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Faction Big Karking Cosmic Mysteries (Darkwire et al)

Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers

seemed like a nice place in its unkempt way, and that clicked for Jerec on a spiritual level, much like his third can of cheap lum.

"...oh, yeah, I know everything there is to know about the Force. Ryv a jaggath, it's not that wild. Sure, a bunch of Jedi and Sith come up with some fething weird, um..." Jerec had been working his way through a basket of boneless veg-meat wings at the bar. He was running low. "...but there's the fuss and there's how it all works, I mean really works, all the secrets behind the scenes. So get this. There's eighteen Sith ways to come back from being dead, and only like three of them work and most of the rest just..."

He burped.
“No, no,” Cato slid the emptied weave-basket from under Jerec’s chin and motioned for the waiter servitor-droid to replenish with a kitchen-fresh veg-wing hamper. The cantina hardwood beneath their seats shook each time Jerec loosed a lum beer-flecked belch from between his throat mouths, a decibel-blasting roil as loud and wet as a diarrhetic Wookie fart. The fourth burp had hit a particular note and had cracked the tubing for the florescent lighting installed above the cantina bar. The evening’s Blue Flame regulars had pulled their stools, chairs, and tables away and now sat in a slight orbit surrounding the Ithorian. Cato tipped his helm back enough to take a heavy draught of tri-spiked Cor-ale. His second glass and already, he was swimming in a blood-warm haze, finger tips tingling. He much preferred cool sobriety yet, every so oft, needed an evening to surrender and unpack. A great deal of baggage had attached itself to him lately.

“Do go on, Mr. Asyr.”
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
"Well feth yes."

Jerec cradled the can like a precious holocron.

"So here's one way that works, one of the only ways that works. Sith magic, right? Warp-the-universe dark side stuff. There was a guy named Simus who stepped up to the competition and got his head chopped off. Well, the old Sith bastich lived another hundred years as a head in a jar. Everyone loved him, even the guy who cut his head off, because Simus was a smart schutta who gave good advice. Head in a jar, my hand to the Mother Jungle, no word of a lie. Makes you wonder how many of these Sith that keep coming back are just heads on droid bodies or something. Just heads."

He tossed the now-empty can into the nearest receptacle with pardonable inaccuracy.

"What else you wanna know, folks?"

Cato Fett Cato Fett
"Force, shmorce," the girl declared, shaking her curly locks at the boasting Ithorian. It wasn't new to hear some spacer's proud tales of adventure or knowledge, especially deep in their cups like Jerec was. At least he was keeping his clothes on this time. Even halfway into her own drink, Daiya still had enough of her wits to call him on the claim. "I saw some heads in jars down at Doc Painless Doc Painless ' clinic, pretty sure they weren't going to be doing any more Force magic though."

The Blue Flame was supposed to be more high-class than crank tales and ghost stories. If they heard that every two-bit spacer who stumbled in, already on their third round by the time they ordered the first from Meeno, the height of useful conversation would be Huttball predictions. Daiya came here for the hidden secrets and lucrative info that the more tight-lipped spacers spilled when drunk. Loose lips could sink fortunes, which was why the Blue Flame also so well liked. Any old spaceport bar was full of cheap drinks and v-dick measuring contests that turned out to be more expensive than the bill at the end of the night, the Blue Flame had the real spacer culture.

"Here's what I want to know. How come the Force makes everyone who uses it go crazy?" Daiya posed her question, pushing back a little more against Jerec's casual elitism. It was clear that the Ithorian felt like the Force was a Good Thing, but that didn't match up with most of what she heard. Either Forcers were destroying Coruscant, or murdering kids, but they sounded a lot like the spice-head swoop gangs that hung out ten levels down. "Like, you hear about the kids who get discovered by Forcers, or some spacer who winds up testing positive at the temple-on-speeders when it comes around every year, and then next thing you hear they're trying to cut off people's heads with a magic sword?"

Daiya nursed her Coruscant Cooler a little more. The lightweight of a girl wasn't eager to drain it all quite yet, even if she could barely feel the effects of it. Cichei might have been working that night, but she claimed that Meeno had been on her case and she couldn't sneak the harder drinks to the young shadowrunner that night. Maybe that frustration was part of the reason that her angst was on full display right now, or maybe she was just bored and needed the spice of confrontation. "Why doesn't anyone actually use the Force for good things, like feeding the hungry or de-fanging loan sharks?"

