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Big Cities and Pipe Dreams(Open)

Varro Shatterstar

The Brightest Hearts are the most Impacted by the
Big Cities and Pipe Dreams​
Zeltros - Friday 11:36 PM GST
There was something alluring about Zeltros that had brought Varro right back to it's surface after his first visit. It could have been the lively nature of it at all hours of the day and night, the countless gambling establishments that offered some of the finest alcohol in the galaxy or even the limitless possibilities and options to distract himself. Really, though, when it came down to it, he had no problem admitting that it was largely in part due to the women.

Zeltroni women were something else that he hadn't all together understood, although he'd gotten used to them by now. He had been around enough to notice when their pheromones were being released in order to draw him in, and he'd fallen prey to them before, but practice makes perfect. At that point, he'd found ways to absolve his mind and physical response from the effects these beautiful and very talented women had on the visitors to Zeltros. That, however, did not mean that he didn't allow his guard to be let down on occasion so that one he liked could entice and misuse his trust for the night.

It was nights like those that kept him coming back, and back he was, having just arrived in the late hours of the night, stepping off of his ship, into the hangar only to end up in the streets of Zeltros minutes later. The smell of perfume, good food, strong drink and money was practically running wild through the streets like a violent river, and he was there to embrace it all to his hearts content. "Oh yea!", he called out into the night, not worried about who saw or heard. He was excited, and his night was only just beginning, as if that mattered on the restless planet that Zeltros was. That was why he picked up the pace as he scaled the steps to a rather attractive and new casino he hadn't ever visited before.

"First stop! The Scarlet Diamond!"

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