Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Battle of Midway (Invasion of Helska)

(Helska System)
In space uncharted, within the Unknown Regions of the galaxy, servants of a new faith were born. Through blood and conquest, The Primeval seek to find their lost Gods, and through this, obtain and achieve omnipotence. Their fleets skirt the fringes of the galaxy as they carry with them death and destruction on those that fall prey to them.
There is no choice;
join them, or die.
Approaching from the far side of the ice world, The Primeval Fleet has exited hyperspace...

With them and their Sith compatriots, these Zealots are preparing to to secure the Helska System in an effort to construct a new refueling station between them and the Shadow Dynasty; their enemy. Deliverance, flagship under command of Bant Mezaras, will be leading this force into action. The strategy is simple. Secure the space above, deploy the ground teams, and set up a base of operations in an ice cave below.

On board the Deliverance...
"There are ships jumping en route through Hyperspace!", an officer shouted the news back to the ship's captain. The command deck was filled with Umbaran--and a few human--officers; each now shouting orders to their stations. The captain, second-in-charge under Bant, was quick to reaction. "Notify all vessels. Prepare for battle stations, and get those droships prepped!", the orders were given. Immediately the command deck scrambled to give out orders to each ship in the fleet and their respective commanders. Meanwhile in the hangers dropships prepared for the ground team.

The sliding doors to the command deck opened, revealing an armoured man.

"Agent Maijora.", the captain said with surprise at the sudden arrival of the Bleeding Sun operative. The agent's footsteps clanked against the metallic floors, getting louder with each step closer to the officer. "You know why I'm where.", Catalys proclaimed. The Captain simply nodded in reflection and turned to the viewports; facing the direction to which the enemy fleet meant to arrive. His face revealed a sense of uncertainty towards Catalys, "I did not know the Host Lord took such personal interest in this ball of ice.", he chided. The agent's clad hand pressed heavily on the captain's shoulder, his eyes pierced outwards through the visor of his helmet.

"I am here to make sure her wishes are met. There will be no retreats, no sacrifice too great, and most of all no failure left unchecked.", his words were no sharper than before; the captain found that quite eerie. Until Bant arrived to take control of the situation, Catalys intended to give his try at playing 'commander' for a moment. "How many ships are there?", he requested. An officer began to punch in various commands to their computers, "Perhaps a dozen, it's difficult to tell; some seem rather large.", she responded. Large?, he thought to himself. This wasn't going to be like Rhadamanthus, these weren't pirates. This was clearly a reactionary movement from a force much greater. Turning towards the captain, "Change in plans. Redirect some of the dropships to prepare for a boarding action; this is a fleet moving against us. We need to find out who they are, what they want, and where they're from. If they are who we suspect, then perhaps we might even have to slaughter them.", he commanded the captain. With those orders given, Catalys walked back out the sliding door and prepared to join this boarding party in preparation for the fleet's arrival. They'd only get one shot at this.

"Battle stations!"

Objective 1) Engage the enemy fleet.
Each fleet will attempt to destroy the other.

Objective 2) Board the enemy flagship.
A boarding party will attempt to capture the enemy's designated flagship. Anyone else will stay behind to defend theirs.

Objective 3) Claim the ice caverns.
Each faction will attempt to claim and hold the ice caverns, whoever remains in control at the end of the invasion or when the other two objectives are done, wins.

  • No allies allowed for either faction.
  • If either faction destroys the the caverns they automatically lose objective 1.
  • Fleet size limit is 8,000m for either side. Exceeding this limit in any way will result in a forfeit.
  • Destroying the enemy flagship before capturing it will forfeit objective 2.
  • One NPC Unit per character. Exceeders will be asked to edit their posts or have them voided. An NPC unit above 20 personnel must be Codex approved.

PC Template


NPC Template
Controller: Which PC controls them?
Force Limit: How many are there?
Submission Link: If relevant

[member="Darth Vitium"] | [member="Bant Mezaras"] | [member="Darth Legion"] | [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] | [member="Tyro'din"] | [member="Vilox Pazela"] | [member="Dredge"] | [member="Nickolas Imura"] | [member="Mikkel Markov"] | [member="Tesar Osted"] | [member="Laguz Vald"]
| [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] | [member="Darth Arcis"]

[member="The Shadow King"] (It's up!)
Location: Aboard the Deliverance
Objective: Objective Three - Claim the Ice Caverns
Enemies: Any and all "Threats"
Allies: [member="Mikkel Markov"], [member="Tesar Osted"], [member="Laguz Vald"], [member="Ciara Jevnaker"],
Rank for Invasion: Commander - Beta
Gear: Gimti Arana, Storm, Sith Lightsaber, Derriphan's Eye, CQB LL-IWS,

"Man your battle stations! Move, move, MOVE!"

Yelling at the troops to move their asses into high gear was not something I wanted to be doing. I should be on the bridge making decisions as I was ranked at a Beta. Considered one of the highest ranks within the Bleeding Suns. I was not happy at all. I was simply walking through here to get to the bridge when the call came for us to get into positions. Luckily I didn't have to run back to my room to grab any of my armor or other such materials. Instead, I was pushing these people to move fast and get ready for the drop pods. As acting Commander under the Host Lord, I was to lead the ground forces in making a base. Now something has been added, but the goal is still the same.

