Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Beneath the Twin Suns

OBJECTIVE - Try not to die of heat stroke
Where: Tatooine
Why: Scouting the Planet
With: No-one yet

As The Escape landed amid one of the many hives of scum and villainy on Tatooine's surface Aurelion squinted harshly under the glare of the twin suns of Tatooine while V1-T1 was in.... sort sort of argument with someone who claimed to be some sort of... landing pad protection company? Aurelion's ears perked at this and he turned, his newly-created Lightsaber resting reassuringly at his hip where he could hear V1 vehemently arguing with the individual in question.



The individual giving V1 trouble was Devaronian with two horns that both seemed to split and bifurcate half-way up their length with a scar on his chin, and he seemed very offended when the little astromech called him a criminal. He was about to retort something about turning the little droid into scrap when Aurelion approached, laid a hand on V1's 'head' and glanced at the Devaronian. Not entirely sure as to the situation but the innocent seeming Padawan didn't have to do much before they saw the Lightsaber on his hip, blinked a bit, before giving a falsely charitable smile and informing the pair that of course a Force-User from what he assumed were the Knights Obsidian were allowed free landing. Quickly shuffling off as Aurelion glanced down at V1. "Maybe umm.... maybe you should stay with the ship for now. I'll let you know if I need any help."

Despite what Aurelion might have expected, the little Astromech worbled in agreement, watching the shifty Devaronian skulk off into the bustling crowds of the spaceport. Leaving Aurelion and V1 to nod to one-another as the little astromech took up guard of the ship while Aurelion walked off into the crowd. Drawing the hood of his robe up to try and keep his head clear of the heat Aurelion was more than a little surprised to begin hearing.... blaster fire? In the distance. People beginning to panic and shove past each-other in a hurry as Aurelion glanced about frantically, trying to find a way out of the crowd before he managed to stumble into a small alcove with what appeared to be some sort of security officer. "Umm.. e-excuse me Sir? What.... What's going on?" The officer grimaced and began to direct civilians before glancing at Aurelion, then to his Lightsaber, and sighed. "Gang violence, been escalating recently between two rival gangs recently. Think you could take a look at it?"

Aurelion blinked, then paled, and swallowed thickly. It was, after all, his duty as a Jedi to help those in need so..... nodding to the man Aurelion drew his Lightsaber and took a deep, steady breathe. He hardly knew how to even use it but.... as he began to walk in the opposite direction than the fleeing crowd....he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction and determination that the first time his blade would be wielded would be in defense of the helpless.

Taiia Locke Taiia Locke Redd Redd


Tags: Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova | Taiia Locke Taiia Locke

Redd stood by the door as the ship seemed to rock when it banked hard. Pale hands reached out to grab anything that would continue to help her to stand up straight against gravity. Flying. Redd hated flying. In fact, it made her nervous because it was fragile. If something happened to them while they were in the air, they had a very long LONG way to go before they went splat against the ground of whatever planet they were currently in the orbit of. Or, if they were unlucky, they would just float around lifeless in space where their bodies may never be found. So flying made her nervous. The wolf preferred her paws to be firmly planted upon solid ground, where if something happened, she could very easily control what happened to her. Paws on the ground could do so much more, rather than rely upon a steel ship to not fall from the sky.

Why were they here on a ship that was making a hard bank to the right and was careening to make an emergency stop on Tatooine? Well, Redd and Taiia were on a Knight’s Obsidian mission with other KO members to find information on certain AoC members to help the bounty hunters in their quest. However, the ship that they were in, had suffered a malfunction due to what the pilot had said; which was perhaps because of a faulty part. All she had wanted to do was go home and maybe kill a few rabbits to feast upon. Redd’s stomach growled at the thought of food and she growled in tandem to her stomach as she threw herself into a seat so not to be thrown into a wall due to the sudden jerky movements of the craft.

