Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bimmisaari Crisis

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Kurt looked confused.

What was wrong? Was she bleeding again? Was she hurt more than they had originally thought?

They hadn't told him what was wrong with her, not beyond the simplest terms anyway. The doctors had said she would need rest and shed awaken sometime soon but beyond that they had only told him to call when she woke. Now that panic was floating across the entirety of her body Kurt couldn't help but think that something else was wrong.

”Kaile?” His voice was rushed as he quickly pushed himself up from where he'd been sitting on the floor. ”Are you alright?”

It was another stupid question, but it was all that Kurt could think to ask.

He had no medical training or tutelage, he didn't know anything except for the fact that he saw panic spreading across his best friends face. Desperation kicked in and Kurt twisted slightly. His head swiveled around as he searched for someone, anyone, with the slightest bit of knowledge beyond his own. When he finally spotted one of the nurses he called out. ”Hey! Help, please!”

His words were quick, terse, but enough to send the woman flying over.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Whatever came next was just a blur for Kaile. There was a sea of faces. A cacophony of medical instruments, the sound of her heart monitor, and the concerned visage of a medic arriving to check her vitals and see if Kaile was alright.

But Kaile wasn't. It wasn't ever going to just be alright. Funny how things go. How the 'verse just throws you for a spin, tossing you in and out into the black, just waiting to suck up your soul.

There were empathetic words. Flashes of concern. Wells of regret and even a few of pity as the truth of the matter all was explained as carefully, and delicately as one could. Kaile couldn't fault them. They were only trying to do their best. Kurt too. But by then Kaile had mentally retreated towards a cold, dark place where she was numb.

Part of her wondered if this was some form of punishment. Another told her she was crazy. Still, another came in from the dark recesses of her mind as if to say her kind didn't get a family and a home. It don't come by easy. Not for her.

Maybe, as the distant melodies of the music playlist that Asmus had given her resonated in the rear of her mind, she had hoped. Prayed, that maybe she could do it. Could do right by her little girl. Do right by Asmus in her own way.

Maybe her selfishness was paid in full by blood.

In the end, there was only an empty hollowness in her heart that had died along with her unborn baby girl that terrible day.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

It didn't take too long for Kurt to finally learn what had actually happened, and as soon as the words were said his expression grew to the same kind of horror that Kaile’s had.

For some reason the thought had never occurred to him, the idea of it, the...the very concept that Kaile could lose her baby hadn't even dawned on him. To Kurt it had always been about her well being, about how she was doing and whether or not shed be okay. But that question went way beyond anything that Kurt could have conceived.

He watched her. He watched her as the doctors came and went. He watched her as the nurses talked to her and tried to console her.

Each and every time he saw it, that horrid, glazed over, almost dead look in her eye. His best friend had lost a greater part of herself, had lost the life shed been carrying. Kurt didn't know what to say, he didn't know what to tell her, he realized he didn't know anything at all. He felt a bigger fool than he ever had before. There was nothing Kurt could say to make this better, nothing he could say to heal her.

The Courier knew this, and as day slowly faded into night and the doctors slowly stopped coming all Kurt could do was sit by Kailes side.

It felt like hours passed until he finally spoke. ”I’m...I’m so sorry Kaile.”

What else could he say?
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

There wasn't much else to say. Not much else to do.

The Lorrdian didn't do much talking but her silence was as loud as any melancholic wail. It was in the quiet, fetal position that she lay upon the cot. No word nor breath crossed her lips. Only the faint, shuddering rise and fall of her chest to indicate there was any breathing. The beeps of the field medical vital sign patch were a steady drone. A painful reminder.

The minds the worse demon and in those hours here plagued as if it were the Gulag itself. There was nothing to be done. None at all. All at once it was the worst feeling Kaile had ever felt. Worst than months past when she'd left Kurt and was hurting as if her heart would break. Ever the sensitive soul, the one bubbly espionage waitress was but a shadow of herself. There was no fixing this. Only time; and even then there were no promises with that.

Silently crying, saturating her pillow, hours seemed to pass. By all accounts while her body had suffered trauma, there was nothing life threatening for her. In that aspect her stay would come to an end. Other refugees would need the very cot she lay in that were in more dire some circumstances.

She hasnt been the first to lose a child, a low murmur would try to counsel. She's still young, another said. Healthy, pair that they are, misunderstanding the situation with Kurt's constant presence there.

In the end, a nurse would tug Kurt away to tell him that they had to let her go. Their field hospital had limited resources and there were still others that needed medical attention.

All the while, Kaile's eyes shone flat like wet wood. The living dead in her grief.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

He couldn't help but feel frustrated as the nurse gave him the news, his lips sinking into a deep scowl, his eyes glowing with anger.

