Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Battle Scars

(Takes place shortly after the SJO-UCM invasion, and Josh's injuries)​

The war with the Mandalorian Empire - The terrorist organization that called themselves the Clans Under Mandalore, had begun whether the Silver Jedi Order liked it or not. What they and their Sith Empire allies were doing was unforgivable, on planets like Eshan and Tabaab. And for the first time in many years, their atrocities had drawn Jedi Master Josh Dragonsflame into battle.

News had spread quickly of the Sith Empire’s Darth Prazutis enacting a dark sided ritual that attempted to lay waste to the entire planet as well as the Jedi that had come to liberate Azure from UCM’s stranglehold. Hundreds died in the Sith attack, forcing Josh to quite nearly sacrifice his life to enact a Shield of Light in order to save as many lives as possible while the Jedi evacuated civilians, but even if he had somehow narrowly survived, the cost was great. The Jedi was severely wounded as a result in a way that bacta wasn’t going to heal right away. He’d spent extensive hours comatose, possibly not to wake up at all while he was worked on. But they managed to save his life, though it would be some time before he recovered full mobility.

Ra had been notified that it had been a success, and shortly after, Josh slowly opened his eyes, letting out a pained groan as he found himself in an infirmary at the Rest.

Riamah Riamah
It wasn't very often Josh went to war without her going along. More often it was Ra that was off on some crusade and him staying behind.

Since her own movement had stalled and died, she had grown depressed and withdrawn. The only things she for was her time with Jason and Josh.

She was at the Rest when everybody had returned. Among the casualties was Josh. Hours had passed with Ra at his side. Not getting in the way of anybody, she waited, prayed and touched him as much as possible.

Sensing a change in him, her own eyes opened and met his. A hand held his and smiled. Her eyes lighting up.

"Welcome to the land of the living."

It seemed as if a weight was slowly lifting off her shoulders.

Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor
"Bloody hell..."

He tried to sit up, but one of the medics would stop him from moving too quickly. "Master Dragonsflame, you're at the Silver Rest. You've been comatose for almost an entire day. You nearly destroyed your body at Azure."

"No chit" The Jedi grumbled as he flickered his eyes a bit, trying to regain full vision. He'd heard a voice, he knew he had. A voice he had been eager to hear. Ever so slowly, with some help he managed to sit up. As the moment ticked by, his vision unfogged and he managed a smile when he saw Ra. "Man, am I glad to see you" He spoke softly toward her. "Did I worry you much? I'm sorry."
If the medic hadn't been there to stop Josh from sitting up she would have done it. Even if it meant sitting on him. The sight of him in the bed had almost scared her. He had been floating somewhere between life and death for the past day and Ra was worried about him dying. His death would have devastated her almost as much as it would Jason. Thankfully he woke up.

She couldn't help but smile slightly at his cursing. In his position, Ra probably would have as well. Not having suffered anything large as an adult, she wouldn't know what to do if she was honest about it. As it was, she could only imagine.

"Are you sure you can see me clearly?"

He asked if he had her worried and she nodded, not wanting to keep that secret from him.

"I'm just glad you didn't come back in a body bag."

The situation might be serious but she couldn't help but show some of her dry humor. Attempting some support, she smiled and squeezed his hand.

"How are you feeling?"

Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor
If she had told him that to his face, perhaps he would have made some quip about how he would have liked it. Amongst other rather colorful remarks. But eventually the medic allowed him to sit up, though rather slowly. He had to move slow to start, he could vaguely hear the medic telling him. He'd been comatose for some time, and had been under an operation as well. So he supposed it was proper that he'd be... Well, like this.

"Yeah, I can see you. Have I ever told you that you're the most striking woman I've ever met? Because if I have been so forgetful as to not remind you of this fact, then I have been a foolish man indeed."

Well, at least his humour was back.

"Yeah, me too" He remarked when she brought up body bags. "They're so damn tight, and I hate tight spaces. Really not my style. Not something I'd like to be in, dead or alive."

He gritted his teeth as something suddenly caused the pain to spike up, and a hand moved to his back. He could feel a large gash there, though it had been sown up as well. "Blast , I can already tell that's going to scar" He grumbled. At the least, proper use of bacta would cause the scar to fade enough that it wouldn't inhibit him in battle. But it would take far more expensive measures to remove the scar entirely. Perhaps he'd just keep it. He had other scars, one more couldn't hurt so long as it would eventually stop hurting.

"Well, I suppose that helps answer your question" He then remarked to Ra as he used his palms to balance himself sitting up. "I feel like a building fell on me. Where's Jason?"
The words he gave in answer to her question surprised Ra, even after being together for so long, there were times when she just didn't know how to take compliments. Her cheeks turned a slight crimson and she hoped the medic wouldn't notice this. Even in his weak state, she assumed Josh would see it.

"It's been a while."

Leaning forward as she held his hand to lightly try and plant a kiss on his forehead, the warmth of emotions and her blush might have traveled to him. Listening to what he had to say about the body bags, she chuckled slightly and sat back down next to him. Looking at his face, she could tell the wound on his back had flared up in pain.

"It doesn't have to remain. I'm sure something can be done to take the scar away if you want. Just take it easy, for now. Wait to return to your duties. Both Jason and I will enjoy the extra time with you."

Giving him more than a half-hearted smile when she thought of them all together. He asked about his son and she tilted her head in the direction of the door.

"Because of your condition, he was allowed to stay nearby. He should be right outside actually. I...uh...voluntold a padawan I needed somebody to watch him and well...why don't I go see if he is nearby?"

Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor
"And I'm going to hate every minute I'm sitting down" He admitted with a small laugh between winces in pain. "Force knows I won't know what to do with myself" He spoke up, as he let out an exhale, trying to regulate himself and settle down as much as he could to try and get the pain down best he could. He squeezed her hand a moment to let her know that he was okay.

"More family time is good. Just wish it wasn't like this. Can't do what I usually do if I can't walk much. Jason's a hyperactive kid when he's at home" He pointed out, finally managing to sit up properly. His condition was... Annoying. But at least by what he'd been told, it wouldn't be permanent. The sooner it came to an end though, the better. "Suppose our family vacation will have to wait. I'd rather we go somewhere nice when I can actually do things. Wouldn't want to ruin it for everyone, being like this."

She brought up that Jason was outside, and he nodded his head when she asked if she should fetch him. "I'd like that, thank you."
"I think you and I are alike. Neither of us would know what to do. You're going to learn sooner than me, though."

She couldn't help but have a bit of a smile. Josh would recover and that was good enough for her. It didn't matter how long it took, Ra wasn't going anywhere or planning on leaving him to face this alone. Knowing he would do the same if their positions were reversed, meant the world to her. The two of them together made a powerful force and neither one of them would have to go through anything alone.

"Jason will be taken care of when you're stuck in bed. As for that vacation, it'll happen when the time is right. Soon enough we will be able to go out again without you being in some sort of bed thing. You'll just need to figure out something to do to keep yourself occupied and not thinking about being stuck in bed."

Standing up when he said he would like to see Jason, she went to the door and opened it for his son. He had started to feel like Ra was his mother and that also meant the world to Ra.

Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor

The sound resounded through the room as Jason burst in and embraced his father. "Ow" was the best response Josh could muster at that moment as he managed to hug Jason, for all the pain it amounted to. "Hey, I'm fine, no need to worry anymore. Daddy's gonna be alright" He said as he comforted what was clearly a very panicked child. While nobody had described in detail just what had happened, Jason had been around the infirmary enough to know that his father being confined in there was very bad.

Josh looked to Ra then. "Thanks" He spoke up. "Hopefully I won't be stuck like this too long. Force knows I'd go crazy."
It was said Ra lacked a sense of humor, but that was actually false. Hers was a cold or dark humor, so when Josh said ow, it took a ton of self-control for her not to laugh at his pain. Maybe it was a bad thing about her, but it was who she was. There were times when that sort of humor was good to show, this wasn't one of them.

She had attempted to comfort Jason while Josh was in his coma, but hadn't been entirely successful. The sight of them together though filled her with warmth. Giving her almost spouse a bit of a smile, she nodded.

"I think we would all go crazy. Except for him."

Pointing at Jason, even he would probably feel some sort of mental discomfort. As a child though, he wouldn't be as temperamental as an adult would be in the same situation.

"Are you going to need physical therapy or anything like that?"

Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor
"Force, I hope not" He remarked when she brought up the topic of physical therapy. "I haven't had a chance to really look through the records much, I've been in and out of consciousness for the most part until you guys came in. Wasn't really mobile much until now, so... Honestly, I don't know much. Bits and pieces of what the doctor said, but that's... Really all. I won't know until later."

He looked to Jason and smiled lightly. "Daddy's a little hurt, but he's okay. But you gotta be careful for a bit, okay Jason?" He asked the child, who nodded his head. "Okay daddy" He said, though tilted his head. "What hurt you?" He then asked, and Josh frowned. That was a question he didn't like the prospect of. He looked to Ra a moment in a way that indicated his discomfort with the question and not knowing how to answer it, but he did try.

"Bad people, Jason" He spoke softly. "Bad people did bad things and daddy had to make sure they didn't do bad things. Daddy hurts but it was worth it" He spoke with a small smile. "Never think it isn't worth it just because you might get hurt. I got hurt but lots of people didn't get hurt."
If it meant anything to him, she also hoped he wouldn't need any form of therapy. Ra didn't think he would be able to tolerate anybody telling him what he could and couldn't do. Recovery would happen and that is what mattered. With her support along with the staff here, Josh would be on his feet in no time. Jason might not entirely understand what happened, but she felt he would remember this.

Traumatic events seemed to stick in one's mine and this certainly was classified as one of those. Holding onto their hands, she gave them both a squeeze and listened to Josh as he spoke to his son.

Her hand almost went up and touched the scar on her face, but she kept it in Josh's hand as he answered the question posed. Jason accepted the answer as a small child would normally do. Not understanding things totally, but trying to wrap things around in his little head. The two of them had seen battles and war many times. His son had not been exposed to very much of this yet. Ra had the feeling that would change though and his son would become involved with things as he aged. For now, they both wanted to keep him safe and sheltered.

"Do you need us to bring you anything?"

Deciding to try and steer the topic away from Josh having to answer more questions from Jason, she posed one to him.

Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor
“I’m fine, thank you” Josh answered toward Ra, giving her a small smile. “I have everything I need right here and now.”

And that was very much the truth. He had his family, and that was all that mattered. It didn’t take long before he had fallen asleep again, but he would be back on his feet before long. Within the week he would be back to training people, using a walking cane to get himself around. Within the month, he would be back on missions, in a limited capacity. It wasn’t too long after that, that he would find himself back to full capacity.

That scar on his back remained though, a permanent reminder of just what he had done. And the sacrifices he had made for the Jedi and those around him. Sacrifices he would continue to make until he either retired, or it killed him.


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