When the craft came to a halt and Redd felt like she got whiplash as her fingers dug into the edges of the seat to stop her from flying forwards into the wall in front of her; the pilot’s voice came through the comm system. “We have managed to come to dock at some hive, so be careful once you leave this ship. However, I’ll need you two, Taiia and Redd to go fetch us some parts to replace the faulty items. Replacement will take some time, so don’t get into too much trouble.” With that, he turned to bark orders at the other KO members and the lupine growled in displeasure. What about my dinner? She thought to herself as she looked to Taiia. ”Well I guess we better go head out and find these parts.” Redd said as the pilot shoved the list into her hands.

Golden green eyes looked over the list and she sighed as she passed it over to Taiia and headed towards the ramp that was lowering to let passengers off. Why did they have to land somewhere on Tatooine? She growled once more to express her displeasure as her booted feet carried her out of the ship. ”I hope you know where to get these parts, because the sooner we get them the sooner I can go home and feast upon some fat juicy rabbit.” The hot sun was felt upon whatever pale skin was showing and sweat began to bead and soak into her clothing. Sand covered every inch of the planet and it wouldn’t make a great planet to go hunting on, especially considering that the sand shifted a great deal. It’d take an exceptional hunter to hunt anything on this planet. She was one, but hunting in wolf form would be more ideal at night when it was cold.

Her feet hadn’t been settled upon the planet for less than five minutes before her sensitive hearing picked up blaster fire and she looked to Taiia. Could they maybe just get into a fight so then she can rip out throats instead to feel better? ”Should we go check that out considering Tatooine is in CIS airspace?” She questioned and although she asked, she didn’t stop for one moment to wait for her companion’s answer. Booted feet lurched forwards into a run to seek out the sounds that represented danger, while people ran from it. It was a perfect example of how Redd lacked a sense of danger and only felt the thrill of it.

The lupine paused for only a moment and felt the shift. Clothes shredded to accommodate the large wolf body. It didn’t take long for the shift to be completed and she stood on four paws surrounded by shredded clothing. If only her clothes wouldn’t get shredded, but it was the by-product of her being what she was. Not that she actually mourned the loss of the clothing pieces for they were always itchy against her skin. However, now the citizens ran in fear not only from the gang violence but from a large red wolf. Oh well, it made getting to the violence much easier and she ran forwards once more as her tongue rolled out in a pant due to the heat.​


Rough Landings

Location: Tatooine​
Equipment: Lightsaber

The entire descent to the surface of Tatooine was altogether an unpleasant experience, and simply reinforced to Taiia that next time they were bringing her ship instead of getting a charter. She was less concerned for their well being as her counterpart Redd Redd but her faith in the ship was descending nearly as rapidly as their altitude was, she reached above her head to grab ahold of the bulkhead and steady herself further and kept a close eye on her partner for this mission, she had thus far only been in a couple of training sessions with Redd and truthfully didn't know much about her, but perhaps that would change.​
When they had finally and thankfully landed in one piece it was only to be punctuated by the pilot informing them of the issues with the craft and giving them a shopping list, which Redd took first before handing it rather forcefully to Taiia, she took it without complaint and looked it over quickly. "A new stabilizer and a gravitic sensor, well that accounts for the turbulence in hyperspace and the less than graceful landing" realizing she said that last part in front of the pilot she flushed slightly and quickly added on "Considering the issues, though well done" and that still didn't save it, she quickly exited the shuttle at this point as she mentally kicked herself.​
She glanced over at Redd as she spoke about eating a nice juicy rabbit, interesting choice of words but she shrugged it off. "Mos Eisley is not far from here, should be able to get what we need near the starport there" her own thoughts were interrupted by the sound of blaster fire much like Redd's "Yes we had better check it out, I'm sure none of the masters would be too happy if we simply ignored it no?" she could already feel the twin suns beating down on them and could feel the sand on the wind, hopefully, they were not about to be stranded by one of Tatooine's sandstorms, that would significantly delay Redd's dinner.​
She remembered back to the first time that they had trained together on Geonosis with Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner and glanced back at Redd "Friendly race to town before we get serious?" the young redhead flashed her a wry smile and waited fairly for a positive confirmation before she took off at a sprint toward Mos Eisley.​


