Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Baying At The Harvest Moon [Yula]

Yula fell silent, listening intently as first Théo, then Vik relayed the tale of Velkar. It sounded like a fable from an old collection of stories, something passed down between so many generations that the story became distorted and difficult to tell from the original. Creating myths were not uncommon on any given world. That was all well and good, but to hear that something like that is true? She had her doubts, but the ambiance around them was deathly serious.

Until now she’d remained close to the fire, trying to wrap her head around what was going on until Vik addressed her. Turning slowly on her heel, she brought her body to face him partially, eyes earnest as he spoke. When he reached for her hand she paused before her fingers instinctively curled around his own. Even without concentrating her empathetic abilities, she could feel his anxiety and…inklings of pride? It was a strange combination, but this was a strange situation. Yula didn’t understand what it meant to be a God, much less the child of one.

“I’m not upset with you. I’m just having trouble taking this all in…and believing that it’s true to be honest.” She gave him a small smile, tired and distracted but it was still there. “There probably wouldn’t ever be a right time to tell me this, especially given that I’m not familiar with the Midvinter Gods.” She squeezed his hand. “And don’t you think for a second that I’m going to judge you over something your father did. You are not him.”

Did being with Vik mean potentially putting herself in danger? It was possible, but given that Yula had chosen to be a smuggler…she wasn’t too good at staying out of danger.

As Vik prompted Théo, she too turned her focus towards him. The young Zeltron was eager to hear more, curiosity growing.

[member="Vik Velkarson"] - [member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
There was no point in trying to second guess what would happen to Vik if the Valkyri discovered he was the son of one of their gods, least of all the one they feared the most although with recent events of the battle, that may have changed considering what the hag was capable of. At least one knew what to expect with her, with Velkar there was no trust, as meek as a lamb one moment, as traitorous as a serpent the next. Moreover, Velkar's method of 'getting his point across', is questionable to say the least, ruthless was probably a better word. As Théo watched the couple interact, his mind went back to the start of the battle, it was not a place in which he wanted to go or relive, so many lives had been extinguished that day, and to this day, you could still feel the gaping void of souls lost through the force.

And the amount of blood on the snow, was something he would never forget.

No, Vik was not his father, but what was he? There was something of Velkar in him, but no real malice or a want to do evil, Théo put that down to the Aelvar heritage in the boy. Besides, Théo had the feeling that Vik did not know himself, so time will reveal that in due course.

"In the Northmark..", why did it have to be the Northmark, "When night falls, the northern lights appear. They are a shift dark green and blanket the night sky". He looked to Yula before to Vik. The Northern lights the same colour as the boy's eyes, Velkar's eyes. "That was the first sign that something was wrong, that something was about to happen. It was .. it was Velkar's message a warning to the Valkyri and Midvinter, but at the time it was not understood".

Théo walked to the table and reached for a luke warm tankard of mead and took a hefty mouthful. "The gods of Midvinter don't normally appear before the people. But they do have a more guiding influence on your destiny, here than in the galaxy", he recalled many unexplained events in his childhood that now was clearer to him, but this Velkar was different, he actively moved the history of peoples lives. He looked at Vik.

"The first time I saw your father was at my old house, he had burned it to the ground". A smirked crossed his face remembering the anger from his mother and father when they discovered this. "He appeared among the green flames, a fire like no other and walked out to greet us all. In the battle, Velkar fought alongside us against the hordes that spewed from the portal with only the want to kill everything and everyone that stood in their way .. if it was not for him, my parents would be dead". In fact, Théo believed that they all would have perished before the gods arrived.

"We held on as best we could against the un-godly enemy but we where outnumbered and there seemed to be no end to them. You would kill one only to have another in it's place. The battle looked lost, it was lost and then the Gods came". He drank some more and sat in the chair at the table, he felt like he was telling a tale of old folk lore but he wasn't, it was all true. And it was all a part of them now.

"First came my .. my grandpapa. He was once King here, now God of the Sun. Helm, and Éar, Teign all standing on the ground and fighting for their sons and daughters of Midvinter. And some huge wolf that Velkar had summon to the battle .. I don't know it's name". Théo began to chuckle, if he had not been there he would consider himself mad for uttering these words. "We were lucky that day, Velkar was on our side".
[member="Yula Perl"]
Yula watched as Théo drank from his mead, seating himself at the table while recalling the events surrounding his first meeting with Velkar. Though she was inexperienced, the setting of this story spoke of war. The fire, the raging enemies were all too familiar to the young Zeltron, and not in a pleasant way. The tale conjured memories of her own experiences and fears.

She squeezed Vik’s hand, trying her best to follow the saga but it almost seemed otherworldly to her—like a legend describing something that had happened long ago, not a very real battle that had actually taken place.

“That’s…not bad, right? Velkar helped to defend Midvinter.” Her tone was hopeful as she looked between Vik and Théo, though there certainly was some hesitation in her voice. Maybe the other shoe would drop and he would reveal how Velkar betrayed them…he was the God of Mischief after all. So far, this man sounded nothing like Vik who had only been kind and gentle towards her.