My personal group of 20 men were already geared up. They were entering their drop waiting for the signal to go. Sliding my helmet over my head, I could see as the HUD came on. The Communications link coming on with a few bleeps, and tightening the neck cover around me, and folding it under the leather around my neck. The Aak wolf scales, and boned armor was looking rather nice in it's new test drive. On my left hip was a Katana. Old, and the blue battle wrap around the shaft signified that it was Storm. A katana that I used very often, and would need to be replaced soon. I wasted no time as I stood there. Ordering troops around. It was when I caught a few people's eyes I called them over.

"Markov, Osted, Vald, and Jevenaker."

I wanted them here first, they were just below me, and I knew I could trust them more than the others. While everyone else was scrambling I was clam and giving orders,

"Claim 15-20 men and get them in a drop pod. We will be the first landing party. Icebreakers for the others. Gear up for anything should it be pirates, or the Republic soldiers. I want you ready. Out."

It was spoken through my com link so if I missed the sight of any of them, they could still hear me. Sirens were going off, as I adjusted the lightsaber that was on my right hip. Hidden by the cloak around me, and even more so, in my boot, between the armor and the leather was a sheath for a Derrphian's eye. A very well done dagger that I have had since the beginning of Knighthood. Reaching from one of the tables, I grabbed my rifle. a CBQ version of the LL-IWS. Holding it with my finger off the trigger, and the safety on for now, I walked towards my own drop pod. Preparing for war.

As long as no one stands in my way. Everybody will have a good day.


Yelling once more as the fury of men and women running to get prepared for this fight, I smiled a little under my helmet.

Today is a red day. A day in which the blood that is spilt, will number well into the thousands.

Oh the fun shall be had.

Location: Aboard the Deliverance
Objective: Objective Three - Claim the Ice Caverns
Controller: Nickolas Imura
Vantage Point: Kalee Hawns
Force Limit: 20
Submission Link: N/A

Running around as fast as she could, Kalee ran with all the speed within her body. Making her way to the drop pod as she could see her Commander Imura yelling to people. Quickly she grabbed a Rifle, Pistol, Vibroblade, and a dagger. Putting them all in the appropriate places. She rushed over to the other men in the lineup that would personally work with the Sith Lord. She felt nervous. Maybe there would be something that she would mess up on? or what if she got the Master killed? Could she really pull the trigger on a human being?

She would have to do that now. Deciding that yes, she would rather die for her faith, than be seen as a coward. She stood up straight and proud as Imura was walking towards them. All ready to go and prepped for the drop of ships to the surface. Maybe if she worked hard enough she might earn a rank above Echo?

She adjusted her battle helmet and wiped the hair out of her face. Wondering why everyone else was still scrambling. Asking on soldier next to her, he answered in a rough voice.

"They weren't prepared like we were. No stand still and shut up."

She did just that.
Location: The Libertas, dark side of Helska.
Objective: Objective II
Enemies: Undefined
Allies: Undefined

Ships:Alyndys-class Exploration Craft

| [member="Telthòr"] | [member="Catalys Maijora"] | [member="Tyro'din"] | [member="Dredge"] |

The cowl of his robe was lifted over his head, to conceal the unnatural youth that was beneath it's dark fabric. Yellow, predatory eyes gleamed from beneath the hood, upon the world of Helska. Hands held to his side, the Dark Master awaited his prey to arrive, so that he may claim them and their world.

The Shadow King, otherwise known as Romeo Sin, was known to Vilox Pazela. The Libertas, an Alyndys-class Exploration Craft belonged to the Shadow Empire, that the Primeval had cast it's gaze upon and found it wanting. The ship, with it's crew made of Umbarans that Pazela had recruited from the Primeval made up the Libertas's crew. But the ship itself was still aligned to the Shadow Empire.

Thus, the Dark Master was ready to make his allegiance known to the Shadow King and his fledgling Empire. The Libertas, it's crew and Pazela waited in the shadow of Helska, ready to make their presence known for the upcoming battle. Concealed in the shadows, the Libertas would go unnoticed until he was ready to reveal himself.
Location: Space, in an old Subach-built Annihilator-class boarding shuttle, cloaked
Objective: B, waiting for the Shadow Dynasty command ship
NPC Controller: Seren Ordavo
Force Limit: 50 B1 battle droids
Allies: Primeval
Enemies: Shadow Dynasty fleet commander and command ship defenders




His beskar-clad knuckles rapped a slow, even rhythm on the bulkhead beside him.

"Sir?" said one of the fifty skeletal, long-faced figures that shuffled in the dark. "Are you signalling?"

"Shut it."

"Roger roger."




"Sir, is that ditdah code?"


"Roger roger."





He pondered a lanvarok's efficacy against sheet metal of the sort that shrouded four dozen old B-1 battle droids, but he pondered it absently.





Location: Annihilator class shuttle
Objective: B
Allies: [member="Seren Ordavo"]
Enemies: Shadow Dynasty

Unit 843, newly repaired and retrieved, had found his way into the service of the Primeval, or at least part of the B1 cadre that Ordavo commanded. The spindly B1 was very happy, CC-13 carbine clasped tight to his metal chest. His metaphorical heart brimmed with joy at being able to fulfill his purpose soon and slaughter waves of Jedi. They were all Jedi, you know. An anomaly fizzled through his programming. He wished he had a real heart.




"Order 77 received. Authorization confirmed. Execute Order 77," Unit 843 said suddenly.

All fifty B1s chimed in monotone unison.