Casting her gaze towards the Ithorian, the girl bounced her eyebrows in his direction, challenging him to respond in earnest.

Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
"There's an answer. Wait, two answers. Uh, three."

The kid had seen him naked on a beach on Wann Tsir. She deserved as many answers as possible.

"So the Force is like some gestalt ersatz collective semi-sapient consciences...consciousness field. It feels stuff. When you feel stuff, the stuff you feel sort of bounces back, almost like the Force is having empathy for - no, more like the Force is stupid and feels what you feel. Okay, let me back up a sec." The new platter of boneless veg-meat wings had arrived, along with another can of lum. Jerec partook.

"What I'm circling around is this. It's a feedback loop. You feel X, the Force boosts however you feel, plus it offers ways to act on X, so you feel more X. If this is sounding like a drug...yep. Very very very easy to lose all sense of perspiration. Uh, proportion. Perspective. That too. That's why it's such a rare and special thing to find someone who has a complete life that isn't Force, Force, Force.

"And if you DO want to learn it, you gotta poke around real careful or you'll wind up attached to the big two. There's stuff other than Jedi and Sith-" He levitated a wing into his mouth. "-but they'd like you to think they're the only game in town. They're locked in this stupid fething often-genocidal Manichaean whatthecrap. Cult of death, raised to be a hero, ur-Fascism. Both of them hellbent on cultural genocide. I know Jedi who isn't totally worthless as a person." He pondered the number. "Yeah. One. So that's an angle where culture is what makes Forcers go crazy. It's like the whole Gramscian cultural hegemony thing the Corpos try - exporting Denon entertainment and we're all in this together and isn't this a grand project and so stable. Now throw in a total lack of scruples about indoctrinating kids with habit-forming superpowers and you could see where things go sideways.

"Here's the kicker. You can use the Force to do exactly what you're talking about. Growing food, wrecking loan sharks. Everyone's just caught up in the same stupid big picture conversation. Even me. You think I ever thought about surging some plants to feed the hungry before right now? No I did not. But I'm gonna, because that is a good idea and Lum Rouge could use some community care and fresh produce."

Daiya Daiya Cato Fett Cato Fett
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Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
"Wont things like that loop back into the whole feedback though you were talking about?" Came a voice from the other side of the bar. A younger man, slightly unkempt, tall and broad shoulders was hunched over on his stool. A small glass of Corellian Whiskey with plenty of ice resting his hands as he gave the Ithorian a look, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "If you feel good about wrecking loan sharks. That stuff will feed back to you. Wouldn’t you start wanting to wreck other stuff?“ He said, before shrugging. "Or it might not. Who knows really? The plant idea seems smart though. I’d say trademark it quick. Or keep the details hush so the Corpos don’t sniff you out." He mused, taking a small sip of his drink.

Would Jerec recognise him from the brief clash at Bespin? Unlikely considering the Ithorian's current state of intoxication That and they had not gotten a particularly good look at the Jedi, now clad as just another random spacer wandering through the bar. His stance and the feeling of him just another person like no other, and not a determined warrior monk facing down a dark lord.

"But I agree with you about the whole Jedi-Sith thing." He said, nodding slightly. "Really fething stupid. And arrogant of both sides who think they know everything about this weird magic stuff of theirs. Like any religion that thinks they're the right one. And they keep grabbing the next generation wrapped up in fights that should have died out a long time ago." Shrugging, he waved to the barkeep, making his own order of loaded Fritzle Fries to the kitchen. "I'd say the Galaxy would be better off without them both. But nature abhors a vacuum. So, one of those other Force cults would probably rise up afterwards."

"I don’t even think they need to indoctrinate kids really. Don’t see why they can’t take volunteers. All the stuff I've seen seems to imply their weirdness needs training to do it properly. So, I don’t buy into the safety angle. Let some kids grow up being able to talk to animals or float some rocks. Not like they are hurting anyone. And their own laws can hold them accountable if they do."

Did he believe this as a Jedi himself? Only partially, but he was curious. He wanted to keep the conversation going. It was at times like this he could learn more about the public opinion of Jedi and Sith from those who could look at the whole conflict from an unattached position. It was rather refreshing in some ways. Letting people speak their mind, their words unknowingly changing his own perspectives and challenging his own worldview, allowing him to grow.