Perhaps he was more than she’d seen, though. There was always that possibility but it had been growing smaller the more time they spent together. Yula was still young though, and with youth came rash decisions and stubbornness. Perhaps she was too confident that things would work out her way, but she genuinely liked Vik and to her the discovery of his origins seemed exciting.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
There was apprehension in Vik, what would Théo tell them both of his father? He had only met Velkar the once, and that was designed by the man having set the course of action that night, leading him into the dark forest stalked by the beast. Vik realised the beast was in fact, his father who has the power to shape-shift, and had turned Vik's heart cold with fear for his life. He had been the fly caught in the spiders web, it was that 'guiding hand' that Théo spoke of, manipulating and deceptive and the end result was Vik had fled. He did not know, but this was the will of his father, to get him to leave. It was Velkar's strange way of getting his son to safer ground, off Midvinter.

The story that unfolded had left Vik numb, not sure if Velkar had done good in the eyes of Théo or the Valkyri. Maybe there was good in the man, it just came out .. different. Vik turned to Yula with the same hopeful look before seeking understanding from Théo.

"No, it was not bad, he fought like a true warrior", Théo replied but there was no further words, but Théo did not doubt the next time might be different and they all might be facing him on the opposite side of the battlefield. There was no way of knowing what motivated the Gods, only they can answer that, but there is always a reason for their actions and no doubt Velkar has his own ambitions, just like the hag.

"So there .. there is good in him", he said mostly to himself, hopeful that there was. "But why did he push me away?", Théo just looked at him and shrugged, Vik turned to Yula for an answer.

"Only he can answer that". Théo returned to his mead.

Vik knew that one day he would have to face his father again, the idea of that was frightening and exciting, but now Vik was filled with more questions then he would ever have answers and he knew he needed to start with his mother first. Now more than ever he was eager to travel to Averlorn.

[member="Yula Perl"]
The revelation about his father only seemed to inspire more apprehension, more questions in Vik. For that, Yula could not blame him. He already seemed to be struggling with the idea of his father, but to learn that he had assisted in protecting Midvinter, among the mortal and other Gods, must have been a shock.

Yula glanced back to Vik as he turned to her with an unanswerable question. She squeezed his hand again in response, unable to conjure up any words of encouragement that wouldn’t sound misplaced. By now, they’d had quite a few bombshells for today.

“It might be best if we turn in early.” She looked to Vik for confirmation, knowing that he probably had a lot to think about now. “It’s been a long journey and I’m sure we’d both like to sleep in a proper bed.” Though her ship was cozy and homey (at least to her), it lacked…space and real furniture. Not to mention that they’d need the rest for the next leg of their journey to Averlorn.

Her attention turned back towards the Heavenshield son. “Thank you Théo, for everything that you’ve done.” Yula’s tone was earnest as he’d done quite a bit for them from the room to stopping a potential brawl to the explanation of Velkar that drew on tough memories. “You’ve been very kind to us. Be sure to let me know when you visit Zeltros and I'd love to return the favor.”

[member="Vik Velkarson"] - [member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
This was all new ground to him, to anyone that would meet the offspring of a god, let alone gods of Midvinter. Théo could not imagine what he would feel if he found out such news and by the look on Vik's face he was struggling with this whole concept. He pushed his chair out and stood, nodding his agreement that they should call it a night after all there was not much else Théo could do or say to help and he had to get ready for his own journey to the Westmark to be at the arrival of his sister Val. The wagons were loaded and ready for the morning when they would depart and from there, Théo would head back to the Northmark, he had been away far too long as it was.

"It is my pleasure Yula", he said with genuine feeling and he would look her up when the time came to visit Zeltros. "I will take you up on your offer, and don't forget, if you ever want to learn to extend your skills with the force to call on me". He gave her a hug before turning to Vik.

"The Gods of Midvinter are for the most part designed in purpose and don't stray from that purpose .. your father is the same but out of all of them he is unique and although his design is one that lends itself to deception I do believe that he does have good in him". Théo wished them good health on their travels and bid them good night and made sure they knew the way to their room.
[member="Yula Perl"]
He drew on the comfort of her hand in his, the warmth and strength of her as Yula stood next to him and did not waiver from her stance. Out of everything that happened, everything he had been told, one thing remained true and that was she stood by him giving support when it was most needed and he would never forget that. The idea of letting her hand go did not appeal to him. "Thank you, for everything", he said to Théo who had given him much insight into the man he calls his father and although there was much to think about Vik was tired, the mental fatigue showing on his face.

Vik was most grateful to Yula when she insisted they retreat for the night, for rest before the dawn and their journey to Averlorn would begin and as they entered their room above the Inn, did he feel a sense of relief to be able to turn his mind to something else. For a moment he stood in the center of the room looking around and it was then he noticed there was only one bed, a large one, but only one. He let out a sigh which rid him of some tension that constricted his body, and he relaxed somewhat before he turned to her and leaned in kissing her forehead and it was only then he let go of her hand.

"Now you know", he looked down into her face, "And you know just about as much as I do". He did not know what any of this meanings for him, what he would become, if anything, but deep down he knew that the power within him was not the force and he needed to have that controlled, trained but that was something a mortal could not do. "I am so pleased you are here with me now". He smiled before throwing his eyes to the bed with a smirk on his lips.

"Shall we share?".

[member="Yula Perl"]

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