"Roger, Roger."
Location: The Deliverance
Objective: Objective Two also REVENGE!!
Enemies: The Shadow Empire
Allies: The Primeval

Location:Cargo hold, deliverance
Objective: Objective B
Controller: Dredge
Force Limit: 10 Yuuzhan Vong warriors 10 Graug Warriors

The annihilator of Aurum, the a assaulter of Arcadia, the killer of Kaltes and Kaalonia, the tormentor of Teth and marauder of Makeb, but most importantly the Ex Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong. There was one simple name that struck fear into the hearts of billions, Dredge. The murderer of billions and the torturer of families and killer of children. The man was a monster in every aspect of the word, from each letter to the syllables that formed it. He had brought deaths upon countless lives and now he sought to bring death to the shadow dynasty and their traitor of a king. Romeo Sin, once a member of the horde who stood by and watched the deaths of millions of people, who himself served the supreme overlord and his generals. He would find this man and bring a level of death beyond what the scum of this galaxy could drag up, he would burn his home and all within and for good measure he'd kill the flowers in his garden because he could. And as an added bonus, the base of the Rebel Alliance was here on Helska IV. So if the killing Romeo part didn't go so well he was going to make up for it by slaughtering a do gooders, either way a lot of people were going to die.

So sitting in a very throne like chair aboard the vessel Dredge and twenty of his elite Yuuzhan Vong and Graug guard were in the cargo hold of the mighty vessel. He sat there quietly and patiently, his guard standing resolute and disciplined. Before him lay a few slaves he had collected from Makeb no less than a week or so ago. They already looked broken, tired, and dead on the inside. They were placed in various locations holding drinks or food and were generally being used as slaves rather than the normal murder toy Dredge used. Dredge tapped his foot against the metal of the floor and his iron clad body seemed to be relaxed. He took in a shallow breath and let out some softly spoken words.

"What is my policy concerning the warriors coming into battle with me?" Dredge asked his men, but the both of them already knew the answer.

"That if we are to fall you are to kill our spouse and spawn my lord." A Yuuzhan Vong said bowing as he spoke to Dredge.

"Very good, now I'm not going to give you a dramatic speech. But some of you men have fought with me since O'reen. You've forsaken the ways of old and cast down the old gods to follow that of the primeval. You all have my respect, but you see there is someone here who was once one of us. And he needs to be reminded what the price of betrayal is." Dredge said in a very calm and collected voice.

"Now with that being said." Dredge paused and looked to his men before rising up.

"Let's go kill this queen." He said with a sick little smile beneath his helmet
Helska System
The King's Crown
Sometimes there is a monster out there, hiding in the shadows.​
Romeo watched the white lines form back into stars, and the wake of hyperspace leave them as the Bandon - Class Star Destroyer came out first. Already the alarms rung in his ear as he wore his phrik armor, and mask. "Sin! It's Primevil again!" Romeo turned to look at Toligon, his first mate, as she addressed him. She had been there to witness the carnage that was the Primevil. He smirked under his mask.
"Good, signal battle stations, prepare for battle. Drakon Regiment get to your stations, set up choke points, I dont want things getting in this ship that's not Dynasty. " Romeo ordered as he returned back to his normal demeanor. his hands clasped behind his back as he watched small dots appear in the horizon of space near Helska. They were a good ways away still, and would have time to prep for positions, and the great tactical advantages Romeo brought behind him.
Now ships began to come back to real space as they exited hyperspace. Toligon was busy with beginning other orders, running back, and forth between coms, and navigation. "Our part of the fleet is accounted for! Solan should be a few seconds behind them!" Toligon called out. Romeo shrugged some, and continued to watch the ships in the horizon.
"This is Hanzai Prayer, reporting in." Each ship began to report in to the King's Crown.
Then one after another, they all became com chatter, background noise as Romeo began to focus on the force, drawing it in, and letting his mind fill with the darkness, to embrace the power inside him, and prepare his own self for what was to come.
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Aedan Miles"] @Kezeroth the Malevolent [member="Alisa Kalor"] [member="Judas Zambrano"]
Location: Falling out Into Realspace, Out of range of Enemy Guns
Objective: Objective 1, Minus their flag ship (Secondary, Defend the Flagship if needed)
Enemies: [member="Dredge"] [member="Unit 843"] [member="Seren Ordavo"] [member="Nickolas Imura"] [member="Catalys Maijora"]
Allies: [member="Romeo "]Sin [member="Aedan Miles"] @Anyone Else on the Flagship


Shade Fleet B - 3950 Meters - (Fighter numbers are totaled, not per ship)

1 Hapan Battle Dragons -

1 Krayt Light Cruiser -

1 Wasp-B Heavy Cruiser -

6 Umbra Class Dropships -

1 Resolute Class Command Ship (Designated Flagship) -

36 Victorine Class Medium Bombers -

  • 12 With Proton Bomb Load out

  • 12 With Proton Torpedo Load out

  • 12 With Missile Layout

4 Dire Class Patrol Ships -

Solan looked among the information he had before him as today he flew towards the planet with a pester in his ear. He could read but for some reason this officer seemed to want to do the reading for him that got the man a few choice looks that simply said. "Shut up before i cook you over a fire." One time Solann must have sent the words to his mind by accident because every time Solan looked at him now he just straightened up and looked a tiny bit more afraid. "Say Aedan, remember back when there was that Chiss that was apart of that whole Maw Consortium thing, and how me and that white haired fellow used to trade off as the big bad cloaked guy?"

Solan smiled at remembering the days as a pirate, raiding slavers and exterminating them by the ship, oh his favorite to kill was Transdoshan... he did wonder what they tasted like some times but he assumed that eating his enemy probably was not the type of practice that inspired good health. "I mean, its not that im trying to say that the times weren't a royal pain in the ass... but those were good times. Even still had your ship designs too, ready to see them kick ass and take names?"

