Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Best Keep It Straight

[SIZE=10.5pt]Location: The City of Aroo, Manda[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Tags: [member="Darth Metus"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]She finished sliding the decanter across the desk to herself a removed the stopper, turning in the chair and moving to refill his not yet empty glass. Once that was done, she moved to grab her own tumbler from across the desk again and refilled that as well. With a quick toss of the glass, she'd knocked back another half of the thick liquid she'd just poured. She then leaned back in the chair and nodded at his request. Her fingers slid across the surface of the desk gently to reactivate the screen and lowered her glass to the desktop once more. Her fingers moved with that same effortless grace across the screen as she brought up the restaurant she had in mind, her eyes narrowing as she propped her elbow against the desktop and gently cradled her chin against her palm.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"Hm hm hm... Seems they don't deliver out this way. Well then." She lifted her chin off her palm and swiped to bring up a small chat window, typing at a speed that betrayed a skill born of long hours writing endless missives. She glanced to her left and smiled up at the Vicelord, motioning to the screen. "Please - choose whatever you'd like and I'll see to it that it's here just as quickly as they can make it." The window was filled with detailed instructions on what it was she required of her staff, and all that needed to be done was entering in whatever he wanted and sending it off.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]As she gave him room to peruse the menu and make his selections, she pushed her chair back from the desk and stood once more. She scooped her own glass up and moved to the corner of her desk, seating herself perched with her hands held loosely before her - leaving the chair free for him if he chose. Her eyes drifted back to the windows as she noted that the sky was slowly becoming darker, the sun likely beginning to set behind the thick blanket of clouds. Her fingers drummed idly against the side of the glass and she found her mind wondering once more. After a few drinks and the heady news she'd received today, she was finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate, even with his presence so close.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]She could recall a time, back before she had started down the path that she walked now when she was too young to understand why it was that people like her were treated differently. She remembered "working" for the affluent family that eventually launched her towards the success she now enjoyed... Valencia remembered the looks on their faces the first few times she'd demanded things of them and they had been compelled to heed her requests. There was a shadow of fear in those eyes - one she'd grown very good at avoiding by choosing her words very carefully as time went on.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]She slowly lifted the glass to her lips and kicked back what was left, not turning from the window as she gently set the empty glass on the desk beside her. When she spoke next her voice was a bit quieter, still honeyed but with a little something else there, something darker, "[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Do you suppose, Vicelord Metus, that when it becomes known that I'm under your tutelage people here will view me differently?...[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]" She raised one of her hands to trace her fingertips over her lips, brushing against the remnants of the drink she'd finished. Her eyes still gazed steadily out the window, her voice muffled a touch by her fingers. "[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]I don't suppose there's much to be done about it.[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]"[/SIZE]
Location: The City of Aroo, Manda​
Meeting: [member="Valencia Hadley"]​
Ever the gracious host, Valencia served the Vicelord before she refreshed her own glass. As she reached across and poured additional idlewil into his own tumblr, the Sith responded with a nod and a mouthed thank you. She then hearkened to his desires whilst refilling her own glass. This time, unlike the second, she spared not a moment in devouring a solid chunk of its contents before setting the vessel down for a moment. Clink. The Viceroy of Manda then wasted no time in fulfilling his request. The verdant glow of her console illuminated the features of her face as it was awakened by her touch; and her fingers moved at a dizzying pace navigating the menu of her recommended establishment.

The Sith quietly watched and lofted a brow once she spoke again. Perhaps it was the fact that he came from nothing, but there was just something about Valencia going out of her way that made Darth Metus feel compelled to show his gratitude. He, briefly, entertained the notion of what to do in thanks of her graciousness whilst she rose from her seat. A few brief steps bore her to the corner of the desk, where she seated herself once more. Darth Metus then claimed her own desk chair for a moment, eyeing the screen whilst her fingers quietly tapped upon the glass. "Thank you for going out of your way, Viceroy Hadley." he began whilst navigating to the meat-centric corner of the menu as quickly as his fingers could move. When he found the cut that he preferred, he left very modest instructions regarding his preference - namely medium rare. However, he did not submit his request just yet. "Anything for you? Dessert perhaps?" he asked.

And whatever she desired, he would add it on before hitting submit.

Whilst he yet tarried before the screen, she spoke once more. Though her voice was the same velvet tone he had become accustomed to over their conversation, it was far more...quiet. Weighted. The question itself saw the Sith's fingers pause in their motion and he turned her seat about to face her. Sulfuric eyes found the ocean of her gaze once more and he responded truthfully. "In time, they will come to see you in the same light as Exarchs Talon and Malvern. Mighty in your own right, yet every word you utter has the backing of a God." His answer was uttered with that same, dark edge with which she had spoken. And the truth of matter was not that he viewed himself as a shaker of worlds - but that was how the public perceived him. A wielder of Dread to overcome death was no small wonder that things always got done when he was present.

Nonetheless, when she muttered I don't suppose there's much to be done about it… he reached out. Perhaps it was the drink clouding his tact, yet his hand gingerly graced her arm. "If...Perception is a challenge, I have no qualms about keeping the Force-centric nature of our relationship quiet. I did not come to disrupt every facet of your life, after all.."

Location: The City of Aroo, Manda
Tags: [member="Darth Metus"]

As his fingers came to rest against the smooth fabric of her dress, the haze seemed to clear from Valencia's eyes and she turned them back towards him. Her smile was kind, though a good deal more gentle than her last. There was an ocean of sadness there that spoke to a number of things she seemed unwilling to vocalize just yet. It would cost her a great deal to give up the option of appearing harmless at times - and she was weighing that loss as she spoke next, "I believe keeping this secret would just be delaying the inevitable. If it was so easy for you to spot this gift, there's little doubt that others will have spotted it as well - and your increased attention will be all the proof they need."

She shook her head as she lifted one hand to lay atop his own, giving his fingers a gentle squeeze. "Thank you, though. I appreciate that I'm doing a terrible job of keeping this turmoil to myself, and your concern is... Sweet." She slid herself from the edge of the desk and leaned down to grip the edge of the chair he sat in. She bent easily at the waist and glanced down at the screen, that cool glow returning to her features. With a few more speedy flicks of her fingers, she'd taken his suggestion for something sweet and sent the directions off. Trailing her fingers along the base of the screen she deactivated it once more and rose to a stand tall... Or as tall a she got, anyways.

"So," she reached to grab her glass once more and refilled it with what was left in the decanter - not another full serving, but enough for now. "We've got some time before that arrives - should we see to it that the accommodations are to your liking?" She left the empty crystal decanter on the tray in the center of the desk and motioned towards the door to the office. "We can also chat about whatever else you might need during your stay. There are several vacant offices that would likely serve your purposes." She polished off the last of the glass in her hand and set it on the tray alongside the decanter. She reached across and scooped up the unopened bottle from the desktop.