Where: Tatooine
Why: Searching for a Star Map Protecting People
Wearing/Wielding: Lightsaber & Robes
When: Almost Mid-Day
With: Redd Redd Taiia Locke Taiia Locke

As Aurelion wove and ducked his way as best he could through the fleeing crowd of people it eventually grew easier and easier to do so until he could finally run in the opposite direction they were fleeing in. Some passerby gawking at what appeared to be just a child running by them but as their eyes inevitably fell on the elegant weapon in his hand they quickly decided to let him handle his own business. As Aurelion moved toward the sound of blaster fire he skidded to a halt when he saw... he saw.... someone burning. While the sight of the dying woman was disgusting enough in and of itself it wasn't just the revulsion that stole Aurelion's attention. Rather it was the fire itself that consumed her. It was dark, black and white fire that flickered and licked over her blistering skin as she screamed and Aurelion had to avert his eye and swallow down bile that threatened to rise up into his throat.

Turning away from the body Aurelion continued at a brisk walk now, his stomach twisting and roiling as he set his mouth in a grimace, now both questioning his decision to deal with such people but also even more determined to stop them. Courage and fear warring in equal measure inside his mind as he began to see blaster fire whizzing and whirring across the streets of the port. A singular figure clad in makeshift robes, his face marred by a dark inky tattoo over one side of his face, brandished a crimson blade. Contemptuously flicking away blaster fire from one side of the street before he extended his hand.... and dark flames leapt from his fingertips.

The man, a Pau'an by the looks of him, cackled and sneered as screamed erupted down the street. The man crying out in emotion-driven exultation "Yes! Bathe in the blessings of the Darkflame FOOLS!" Aurelion grimaced at this and froze in place, his legs and arms shaking in fear as his grip on his Lightsaber tightened. His mouth running dry as the sweat that had earlier been due to the blazing heat of Tatooine was now nothing but a show of fear. As Aurelion took a subconscious step back, even as he chastised himself that defending people was what he was TRAINED to do.... he faltered.

His legs felt like jelly, his eyes stung as he attempted to work up the courage to DO something but.... his teeth chattered as the cold, clenching fist of dread gripped his heart. That man, drabbed in the robes of his cult, then turned his vibrant orange, corruption-ridden eyes to Aurelion and grinned viciously. Sharp teeth a rotted yellow as he stalked forward, eyeing the weapon in Aurelion's hand "Oooh. Well Well, what have we here? Would you like to have a little fun? Jedi? I'm sure the Darkflame would find you an appetizing sacrifice." Aurelion began to panic, fear exploding in his chest as he stared into the eyes of someone with a whole, earnest, honest desire to kill him... and was nothing but afraid.

Raising a clawed, soot-covered hand at Aurelion, who's single eye widened in response, the cultist cackled. "What's the matter Jedi? Scared?" Aurelion then felt a pressure on his mind, like burning, charring tendrils made of soot and ash smash into the cracked, glass fortress that was his mind. He winced, staggering back, and the cultist's smirk only grew more vicious. "Oooh you ARE scared. How delightful.... now... die. Burn in the glory of the Darkflame!" Aurelion gasped as black-white fire spewed forth from the cultist's hand, his training with Juno taking over as he threw himself aside. Rolling away from the burning orb of darkflame that consumed the speeder behind him, causing it to explode and rain burning detritus down around them. The cultist spread his arms in exultation, breathing deeply of the destruction as he sighed. "Ahhh.... perfection."

Aurelion, staggering back to his feet, swallowed thickly and numbly activated his Lightsaber. The blade not triumphantly springing to life in defense of the helpless.... well.... he supposed it was really. As he was about as helpless as a Jedi could be. The cultist rumbled a low chuckle and turned to Aurelion, grinning at him. "Oh so you WILL fight after all. Wonderful. Go on, honor the Darkflame with your struggle as your light is burnt away." The cultist stopped, sweeping an arm to gesture in his direction, leaving himself entirely open as Aurelion gulped. Raising a shaky hand Aurelion tried his best to concentrate but.... the resulting Force Push he mustered was shed by the cultist with little effort. Deflecting the kinetic force away from himself into a nearby stall, causing it to flip and skitter across the sand....


