Catalys Maijora

(Helska System)
In space uncharted, within the Unknown Regions of the galaxy, servants of a new faith were born. Through blood and conquest, The Primeval seek to find their lost Gods, and through this, obtain and achieve omnipotence. Their fleets skirt the fringes of the galaxy as they carry with them death and destruction on those that fall prey to them.
There is no choice;
join them, or die.
Approaching from the far side of the ice world, The Primeval Fleet has exited hyperspace...With them and their Sith compatriots, these Zealots are preparing to to secure the Helska System in an effort to construct a new refueling station between them and the Shadow Dynasty; their enemy. Deliverance, flagship under command of Bant Mezaras, will be leading this force into action. The strategy is simple. Secure the space above, deploy the ground teams, and set up a base of operations in an ice cave below.
On board the Deliverance...
"There are ships jumping en route through Hyperspace!", an officer shouted the news back to the ship's captain. The command deck was filled with Umbaran--and a few human--officers; each now shouting orders to their stations. The captain, second-in-charge under Bant, was quick to reaction. "Notify all vessels. Prepare for battle stations, and get those droships prepped!", the orders were given. Immediately the command deck scrambled to give out orders to each ship in the fleet and their respective commanders. Meanwhile in the hangers dropships prepared for the ground team.The sliding doors to the command deck opened, revealing an armoured man.
"Agent Maijora.", the captain said with surprise at the sudden arrival of the Bleeding Sun operative. The agent's footsteps clanked against the metallic floors, getting louder with each step closer to the officer. "You know why I'm where.", Catalys proclaimed. The Captain simply nodded in reflection and turned to the viewports; facing the direction to which the enemy fleet meant to arrive. His face revealed a sense of uncertainty towards Catalys, "I did not know the Host Lord took such personal interest in this ball of ice.", he chided. The agent's clad hand pressed heavily on the captain's shoulder, his eyes pierced outwards through the visor of his helmet.
"I am here to make sure her wishes are met. There will be no retreats, no sacrifice too great, and most of all no failure left unchecked.", his words were no sharper than before; the captain found that quite eerie. Until Bant arrived to take control of the situation, Catalys intended to give his try at playing 'commander' for a moment. "How many ships are there?", he requested. An officer began to punch in various commands to their computers, "Perhaps a dozen, it's difficult to tell; some seem rather large.", she responded. Large?, he thought to himself. This wasn't going to be like Rhadamanthus, these weren't pirates. This was clearly a reactionary movement from a force much greater. Turning towards the captain, "Change in plans. Redirect some of the dropships to prepare for a boarding action; this is a fleet moving against us. We need to find out who they are, what they want, and where they're from. If they are who we suspect, then perhaps we might even have to slaughter them.", he commanded the captain. With those orders given, Catalys walked back out the sliding door and prepared to join this boarding party in preparation for the fleet's arrival. They'd only get one shot at this.
"Battle stations!"
Objective 1) Engage the enemy fleet.
Each fleet will attempt to destroy the other.
Objective 2) Board the enemy flagship.
A boarding party will attempt to capture the enemy's designated flagship. Anyone else will stay behind to defend theirs.
Objective 3) Claim the ice caverns.
Each faction will attempt to claim and hold the ice caverns, whoever remains in control at the end of the invasion or when the other two objectives are done, wins.
Each fleet will attempt to destroy the other.
Objective 2) Board the enemy flagship.
A boarding party will attempt to capture the enemy's designated flagship. Anyone else will stay behind to defend theirs.
Objective 3) Claim the ice caverns.
Each faction will attempt to claim and hold the ice caverns, whoever remains in control at the end of the invasion or when the other two objectives are done, wins.
- No allies allowed for either faction.
- If either faction destroys the the caverns they automatically lose objective 1.
- Fleet size limit is 8,000m for either side. Exceeding this limit in any way will result in a forfeit.
- Destroying the enemy flagship before capturing it will forfeit objective 2.
- One NPC Unit per character. Exceeders will be asked to edit their posts or have them voided. An NPC unit above 20 personnel must be Codex approved.
PC Template
Controller: Which PC controls them?
Force Limit: How many are there?
Submission Link: If relevant
Controller: Which PC controls them?
Force Limit: How many are there?
Submission Link: If relevant
[member="Darth Vitium"] | [member="Bant Mezaras"] | [member="Darth Legion"] | [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] | [member="Tyro'din"] | [member="Vilox Pazela"] | [member="Dredge"] | [member="Nickolas Imura"] | [member="Mikkel Markov"] | [member="Tesar Osted"] | [member="Laguz Vald"]
| [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] | [member="Darth Arcis"]
[member="The Shadow King"] (It's up!)