Aw yes, The Umbra Dropships, a creation of his own that caught on the strengths of the ancient LAaTs and just made them all the more competant with new tech. Then there were the Devastator Heavy Fighters, weapons of war that tore apart those that thought they were smart enough to come anywhere near where they launched from. Then there was the Cutlass Gunship. There was one thing you did not want when you came up agaisnt a cutlass, and that was to be in a fighter or an unprotected infantry man. If you were, you were not alive long enough to regret it.

What interested him though were the new ships under his command, infact the very ship he stood on was like a powerbank of emotions. The Resolute, a one thousand eight hundred meter ship that was filled with the souls of another men to make his empathy more than strong enough already, mix that with the fear of battle and more importantly the pain of the man beside him once he starts to use the darkside. Its almost intoxicating the power that comes from that much emotion.

But his eyes focused now on the timer as he fastened his armor around him, a jung-jii and spider silk fiber armor, under a patent Viola-coat that he had recieved due to his work with the Rebel alliance. Under that armor was a sealed bodysuit with a place to connect a rebreather mask that would allow him more than enough time to control his body and the force when he started using a weapon that gave the force users of the galaxy hell. Infact those specific items lay in the inside of the cloak he wore over both the Viola Coat and the fiber armor. Browncoat Forcebreakers, a weapon that doubled as both the standard force breaker and added a fragmentation effect that his Viola coat would easily defend him from and if not that the force itself seeing as he had the mask on purpose.

Of course this mask was not over his face as he tapped his hand and watched as realspace returned. "Ok, Fleet wide comm active now, i want the Dire class ships to move in position around our hangers, dropships head for the surface now... keep the Resolute's docked. Aedan you take command of the Fleet's fighters and gunships, make sure the dropships get to the surface first though as we do not need to lose that to these halfwits. Leave the Resolute's contingent in the hanger bays though, we dont need them to make it easy in taking out all our fighters. Have half the gunships launch though, send some to defend our dropships and some to attack there's."

He paused and watched as the rest of his contingent came out and opened a line to Romeo as he spoke. "Commanders of the Wasp, Dragon, and Krayt, Move into position around the Resolute and prime what ever heavy or long range guns you have. They are going to come to us if i have any say in it... Wasp, hold back your bombers for now, there is no way in which they can be used effectively from this range with the enemy ships and i dont need things causing to much trouble. Romeo, assuming you can hear this i need you to focus on two things."

He pulled up the stats on Romeo's ships and read over each quickly. "Move in a configuration similar to mine, stay an ample distance between my fleet and yours, we don't need them getting any ideas about cutting us in half and picking us off, send the Ionizer and the Yorika's too me though, i have an idea for those and don't need them blown out of the sky before we have a chance to halt these assholes for a rather long time that will end in Helska being ours. As i said, Let Romeo have command over a majority of your fighters, the man is possibly better than you and me combined in controlling the movement of such weapons of war and we should be able to trust him with that. Keep only enough of a contingent to defend your ships effectively."

Solan smiled and opened up the comm to a fleet wide system. "Soldiers of the Dynasty, proud warriors of the shadows and wardens of the eternal night. Today we stop a force that has committed evils beyond that of your imagination, they are mass murderers that commit genocide for the mere fact that they can. If we do not stop them today here and now then it could be your family and loved ones that are next on their list of targets."

"We are not always saints, infact we are not meant to ever be a saint in this galaxy of war and despair, but today we can be a shadow caused by a light and fire of hope. Today we are the vanguard that defends those on the planet below from the atrocities of the vong and their weapons of war, the sith and their creatures of twisted pain. We are the thing that will teach the Primeevil and their sith leaders a thing or two about the true will of the human spirit. And today, we will die, many of us will suffer a fate, but remember that doay you also throw your life and fate into the fire, and you will never be forgotten for the service you do today, you will be heros and martyrs. Memories to inspire and remove this scourge from the face of the galaxy."

Solan's face harden as anyone around him would suddenly feel an undescribable cold as his eyes flared golden and his hands curled tight, the heat being generated starting to burn the cloak that touched his hands. "These are the Demons of the past and the future, the spirits of evil and corruption. Fight, protect those you love, and show them that we are not ready to die just yet." With that he closed the comm, not wanting to hear cheers or silence, straightening up his eyes focused forward as the signature of a man he would see dead was sensed. "Im coming for you [member="Dredge"]."
Location: The Deliverance, Flagship
Objective: 2, Defend the flagship from capture whilst the others capture theirs.
Allies: Objective 2 folk, The Primeval
Enemies: TBD, The Shadow Dynasty
Controller: Me
Force Limit: 20 Grunt-series Battledroids (Infantry variant)(bought from Lussk)

Catalys had gathered his gear. His armour, his gun, four frag grenades, and two thermal detonators. "It seems they may have the same plan as us.", he said over their communications. The agent had decided to stay back and defend the ship from potential boarding. Bant has enough distractions as is, one more could mean trouble. Regardless, Catalys was hardly worried; they had numbers and strength on their sides. Their alliances with the Sith have proved useful, their dealings with mercenaries was promising, and most of all their warships were veteran in fighting with the Imperial Remnant.

To him the Shadow Dynasty must be crazy to attack The Primeval so openly but he knew not to underestimate his opponent. With the droids provided by Lussk Logistics, he should have enough helping hands amongst the ship's crew to stop potential boarders from taking over the ship. "Set up a parameter.", he ordered the droids; they responded by entering the hallway that lead from the hanger bay. If they were going to stop an assault what better way than to bottleneck? Crew members already began setting up empty crates as barricades and stashing supply caches in various defense points along the ship.