"Shall we?"
Location: The City of Aroo, Manda​
Meeting: [member="Valencia Hadley"]​
There was a weight upon her shoulders.

The gentle smile upon her face said as much. As did the quiet edge to her voice. Though there was not a free-flowing ocean of thoughts racing between them, the Sith was very…perceptive at times. He was able to detect the budding embers of potential within his compatriot, and in this moment he was able to feel the clouds which shrouded her mind. He did not know from where they came - perhaps worries based on the attention that the opportunity would place upon her. Yet, as he parted his lips to respond to Valencia's thoughts, her hand gingerly came to rest over his own. Her fingers gave his a light squeeze, and he called his concern sweet. Darth Metus smiled.

"Valencia," he began. "You're not alone. You don't have to keep your turmoil inside, not when it comes to this. I have walked the same road you are right now. I have asked the same questions about who I am and what the future holds. So...If there's anything I can, whether it be discretion for now or taking measures to give you peace, I'll gladly do so. Or, if you just need a pair of ears that understand, I'm here."

"We're in this together, okay?"

Sure, there may have been turned heads at the special council to the Vicelord, but there were ways to - at least temporarily - veil the Force centric nature of her tutelage from the public. Politicians appointed advisers and the like all the time, this certainly would not be anything different. Yet, no one had to know that she was his student, not until she was truly ready. Regardless, whatever decision she made, Valencia would have the Vicelord's full support moving forward. Having uttered his thoughts, the Viceroy moved to address his suggestion of dessert. She leaned over and tapped upon the screen, yet her selection was submitted too swiftly for the Sith to know what it was. This was fine, as his sweet tooth would allow accept anything a decent establishment served as a confection.

With her order sent, the Viceroy stepped back just enough for the Sith to scoot back the seat without knocking into her. And when she stood tall, so did he. Her suggestion was to inspect the accommodations that she had arranged as to ensure they were to his liking. What's more, the topic of where he would work while tarrying on Manda was in the air as well. He watched as she attended to her beverage before taking the fresh bottle in hand, motioning to the office door all the while. "That sounds perfect to me, actually." he began, punctuating his thoughts with a sip of his beverage. "As for office space, I am accustomed to working while mobile, so I don't require a dedicated room. Anywhere with a decent HoloNet connection is fine."

This was his heritage rearing its head, for there were many battlefields where he had to conduct literal business from a datapad between shellings. Compared to that reality, any decent chair with a decent HoloNet connection was a gift from above. Regardless, he would not say no to whatever the Viceroy offered as far as accommodations; but he did place another moment of thought in to how to thank his gracious host. What came to mind was something that would commence her walk down the Force wielder path right, and that thought alone placed a fresh grin upon his face.

"Please, lead the way."

Location: The City of Aroo, Manda
Tags: [member="Darth Metus"]

We are in this together, okay? What a terribly trivial thing... She'd heard similar messages many times before, and each time she'd been wrong to trust that they were being genuine in their sentiment. Valencia tossed him a toothy grin, however, nodding. Time would tell, she supposed. She was going to need his help, and he was the best tutor she could have hoped to ever get. She was going to make the best of this and learn as much as she could, and hope that he didn't wake up tomorrow to find her boring and of no use to him.

As he stood, she slid back around the chair to move between him and the door. She moved the bottle to her left hand and offered him her right arm - based on what she'd seen he was right-handed, and from what she knew of the warring sort, they preferred to be ready if need be. It was one thing for them to be safely tucked away within the confines of her chambers, but wandering about the complex was another matter, and she wasn't interested in getting in his way. Plus it would be easier for him to carry his drink, should he choose to bring it.

"Well, if you don't need to make use of any of the office spaces, then we'll skip that bit of the tour!" Her tone was cheery and perhaps a little jovial as she waited for him to accept the fabric encased arm she'd extended. Assuming he took the invitation she led him from the office and took him to the right, walking further from the lift that had brought him up to the floor. She continued to chat overly cheerily to him, her face back to that practiced mask of pleasant calm and sweet smiles. "I don't like to be too far from my workspace, so we don't have too far to go. Every room here has an excellent holonet connection, but if you change your mind and would like some privacy, please don't hesitate to let me know."

She led him down several long corridors and finally reached a hall that must have run the length of the back of the tower they currently resided in. One whole wall was floor to ceiling glass windows that afforded a breath-taking view of the city. She lifted the hand that carried the bottle and motioned to the door closest to them along the hall. It was unlike many of the other entryways in the building - nothing suggesting the same sleek metal and mechanical components, but instead a sturdy looking dark wooden door. There was an infopad built into the wall beside the door, but it stood out like a sore thumb. "Should you need me at any time and I'm not in my offices, this is likely where you'll find me."

She carefully released his arm, moving to the infopad in the wall and pressing her fingers to the corner of the screen. With the soft click of metal moving in the tumbler on the lock, it was disengaged and she pressed on the door to set it swinging inwards. Where the rest of the building was all brilliant whites and greys, several small hints of purple in place to hint at their allegiance with the CIS; this room was... Oppulent. As she slid inside and leaned her back against the front door, she motioned inward, her arm sweeping to indicate a room that was covered in plush carpets, walls decorated with rich coloured tapestries and dark, earthy toned wallpapers. All the furniture visible from the door was large and looked well worn, but comfortable. It appeared that inside there was a seating area and a small bar for entertaining, and several doorways with no doors hung from their frames led further in.

She turned back to him with another of those wolfish grins and stepped back into the hall, allowing the door to slide closed behind her. As it met the frame it audibly clicked once more, the tumbler engaging. Valencia lifted her free hand and motioned to the only other doorway along the long hall, this one far more standard. "And this is where you'll be staying if it suits you." She repeated the same motion against the infopad beside this door and it slid silently across the doorway, disappearing into the wall. These rooms were dramatically different, the decor not dissimilar to that of the rest of the tower - everything in shades of white and grey, all clean lines and functional. She swept into the room and placed the bottle she'd been carrying on a low table surrounded by some angular looking chairs.

Her hands moved to rest lightly at her hips as she turned back to face him and let him take a look at the space. Much like the one they'd previously been in, the entrance way was more suited to entertaining, but there was a suite of rooms in the back for sleeping, bathing, keeping any clothing he'd need during the trip... She was hopeful that they'd be to his liking.
Location: The City of Aroo, Manda​
Meeting: [member="Valencia Hadley"]​
They did not speak any further on the subject.