As Taiia and Redd approached the section of the city currently embroiled in this confrontation they would come across five individuals, all marked with the same tattoos as the cultist Aurelion saw, in make-shift armor wielding blaster rifles. One pinned a Twilek man down before pumping three blaster bolts into his chest, killing him, another was busy setting up a blaster turret emplacement facing down the street Redd and taiia came from though it didn't seem operational yet. The other three keeping watch noted the approach of Redd and Taiia and, raising their blasters, two began to open fire at them while the third drew a Sonic Detonator from their belt and drew it back to throw.


Race Inconclusive

Location: Tatooine​
Equipment: Lightsaber
Redd and Taiia did indeed race across the scorching sand both running neck and neck with redd taking the lead several times but Taiia was not above using the force to augment her speed to get ahead of the Lupine though if the race had continued Taiia would most definitely have lost but in this particular case fate had intervened a sense of danger flooded her mind as she sensed a growing darkness on the horizon she spared a glance to Redd Redd knowing she probably smelt it before she could even sense it through the force. "Trouble, get ready for a fight!"
While the intent to race against Redd had been suggested as a bit of fun between squires, that suddenly shifted when she felt a dark presence, even before the first shot was fired or blaster was raised, her lightsabers flew to both hands and ignited at once she deflected each shot back to the respective rifles that fired them her legs moving quickly with decades of training and ability kicking in through muscle memory she used the force to augment her speed and lept threw the air throwing one lightsaber at the man reading to throw a detonator, but before her feet would hit the ground she brought her other saber down in a sweeping arc meaning to separate another of the cultists head from his body.​
When she finally landed on the ground she spun in place and dropped into the stance for Soresu, immediately going to a defensive stance as her other saber flew back to her hand and both blades were spun in not only defiance but a taunt. "You picked a bad day to attack this settlement." the emerald eyes of the redhead narrowed sharply as if daring anyone still alive to come at her.​




The red wolf was used to scaring people in wolf form. Although, she always forgot when she was human that some people were not used to the actual shift. That not everyone realized that she was a lupine; a human who could transform into a wolf. Everyone had different reactions and she couldn’t remember if she had shifted in front of her companion before but as they ran, Redd ran with a casualty of it in an attempt to keep up the charade of actually trying to outpace the woman. From time to time, when Taiia fell back as the wolf kept to the easy lope, she felt the force gather only to be expunged into Taiia’s speed that caught up with her. The red wolf could run all day, she had stamina in spades and it was one of the things that she was very, very good at doing.

That was when Taiia mentioned trouble and her tongue licked her muzzle in anticipation of the potential fight ahead. Color her red, but she was definitely keen on ripping out a few throats, if only to make this trip somewhat worthwhile. She could only taste the blood that would coat her tongue and she could almost hear the screams. Well, she could already hear screams, screams of the citizens running away from the scene of the fighting and the screams of those that cried wolf. Well, a wolf in a desert was most definitely something that wasn’t an everyday occurrence. At least not from her experience. It wasn’t until recently that she herself had begun to meet other lupines.

Redd adjusted her position so then her lupine form was behind Taiia when she began to deflect the blaster rounds fired by the five that blocked their current path. Three in front and the two in the back with the turret. However, as they neared the barricade, Redd peeled out from behind Taiia and her paws dashed left to right, only for her back paws to take her full weight and to shove her red form forwards into a leap. Her white teeth sank into skin, muscle and flesh while blood splattered freely upon her tongue. The wolf’s back claws were brought up as the body of her prey fell back with her weight attached to it and her back claws attempted to rip into their stomach. Instead the tips of her claws gripped onto the tiny crevices in the armour; that was until they glanced over the Numatra Snakehide. Then they sank through the material, shredding it so then her claws could sink through material and skin.