Kaile might have been physically okay, she might have been even capable of walking, but otherwise? It seemed like every bit of life had slipped away from her. The Courier knew that his best friend was hurting, knew that she was barely keeping it together…if even that at all. Every time he looked at her it was like driving a knife through his heart, he felt...he felt lost, unable to do anything at all to help his friend.

Yet they were still kicking them out.

For a moment Kurt lingered in the doorway where the Nurse had spoken to him, wondering that the hell he was supposed to do.

He had told himself he'd grown up. He'd told himself that he had stopped running and that everything was becoming more real, but now? Now he felt like he was ten years old again, not a clue of what to do. His lips thinned for a moment and he stared at Kaile across the room, his stomach sinking as he thought about everything that was still to come. The Courier slowly shifted, taking in a deep breath. She's your best friend. She needs you.

The thought repeated in his head over and over against as he crossed the hospital. As he reached her he slowly squatted down besides the cot and looked at her.

”Kaile.” His voice was soft. ”Were gonna go home, okay?”

The Messa. It was their home, their ship, everything they'd built together. ”You'll be more comfortable, you'll be in your own bed...I'll make you tea.”

He gave her a soft, encouraging smile, knowing that it was near enough.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]


Kurt's voice was a comfort, but the Lorrdian female barely gave any indication she understood. Her face was devoid of color, a pallid canvas framed by the matted, strawberry blonde locks that feathered her cheeks. Numb. That was all how she could explain it. Numb.

While physically speaking she barely spoke a word, her body did the talking. In the pallor of her expression. On the thinning of her lips. In the almost fragile frame of her knees tucking up to her chest. Every slow blink, every silvery tear carving over her skin, in the way the Lorrdian agent just wanted to sink into oblivion and wish it all away.

How Kurt managed to get her from the field hospital over to the Messa was anyone's guess, but for Kaile, it was just a series of minutes all blended together. It could have been minutes, hours, maybe a day. Everything was moving fast, and everything was moving slow, with the woman only able to silently scream in her grief.

She still needed a sonic. What they were able to give her for a clean change of clothes were useful, but even then, a sonic would do her well. Not that she felt like taking one. Kaile just wanted to lay down in her bed.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Kurt gently guided Kaile up the ramp of The Messa, one hand on her arm and the other on the small of her back.

He was worried.

Worried that she'd fall over, worried that she'd hurt herself, worried that she wouldn't be what she was before. Kurt didn't say any of that of course, he didn't speak much at all. Instead he simply walked alongside her, always making sure things were clear and okay, always making sure that nothing was in her way. He wanted to care for her, but he just didn't know how. His lips thinned slightly as they stepped aboard the vessel, his gaze floating through the small living room.

"Why don't you go get yourself cleaned up?" Kurt suggested quietly.

There was still dirt all over her and the clothes she'd been wearing...well it wasn't something he'd want to send her to bed in.

"I'll make you some tea." They still had some after their last trip. "Maybe something small to eat."

The suggestion was all that he could think of. Maybe she wouldn't feel like eating, maybe she'd just stare at the food...but he knew that she couldn't just go to bed without at least trying.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

There was only a numb nod from the Lorrdian. Honestly, what else could she say? Kaile didn't feel hungry. She also didn't feel thirsty. Instead, her fingers fisted upon the fabric over her belly. An empty stomach. Not of food, but one without a single flutter that had become a daily sensation.

Now it only seemed knotted, coiled. A twisted dark pause that highlighted only the quickening beats of one singular heart.

The Messa is a small ship. Barely fit Kurt and her. Would have likely not been enough for three for that matter. But they had attempted to. Changes had been made to Kaile's room, meager as it was, and adjusted to make space for a baby's crib. Decorations and lights had been carefully attached to be a sort of baby mobile, adding to those that already had been strung along the walls. Throughout the past six months, Kaile had painstakingly used her saved credits to bargain shop and find things that she was sure Quin would love. A pretty multicolored Aldaaranian quilt. A Corellian stuffed panther. Dozens of curios and lengths of fabric that the young Lorrdian would be able to make into clothes. She was no seamstress, but following patterns was easy.

All of these things Kaile wasn't sure if she was keen on setting eyes on just yet.

Kaile felt the heavy weight of Kurt's blue eyes as she managed to step into the refresher. His every action, every twitch of a finger, and the expression of his face a melancholic canvas of utterly lost concern. He had no idea what to do, but there was no fault in that.

It wasn't an obvious fix that he could make. It wasn't an engine failure or a mere swap of a power coupling. He could not race his way to a finish line nor could he run away as fast as he could to make it all pass.

It was a reality that neither could actually comprehend much the less process.