Although the Vicelord had offered his reassurances once more - even breaching professional tact to utter her first name - there was not anything else to be said. The Viceroy had considered his words, yet as opposed to accepting or denying anything beyond that, she offered him that warm smile once more. It was nearly identical to the grin she wore when they first met only minutes prior; and as the seconds rolled by, the weight he felt upon her began to wane. Whether this was due to the woman succeeding in taming her inner "turmoil" or something different remained to be seen. However, ever "perceptive", the Sith knew how to take a hint - no matter how subtle...or radiant in this case. He did not press the issue further, yet ascended from the chair in tandem with her own movement.

And as they moved around the desk, she offered him her arm. With a slight chuckle, he gladly accepted the gesture and allowed her to take the lead as they were linked together. One might say they had become attached at the hip from that moment forward. Whilst bearing his beverage in his offhand, the Sith walked in step with his suddenly-jovial guide who led him out of the office space and into the hall. His preference for working off a datapad eliminated a need to explore the dedicated spaces of the building suited for his line of work. And, frankly, if the Viceroy did not mind his presence he was perfectly satisfied working within her office whilst they hashed out further details of her role as special counsel and apprentice.

"I'll be certain to," he began, answering her first statement, "though, if you are unopposed and don't mind, I can work in the same space as you. I figure it would be good for you to be privy to what is on my desk as you'll be advising me moving forward." And her company was a welcome change to only droids. With that said, Valencia introduced the Sith to her sanctuary. That was the best way to put it when she paused their advance before the doors which seemed out of place in the modern environment. They were beautiful and rustic, yet the antithesis to the modern whites and lines of the offices. Upon stepping within the space, a low whistle of appreciation escaped him. "You...wouldn't mind sharing some decor tips with me later? This space is beautiful."

It had a far better flow and atmosphere than most of the places he dominated in his office on Geonosis, or his personal abode for that matter. Both were spaces fit for a warrior-king, yet Valencia's aesthetic had some far subtler, far cozier vibes. There was indeed an air of indulgence to the space, and by the gods she had earned every trinket, but it was also a place where one could...breathe. The view. The seating. The doors without frames. They all spoke of freedom of movement. And that was something the Sith could very much appreciate. Their time here was very brief, and just as soon as he had remarked, they were off to another space of the office. This would be where the Vicelord would be laying his head for the duration of his stay. In the same manner as her personal space, she admitted the Sith inside by entering a code on the infopad and pushing the door open.

This space, quite literally, matched the Sith. The clean and modern aesthetic blended in perfectly with the suit and tie that the man wore; but there was nothing stifling about the layout. While the space did not scream freedom as much as Valencia's personal retreat, it was indeed homey enough that Darth Metus had no qualms residing here. His glass was set down promptly and he placed both his hands together, offering a bow of his head and a toothy grin to the woman in gratitude. "You have my thanks, this is lovely!" he said. And as this was to be his home away from home, he found that there was no harm in getting a little bit more comfortable. As he took a few inquisitive steps deeper into what would be the living room, he loosened and removed his crimson tie before sliding off his jacket. Both were casually draped over the rear of the sofa and he descended upon the adjacent cushion with ease. A satisfied exhale escaped him.

"Join me, I have something for you." he said, patting the seat next to him. And, assuming that the Viceroy did as he requested, he would deliberately open his palm. She would see nothing there, save for his flesh, before he closed his fingers into a fist. Yet, as the motion occurred, the honey-esque sensation within her would stir. Something was happening within his grasp, she just could not see it. His fist would be maintained for only a moment, before he would offer his hand to her - as if to hand her the contents of his palm. "This token serves two, it is a symbol of my gratitude. You have been a wondrously kind host and I cannot thank you enough for sharing your home, and very life, with me. And second, it is a symbol of my commitment to you. Like I said earlier, we are in this together."

Should her palm rest underneath his, she would find his gift left in her grasp.

Location: The City of Aroo, Manda
Tags: [member="Darth Metus"]

As they were wandering further down the hall from her own chambers she'd chuckled softly at the Vicelord, beaming up at him. "I know my eye for interior design isn't as modern as most, but I am a huge fan of comfort as a means to unwind. A little bit of cozy mixed with open concept... I'm so glad that you appreciate it." As she opened the door to his suites, she glanced over her shoulder to him and nodded, "I would be more than happy to provide any assistance you need with decorating. Have whoever you've got in charge currently reach out with the specs for the rooms you'd like updated. It's a bit of a passion for me, as I'm sure you've gathered."

Her smile was appreciative as he glanced around the suites she'd chosen for him, watching him carefully for any signs that there was displeasure in her choice. His compliments regarding the space brought a physical relief to her form as her hands slipped from her hips to hang at her sides. The Viceroy stood stationary as she watched him prowl around the space, discarding his glass as well as his tie and jacket. All excellent signs; it seemed she'd had a good sense of what he'd need. "As I mentioned, there's an excellent connection in here - but you're of course more than welcome to join me in my office anytime you'd like, Vicelord. I'll have someone bring a few of the more comfortable pieces from my collection in to ensure you've got somewhere to work from."

Her eyes followed his movements as he seated himself on one of the empty couch cushions, giving the impression of some sort of impressive large cat getting comfortable. The thought brought a small hint of a smirk to her lips as she imagined that this was likely how he handled himself in most things. As he patted the empty space beside him she glided to the couch and carefully arranged herself beside him. She gave him a playful smile as she slid into the seat, her voice teasing, "Now I wish I'd worn something a bit more comfortable. Had I known your plan was to stay longer I would have planned my outfit accordingly."

That teasing tone and playful grin died almost instantly as his open palm closed into a fist. It brought forth that same feeling along the back of her tongue that she'd come to know so well. Her eyes widened ever so slightly as her expression became carefully blank. She glanced from that closed fist up to his eyes as both her hands lifted to cover her lips with the tips of her fingers. As he spoke next her eyes stayed locked on his, listening very closely to what he said - hanging off each syllable as though it guaranteed her next breath. When he stopped and all that was left hanging between them was his closed fist, she lowered one hand a little unsteadily and placed it below his, feeling the warm metal circle drop from his grasp into hers.

She kept her free hand pressed tightly to her lips as she gazed down at the beautifully wrought silver ring with the pale green gem built into its surface. She used her thumb to carefully rotate the metal in her hand, feeling that warmth remain even after it had left his hand. She'd seen these rings before, though they seemed a rarity in her memory. Something she'd seen green initiates to the Force wearing to things like Viceroyalty meetings and the like. It took several long moments before she dragged her eyes off the ring and back to his. Her voice was barely a whisper behind her fingers.

