Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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BE-183 "Bee"


Name: Unknown

Designation: BE-183, "Bee"

Faction: The First Order Remnant

Rank: Sergeant

Species: Human

Age: 25

Sex: Female

Height: 6' (1.83 m)

Weight: ~200 lbs (90.72 kg)

Eyes: Green

Hair: Brown

Skin: White

Force Sensitive: Yes (Unaware / Weak)

Strengths and Weaknesses
+ Infantry: 183's conditioning was comprehensive and thorough. She has a wealth of experience in the Corps.
+ Fitness: 183 maintains excellent strength and endurance with rigorous training. Gotta pass PFT.
+ Tight groups: 183's performance with blasters is swift and precise, such is the baseline for the Retribution Corps.
+ Close quarters: 183 is ruthless and brutal in hand to hand combat, with exceptionally quick reflexes.
+ Stormsurgeon: 183 performs field medical procedures with eminent skill and awareness, which might also be used to harm.
+ Tactical: 183 is versed in military strategy, works well in a unit and uses shrewd problem-solving and environmental improvisation to gain the upper hand.

= Stubborn: 183's inflexibility emerges under pressure. Determination is a desirable trait, but may become restrictive and unpredictable in excess.

- Only human: The Corps, though a force to be reckoned with, are normal human beings with all the associated flaws and limitations.
- Laws of aviation: 183 is infantry though also trained to handle ground vehicles, but if it flies it's a zoomie job.
- Shell shock: 183 is haunted by the First Order's collapse. The trauma of those days is still fresh in her mind.
- Jane Wayne: 183 is inclined to romanticise bravado and heroics, sometimes failing to account for consequences.
- Tasty crayons: 183 was programmed to be a soldier, she was given basic schooling but is otherwise unintelligent.
- Withdrawn: 183 is easily confounded by complex interpersonal matters. Besides others in the Corps, she has tenuous few connections.

Appearance: 183 is built like a bear; imposing and athletic, fitting for the legendary Stormtroopers of the First Order. With all the time she spends in the gym, she's got the brawn to show for it. Her overall look is rugged, robust and handsome with a hint of femininity. Under the helmet hides a squared jawline, strong chin, straight nose and slightly upturned green eyes under striking dark brows. Short, smart brown hair presents professional confidence. Like many seasoned warriors her skin is mottled with a good handful of battle scars, each telling their own tale; such as the dark line tracing her right hand from a dreadguard's blade, and the pair of intersecting shrapnel marks on the side of her forehead. In full gear you couldn't tell her apart from any other trooper, besides the black pauldron she sometimes wears on her right shoulder to denote her rank.

Biography: 183 is more or less your standard, by the book, rank and file NCO. Contrary to popular opinion amongst the First Order's enemies, she's still an individual; after all, there's a story behind each of those stark white helmets. Her upbringing has largely dictated her worldview. Her core beliefs revolve around establishing peace, order and prosperity, albeit through the use of force and control, and she measures a person's worth in their grit and strength of will. The extent of her life experience lies in the military, which has left her bereft of the social capital to handle most civil situations, likely appearing to lack grace or courtesy to more well-adjusted perspectives. In the downtime between missions she might train, run simulations, and hit up the gym or the mess hall, dismissing most other diversions as a waste of time at least until the R&R passes come through. She'll get fired up at the hint of competition, particularly for a round of sparring, which she considers the best way to blow off steam.

When it comes to combat deployments, 183 is a formidable, elite war dog willing to do whatever it takes to seize victory. A life spent in service produced her very particular set of skills; be it small arms, fieldcraft, camouflage & concealment, first aid, survival, drill, hand signals, military communications, etc. Although all in the Corps technically start as riflemen, they can earn specialist training in whichever field they show promise. In 183's case she became a stormsurgeon, adept at rescuing, stabilising and healing the wounded on the battlefield.

She is a Force Sensitive, though as a child she was weak enough in this area to slip through the cracks of the nascent recruitment system. To be fair it's a small, latent signature which was probably never identified. Being entirely untrained, it doesn't really do much; although she occasionally gets the odd fever dream, strange vibes from certain people or a small boost to acuity in stressful situations.

Background: 183 was adopted from a fringe colony, taken from squalor into the prototype legion of the First Order; and that's all she knows about where she came from. She has no idea who her real parents were, but this never bothered her. Growing up, she had role models in the NCOs and family in her comrades. Her time with the military literally goes back as long as she can remember. Before the faction was known to the galaxy, the Supreme Leader covertly gathered forces to prepare for the transition of power. She was was one of the few taken at a young age to fill the initial ranks of the Corps, indoctrinated to serve the regime much like their predecessors.

BE - "Before Empire". Officially, 183 didn't exist until the formal inception of the new First Order, when she received documentation, rank and the title of Stormtrooper. In order to take over such a large swathe of the outer rim, the new faction had conditioned its shock troops into ruthless, lethal killing machines, putting them through intense, relentless training with live-fire exercises and full-contact sparring. Boot camp was especially harsh, but necessarily so. When you've already been through hell it puts things into perspective, and everything else seems a lot easier.
The Battle of Kaeshana - 183's first real battle was on the ravaged homeworld of the Eldorai. When the First Order's aid mission came under fire, the conflict escalated into a great clash with Galactic Alliance forces and other factions with a vested interest in suppressing imperial influence. Bee went planetside with a knight of Ren, but was quickly left alone and unprepared. Notably, in the ensuing battle she took command of a platoon, witnessed an FO star destroyer go down and engaged a dreadguard supersoldier hand-to-hand, buying time for her troops to retreat. Somehow, she survived the crucible of Kaeshana, emerging battle-hardened and ready for whatever the next conflict would throw at her.
Standard Gear:
F-11E Blaster Rifle
SE-44F Blaster Pistol
Reflec-coated Vibroknives × 5 (custom karambit, besh-wedge, large tanto, serrated tanto and fixed blade)
'Rupture' Knuckle-Plate Vibroblade
Baradium-Core Thermal Detonator
Medpac / Medkit
FO-02 Stormtrooper Armour

Ship: First Order naval vessels.

Role-plays: (Thread name - Location; Description)
Casus Belli - Kaeshana; Rebellion. The First Order faces off with the Galactic Alliance on a planet in ruins.
So Uncivilised - Korbin; Dominion. First Order forces aim to take down a spice lord operating out of the kyrf plantations.
Tight Confines - Bakura space; Faction. A destroyer's crew are stuck in an escape pod after their ship is destroyed during the Ssi-ruuk invasion.
Hunt for Spies - Zakuul; Faction. The Retribution Corps conduct reconnaissance operations on the new 'Eternal' Empire.
Battle of H'ratth - H'ratth; Skirmish. The Retribution Corps joins a Mandalorian raid on H'ratth's Jedi academy.
Safe to Say - Pa'Desh; Faction. A volunteer group plots a mission to access Dosuun's contingency vaults.
Subversion of Bakura - Bakura; Public. The Corporate Protectorate plots and fails to take Bakura. First Order relations remain positive.
Strike of Eternity - Pa'Desh; Skirmish. The new Eternal Empire attack a refugee camp in retaliation for the First Order's schemes.
Night Beneath the Stars - Pa'Desh; Faction. A platoon of Stormtroopers head out on a simple exercise in the jungle.

Chaos: Faction page / promotion tracker / military assets / retribution corps
Wiki: The First Order / military / stormtroopers / navy / bureau / insignia
Playlist: Spotify

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