Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Big Intro (Finally Working)

Orron Thrask

More Man than Machine
Hey everybody, new member here just making my intro to the site.

Just want to say to any of the admins, you might have seen me trying to get in with different names and email addresses, don't worry, not me trying to troll or anything. Not sure what it was but something was wrong with my connections and verifications on the emails and half of them either didn't come through or got blocked. I don't know what it was but thankfully I managed to get through with this email. Just a heads up in case you see someone with an almost exact name or email like mine.

Aside from that, like to say hey to all you other Star Wars fans out there and I'm happy to have found this sight. My roommate told me about this place a while ago, I think her username here is Cypra Krum. She told me about it and I looked into it but never got around to actually registering here 'cause of school and all. Now that I'm done I thought to come and see what it's like. From what I've seen it's all pretty awesome and I'm eager to start.

Bit of info about me. I'm a big sci-fi guy when it comes to stuff like Star Wars, Doctor Who, comics and movies, whole lot like that. I've rped in other sites before but nothing really as big as this, which I'm more excited for. I like to write out decent posts and not just short ones since I'm a bit of a hobby writer and I like to really tell a story.

In terms of Star Wars stuff in general I've been a fan ever since I saw the original trilogy as a kid. Read some of the sequel books in grade school and high school. Played a lot of the games like Battlefront. Really love the stuff and I'm hyped for the new movie coming out next year.

That's all I really have to say about me. My one question is where you all get those neat siganture things at the bottom of posts, 'cause I want one lol. Never seen stuff like those in the other places of been.
You can put in a signature through your name at the top left of the screen> 'my settings'> 'Signatures'. you can request one ot be made by one of the artists over at the Art and Design section. :)

Welcome to Chaos! Hope you enjoy your time here. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Oh, and Hail Tefka.

Stephanie Swail

[member="Orron Thrask"]

Welcome to the Chaos!

I think you'll fit in very well around here - you got some great passions, and I'm glad you found us.

Have a great time here and ask away another questions you have to get you started.

See you out there!


Catherine Romanov

[member="Orron Thrask"]

Hey, hey welcome!

You're newer and have way more posts than me! Niceee.

Jorzen Quank

Festive Fauna Finder
Hi! Glad you finally got your e-mail issues worked out! Let me know if you ever need any exotic pets, monsters slain, zoos re-stocked, etc. :)

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