"You are too kind."
Location: The City of Aroo, Manda​
Meeting: [member="Valencia Hadley"]​
As they made their departure from the Viceroy's personal sanctuary, Darth Metus found himself chuckling aloud. Ever the epitome of grace, Valencia had offered to lend a hand in bringing the sensation of home to the spaces that the Vicelord frequented; particularly his domicile on Ryloth and offices on Geonosis. However, when she made mention of having whomever he had in charge contact her with the specs, the Sith's chuckle took on a nervous edge. She was truly cut from a different cloth it seemed, for Darth Metus did not have anyone he particularly trusted to be "in charge" of any regard of his residence. For the most part, he relied upon droids to do the work of decorating whilst he personally selected what he wanted to go where.

And for that reason, his rooms were much more fit for a warrior-king. His offspring and closest friends, all being reared on a foundation of battle, enjoyed that aesthetic quite a bit. Yet, it was certainly time for an update. "Well, you're speaking to the man in charge. I'll get the specs inboxed to you soon; just have to dig up the floorplans once I'm settled." he began. "I prefer your aesthetic choices, honestly. It's like a happy middle ground between modern and the stylings of home." in this case, home meant Mandalore or Ryloth. He did not specify. "Perhaps you'll come visit my residence on Ryloth and see what you're dealing with. I do hope Sinner's Well is not too far gone!" The invitation was surely serious, despite the chuckles which escaped him regarding the state of his home's aesthetic.

Pressing forward, when she introduced him to the accommodations which were his for the duration of his stay, Valencia was kind enough to offer him a place to work within her office. In truth, he would have liked nothing more. Typically speaking, whilst funneling through reports or responding to high priority missives, he liked to have something in the background to keep him sane. For the most part, white noise was the solution - but the company of one he enjoyed being around would be infinitely better. He imagined that simply sitting on the other side of the room, working whilst listening to her fingers tap away at the console, would be quite workable for his stay. And thus, he offered a toothy grin and answered: "Actually, I would quite like that. Working alongside you would be wonderful."

Now situated and seated, Darth Metus was feeling more than a tad bit comfortable within the lodgings. The sofa itself sat as if it were brand new underneath him, and that was more than enough to elicit the relaxing of his muscles upon the piece. Reaching, he undid the topmost button of his shirt as the Viceroy accepted his invitation. And her words and playful grin saw the Sith table all sense of tact for but a moment. He let her see his gaze upon her as she walked over, offering a silent appreciation for the beauty that was Miss Hadley. And, as she joined him, he responded simply: "Well, I certainly won't say no if you decided to change here." His words were coupled with just as playful a grin as she had offered him and a wink. Of course, the flirtatious atmosphere in the room shifted when the Vicelord decided to present his gift to his gracious host. Her expression changed from fun to awe in the blink of an eye.

Once the Ring had been accepted into her grasp, she marveled at its form in complete silence. As the seconds rolled by, her gaze was transfixed upon the piece. Her fingers rotated its beautiful form under the light so that she could appreciate every facet. Darth Metus interrupted her inspection following her gentle expression of gratitude. Briefly, his dominant hand came to rest underneath hers whilst his offhand guided the ring onto the most fitting finger. And, once it was in place, he gingerly raised her hand to his lips, gracing it with a kiss before responding in turn. "No, you are far too kind. Thank you."

Location: The City of Aroo, Manda
Tags: [member="Darth Metus"]

Hearing that he was the one that took care of his own interior design had that immaculate set of eyebrows raising in surprise, her gaze a little sharp as it met his. Her lips pursed tightly as she regarded him for a moment and then nodded. "Yes, I think it best that we travel to Ryloth soon then. I believe you're capable of following whatever instructions I would give - but if you don't have someone there to oversee the changes, better then that I'm there." She made a mental note to take inventory of her personal storage before they left, however... Depending on the size of the space she already had a few pieces in mind if he liked her chambers.

As the conversation turned to her clothing, she kept that sweet-as-sin smile plastered to her lips and flushed a little for his benefit. He represented a step up in her world, and the last few hours, mixed with his flirting, were a heady thing. He was tempting in a way that made him dangerous, and as such, she needed to be very careful. There was a level of back and forth she would be willing to extend, however, especially to ensure he remained engaged in her progress. "It's a shame then that I don't have a change of clothes here, isn't it?" She gave him a playful wink back before he moved on to bestowing his gift.

With the small, warm weight of the ring still fresh in her hands she found it nearly impossible to look away from him. This gift was something much more important than a simple piece of jewelry, and that fact wasn't lost on her. As his hand lifted to gently brace her own, the fingers moved from her lips to rest instead against her chest, feeling the rapid flutter that her heartbeat had become. As the ring slid onto the middle finger of her right hand she managed a shaky smile and offered a much more genuine blush as his lips pressed to her fingers. She wasn't sure if it was his lips or the ring, but that same warmth she'd felt flooded her body, starting from the hand he held.

Suddenly the room, despite being a good deal more bright and open than her own, felt extremely hot and a little stifling. That charming blush didn't bleed from her cheeks as it had previously and instead stayed firmly in place. With his extremely generous gift, his offer, and perhaps the half bottle of Idlewill she'd had, she was suddenly feeling a little overwhelmed. She removed the hand from her chest and instead leaned her elbow against the back of the couch and used her fist to brace against her temple as she sank further into the seat, crossing her legs to give herself a sturdier base and leaving her hand in his for as long as he wanted it.

"Vicelord Metus, I believe you've done it." Her nose wrinkled in what could be described as an adorable fashion as she gave him a prolonged wink and a throaty chuckle. "I'm not certain when last I was deep enough in my cups to truly call myself drunk - but I think this qualifies."
Location: The City of Aroo​
Meeting: [member="Valencia Hadley"]​
For a moment, the Vicelord felt well within his rights to have uttered that slightly nervous expression. The fact that he was personally in charge of his holdings' decor was a fact that elicited quite the view from his compatriot. And though he would never accuse those dazzling eyes of judgments, he wondered if there were any fresh opinions being concocted in that mind of hers. Regardless, Valencia offered to make the journey to Ryloth sooner rather than later, as the state of his home decor was a pressing matter. To this she was given the warmest smile the man could muster, followed by: "I look forward to extending to you the same courtesies that you have for me." he began, "I'll even cook you dinner, anything you choose. My treat."