The Primeval were prepared for anything and everything. Taking his IWS he fitted it into the sniper weapon system and placed the bipod directly on one of the far crates with just enough room to hit whoever walks through. Luckily there were no signs of boarding ships yet, the hanger was still preparing its own fighters for launch.
Location: Aboard the Deliverance, A deliverance-class cruiser
Objective: Destroy the SE/SD fleet... Objective 1
Enemies: Romeo [ [member="The Shadow King"] ] Montague
Allies: [member="Darth Vitium"] | [member="Darth Legion"] | [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] | [member="Tyro'din"] | [member="Dredge"] | [member="Nickolas Imura"] | [member="Mikkel Markov"] | [member="Tesar Osted"] | [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] | [member="Darth Arcis"] |


"Right, Captain, Agent."
'Agent' was inflicted with a hint of annoyance. Bant's hands were interlocked behind his back as the automatic doors opened in the middle of their little conversation. Then Maijora began to give orders. Maijora had dared to usurp his command. But he gave the exact orders that he would have. Damned.

"While I appreciate your ability to make the same decision I would have, you seemed to have forgotten your position in this temporary chain of command. You are to ensure that Anja's will is done, no? Then sit back on your ass and make sure that I don't try to save this ship with a jump to the moon of this planet."

Bant cocked a smile. He was the only Gulandi on this ship aside from the occasional gunner. He could feel that even his subordinates eyes looked down upon him, and he would bathe in the feeling he got from knowing that they had to do whatever he said.

"Welcome aboard, agent. If you want to give commands then you will have to run them through with me first. Now, I want a complete arrowhead formation. Both Deluge frigates at the front, preparing for flak fire or to charge, Skrii-Ro'ik spearheading them excessivly using Dovin Basals as I see fit, weapons firing en masse. Carnage frigates and Ruin-class in a triangle on their dorsal. Fire the mass drivers as soon as possible, after that I want the Carnages to back off and rotate with the Mendacities who will then fire their ion cannons once in range at whichever targets I prefer. The mendacities will keep to two on Prim'Ra carriers will be in the back, release fighters and bombers with all interceptor pilots prepared to launch on my command, other ships will do the same. I want the Dreadnought to be in the center but slightly ventral. The Deliverance will be just above it. Keep the formation loose so that all ships can fire in the even that we get into a brawl. When the enemy comes into range I want fighters to focus on any ship that dares to fire an ion blast. In the name of the Host Lord, in the name of the gods, let us destroy these infidels."

-ships forming protective arrowhead-esque formation, actually more like a root-cap to protect the flagship
-long range ships firing as soon as enemy fleet comes into range
-Bant does not like the agent very much

VERY IMPORTANT EDIT: Carnage and ruin class ships were supposed to form on the dorsal, not the ventral, I apologize for this.
Unimportant Edit: spelling
LOCATION: Aboard the Deliverance
ALLIES: [member="Mikkel Markov"] | [member="Tesar Osted"] | [member="Nickolas Imura"] | [member="Ciara Jevnaker"]
ENEMIES: The Shadow Empire
Who will I be today?

A question about the nature of one's ephemeral, insignificant existence in the big picture of the universe; a question that came far too often to those on the brink of battle. It was a contemplation, one last 'what if' before they went to meet their maker. Or death. Or whatever they happened to believe in, really. To Laguz, however, it was simply a fashion choice. Only hours ago, xe had been standing in front of the mirror, not unlike an anxious man off to his job interview. What tie should I wear? Does this suit make me look old? Posh? Over-excited? Laguz, similarly, worried about making a good impression, and hopefully a lasting one.

Preferably in a twenty-meter radius, charred at the edges, with a lot of casualties and a nice ways away from where xe was. Since caverns weren't the best place to play with explosives, however, and despite the sadness in xir heart, Laguz opted for the less suicidal of his two favorite options.

Pew pew times!

One, two, three (the third one was a bit unpleasant) knives disappeared into xir shifting flesh, an amorphous mass that bubbled and rearranged itself to its master's wishes. The newly assembled form grinned and went to put on some light armor, grabbing his sniper rifle and a slugthrower on the way. The very name, 'Shadow Dynasty', sounded like something woefully pretentious that some musician on spice had thought up in his dying throes; as such, it was bound to be chock-full of similarly crazy and/or drugged people. The only difference was that the shadow folk came armed with lightsabers. A limited edition of the conventional junkie, perhaps?

Who knew.

It wasn't like Laguz was going to be commanding any of those troops shoved at him — xe was a him now, and his human form would remain convincing under the harshest scrutiny — so he stepped into the drop pod with them anyway. A few shot sinks between him and the enemy seemed like a good idea.
Beginning Location: Aboard the Deliverance
Objective: Objective Three - Claim the Ice Caverns, Get there first.
Enemies: The Shadow Empire,
Allies: [member="Mikkel Markov"], [member="Tesar Osted"], [member="Laguz Vald"], [member="Ciara Jevnaker"],
Rank for Invasion: Commander - Beta
Gear: Gimti Arana, Storm, Sith Lightsaber, Derriphan's Eye, CQB LL-IWS,

I smiled brightly as the teams were beginning to drop. Each one were moving down into the caverns and making their way to clear the possibility of a base below the surface. Since almost no one has touched it since the Vong had been there, There was no telling what was inside. Or left behind. Nonetheless, I walked onto the droppod with my crew and made my way to the back. Last to enter, first to leave. Sitting down, The ship left the hangar bay under the command of myself.