The door to the sonic gave a small hiss, leaving the young woman in the seemingly sterile environment. Taking a few steps back, Kaile shut her eyes until she felt the cold wall of durasteel at her back. All she had to do was press the button to feel the vibrations commence their cleaning. She didn't even need to take off her clothes. Yet even that seemed to be so hard to do. Trembling fingers came up, barely brushing over the small round green button.

That's when the wave of anguish came. A bitter, crashing, white hot wave of just utter pain and misery. A silent cry fell from her lips, her entire body shuddering in that tiny refresher. A slam of her fist commenced the start of the sonic, but Kaile barely felt it's rays fall over her, what grime falling away. No, instead she slid to the ground, a broken bird caught in the wildfire of tragedy as her entire 'verse seemed to swallow her whole.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Kurt watched Kaile slowly walked towards the sonic refresher, his teeth sinking into his lip as he tried hard not to say something. He wanted to tell her it would be okay, that they would make it through this, that she would feel better, but in reality he had no idea if any of that was true, he had no idea if he would be lying to her. All he knew was that he wanted her to be okay.

The Courier watched as the door closed, letting out a breath that he hadn't known he'd been holding. ”Kark.”

Kurt whispered quietly to himself.

”What am I supposed to do?” He knew he wasnt right for this. He knew he didn't have the experience, the knowledge, and maybe even the capacity to deal with this. He was scared, scared that he'd let Kaile down, that he would still let her down. His fingers scrunched up as he lingered besides the small counter, his eyes finally tearing away from the door Kaile had passed through and settling on the kitchen.

Another cursed passed his lips.

Slowly The Courier rounded the counter and set to the one task that he actually knew how to do right now, making tea.

As he did so his mind began to race. He tried to think of a solution, any solution. They needed to get off this world. Kaile needed somewhere calm, she needed to be comfortable, she needed...she needed a proper doctor. Kurt frowned as he pulled out the small packet of tea, taking the hot water kettle and pouring it into a cup as he considered. His eyes drifted toward the open door of his room, the holo-station. He frowned, then finally landed on a solution.

Kaile was an orphan, she didn't know her family, but she was part of his.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kaile wasn't sure how long she sat in the refresher. The sonic had long since shut off, the vibrations used to clean what grime her clothes and body had couldn't quite pick up the endless trail of salt from her tears.

In the end, the young Lorrdian took to leaning her forehead against the cool durasteel. Her eyes were swollen red, puffy from her tears, exhaustion etched into hard lines upon her pallid face.

With knees tucked up against her chest, arms slung around the tops, Kaile left the 'verse with all its troubles and went drifting into the recesses of her mind.

Bobo, her constant companion before Kurt came into her life, lay fretting upon his branch, moving to and fro. While untouched by the Force, he couldn't help but get a sense of fire bearing. As if there was something just wrong.

Be as it may, Kaile simply couldn't move from her curled up position. Instead, she sat there in that little dim lite room uncle the motion sensor shut off the light.

Only then did the sweet release of oblivion overtake her as she cried herself to sleep.
The plate being thrown down in front of him roused Asmus from his reverie with a start. Jay chuckled and took the seat opposite him. The mess was almost empty now and yet Asmus hadn't noticed him approach.

“Your food looked cold so I got you more,” Wilson said.

“Thanks,” Asmus replied. His gaze slid off Wilson like butter from a knife. It was hard to keep a focus on anything right now. Instead he looked out through the windows. There, nestled out of sight in the shipyards of Fondor were the three stealth vessels being completed. They'd taken the first of the class, the namesake of the designation, out some test runs with a skeleton crew but now they were in to be completed, crewed and sent out on deep space missions for real. They were struggling to recruit, he knew. Apparently it would be nearly a year before they were ready. Cadets being rushed through the academy on Sullust for duty.

“What's up?” Jay asked. He turned to his own food with some enthusiasm.

Asmus gave a shrug. For the last day he had just felt flat. Nothing had excited him, he'd approached his simulation challenges with almost no enthusiasm. Everything just felt a little devoid of colour. Clearly the squadron had noticed the lack of his trademark grin. Not even a single joke or quip.

“Just feel a bit off is all,” Asmus replied.

“Alright,” Jay replied. Asmus' could tell more was coming. He wished it wasn't. He didn't want to talk. It had been a good while since he'd felt like this. That time he'd known exactly what the cause was. That had almost given him something to focus on. This time a nameless cloud just seemed to hang over him. “Look, I'm your wingman. The others will probably try and cheer you up with jokes, but if you want to talk about anything I'm around yeah?”

Asmus did him the service of making eye contact this time. He offered a weak smile, despite not feeling like it. He just felt hollow. “Thank you.”

“Also in here because you need to eat that and get down to briefing in ten.”

“Oh. Okay.” For some reason he felt even worse.

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