Yet despite the initial expression regarding the internal aesthetic of his residence and offices, the pair seemed to genuinely enjoy one another's company. At least, that was the summation that Darth Metus had given the everlasting smile situated upon the Viceroy's face. And, once they had entered into the lodgings that she had so kindly arranged for him, their banter was far from professional. It was fun in that dangerous kind of way - would they allow the drink to inspire interesting decisions or simply loose tongues. At least, for the moment, Darth Metus was riding the latter train, for he responded to her not having a change of clothes with: "In some cultures, nude is a perfectly acceptable option. Care to indulge?" As always, his flirtatious tones were coupled with a wink and a glance that showed his appreciation of her form.

And when it came to the gift, there was a change in his special counselor. The nature of the token of his appreciation had not yet been divulged, but the instant that he slipped the ring onto her finger she reacted. She could tell that the ring was special - and indeed it was. It was a boon: a tool to make her training a bit less taxing on. Darth Metus wanted to say as much, but he noted the crimson which crept like wildfire upon her features. The way she propped herself up on the sofa, coupled with her smile and thick laugh, all left the Sith feeling rather pleased with himself. She was right, though, they were well and truly drunk. "Well, hopefully we can do this often, I'm quite enjoying your company." he began, trailing his thumb idly over the back of her hand.

"And, please, if you're going to redecorate my home, I'd say we're friendly enough. You can call me just Metus." And just like she had, his words were punctuated by a wink.

Location: The City of Aroo, Manda
Tags: [member="Darth Metus"]

His offer of dinner, quickly followed by an offer to accept her lounging nude, just kept the smiles and laughter coming. She wasn't totally certain now what it was she had expected from her meeting with the Vicelord - but it wasn't this. There was a kindness to him, and playfulness too, that she'd never heard anyone speak of. Though as she pondered on that she also realized that she rarely got to speak with people who knew him well. Everyone in the galaxy could tell you of his prowess in battle, the frightening and dark power he could wield, rumors of a man who could not be felled - but she supposed that it didn't serve to keep their enemies at bay having everyone know he was also funny.

Her smile softened a bit as she thought on that, content for a moment to listen to him speak as his fingers glided across the knuckles of the hand she'd left laying in his. With his last words, she caught her lower lip up between her teeth for a moment to suppress a much larger grin, her head bowing forward a little. When she righted herself her eyes were filled with beaming mirth that bled forward like the warm glow from a fire, "Metus it is then. And you're obviously welcome to call me Valencia if you so choose."

With a small quirk of her brows, she appeared to recall that they still had another bottle of the Idlewil on the table before them. She unwound her legs and her arms and scooted her way off the couch. She carefully slid her feet from the heels she'd worn, taking a moment to revel in the cool temperature of the smooth tiled floors. With a gentle flick of her ankles, she'd pushed them under the sofa to avoid anyone tripping and moved to the tall set of white cabinets that comprised the sole piece of obvious storage in the entertaining space. Her dress made a fair bit more noise now as it pooled around her feet, the loss of those extra few inches making the garment a tad too long.

She tugged one of the doors open and found a few new tumblers, the glass clinking together pleasantly as she pinned them between the fingers of one of her hands and used the other to close the cabinet once more. A bit of that gliding grace was gone as she made her way back to the couch, but the slightly unsteady nature of her movements wasn't any less inviting - instead presenting a side of her that was a little less polished and perhaps a bit more organic.

When she dropped herself back into the couch beside him, she bounced a little with the force of it and let loose another throaty chuckle as she beamed up at him. "I don't believe we could do any additional harm with a few more drinks, do you?" She went about pouring out two more drinks, sinking back into the couch once she was done. "So, Metus," the way she said his name was as close to a purr as she could manage with a few drinks in her system, unable to stop that honey-like power from spilling forward along with the word, "What does your schedule look like for the next few days? Should I be setting time aside for anything you've got planned?"
Location: The City of Aroo, Archae Teuthis​
Meeting: [member="Valencia Hadley"]​
The Viceroy of Manda was...different.

Throughout his many years of life, the Vicelord had the opportunity of rubbing elbows with various types of planetary leadership. From spoiled monarchs, to warlords, to seasoned politicians and every variety in-between. He had become accustomed to meeting with those responsible for leading a world to be stuffy affairs. Pomp and circumstance were usually the name of the game; but in rare cases, veiled displays of one's strength or prowess were required. Yet, as Darth Metus caused another smile to erupt upon his compatriot's face at the mention of cooking her dinner, he came to realize that her presence was refreshing. In the brief time that they had spent together, the Sith could feel himself loosening up and genuinely enjoying every moment which rolled by. In fact, he was certain that he would feel the same even if alcohol was not present.

As they began to settle into the lodgings he would reside in for his visit, the Vicelord also observed a similar reaction out of Valencia. Though he was not certain if her loosening up was due, exclusively, to the alcohol - he'd like to think that she was enjoying herself just as much. She seemed genuinely bemused at the notion of parading about nude, and genuinely relaxed as his thumb rolled over her knuckles. It was simply… share something this simple with another. To laugh, to smile, and to chug Idlewil until there was none in sight. In response to his latest offer, the pair entered a first name basis; and Darth Metus was left with the impression that Valencia was more than happy to do so. And after her velvet response graced his ears, she scooted away from his grasp for just a moment.

She kicked off her heels and moved them underneath the sofa before rising to her feet. And the Sith could hardly notice the change in her grace as she moved about the tiled floor. His eyes were exactly where, in a professional working environment, they had no business being. "Valencia.." he said aloud, not particularly calling for her attention but simply testing her name on his tongue. It was even graceful to say - or maybe that was the Idlewil talking. Who knows. Upon her return from obtaining their beverage and fresh tumblrs, she remarked on there being no harm in additional drinks. And there was no opposition from the Sith at this point, but rather a chuckle coupled with a laugh. She set about pouring them fresh drinks and set the bottle down upon the caf table before them.

Her question regarding his schedule was as sweet as honey, and he thought for a moment before responding. Almost absent-mindedly, he reached with his offhand and scooped her legs into his grasp and deposited them over his lap. His posture relaxed a bit as he sank back into the seat a little bit more, indulging briefly in a sip of his beverage before he answered. "I have…" he began, "...a touch base with the Fleet Marshals and a budget update with the Minister of Finance to attend to via HoloCall. Everything else is just paperwork. Border security measures here, threat assessments there. The usual." His words were punctuated by the movement of his tumblr somewhat, as if he was talking with that hand. His offhand simply came to rest upon Valencia's knee as he spoke. "What about you? How does your schedule look for the upcoming week? Anything on the agenda that can benefit from a Vicelord cameo?"