"Jedi and Sith both seem to forget they don’t have a monopoly on morality. Galaxy keeps spinning with or without them sticking their noses into stuff."

None of these people present would recognise his face. At least it was highly unlikely they would. He was not as high a profile as some of his friends. And his current attire went a long way to obfuscating his identity if anyone had seen some of his rare public appearances. Of course, if someone did recognise him, it would be awkward. But he had just admitted that he himself considers a lot of the older Jedi traditions to be rather foolish. So optimistically, they’d recognise that he has some level of self-awareness.

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr
Daiya Daiya
Cato Fett Cato Fett
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Jerec hiccupped.

"Well sure. You can get hooked on going vigilante. But there's a difference, and gimme a sec and I'll remember what it is. Oh yeah. It's questions like that that stop folks from doing good where they are. Instead they fall in with the Jedi and go off to war because it's easier. Because if they go a little too far and like it a little too much, at least they can feel good about it because blue team is pointed at red team.

"I dig your idea about what would happen if both teams went poof. There's lots of Force translations, uh, traductions, uh, traditions that would do a better job of being The Ones. I don't have much use for the Priests of the Mother Jungle back home on Ithor, but give me pious pacifist gardening soul-healers over this mess any day. Hic."

Cato Fett Cato Fett Daiya Daiya Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
A blue holograph flickered off to the side where Echo sat listening. No one had been using the link, and being there in 'spirit' allowed Echo to continue making deliveries! Though it had bypassed the fee-system. What, illegal? No, how much they wanted to charge for a call was illegal. Anyway, a small deposit for the energy use would be made seeing how the droid wasn't drinking in the fine establishment.

"Wait," Echo called out, "what about the healers? There are a lot of Red Siders and Blue Siders, each with a different opinion on which of them is right, and some of them do heal the injured and relocate the displaced -- mostly Blue Siders -- I keep up with their activities. Usually the news is so depressing, so it's nice to read up on all the great things people are doing."

"So which Jedi and Sith are you talking about anyway? I have a looong list of Orders if you need me to recite them."
All this Force stuff was really confusing at times. Probably because Echo hadn't managed to levitate even a rock yet, which it understood to be the entry-level skill. Of course, being a droid using the Force wasn't happening without a new Force-enabled module... There was another thing to add to the upgrade list! And the 'need to find someone to build this' list. Levitating rocks sounded fun.

Tag: Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr | Cato Fett Cato Fett | Daiya Daiya | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
"An order of pacifist healer-gardeners does sound pretty nice." The 'spacer' beside Jerec said, nodding along as he took a bite of one of his fries. Chewing for a moment as he considered. "But... I think at some point an order of peaceful ascetic monks who wander around and try to help people sounded like a pretty nice idea as well." He mused, putting the fry down as he switched back to his drink. "But, as it got bigger, it got more complicated. And since people are both extremely smart and extremely stupid, they did not handle complicated things in a clever way."

A slight shrug. Certainly, an understatement of the rather storied history of the Jedi and their subsequent conflict with the Sith. "But hey, hindsight is twenty-twenty." Who's the say some Order of Ithorian Force users would do a better job at attempting to maintain the balance of the Force? But as mentioned before, nature abhors a vacuum. Who would be the champions of the Dark? A sect of crazed Trandoshan hunters? Carnivorous Force using plants?

"As with most things in the galaxy. Issue usually boils down to organisations being well intentioned. But the people in it being really stupid."

At the arrival of the hologram. He did take a moment to blink, eyes darting down to his drink, then back to the hologram before slowly placing his glass down. Deciding to avoid any more alcohol until he lined his stomach with some more fries. "I imagine there's some halfway decent folks on both sides. Some Jedi who practice what they preach. And some Sith who are not baby eating lunatics." He said, nodding once, deciding that he might as well let the hologram join the conversation. "That said, probably more in the former than the later. At least from what I've seen in my experience."

He gave the slightest of shrugs. "As for which of the orders. I'm just being general. Lotta politics in them. Mostly because its run by people. And people will bring their issues with them wherever they go. Regardless of the colour of their saber."