Shaking her head from side to side, while Taiia beheaded another cultist’s head, Redd pulled her head back taking some part of her cultist’s throat with her. The body spasmed underneath her as she ducked her head to avoid the blaster bullets being fired once more at them from the turret in the back. Spitting out the chunk of throat that she had ripped from the dead guy under her paws, the wolf drew the fire of the turret as she began to race forwards once more. To drew the fire of the turret to her instead of Taiia. The bullets pinged at the ground at her paws but she weaved from one side to the next and she paused only long enough when she changed direction from right to left, to leap over the stream of blaster fire and continued to run forwards.

When her golden eyes noted the bunching muscles of her opponent's arms who operated the turret as if he was about to anticipate her jump, she instead ducked under the stream of blaster rounds as it was aimed upwards. Gaining the ground necessary, the wolf feigned to the left and as the line of fire was drawn that way she instead darted to the right, and jumped over the turret. With a snarl, her jaws sank into the man’s throat as he screamed. Her front paws shoved against the man’s chest with the momentum of the jump, while her hind claws clawed at the man’s armour and chest cavity. As the body fell, the wolf lifted her bloody muzzle from her recent kill and golden eyes shifted to the one left alive. The spray of blood from the throats that she had just mauled, had coated the fur of her chest in dark crimson liquid, which created a fearful image to behold. Her ears pressed back against her skull as she drew the last man’s attention towards herself, almost as if she was distracting him. Distracting him from what, the wolf would never tell.​


Where: Tatooine - Mos Eisley
Why: Protecting... himself
Wearing/Wielding: Fate & Robes
When: Mid-Day
With: Taiia Locke Taiia Locke Redd Redd

As the stall finished skittering and flipping across the sand the cultists smirked mockingly at the young Jedi, his own blood-red blade dragging lazily along the ground as he stalked toward Aurelion. The red blade leaving a molten trail of melted sand behind the cultist as Aurelion held his blade before himself defensively, swallowing thickly as he adopted a Shii-Cho stance. Knowing that this was not what the form was designed for, even so, Aurelion had at least some training in it and despite the terror gripping his heart he didn't want to die alone like this. Not now, not ever. But, even more than his fear of death, he.... didn't want to let Juno down and he didn't want Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan to lose him. He just became part of a family that cared, he didn't want to lose it.

The cultist, now standing before Aurelion, gave a low chuckle before calmly slashing for Aurelion's left arm, which he blocked with a slightly clumsy motion. Extending his blade a bit too far forward but the cultist didn't seem too keen on capitalizing. He was, after all, simply playing with his food. Aurelion hopped back quickly and the cultist allowed this, smirking, before he cooed to Aurelion in a low, amused chuckle "Go ahead, boy, strike at me. Do your worst." Aurelion froze, for a brief moment, and then swung straight for the cultist's neck.

The cultist enhanced himself with the Force, moving faster than Aurelion could track, and flicked his amethyst blade from his hands. Causing it to fly well beyond the cultist himself and out of Aurelion grip before the cultist's free hand was brought back to smack Aurelion across the face with Force-enhanced strength. Sending him tumbling back with a busted lip and ringing ears, coughing and wincing in pain as he began to pant heavily, horrible memories of similar treatment making his entire body seize up as the cultist gave a disappointed tsk. "Such a disappointment. Oh well..... may the Darkflame accept your cowardice more than I."

As the cultist approached Aurelion, free hand alighting with black and white fire, Aurelion's eye widened in terror as the cultist began to form a ball of flame to immolate him with. Aurelion couldn't.... do anything. He was so disoriented, so terrified, with his heart hammering in his chest, that he could not even properly harness the Force itself. All he could do was close his eye... and wait for the heavy sound of a slumping body to reach his ears. Wait... slumping body? Aurelion cautiously opened his eye, only to jump in shock as his ignited Lightsaber landed beside him. Burning and melting the sand beside him as it had flown to his side of it's volition. An act whicih, as Aurelion looked over to the now dead cultist, had caused it to puncture straight through his chest to reach Aurelion.