Location: The City of Aroo, Manda
Tags: [member="Darth Metus"]

She could only barely hear his as he spoke her name, the sound of her dress shuffling across the floor having done a good deal of work muffling it. It did make her grin again, however - much as she enjoyed saying his name, hearing him say hers was also quite lovely. As she thought more on their interactions over the afternoon that was quickly bleeding into the evening, she realized that she was having a fair bit of fun. Something about him set her at ease, though the likelihood that it was something he was consciously doing seemed high. Even with that knowledge, it was hard not to enjoy herself a bit.

She let loose a soft squeak as he scooped up her legs and laid them over his, the mass of beige fabric along the back side not helping to make it an easy feat. She took a moment to use her free hand and adjust her positioning on the cushion she still resided on before she reclined back, leaning her elbow against the low armrest of the chair and resting her own glass against her hip as she regarded him curiously.

It took her a moment to realize that she hadn't been listening as he was telling her about his schedule - she'd just been staring at him. She blinked rapidly a few times, keying in just in time to hear that the majority of what he had planned wouldn't need to have more than the tools she had available in her office. She gently tapped the silver medal of her new ring against the crystal glass in her hand as she offered up a tired smile, her head tilting slightly as she continued to regard him.

"Nothing pressing, honestly. I was sure to meet with my advisors prior to your visit, which allowed for a good deal of work to be done ahead of your arrival. I will reach out to the candidate I have in mind for the Deputy Viceroy position... Other than that I'll be at your disposal." She grinned at him with that last bit, lifting her glass to take another sip of its contents before returning it to her hip. She rotated her ankles absently, the hushed sound of the fabric at her feet punctuating another smile she turned his way. "If you've got anything that would benefit from my meddling, do let me know."

With that offer hanging between them, the sound of a soft chime from the door had Valencia turning to glance at the infopanel beside the door. "Ah - it appears that dinner has arrived!"

Location: The City of Aroo, Manda​
Tag: [member="Valencia Hadley"]​

As the contents of his schedule formed and fell from his lips, the Vicelord felt a small wave of sobriety wash over him. The unfortunate truth that came to mind was…this would come to an end. As much as he had enjoyed the company of his compatriot - as much as she had genuinely made him smile and even briefly forget that what laid on the horizon - Darth Metus would have to return to reality. What was ahead was a world devoid of laughter, but colored with ash. A world of war - of battles fought to ensure that Valencia had the chance to smile just as much as she was in the moment. It was a somber train of thought, of this there was no doubt, and it inspired the Sith to finish off his Idlewil a moment after he had spoken.

And as the liquor raced down his throat, Valencia remarked about her own obligations. She was always prepared it seemed, so much so that her schedule was even more clear than his own. All that remained was a meeting with the candidate for Deputy Viceroy - and he figured that was the sort of venture best left to her. After all, it would not do for word to get out that the Vicelord was making a cameo appearance as she interviewed her helping hand. The wrong impression might be given - something along the lines of his choosing her replacement. Maybe he was overthinking it? Maybe...Ah, there it was. Though soundless, the Idlewil struck the pit of his stomach like gasoline on a dying fire. Once more, the pleasant buzz returned and inspired the Sith to smile again.

"If you could stand there and look menacingly at the Fleet Marshals, I'm sure my job would be quite a bit easier." he began, reaching over the Viceroy's legs so that he might set the glass down upon the table. As always, his voice was alive with amusement - but there was a small part of him that genuinely wanted Valencia to have that exposure to the militant side of things. As his adviser, she would need to know how to deal with hardened killers - especially the super tactical droids which spat numbers in a monotone. He parted his lips to say something more, but a chime erupted from the door.

Valencia turned, announcing rather excitedly that their dinner had arrived - and for a moment the Sith was disappointed. While he was indeed dying for a steak, rising to get their meal meant ruining the comfortable position they had gotten themselves into. "I'll get it." he said, gently reaching underneath her legs to return her feet to the floor briefly. However, before he so much as started to push against the seat cushion to rise, he paused. Perhaps it was the alcohol...okay, it totally was the alcohol...but the reality that this would all come to an end caused him to think "kark it." If all of this was doomed to cease once he returned to Geonosis, then he might as well have as much fun as possible, right? Right. Good talk.

His gaze became an inquisitive squint for a moment as he looked intently upon Valencia's face. The words he uttered, for a woman as put together as she, would most likely have caused a quiet whirlwind of panic. For he said: "You've got something…" as if to imply that there was some imperfection upon her face. Was it her makeup? A stray piece of fuzz? In truth, it was literally nothing, but the Sith didn't tell her as much. He waited a second for the panic to set in before he revealed as much, by leaning in completely and capturing her lips with his own. It was brief - lasting just long enough that he could taste the Idlewil upon her lips - and concluded with that damned wink of his. "Got it."

And with the deed done, Darth Metus rose from the sofa and headed for the door. Whether she threw her heel at the back of his head for such an offense remained to be seen - but he was totally okay with her doing so.

Location: The City of Aroo, Manda
Tag: [member="Darth Metus"]

As she spoke about her own schedule for the week she watched curiously as an array of emotions played across his face - all subtle, most of it in his eyes really. It was a somber moment or two before it seemed that he rallied and was back to his relaxing demeanor once more. She wasn't entirely sure what caused it, but she marked it none the less, taking another sip from her own glass as she finished the list of items on her own schedule. At his suggestion that she glare down some members of the Fleet Marshalls, she nearly choked on the amber liquor in her throat. She lifted her free hand to her mouth as she fought the urge to laugh aloud while also having a mouth full of alcohol.

She turned her eyes nearly glowing with unshed tears from the effort back to him and cleared her throat, "I don't know what gave you the impression that I can be threatening, Metus! Unless they're frightened of blondes I don't know what sort of menacing presence I could present." With a soft chuckle, she tilted the glass up once more and finished the rest of the contents. It burned down her throat but eased the tickle that had been caused by her suppressed laughter. It was at that point that the door had chimed, and she began to prepare herself to slide off his lap and retrieve their food.

As he scooped up her legs once more and deposited her feet back onto the cool tile she offered a grateful smile, but then frowned a little as she noted the look on his face. With a feeling of abject horror, she heard him utter softly that there was something on her face. Her right hand left the glass in her lap to reach up and gently touch her fingers to her cheek, her eyes a bit wide at the thought that she'd somehow managed to get her makeup anywhere but its intended place on her face. It was with that temporary feeling of shock that she watched him lean in and place his lips against hers.

If the colour in her cheeks earlier had been a charming flush, this was like a crimson tide, washing up from her neck to fill her cheeks. As he leaned back and gave that same wink of his, all she could provide in response was a slow blink, her lips parted a fraction in a tiny 'Oh!' As he turned to head for the door the fingers on her cheek slowly fell and returned to hold the empty glass in her lap. She watched as he strode across the room and tried her best to form some sort of coherent thought.