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Echo EK0 Echo EK0 Daiya Daiya Cato Fett Cato Fett
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Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Jerec nodded sagely.

"It's institutions. Institutions have no soul. It's the number one reason I don't let the Spacer Guild get too big - just a few hundred independent contractors in boats and such. You folks ever hear of a guy named Jorus Merrill? He had powers that helped him chart hyperlanes - he and his wife Alna built the whole Mara Corridor. Had no problem using his Force stuff to make a stupid amount of money. They built Silk, the first galaxy-spanning corpo since Gulag. But eventually they realized their life sucked, so they walked away from the whole company, all the money, everything. Big institutions always, always disapparate. Dismember. Disappoint."

He tossed half a wing through Echo, the hologram.

"I wanna hear that list. I bet there's some decent folks on it who can't catch a break because Big Two."

Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Echo EK0 Echo EK0 Daiya Daiya Cato Fett Cato Fett
"It's a what?" Daiya asked as the Ithorian spacer tried to make the Force into a simple concept for her. The more he explained it, the more he started sounding like he was chewing the luna-weed. She found it impossible to follow, more like a deranged conspiracy theorist than an expert on the Force. Whatever it was supposed to be anyway, the girl found her brain hurting as she tried make sense of it all.

Apparently it made sense to someone, because almost immediately they picked up the thread of conversation. Bewildered by it all, the teen just shook her head and tossed back the rest of her drink. It wouldn't help her brain stop hurting, but at least it would give it a real reason. Feth, even a droid had joined the discussion now. She didn't know droids could even use the Force, much less understand it. She pulled her legs up and wrapped her arms around them. If it was that simple, why couldn't she get it?

Still, as much as Daiya wanted to shut out the conversation, something inside wouldn't let her. For years, the teen had been plagued with visions and abilities that came from seemingly nowhere, until someone had sat her down and set her straight. The answer to it nearly scared the girl more than not knowing. Yet no one else seemed to view the Force as the curse that she did, rather they embraced it. Openly and even loudly waving the colors of their membership badges around.

"I don't get it, why would anyone even want to join one of these orders things just to get told to fight another one?" Daiya asked. She hugged her legs tighter to herself, a comforting gesture that probably didn't make her sound less of a naïve little girl. "What's the point of having the Force if it's just going to make you hurt other people?"

She was going to need another drink soon.

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“It doesn’t.”

Cato staggered forward on the feet of his chair, pushing aside a handful of emptied glass tankards. Spent foam dripped onto his glove, as he gestured at a drunken apparition that was one of many hazy phantasms floating round the table’s edge. Colours leached together, the inset lights overhead sick with ague halos, thuds of fast mixed Outer Rim drum’n’bass chattering from a brightly halogen-arced jukebox installed in a far cantina corner. He was thickly drunk but battling for a moment’s lucidity. Something haunted the hard angles of his swaying helmet.

“Sooner or later when there’s a reckoning,” Cato slurred together. “You’ll have to stand by your convictions… What you built, what you broke… And you can’t say it was the Force or the darkness ‘tween the stars that made you choose what you did… Haar’chak… Should be on my way now…”

He put his weight into his boots and testily backpedalled from the table. Still enough motor-control to keep his balance and put himself into an able walk. Cato offered a brisk, sloppy nod and dropped a set of decicreds onto the table, sway-walking toward the Blue Flame’s entry doors.

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Daiya Daiya Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Echo EK0 Echo EK0
Landon looked like a half-drowned Lothal cat. Mop of dark hair was wet and plastered to his face. Clothes stuck to his skin, and his boot squelched with every footstep. And there was a distinct scent of lavender and pine clinging to his threads.

"Always given the chit jobs," he grumbled as he nearly ran into Cato Fett Cato Fett

Light eyes found Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr .

Squelch SQUELCH squelch.

The teen left little puddles in his wake.

"Oy Jerec, you didn't tell me the dataport was right outside some corpo headquarters with a buncha security mooks. Had to dodge down TWO sewers and through one of your GORRAM speeder-washers just to lose 'em." Landon nudged his way on the other side of Daiya Daiya as he shoved the datacard across the bar-top to the Ithorian.

