Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bespin-ing [Talrik]

No matter how much power he had used in the past, he had been fine generally so long as he didn't overexert himself. But this... This was different. He wasn't used to this. Force Repulse, of course, was simply the next stage over from Force Wave, and learning to use it's power was inevitable with how often he'd used Force Wave... But it was still a power that would take time to adjust to. And that would explain why he was much more exhausted then he should be. But Josh knew that he had no time to relax, no time to rest. Especially when Rune would speak as he got to him, explaining that the Sith Lord was on the other side..


"No" He said as Rune would offer to face down the horde himself. "That won't be necessary... I've bought us a little time. Not much, but enough. I'll admit, using something I'm not used to has tired me. But... Despite my rank, I'm still young. I'll recover quickly. I just need to get my bearings. While I'm doing that, find a way to force the door open... Once we've done that, we get inside, and then we find a way to seal the door off. Debris, something caving in on the entrance, whatever you can do. That'll ensure that the droids won't be joining her in the battle, at least from on this side, and I'll be able to fight at my full strength" The Jedi would suggest.

It was risky... But it was their only option if they hoped to survive. A Sith Lord was no laughing matter...

[member="Rune Talrik"]
The Padawan would listen to the Jedi Master silently in a respectable manner as he stood there staring at him, then nodded once he would be done, trying to control the urge to breathe a little bit more urgently now that it seems they were in really, really big trouble. Those repair Droids from earlier might have been taken care for a while thanks to this sudden apparition of a new Force skill within Master DragonsFlame's arsenal, but, considering their incredible, sheer amount and their usually high reliability to survive through dangerous environments, which meant that they might had survived through Joshua's Force powers without too many scratches, they were surely going to come back.... and it is not going to be too pretty once they will.

Looking back towards the door for a moment, Rune would frown, then close his eyes as he thought about what he could possibly do. There was a computer panel against the wall right beside the door itself, but his experience in computer slicing was relatively still quite minor, and to slice something that was built to be top-of-the-line when it comes to system defenses won't be an easy task and he might not even have enough time to do so before the repair Droids reach their position yet again. However, if he is able to crack the code quickly enough, he will be able to open the door for the both of them, then head inside and force the engagement of the locking system, which will block the path and ensure that the Droids will not reach their backs... That is, if their programming was damaged enough for them to have forgotten how to use the computer terminals accordingly.

There was also another method he could possibly use to open the door, which is slashing through the metallic fabric of the door itself with his lightsaber to form a direct hole in the wall that they get in correctly. Although its the fastest route and probably even the easiest of all, the repair Droids will quickly notice the issue and pass through the hole to chase them, which will make their battle against the Sith Lord quite complex and downright maybe impossible to survive through.... Even for the Master Jedi beside him, this will be no easy task.

What to do....? What to do....?

"Curse my lack of computer slicing knowledge!"

He would let out a low curse against his own person before activating his lightsaber in front of the door and quickly plunging his weapon through the metallic fabric, forming a circle-like pattern through it as easily as a knife cuts through butter. Once he would finally be done forming the pattern, he pushed against the circle and the part of the door would bang on the other side, leaving them enough room to pass through.

"Let us go, quickly."

He would say, letting the Master Jedi go first.

"As much as this prediction of mine pains me, I hope those Droids' programming was damaged enough to make them ignore the damages that were done against the door."

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
"Big trouble" was an understatement. On one side was a horde of repair droids that, while they were likely not much of a threat on their own and a Jedi Master could probably swat them like flies, as many of them as there were, that was going to cause them a lot of problems. And according to this Padawan, there was a Sith Lord on the other side of this door. Between a rock and a hard place. And potentially, they might even have to fight both at once! Wasn't that just GRAND? Ugh. Part of him wanted to get off this rock and go take a nap. But that was probably just because of the seething migraines from burning so much energy on a power he wasn't used to.

With Rune seeming to take responsibility with the door, the Jedi Master would slide down the wall and sit down against it, closing his eyes and regulating his breathing. He could hear the repair droids, but he knew he needed to catch his breath and rest or they might not be able to handle the Sith Lord, much less the Sith Lord and the repair droids as well. He couldn't help but somewhat pay attention to what was going on, but most of him was focused on just breathing, relaxing, resting his body so that it could be prepared for the trials ahead. But he noted that Rune seemed to be having trouble... Great. This was just great. He hoped he could pull this off, otherwise...

He watched as Rune would decide to go it the old fashioned way as he finally opened his eyes. He smiled faintly. "Well, if all else fails..." He joked quietly as he would slowly get to his feet. "I didn't get the rest I wanted, but it looks like we're out of time" He spoke as the door would "open for them" and the Jedi would make his way in, motioning for the Padawan to come along. He just hoped the droids brains weren't as high-functioning as they were before...

[member="Rune Talrik"]

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