I took a moment or two, but with a stern shake of her head, she brought some semblance of thought back to her mind. This was not like her - she wasn't caught off guard like this with anyone, let alone a man this powerful and certainly not while alone in their chambers. It was sloppy. She pushed herself to the edge of the couch and stood, setting her glass beside his and hurrying to catch up to him. She hadn't been swift enough to catch him before he'd opened the door and accepted their dinner from her assistant, but she did manage to catch them both before the door closed, hoping that the ridiculous blush from earlier had faded back to something more reasonable.

"Raeyan, thank you - I think that's likely all we'll need this evening. I'll see you tomorrow morning at the normal time." She did her best to provide a confidently calm smile to the girl as she unceremoniously pushed at the Vicelord to get him into the room and pushed the infopanel to slide the door closed in the girl's face. She leaned back against the door and let out a soft sigh, leveling a gaze at her guest that was unlike any she'd given him before. It seemed that the Vicelord had done something that had ruffled Valencia's feathers a bit - and she looked just a touch miffed.

Location: The City of Aroo, Manda​
Tag: [member="Valencia Hadley"]​

The near-choke caused the Sith to chuckle.

It was not that Darth Metus had a sick sense of humor that derived pleasure from seeing liquor almost spew from one's lips or nose. But rather, satisfaction that another found his musings so funny that they couldn't keep a drink where it was supposed to be. As Valencia nearly spewed the Idlewil from her mouth, uttering a choke-laugh, he stifled boisterous chuckles as best as he could. He did place a hand upon her lap, however, and for a moment there was an edge of concern in his gaze. After all, it would not do for her to require actual mouth to mouth. Fortunately enough, the only harm done was that the Viceroy's tone was amused. Her response was warranted he supposed.

After all, the Fleet Marshals were either meticulously programmed droids or hardened warriors. What would they have to fear from an excessively pretty blonde? The Sith couldn't help but grin at the thought. "You don't strike me as the sort to back down, especially if you believe you are in the right." he began, regarding her with a small nod as he spoke. "It would catch them off guard. Shake them. For a beautiful woman to get on their case? Hell, it might even make them quake in their boots." He spoke in tandem with her finishing off her own beverage, and would have said more on the subject had their dinner not arrived a moment later.

What he did prior to rising from the sofa in order to greet the delivery caused a wildfire to erupt across the woman's cheeks. At first, there was absolute horror within the depths of her eyes, matched only by the expression plastered upon her face at what he had initially said. The mere thought of there actually being something on her face - or out of place for that matter - must have caused absolute mayhem to occur in her mind. While he certainly had the capacity to pry at her thoughts, he respected her enough to simply enjoy the fact that his quip had the desired effect: it caught her off-guard; just as much as her presence before Fleet Marshals would them.

There was a small part of the Sith that expected a high heel to meet the back of his head as he rose from his now-petrified companion and headed to the door. His literally theft of her breath left her quiet as he moved, yet rapid footsteps broke the silence. She moved in front of him before he could so much as reach for the infopanel and uttered a brief - yet professional - dismissal to the one who had ferried their meal. Darth Metus simply offered the assistant a kind smile as the door slid shut in her face, then lofted a brow as he gazed upon Valencia's expression. The crimson which had erupted across her cheeks had...faded a bit in the seconds following - yet she was clearly not amused. Swing and a miss clearly he thought.

"I've upset you." he began, stating the obvious. "My apologies, that was...yeah." His offhand came to rest behind his head, rubbing absently as a nervous chuckle escaped him. He was prepared for a high heel, but a miffed look was not what he was going for.

Location: The City of Aroo, Manda
Tag: [member="Darth Metus"]

The feeling of the cool metal door against her back was a bit more sobering than she would have liked as she kept that smoldering gaze locked on his. With those ember coloured eyes of his, she assumed it was quite easy to give the impression of heat, but there was a trick to putting fire into those pale blue eyes of hers. Turned out frostbite could be equally uncomfortable.

Some of that cool energy seemed to die as he apologized, however, the tension that was writ in every line of her body edging out little by little as she leaned her head back to rest it against the door as well, letting out a low sigh. She turned her eyes up to look at the ceiling for a moment and lifted a hand to mirror his own, massaging the back of her neck before closing her eyes. In truth, now that Raeyan was gone, there was no reason to continue to be upset - and she bowed her head forward, her eyes sliding open to meet his again before she spoke.

"'I'm sure that you are sorry - though with any luck there's no harm done." She let her hands fall back to press against the door, propelling herself off of it to stand on her own. She glanced down at the package in his hands and let a tired smile creep across her lips. "Though now that I think of it - I might have been a little hasty dismissing her..." She stepped forward and scooped it from his hands, making her way over to the caf table and setting it down beside the empty glasses.

She tugged at the wrapping and peered inside before sighing softly. "It would seem that's the case." She straightened and turned back to him, offering that same tired smile. "I'm going to go get us some cutlery and plates - I shouldn't be more than a few minutes. You wait here." She turned and scooped up the bottle of Idlewil, refilling his glass before handing it off to him and striding to the door.

"As I said - a few minutes. I'm sure you'll find something to entertain yourself in the meantime." She tossed him and smirk over her shoulder as she pressed the infopanel screen, the door sliding open, closing behind her a moment later. Those with keen ears may have been able to hear her take the few quick strides required to make it to her own suite and stepping inside.

Location: The City of Aroo, Manda​
Tag: [member="Valencia Hadley"]​

Darth Metus could not help but wonder…

He was the spitting image of his father in more ways than one. Genetically speaking of course - but also when it came to personality. Though he was certainly faithful when it came to commitments, the Sith was no stranger to rolling his way through the stars. After all, he had almost thirty children...that he was aware of...But there was just something about the way Valencia looked at him as she dismissed her assistant. There was no amusement. And frankly, the red upon her cheeks was...well...not exactly consistent with her earlier bashfulness at his flirtations or the near choking upon of Idlewil for that matter. just was out of place to him. He did not think he was the greatest thing since sliced bread, but damn, a slight glare after that wasn't exactly the reaction he was expecting.

Honestly a high heel to the dome would have been better.

Nonetheless, the woman responded in that professional tone that had colored her words during the first moments of their meeting. The familiarity they had earned was temporarily shelved, adding a nugget more credence to the Sith's overthinking of the moment. Yes, he apologized - of course he did. He sincerely did not mean to offend her, no matter how much the Idlewil was encouraging him to act like...well...himself. Yet her words were as chilly as the Rylothi Nightlands. She changed the subject as quickly as it came, opting to set her gaze upon their meal. She noted that there was no cutlery or plates...but instead of simply stepping into the kitchen area of the domicle she had provided, the Viceroy seemed intent on heading out of the room.