Landon may throw the Ithorian a lot of flack but he was the one who'd pulled him from the outer rim and brought him to Darkwire. Away from the rival gangs who'd nearly killed the slicer teen.
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
"Because," said Jerec to Daiya Daiya , raising one long knobbly Ithorian finger, "being a Jedi or a Sith is exactly like joining a gang. There's never a shortage of folks wanting to join gangs. They get the colors and the turf and the sense of camaraderie. They fight the Them and chill with the Us and in their limited little way they think they're happy. Don't mind Cato - my guy just found out he's Force-sensitive and he's got all the feelings. He's right, though, by the way: the Force doesn't make you do anything you don't wanna do, it just makes you want to do more of what you already want to do. As drugs go, it's glitterstim and giggledust, not gunjack or gutmelt."

He snagged the datacard as Landon Landon slid it down the bar past Daiya. Or tried, anyway. It slipped through his fingers - Ithorians were known for failing dex checks - and tumbled off the bar. "Balls. Landon, Daiya. Daiya, Landon." He got off his stool and began rummaging around on the unclean floor for the datacard.
"Hmmm. You know, you're right." Echo's hologram shifted slightly to point in the direction of Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo as it pointed an arm at him. "Maybe the Jedi and Sith should have a droid super intelligence lead them. It can take all the data and the organic feedback into consideration, formulate the best strategy, and then have the organics implement it. Of course this means it's subject to error or 'creative license,' but that's probably the only way organics would even consider it. You can lead a bantha to water, but you can't make him drink." What? Wasn't that a logical response? Droids didn't care about politics, but then the organics could help iron out the 'rough' sides to a droid's pronouncement. You know, make it sound warm and fluffy.

A sudden wing passed through the hologram, which Echo took to mean Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr wanted its attention. And he did! See, Echo knew how to read organic behavior already. "Alright!" Both arms reached into the air as Echo bounced its forward half upward for a second. "There's three categories to keep it simple: Blue, Purple, and Red..."

"On the Blue Side we have the Ashlan Crusade, Atrisian Commonwealth, Baran Do Order, Circle of the Light Hand, Dagatan Free State, Galactic Alliance, Great River, Jakku Jedi Enclave, Order of the One Light, The Jedi Coalition, The Jedi Order, The Matukai, The Silver Jedi Concord, The Tide of Light, and The Wardens of the Light."

They should have seen this coming, really.

"In the Middle we have the Grey Forces, Jensaarai, Judges of the Outer Rim, The Confederacy of Independent Systems, The Empire of Tsurannuani, The Eternal Empire, The High Republic, The Je'daii Order, The Order of the Force, The Outer Dominion, The Revanite Order, The Shadow Protectorate, The Solanaceae Witches, and the Zweihander Union."

And this was the abbreviated list.

"And then on the Red Side we have the Brotherhood of the Maw, Brotherhood of the New Dawn, Empire of Ailara, Firebird Society, Free Galidraan Imperial State, Lords of the Sith, Nightsisters Coven, Order of the Few, Qo'krataa, Sith Assassins, Sorcerers of Rhand, The Disciples of Bogan, The Enternal Horde, The Kainate, The Sith Empire, The Sith Eternal, Vashtori Ascendancy, and the Warlords of the Sith."

Echo bounced side to side for a moment. "There are actually tons more, but it looked like I was starting to lose a few of you there."

One left ( Cato Fett Cato Fett ) and another ( Landon Landon ) soon entered, which caught Echo's audio receptor because of their complaint levied against the very attentive Jerec Asyr. "Hey there! If you ever have trouble again, please contact Echo's Delivery Service! I can get you in and out of tight places. Corpos won't even know what happened. Mostly because they know me for my timely and guaranteed delivery services!" A dome rolled on each side to survey the audience. "What? Don't pretend like a good cover wouldn't be useful. Good covers aren't made of forged database entries -- not the kind that pass more than the lightest scrutiny anyway. I have delivered things to factories you probably don't even know exist. Although, most of them are pretty boring. Chemical plants. Fuel storage. Things that Corpos use to do whatever Corpos do."

Echo thought its services could be really useful to all kinds of people. While Echo wouldn't claim a particular side, it wasn't against being on retainer or happening to service one side more than the other, or in a more agenda-driven fashion provided the credits were right. It wasn't greed, but just a matter of supply and demand. Echo had services, people just had to hire Echo to get them. Even if hiring was more like volunteering by invitation sometimes.

