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Be It Ever So Humble [Tion]


"Wonderful place, Balmorra. These people understand progress. They make some of the finest and most ingenious weapons in the galaxy. Who wouldn't want that kind of expertise? Who wouldn't want that kind of entrenchment in the markets of the Core? Me, I love Balmorra. I've walked out and about, seen a thriving ecosystem in centuries of blast craters. Research. Excellence."

The Lethewalker, Rave's frigate, hovered above a beautiful Balmorran landscape. Other Tion leaders were welcome aboard, and Balmorran leaders as well. The investment crew was here in force. The Lethewalker's observation deck, though small, held a really excellent buffet.

The long Coreward march had begun at last.

[member="Darth Janus"] [member="Jared Ovmar"] [member="Danger Arceneau"] [member="Marek Starchaser"]
[member="Rave Merrill"]

Danger's lips would curl into a wide grin, "Mmm... I like the way you think, Miz Merrill," she'd grant a toast, lifting her glass of wine. Why was there wine? Well because Arceneau made sure this little Tion circle had plenty to drink whenever they had these little business meetings.

"Balmorra is an excellent choice... not to mention, beyond the arms production facilities.. there are far more.. interesting little details we can use to our advantage." the colicodes were of interest in the planet. So that would be a venue to investigate.

Not to mention, word had it that the remnants of a far more darker presence would linger within the planet from the past as well.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Balmorra. Marek was going to Balmorra, apparently. It could be worse. He wasn't sure what the world was good for, but [member="Rave Merrill"] had called him there. That meant it was another summit. And those were always fun. He had taken the Flow, his Santhe Challenger, to meet the Lethewalker, all the while, working on drawing up designs. With Bright Star working within the Neuro-Saav Corporation, Marek was looking at what he did best, new ideas.

He had started with Haor Chall, created a mining company and sold them both to Santhe and Neuro-Saav respectively. While he was working on the board with each, he had an idea for the former. Bringing it into the engery game. Entertainment and energy were two markets that made a good deal of sense to work in.

Using the minds from STEB and Balmorra, he could do a lot of damage with creating companies and new ideas. And making it so they got in the right hands to truly flourish. “Its got the appeal we need.” Marek said, a rocks glass of Whyren's in his hand.

Advertising much, Marek?
[member="Rave Merrill"] | [member="Danger Arceneau"] | [member="Marek Starchaser"]

The Balmorrans liked their battle droids. They certainly weren't as good as Hegemonic Automaton's (nobody's were, but this was just Tyrin's opinion on the matter, to be clear), but they wouldn't be buying anything from the Talos Series any time soon. No, they didn't want for foreign combat droid models. Not when they made their own so close to home. This distinct martial focus left a deficit Darth Janus intended to fill. A deficit of labor and medical droids was a terrible woe on any society. The poor souls of Balmorra had lamented without steady supply of these things for too long. It was time to fix them.

Equipped with a ring that hid his tangible Dark Side presence in the Force, since Rave could make these things like cupcakes and there was hardly any reason for him to not have one, Janus milled about the bridge. He hadn't intended to come to the Core or Republic space just yet, but there was no harm in scouting the market. At some point he would have to see about setting up a distribution center in Republic space. Perhaps two, given the awkward, tendril-y shape of the country. Smaller, preemptive deals could pave the way to something greater.

"I'd urge caution. I wouldn't invest too much into this or any other core world. The threat of them being captured by the One Sith and subsequently isolated from the rest of the galactic market seems too great."
[member="Darth Janus"] [member="Marek Starchaser"] [member="Rave Merrill"]

"A fine point," Danger would say, giving a nod. "We should certainly use caution... but at the very least expanding into setting small distribution centers and warehouses would be good for business..." a wry smile would curve over her lips.

"The more we appear as the venue of hope within a bleak galaxy, the more they will see us as a provider of good will. It certainly doesn't harm ups to get a bit of positive PR."
@Danger Arceneau [member="Darth Janus"] [member="Marek Starchaser"] [member="Rave Merrill"]

Well, things certainly were not going to get moving with them just standing here twiddling fingers. Danger would give a nod.

"I'll get my folks from Browncoat to get a good scout of the planet. Mara Tibx associates can get us some geographical surveys..." she would bring out her datapad to make more notes.

Haven shipyards would be good in terms of selling their wares here for the local resistance. PR was PR, and she wasn't above making herself look good for a few less credits. This is also known as Drunkenwell Charity auction.
[member="Gerion Ardik"] [member="Marek Starchaser"]

With that, Danger had a plan.

Browncoat began the initial scouting Balmorra to go over the current production facilities there. Geographical surveyors of Mara TibX would start moving to determine the current ores and mining operations.

Haven Shipyard representatives would land at Bug Town. There, they would move to open up a small distribution center to provide access to selling their starships.

Meanwhile, Danger would make her way over towards discussing with the local government just how ATC could help them combat the Collicoid infestation.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Danger had her fingers in absolutely everything. And that was something that Marek truly respected. It was why he opted to work with her so much, and kind of did his best to make it so he wasn’t just ‘another Force user.’ He had made some efforts to secure some planetary research teams, to help with galactic exploration and surveying, then let the rest of the businesses take to the digging, and skim at least five percent from the worlds they found.

Balmorra wasn’t going to be a home, but it could be a small endeavor. A place to set up a shop for gaming and reap the benefits of the Core. With the One Sith doing their best to power through the galaxy, Marek was… skeptical, but he honestly didn’t mind that group of Force users. Sure they were fanatics, but they were honest fanatics.

His goal was to catch up to [member="Danger Arceneau"] with how much he was known in the galaxy, though, he was selling a completely different enterprise from her. And that was fine, they could work together, and did have a few contracts going on, allowing Bright Star to tag along with ATC, and giving ATC all the supply jobs for the various liners.

Plus rescue.
There were some interesting things to be found with the Collicoid infestation. Bugtown, formerly known as the Farnel Research Facility or Lab 352, was a genetic research facility located in the Broken Valley on the planet Balmorra, next toLake Farnell. Prior to the Great Galactic War, the facility focused on experimenting with Colicoid DNA donated by the Colicoid Creation Nest, and they created mutated Colicoids that were to be weaponized. However, the Sith Empire bombarded much of Balmorra during the war, and the Colicoids were freed in the chaos.

The insectoid aliens quickly overran the facility, killing all of the staff and transforming most of the buildings into nests. The area became known as "Bugtown" due to the Colicoid infestation, which gradually spread to other areas of Balmorra.

The current Collicoid infestation would have remnants of those genetic experiments; experiments whose study, notes, and even specimens would be interesting to collect. With Arceneau Trade security ensuring the security of the local area, the teams would soon find themselves facing and with Hegemonic droids, subduing the Collicoid mutants.
The Colicoids were not the only interesting thing on Balmorra. No, there were other far more interesting ventures. One thing for example, was Balmorran Arms. Not the company in it of itself, but the technology of such planetary defenses such as ground-based turbolasers.

Centuries past, Balmorra had become an Imperial Fortress world. It had remained under Imperial control until at least 6 ABY. Years later, when the planet was liberated by the New Republic, it remained independent for years. Some other interesting technology would be in the form of the SD-10 battle droids. Oh, Danger had no use for the droids, but she was keen on the laser-reflective armor they had. This was a type of armor that was designed to deflect blaster bolts. Using this technology, perhaps Browncoat Arms would be able to design a new functional armor for their patrons.

Scouts would be sent to salvage as many of the SD-10 battles droids as possible. From there, research and development would be able to conduct the first steps to reverse engineering.

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