory and force senses. We need you to be able to connect to the force fully and we need you to be able to be fully connected. We need you to understand what your mission will be and what you will be doing for the Jedi."

The other scientist had spoken. The clone had nodded his head. With no name yet and no real purpose, he had just kind of stood there and listened. Galen had been eager now to get going and learn what his actual purpose was. He felt something flowing through him and he had assumed that it was the living force. He was prepared and ready to learn everything needed.

As Galen stood there, naked, one of the scientists had walked over and handed him clothing. Galen had placed the clothing on and then was handed a lightsaber. A typical lightsaber, blue, and a typical hilt. Nothing special. Eventually, Galen would construct his own lightsaber, years later, with a yellow blade and slightly curved hilt. it was along the same line of Count Dooku but as different as Mace Windu's and Plo Kloon. Galen had looked at the lightsaber and moved it around as if he already knew what to do with it. He ignited it and stood in a defensive stance. The cloning process was proving to be damn near perfect. The force was flowing through the clone and showing that everythign was working fine.

Next step would be to enter the training room and hone his skills.


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