Aurelion gasped, panted, sweat and then..... passed out. Barely having enough sense to turn his Lightsaber off as he lay there, still breathing, as the semi-sentient blade rolled over to place itself back in Aurelion's palm.


As the two Knights Obsidian made short work of the foes that dared stand before them the last remaining cultist, hands now shaking with trepidation at the large pupper of death that stared her down, hesitantly offered "Uuhhh nice doggy? Good doggy? Does someone wanna go for walkies? Maybe.... somewhere else besides here?" The nervousness in their voice was evident and, not even waiting for any sort of response, they dropped their weapon and began to run. Not wanting ANYTHING to do with the trouble that had just rolled up onto their doorstep.

Instead the cultist trooper would find themselves hoisted off their feet by another of the cult's force-wielders, who broke their neck with a flick of their wrist and threw their body aside. This one was a Rodian, surprisingly large for a Rodian in fact, with a wide frame and wielding twin Lightsabers that crackled and spew sparks, showcasing their volatile construction. The Rodian would pause a moment as they approached Redd and Taiia, before glancing at the two cult members at their flanks and commenting "Jhorvus has fallen.... killed by a Jedi it feels..... go deal with this. I'll handle....." The Rodian turned it's eyes back to Redd and Taiia, before launching a potent Force Push at the lupine ".... the mutt"

Race Inconclusive

Location: Tatooine​
Equipment: Lightsaber
Taiia did not have the time to observe the kills that Redd made, but the sounds that filled her ears were enough, including the sheer terror the men felt as they died, she shook the sensations from her mind and refocused quickly as the Rodian bore down on them wielding dual lightsabers, she would simply put herself between the Rodian and Redd as she raised her sabers in the stance for Jar-Kai, the silver blades shone brightly as she lifted them high into the air in a threatening posture, her eyes sharp and focused a deadly seriousness Redd would likely have never seen.​
"Redd, go deal with the other one. I will handle this." she kicked off the ground a moment later sending sand flying in every direction from the sudden burst of force energy as she brought both sabers down on the rodian in a force powered jump and propelled her and her blades to crash into the rodians own sabers with a brutal force that if nothing else would stagger the rodian to allow Redd to outmanuver him and get away.​
The moment her feet touched the ground however she would leap back into an attack stance prepared to strike again but well outside of arms length, lightsabers once again raising to challenge the rodian, twirling in her hands in taunt as a smile touched her lips, emerald eyes narrowing again daring him to come at her.​



Golden eyes watched the woman as she spoke and a snarl simply wormed its way up as the female referred to the wolf as if Redd was a simple dog that needed a walk. Did she look like she needed some pathetic human to look after her? Yet, she could smell the nervousness that her very presence struck within the last one that was still alive. Could hear it in the human’s voice and although it was sometimes isolating, she felt proud at the fact that she was feared by those who did not know her. Why would a wolf feel any different? For it meant that they were the dominant one of the species. The unpredictable one and it had always given her the edge, the upper hand. For once fear settles into an opponent, their brain didn’t function like one who lacked the fear of fear.

The wolf could smell the fear that permeated from the woman and could almost taste the sweat that beaded and rolled down her forehead. However, before she could lunge at her prey, Redd felt the force shift as the woman before the wolf was pulled into the air and the wolf heard the snap of the neck clear as day. Golden eyes shifted while the body dropped to view the newcomers and she bared her teeth at the male who approached with two other cultists behind him. Who was this man and why did he think that he was any match for the wolf and her companion, Taiia? She questioned to herself as she heard the man address the two of his companions. He was going to fight them alone? With no backup?

Redd could almost laugh as both of her ears perked forwards just as she felt the force that was suddenly shoved. It was an unexpected attack, one made at a distance and she felt it slam into her red form to send her flying back down the street. Her claws dug into the sand to try and gain a purchase upon the ground, but it wasn’t like a normal planet with grass and root to hold the soil together and compact it so then it wouldn't shift. Sand was completely different. It was always shifting, changing. Moving. So even though she tried, it shifted through her claws and no purchase could be found. Finally the momentum of the push gave away and the wolf rolled to a stop. The wolf felt angry. Especially considering the man had called her a mutt.