Tag: Daiya Daiya
Daiya was lost by the puzzling behavior of Jerec's nearby companion, who stomped out of their circled discussion to make leave of the tavern entirely, not to mention the course of the whole conversation so far. The girl wasn't sure if she was getting anywhere with her questions, or if she was merely looking for a clear view in a building full of dirty windows. For all she knew, her questions were the wrong ones to begin with!

The girl felt herself jostled by the arrival of a new figure, just in from out on the streets. She could easily tell, not only by his squeaking approach, but just the mere smell of him approaching from the pungent scent on his clothes. He was sopping wet, and it left one side of her slimy where he nudged her, the sudden discomfort of the move made Daiya grasp the sides of her stool and let her legs fall back down to dangle underneath her.

She didn't have much time to be upset, though, as their resident Force expert began offering answers again. Finally, the drunk Ithorian was starting to make some sense, as bewildering as that was. "So, Force Wizards have all gone over the falls on the Force? And that's what makes them go crazy?"

Introduced to their ersatz companion, Daiya held up her hand nearest his, still a little icky wet from Landon's passing, in a neutral greeting. It was hard to tell what he was even about, or who he associated with besides the strange Ithorian. The teen could only judge that he seemed to be close to her age, probably a little older, and was in desperate need of a shower. "Ever get a chance to smell a wet Wookiee? 'Cause, oh boy, you make them smell real sweet right now."

Despite the oppressive smell cloying the air and her mind, a moment's inspiration came to the girl. Pausing to clear some of the air in front of her face with a hand, so she could speak without plugging up her nose, Daiya turned back to Jerec to ask, "So why aren't there any rehab clinics for Forcers? You know, get them clean, help 'em start a new life off the Force?"


Griss Tallow


one Mando bumped into another.

Exhibit A: Cato Fett Cato Fett , much the worse for wear, a man whose vigilante exploits had inspired a story or two.

Exhibit B: Griss Tallow - leaner, less notorious, in beat-up durasteel beskar'gam with a significantly plainer look, a purveyor of just such stories.

<Excuse me,> she said in Mando'a - a language not known for its politesse, so consider this a loose translation. <Are you Cato Fett, friend? I'd buy you one if your night wasn't winding down.>
Cato started. That face that swept out from the evening foot traffic was like his own, armoured and blackly cross-barred. He briefly believed he’d stumbled up to his own drunken reflection. Then Griss Tallow 's accented Mando’a broke his stupor. Concentrating, he made the world coalesce until the details of her paint-chipped armour sharpened and her helmet stopped rotating on that unseen axis. He breathed in muggy, exhaust-laden night air and managed a sharp nod. Winced. Pain bounced off the inside of his skull; effects of alcohol-induced dehydration were already fast setting in.

<I am. It’s best if you didn’t,> Cato said, not without blotting a couple syllables together. Never again, he thought. Cato hated the loss of fine control. He doubted he could make a proper draw-cut in time, if such danger arose in the next moment. Never again. <Sorry. I don’t know your name. …Why do you know mine, friend?>
Landon huffed at Daiya Daiya . He was wet and cold. And grouchy.

"Ain't my fault I've been given all the chit jobs, now is it? What does a guy have to do around here to get Darkwire to hand out the good stuff?" He sniffed, freckled nose crinkling at his own smell. A shiver went through him. "Oy, barkeep. Need a shot of gen. Get me the good stuff. Yeah, the kind the corpos drink."

The bartender gave the kid a look.

Landon reached into his wet jacket and pulled out a credchit, irritably shoving it across the sticky surface to the tender. "Yeahyeah, I'm good for it."

Stars all this fecking force talk.

The teen just really wanted that drink so at least his insides would be warm.

Griss Tallow


<I'm Griss Tallow,> she said. <Independent riot press - maybe you've seen my eyecam stream. I go by Sur'haai.>

Down the way, in this composite of a street and a tunnel, a CorpSec monitor droid flitted through the T intersection headed elsewhere. Griss sidled into a patch of deeper gloom.

<You weren't exactly subtle in Sakedo Towers. Not many of our kind doing public work on Denon either. Per a witness, you said there wasn't a bounty? A hit, a vendetta...?>

Cato Fett Cato Fett

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