Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So im sitting here in my tent..well laying and i see a bear rummaging around near my campsite(Moons bright) and as i'm trying not to shit myself a thought occurs to me. I would like the Sith to cause more fear.

To accomplish this, i propose a kind of...Campaign of Terror. Now i don't mean that in the normal sense of SWRP. What im thinking is a series of open threads(Not Invasion or dominions) Where the Sith attack worlds with various acts of terrorism, killing, etc... Now some of you might be saying "But Moridin, haven't you been trying to paint an image that the Sith Empire is actually really awesome for civilians and not a horrible place to live as other Sith Empires have been?"

Why yes my children, i have. So why do this then? Well its quite simple, i think of us as the mafia. Were going to show the galaxy just how bad it is to live outside of

Thoughts? Comments? Questions? Concerns?

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Yeah - Mon Cal to bring the Amphi-Hydrus mindwalkers to heel, Gand for the Findsmen, Tund fo the Sorcerors, Honoghr for the Noghri, then Hutt Space. :D

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
For sure. *nods* Also, I totally picked those worlds for single-square 'easy' progression, making a mobile front. one additional Dominion would give us all of the Tion Cluster
Aye i was thinking about that too. Also if we finish the Mandalorians and beat them off of Junction we need to compound on that momentum and take Mandalore.

On that note, i need to go to sleep as i have a mountain to climb down tomorrow morning, will check in periodically as i descend.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Perfect. Mon Cal is moving along pretty well, so either jump in on that to help finish up, or jump in when we move to Gand. Either way, awesome.

Reyven Samoth

Grand Lord of the Tribe
How fortunate it is for you that you happen to have someone who could produce additional Dread Masters for just such a campaign!

...Also, bears are awesome. Do not fear them. Get a saddle and ride.

Nisha Decrilla

Oh joys, Kaine is coming to play with me and Ashin....unless of course the emperor has a job for his hand?
Here's a plan I gave to Radon;

Message the Jedi that if they do not kill all of their Jedi Masters or surrender them to the Sith to be corrupted by the Dark Side, the Sith will destroy six random Republic Worlds.

Make it a public message, so that when they don't, and six worlds fall, the blood will be on the Jedi's hands in the eyes of the people, not the Sith.
Random Padawan kidnappings and forceful corruptions? Or perhaps go the way of anicent Sith Alchemists and develop a plague to corrupt Jedi on mass? Personally classic, Jedi Temple raids are awesome too.

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