It was down right insulting. Why did people have to lump wolves in with the common domesticated dog. Always jumping at their master’s command and no matter what, just kept doing the same things over and over again. It was just mindless and this wolf had a mind of her own. She lurched to her paws and snarled her frustration. Except Taiia had taken a position between her and the Rodian. Redd wanted her pound of flesh, but Taiia had already called the kill with her words. Upon watching Taiia cross her lightsaber with the Rodian’s, the wolf wasted no time. Quick paws found themselves back into a quick rhythm that carried her forwards and around Taiia and her opponent. There was no way that the enemy was going to outrun the wolf. She had the gift of racial speed upon her side.

With swift movements, she leapt and her front paws slammed into the back of the man, while her powerful jaws found the man’s throat. Screams gargled past bloodied lips as he fell and her golden eyes were already moving towards her next opponent while her paws already shoved the wolf's red body away from the dead man and propelled her towards the next soon to be dead man. The cultist raised their weapon but her jaws snapped to their wrist that held the weapon and clamped down. A snap fell upon her ears as she twisted her head sharply to one side, while screams of pain soon followed the breaking of his wrist. The man dropped to his knees in pain, only to realise his mistake far too late. Sharp teeth ripped through his jugular and tore it out. Blood spurted across her face and chest as she released the section of throat that she had torn out.

Even while coated in the blood of her enemies, she noticed something, another scent and an ear flickered towards it, but paused to look back towards Taiia. She had to trust in her companion, trust that she could handle herself. So, Redd began to track the scent. Right up to a boy that laid in the sand. A bloodied nose was shoved into his face and her tongue licked his cheek as she tried to wake him.​


Where: Tatooine
Why: New friends in new places?
Wearing/Wielding: Fate & Robes
When: Mid-Day
With: Taiia Locke Taiia Locke Redd Redd

As Aurelion coughed and lazily raised a hand toward the feeling on his cheek the... wet sensation? He groaned weakly and turned his head, his other hand tightening around his lightsaber as he slowly blinked his eyes open. Hearing the sound of huffing and sniffing against his face and, after squirming in place uncomfortably, he blearily blinked his eye open and was more than a little shocked to see.... a dog? Licking and sniffing at him as he smiled softly, the hand that had been briefly trying to wave the... bloody red wolf away froze for a moment. Only for him to gently scratch the creature behind the ears. "Oh... hello there. Umm..... good uhh... good girl?" Aurelion would sit up and hug the animal around the neck gently, putting his lightsaber on his belt, before looking around before noting the blood on the wolf's coat. "I guess you umm... you've been busy too huh?"

Aurelion weakly stood and panted softly, his legs shaking as he looked at the deceased body of the cultist that.... his lightsaber had slain? He didn't know how else to phrase it. Glancing from the bloody wolf to the wreckage around Aurelion staggered as he felt the Force reverberate with the conflict happening just down the street. Steeling himself as best he could, Aurelion faltered, almost falling, before he coughed and covered his mouth. Looking down at Redd, still unknowing she was sentient, he pet her weakly before nodding down the street Redd had just come from. "C-Come on girl.... we should.... should go help." Without waiting Aurelion staggered in that direction, intent on going to help whoever was also dealing with these maniacs.


As Taiia told Redd to go around him the Rodian scoffed and brandished his spark-spewing blades at the very moment Taiia kicked off the ground, launching herself into the air, before bringing down a crashing blow that the large Rodian met with his own sabers. The blow did indeed stagger the large Rodian, who dropped to a knee under the weight of Taiia's assault, but the motion was measured as the Rodian flung pivoted his hips, attempting to shift the weight of Taiia's blow past himself to shove her away. Though he was obviously skilled he was no master, and if the attempted counter did not work the Rodian's immediate response would be a wild, powerful horizontal chop at wherever Taiia's body ended up.