"Drop all pods. Immediately"

You see, if the rest of the ships were attacking each other, it would be hard to focus on two targets at once. Let alone hundreds of small ones. It was here after the ships were beginning their decent upon the world, I began to mutter under my breath a prayer that I seemed to always use. But, since I have started saying it, I have stayed alive, and have overcome every obstacle.

"Valzino iv saud, Nu prai kia tauz kia amtezi nuyak spaga, kia tutsezi nuyak ikuny, kia tyűksas nuyak valia, ir storsajuri nun tu'iea midwan. Nu prai anas Nu galez tapti' vilio nuyak prosal, nuo Nu gaben zo griezta jita sh'jatau nuyak atgal. Nu prai kia tapti' vilio tave limitations enil sas tave plejada. Galez tave zibeti ziureti prie nun, ir tave saud mtoni won is nuyak kata. Amen"*

I took a hold of a necklace that was under my armor. Gripping it with all my might. Feeling the warmth as I spoke these words under my breath. Enough that the female next to me could hear. When I was done, I put the necklace away, and readied myself. Preparing to land, I checked my rifle. looking it over, loading it and unloading it to make sure that it wouldn't jam up on me. Despite that, I had thought about bringing my sniper rifle along, however, this was to be a close quarters combat zone.

Get in there fast, and then, my next objective was to get back up into space, and to attack any ship that got in my way till I reached the flagship. Hopefully they would have done that by then, however, one could never be too sure.

Location: Aboard the Deliverance
Objective: Objective Three - Claim the Ice Caverns
Controller: Nickolas Imura
Vantage Point: Kalee Hawns
Force Limit: 20
Submission Link: N/A

Taking a look around her, She saw the twenty or so men that were in her direct group as well as the others who were gearing up. Checking their weapons. Seeing if everything was going well. She smiled under her helmet as she hears someone speaking. Next to her was the Sith Lord Imura. But within the Ranks of the Bleeding Suns, he was a Beta. The Second highest rank you could get without being the head of the Suns. She looked and watched him as the Sith lord prayed. Looking at his gauntleted hand to see something that looked like a Cross. Nonetheless, she couldn't understand the language. Nor did she know which one it was.

However, she started to check her own weapons just a few seconds before Imura did. Even checking her vibroblade, and dagger to make sure they were sharp, and functioning. Little by little, everyone was jittery. Wanting so much to be in the thick of the battle. Adrenaline running through each and every one of them. Kalee was actually calm. She looked around to find some people sweating. But it was cold in the drop pod? Nervous much?

Still, she looked down at her boots, rubbing off scuff marks from earlier, and then decided to just watch the shadow of a swaying cord above her back and forth.

Back and forth.

Back and forth.

Translation of Prayer
<<Gods of fire, I pray to thee to sharpen my sword, to fortify my body, to strengthen my will, and lend me your powers. I pray that I may overcome my past, for I carry a heavy burden upon my back. I pray to overcome the limitations set by the galaxy. May the stars watch over me, and the fires burn freely in my heart. Amen>>*
Location: Aboard The Thorn (Skrii-Ro'ik Cruiser Analog)
Objective: Objective One: Whip the enemy into submission
Enemies: Our good "Friendsss" the Shadow Dynasty
Allies: [member="Darth Legion"], [member="Bant Mezaras"], and those aboard the various Primeval vessels

Ships: Skrii-Ro'ik Cruiser Analog carrying a GU-20 Fighter Squadron (12), and a GU-55 Bomber Squadron (7). (Weapon capacity stands at 45 Dovin Basals, and 65 Yaret-Kor)

Zambrano the Hutt literally vibrated with excitement. Vibrant yellow eyes darted throughout the halls of the of the most beautiful ship - or indeed thing - he had ever seen. Every single ounce of it was dripping with the sense of life and flesh... it just made him... want to stab it... but in a way that for once, didn't damage it. He wanted it stay this way forever! He very much wanted to keep it, and with that in mind he very much wanted to remain with the Primeval forever... or perhaps as long as they are being supplied to the One Sith, so in a strange way his loyalties only aligned with the Primeval because they were aligned with the One Sith, along with the fact that he had been intercepted by one of their agents and recruited into the zealotry. Who better to be a zealot than a clinical psychopath who literally has no concept of personal fear, or value in self-preservation? Though being a psychopath with extreme impulsive tendencies that often hampered his own goals... probably was not the best candidate one could have chosen, but certainly a choice all the same!

A non-psychopathic aid from the Primeval followed the slug trail, was ordered by the Bleeding Sun Agent to hold and possess the infamous Hutts Paralytic Barbed Whip so as to keep him from seriously damaging any of the crew members responsible for ordering troops around the fleshy ship. His job was also to keep an eye on him, and take over in a moment of extreme insubordinance... which was kind of a frightening task in of itself. The aid was also there to remind the Hutt of his directives before he strays off from the strategy, for instance, this ship was not designed for chasing ships and had more of a defensive/forward-facing-offensive strategy to it. So it was his job to make sure the sole pilot of the ship didn't start chasing after ships into the thick of battle because he wanted to make so called "friends". There were a number of other orders the aid had in regards to Zambrano that would likely take at least one book to explain in depth and in excruciating meticulous detail, but those were among the important factors to remember.