Darth Metus stepped back, be it far from him to question what was going on, until he was standing before the sofa once more. He found his beverage refreshed by his compatriot before she opted to retreat, yet as the Idlewil finished raising in his glass, his heel collided with one of her stowed shoes. He darn near lost his balance and tumbled back on the seat, but caught himself with a rapid movement of his dominant arm. Fortunately Valencia was heading out the door and might not have caught the display. But what he did catch was a glimpse of the woman's bare feet as the door slid closed. Wait. Why was she walking barefoot? Like, she went through all the pomp and circumstance at every hour, why stop now?

And she didn't even attempt to put them on when her assistant arrived at the door. What was- Oh. Oh. The Sith literally smacked his own forehead with his hand as the realization leaked past the liquor haze. How could she put herself together and feign some sort of professionalism when he bolted for the door? For a woman like that, the offense of being caught with no shoes, lounging on a couch with one's boss would have been far worse than any smooch. Right? "Feth." he swore, before setting the glass down upon the table. He racked his brains - and the Idlewil was certainly not helping in this regard. His kneejerk reaction was to go after her with shoes in hand - but that would only pour fuel on the fire wouldn't it? She had already stepped into her own quarters and was most likely putting herself back together, professional walls and all. Breaching her privacy would have only added to the ongoing dilemma. Ultimately, he couldn't do anything but wait.

And when the door slid open, she was met with a genuine apology. He had seen fit to procure one of the sole pieces of life in the room - a tulip of white, and was waiting with it extended in his grasp. "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking and put you in an uncomfortable position. Please forgive me?"

Location: The City of Aroo, Manda
Tag: [member="Darth Metus"]

As the heavy wooden door swung closed behind her, she leaned gently back against it and took a deep breath. The lights inside the lavishly appointed living area came on, but not as brightly as they had previously. She'd taken the time to customize the lighting, so that should she come back to her chambers late in the evening the lights would only come up to a lesser extent, not blazing brightly but instead offering a warm glow to the rich textures and fabrics that she'd used to decorate.

She lifted her hands to the low bun that lay nestled against the base of her neck and carefully inserted her fingers into the centre of it. With one sharp tug, she pried free the pin that kept the smoothly coiled blonde locks in place, and the entirety of her hair was set tumbling around her shoulders and face. She used that same hand to gently tussle her hair, pushing off the door and calmly striding further into her rooms. Valencia strode into the bedroom and continued passed the massive four poster bed, draped in rich green and brown fabrics, to the closet on the other side of the room.

The lights inside of the closet burst into a much harsher sort of light as she stepped passed the threshold, her eyes narrowing a fraction as she lifted her hands to find the zipper that lay at the top of her dress, behind her back. With practiced movements, she pulled the zipper down her back and stepped out of the garment. She tossed it to the side before carefully selecting a much more comfortable outfit. A simple, soft knit white shirt, along with a pair of earthen green pants that were belted at the waist. Tossing the pieces on and opting to leave shoes out of the equation, she stepped back out of the closet and headed back for the main seating area.

As she walked past the mirror that was centrally located against the wall in her bedroom, she paused. She turned and stepped closer to the floor length installment of glass and carefully examined her face. No lipstick smudged so much as an inch, her liner still crisp and clean - not even a hint of mascara having moved from her eyes. Good. It seemed then that he had been toying with her. She turned and continued quickly from her room.

She stopped on her way out the door to collect several plates and some cutlery from the small serving station that served as a bar in her entertaining area, stowing them under one arm before she hurried back out of her quarters and returned to his. She pressed her free hand to the infopanel and tried to keep a look of surprise from her face as the door slid open to the Vicelord standing there behind it, hand extended with a single white tulip grasped in his fingers.

"Oh!" She extended her own hand to accept the flower from him, glancing from the beautifully soft white petals up to his earnestly apologetic face. She couldn't help the warm smile that broke out across her face at his words and she carefully stepped in around him and moved to place the items she carried onto the table next to their meal. She kept the tulip, however, turning back to face him as she spoke: "You were forgiven the moment I dismissed Raeyan - but thank you."

She lifted the flower to her nose and inhaled slowly, enjoying for a moment the subtly sweet scent of the flower. "I'm surprised you picked up on it at all, actually. I assumed you'd think it was because of the kiss or some such thing."
Location: The City of Aroo, Manda​
Tag: [member="Valencia Hadley"]​
Darth Metus did not know what to expect when the door slid open once more.

There was a small part of him that fully anticipated the restoration of the Viceroy's professional aesthetic. He imagined, if only for a moment, that she simply found a suitable replacement for her discarded heels and would return with walls fully erect. However, once the metal gave way to reveal her presence, the Sith found his eyebrows raising. Valencia had slipped into something far more comfortable than the dress for minutes ago - and if Darth Metus was being completely honest with himself, he preferred this outfit more. She such a simple attire. He wondered if this was a testament to her walls not being restored after all, but dared not utter a word of his thoughts.

Rather, he uttered his apology genuinely and smiled when she accepted the tulip. The velvet tone of her voice worked effortlessly to appease his overthinking nature, for Valencia had forgiven him the moment the assistant was sent on her way. And frankly, given the warmth plastered upon her face, he believed it. She seemed genuinely pleased with his offering, going so far as to retain his gift once she placed the plates and cutlery down. He followed after her footsteps, staying only a pace or so away from her side as she moved about the space. The conclusion to her thoughts was punctuated by raising the tulip so that she might indulge in its scent, and Darth Metus chuckled in response.

She was surprised that he had caught onto the actual offense which had robbed her face of the previous bemusement - but again he dared not divulge just how much he overthought the situation. Rather, he simply stated: "I figured that, if my lips were the problem, you'd have no problem knocking some sense into me." As ever, his words were punctuated with that wink of his before he motioned towards their meal with his offhand. "Though, since that wasn't the problem, you're welcome for seconds if your dessert isn't sweet enough."

Perhaps it wasn't too later for her to chuck a high heel at his head.

Quips aside, they had waited long enough for their meal, so the Sith wasted no time in untying the bag. He did not have to hunt long, as the smell of succulent meat invaded his nostrils the instant he breached the plastic. A hungry edge claimed his face - as only a medium rare, perfectly seasoned cut of steak could inspire - and he pulled the container out eagerly. "What did you get for dessert anyway?" he inquired whilst popping open the container and sliding his meat onto the platter. Phrasing?


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