Location: Tatooine​
Equipment: Lightsaber
The force of her sabers crashing against the Rodian's was intended to be strong, as strong as perhaps she could manage but not to overwhelm, her skill in combat was not strength but speed and adaptability as the rodian would quickly find out as he sought to user her momentum and force against her and shove her away he inturn was met with her pushing off his sabers toward the ground hard it would be a very vulnerable position for her true, but as his momentum was carrying him to the side as he sought to throw her off, the disorientation would buy her precious time, she quickly inverted the hilts in her hand before using the force to launcher herself into the air toward the rodian.​
The main thrust of the move would not be the fact she was lunging at him rather the fact she had applied a minor spin to her footwork and as she flew at him one lightsaber sliced with the spin towards his gut threatening to cleave him into but as she finished her spin the realy threat would be made manifest as the other blade came around seeking to sever the rodian's head from his body. All of this of course put her at a mild risk but Taiia was always willing to gamble when it came to lightsabers because it usually turned out in her favor since it was unorthodox.​



Tags: Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova | Taiia Locke Taiia Locke

Redd could hear the moment that he began to wake as she flicked an ear back and listened to his heart as it picked up in its rhythmic beat right before his lungs exhaled quickly in a cough. She was about to pull her head back, now that she had been satisfied that the boy was awake, when she froze as she realised that it could very easily look as if a wolf was eating a boy. A boy whose hand had lifted, just when a groan rumbled from the boy. A boy, of whom that the red wolf had no notion as to his identity. He just looked different to everyone else that currently occupied the area. A boy, whose heart skipped a beat as his blue eyes open to peer into golden ones.

Fear? Shock? Whatever it was, Redd was more than ready to react if she needed to. Instead, she watched the smile curve his lips and she pushed her ears back as the boy began to pat her like a regular dog. Why people reacted in one way or another, amazed her and she had to resist sinking her teeth into the offending hand. At least, he is alive, she thought to herself while exercising restraint in every which way. Restraint which saw her to glare at the boy as he continued to speak to her as if she was a regular dog that he felt was his right to wrap his arms around in a hug.

The Lupine’s jaw tightened and felt the overwhelming urge to bite the offending boy, but she promptly reminded herself that the boy had no sense of danger and that he did seem to be the boy that the Rodian wanted dead. So if anything, by her not killing the boy, the red wolf was denying the Rodian the satisfaction of his death. However, Redd did wonder why she didn’t just say to hell with it and killed the boy anyway. Especially considering he had gotten into a fight that he clearly couldn’t handle on his own. Again, she chalked it up to the fact that he greatly underestimated the threat he was currently facing and she began to wonder about why she didn’t just let Mother Nature take its course. In the fighting ring and even in the wild, the stupid would always have a shortened life span due to not erring on the side of caution.

How this boy was still alive, baffled the wolf, but the boy was soon moving to stand and she listened as his lungs laboured to maintain oxygen levels, while his legs did not seem stable at all. Yet he was foolish all the same as he spoke again and mentioned about going to help. Redd lowered her head as she huffed, which sent grains of sand scattering with the force of her breath. For some reason, the kid had a death wish and for some other reason, that’s how the Rodian’s wanted it. Her companion was fighting the large Rodian and the boy would only get in the way if he even attempted to help in his current condition. He might even cause her companion to fall and she couldn’t have that.

So a snarl warned the boy of the large wolf’s approach as she ran to block his path. Strong jaws reached out slowly so then he knew that she meant him no harm and lightly took hold of his wrist. Once she had done that, she pulled his hand close as she turned her head so that his hand could grab a hold of the fur upon her back. Redd then let go of his hand so she could use her black nose to nuzzle him closer, almost as if she was trying to tell him to jump onto her back. If he was safely upon it, she could see to it that he didn’t create any future problems and even maybe see to it that he survived long enough so she could berate him later for his recklessness.​


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