The eyes of the Hutt gleamed at the sight of the Thorn Throne... slightly modified to accommodate his "slightly" extensive girth, where an equally modified Cognition Hood hung from the ceiling for his connection pleasure. The childish being of darkness, running his hands across every smooth surface (leaving behind a small slimy residue), he sluggishly slithered as quickly as his tail allowed made his way to the bridge, which was surprisingly less busy than one might think. After all, Zambrano's living experience was about to expand to 340 meter length, while all the rest would be preparing to launch out of the hangar bays or some other menial task that Zambrano was not personally aware of, or very much cared about!

Deliberately slow, the slug slimed his way into the massive throne, running his hand through some thorns for the sensation of resting here, in charge, in power. It wasn't something that he actively sought or desired really, but it seemed it simply fell into his lap without much effort. Consider this: he was reborn into the heir of a Crime Lord with an extensive amount of resources, and a few weeks ago the Hutt, partly on a whim, modified his interplanetary Sail Barge with a hyperdrive, arrived at a random shadowport, captured a padawan and managed to best several Jedi, used that padawan to give it to a prominent sith lord-ess, and had at the same time been recruited for a prominent position of power within this theocracy known as the Primeval... and now he sat at the behest of bloody battle. Albeit it was not personal combat... but in sheer moments when he shrouded his head with his cognition hood... it would become personal combat for him.

A gasp escaped his mouth as his mind was submerged into a gentle, pleasant, natural flow of information. It spoke in a language not native to him... yet he being the result of innumerable incarnations, had the uncanny ability without his own knowledge, to understand the vong-shaped creature. The whole ship rustled slightly as the Hutts body shivered. Most people on the ship would probably not even notice... but Zambrano noticed, and that was all that was important. He felt everything, and it was fabulous. Soon Zambrano would hear a sort of... whisper... a faint talking of words that seemed to dwell from inside his now bloated awareness. He recognized it as his orders... spoken to him from his Aid, made soft due to his inflated sense of self. He was to take point, and using Dovin Basals as his superior described it "in excess", whilst firing en masse. Excess was very almost the Hutts speciality... or perhaps simply a racial quality, so as soon as he figured out what those were...

Childishly, the Hutt laughed out an immense roar of laughter as his awareness finished syncing itself with the gastropods neurology, and he could feel the identity of the creatures within him. He even toyed with the idea of firing several of his Yaret-Kor in excitement over his mental victory. Suffice to say, he clasped his hands in a huge open mouth grin, and in response his ship very slowly made small little side to side motions as it began to travel through space at the command of his Dovin Basals. Since the Hutt was busy playing with his latest toy - and actually playing, not to be confused with torturing without remorse - the Aid was the one to send back an acknowledgement of orders to The Deliverance.

At the drop of a hat the Hutt would make no hesitation to fire at the first thing he saw that moved in front of him for the simple fact that it sounded fun. This would be a most interesting battle indeed.
Location: Exiting Hyperspace
Objective: 1 Dissable Enemy Fleet and Captial Ship
Enemies: Shadow Empire [member="The Shadow King"] [member="Solan Charr"]
Allies: Primeval [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Bant Mezaras"] [member="Dredge"]

Ships: X1 Aj'Rou Dreadnaught- 'The Reaver'
x10 long-range quad turbolaser cannons
x4 heavy long-range quad ion cannons
x5 ion cannon batteries
x25 heavy dual turbolaser cannons
x50 turbolaser batteries
x1 hypervelocity gun (forward/fixed)

As the Reaver dropped into real space, all hands aboard the ship went to battle stations. The crew was made entirely of Sephi, they suited Legions needs better. Faster and more intelligent than Vong or Graug. The fleet was forming up under Commander Bant's orders. In the center of the formation he and his crew were the spear head of the battle.

"Charge the Hypervelocity Cannon...Wait for the order to fire...Target the closest ship with the heavy cannons...On Our command, light them up..."

"Commander Bant, Dreadnaught Reaver is in position." The comms officer sent a message to the Deliverance.

With the Reaver in front and slightly higher than the rest of the fleet. The Dreadnaught was able to look down of the enemy fleet.
Location: Aboard the Deliverance
Objective: Objective Three - Claim the Ice Caverns
Enemies: The Shadow Empire
Allies: [member="Mikkel Markov"], [member="Tesar Osted"], [member="Laguz Vald"], [member="Nickolas Imura"]

First the klaxon blared throughout the ship, then came the orders for all personal to man their battle stations. The female Vahla known as Ciara Jevnaker sat back on her legs, eyes closed, and her red and black battle outfit laid out before her. Hovering to her left was her lightsaber, the same instrument she created back in the days when she thought being a Jedi meant something to her. This was to be her first glimpse of organized battle since the skirmish that led to the death of her former Jedi Master, the one she had killed out of anger; but still bore no regrets on her soul. She had a new family, a new purpose, and a new destiny to fulfill. The time for diplomacy was over, war was just beginning.

After switching clothes, she ran toward her pod, the one assigned to take her to the frozen ice world below, and hopped in. Her long time friend Kieran Merrik, Tag to her, manifested out of thin air, placing his left gloved hand on the pod. "I wish you would reconsider, CJ," he said giving her the sad puppy eye look. The decision to leave him behind was hard. They had been through a lot together since they befriended one another, but she knew this was no place for him; given his special talents. "We've been over this numerous times, Tag. I can't assure your safety this time and with the situation as it is, close quarters isn't your specialty." Tag stepped back and nodded. She knew he didn't agree but he knew well enough to let the matter drop. "Be careful, CJ," he remarked then left. She closed her red eyes and whispered, "You to."

The pod rumbled to life, shook once, and was expelled at once toward the waiting world below. Her thoughts turned to the objective she had volunteered for, claim the ice caverns for the Primeval. Looking out the sideport of the pod, she saw others shooting down toward their destiny as well. How many would not make it back? How many of the enemy would die by her hand? She didn't care to know those answers, she only cared about her own survival. She didn't know her enemy but soon they would know her.
Location: The King's Crown
Objective: Objective One
Enemies: The Primevil [member="Darth Legion"] [member="Bant Mezaras"] [member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Dredge"]
Allies: [member="Solan Charr"]

Gear: Armor/Mask, Saber 1, Saber 2,

1 Bandon class Star Destroyer (950) -
1 Squadron of Mynock-Class Fighters (8) -
12 Victorine Class Medium Bombers -
12 With Proton Bomb Load out
1 Squadron of Blackfire Fighters (12) -
4 Cutlass Class Gunships -
5 Drakon Class Dropships -

1 Krayt Light Cruiser (450) -
1 Squadron of Mynock-Class Fighters (8) -
12 Victorine Class Medium Bombers -
12 With Proton Bomb Load out
1 Squadron of Blackfire Fighters (12) -
5 Cutlass Class Gunships -
10 Drakon Class Dropships -

1 Yorika Class Heavy Assault Cruiser -

3 Shadow Class Support Corvettes -
3 Squadron of Blackfire Fighters (6) -

2 Ionizer Class Support -

1 Hanzai Class Cruiser -
2 Squadron of Mynock-Class Fighters (8) -
2 Drakon Class Dropships -

It had not taken long for the rest of the ships to show up under the Dynasty banner, nor did it take long for Romeo to take in the surroundings around him. Ahead, the Primevil was already starting to do arrow head straight at the Dynasty. Romeo cracked his fingers, and knuckled, and then his neck. Pulling more of the force into him, taking in deep breaths, and letting the darkness guide him.
"Yorika, and Ionizer captains, find your places with the Shadow Prince. I need all Shadows to form up on me." Romeo ordered his fleet. With this said, the two Shadows formed on either side of him. "Focus all power to your shields, and guns. We will not move from this spot! Shadows prepare your Long Guns, fire when your weapons are ready. Toligon! Get our Ion Cannons ready! Third Shadow get behind the Hanzai, and also prepare your Long Guns. Hail down the artillery when all Long Guns are primed, and targets are picked out. Aim in the middle of that arrow, destroy that formation!" Romeo continued his orders. The Long Guns were a amazing addition to the fleet, the range of those weapons acted like artillery, and would easily reach from here. Next Toligon began to issue out that the fighters wait for Romeo's go to take off.​
Romeo then turned around to look back his bridge, his red cape dancing behind him.​
"Hanzai, second Ionizer, take formation together. Light em up with your Ion cannons Ionizer, then let the Hanzai finish the job. All star fighters, weight to take off on my signal." The Vahla moved down his bridge speaking openly, with his coms just as open to the Dynasty fleet for Solan to hear. He was making his way to his command chair, and had finally got to it. Sitting down, Romeo spread his fingers, touched their tips together, and leaned his face into them in thought.
"What about the Krayt sir? You haven't given it orders yet." Toligon approached him. Her short hair making her look more the professional, and her dark eyes gleaming with with excitement. She want to pay them back just as much as Romeo wanted to. The king looked up from behind his mask. "Tell them to get behind me, we need a rear guard, and something to help take off the heat on our engines. Look at that, the Yorika, and Ionizer are getting behind the flag ship, interesting." Romeo said as he watched the movements from space. "Keep us close with Solan, we dont need them breaking us up. Also get the Drakon Regiment Commanders in my ear."
Location: Aboard The King's Crown
Objective: Protect the ship from boarding parties
Controller: The Shadow King
Force Limit: 200 in groups of 100, 50, 50.
Submission Link: Drakon Regiment

"King Sin, this is Commander Yemens, along side Commanders, Urik, and Halun. We have Triple Zero moving into the hangar, while Akuma Strike is setting up a choke point within the hallways leading to the bridge, while Shadow Company has a choke point set up outside your door, the E-Web, and F-Web are all set up. We took away the OSSRs and placed them with the DH-Xs for those using them in the companies. No one is getting by us sir." The lead commander of Triple Zero said in Romeo's ear. Now that all was set in place, Romeo called out one last time to the Yorika. "Charge up the hypervelocity guns Yorika, prepare them for Solan."

Mikkel Markov

Exemplar of the Bleeding Sun
Starting Location: Deliverance drop pod
Ending Location: Planet Surface
Objective: Objective Three
Enemies: The Shadow Empire
Allies: [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] | [member="Tesar Osted"] | [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Nickolas Imura"]

The pod jolted as it was jettisoned from the Deliverance. Looking out the port hole of the pod, Mikkel could see the curve of the planet's horizon, only to be momentarily blotted out as he activated the HUD of the tactical armor he was issued. The usual start-up screen appeared, the Primeval's trademark symbol in center view with a checklist of all systems activating. Blinking the screen away, Mikkel looked out the port hole again to see hollow squares over every Deliverance drop pod, giving the information of who was inside any pod Mikkel focused his vision on. Mikkel searched for the pod Nikolas and made a mental note of where the commander's pod was in relation to his own.

Looking down, Mikkel took inventory of which weapons he brought with him. Two knives, each 20 cm. in length, were sheathed, one on each leg. His P9-8 pistol was holstered on his waist, and his E-41r blaster rifle was slung over his back. Before the mission, Mikkel had taken the time to paint both blasters to match the pattern of his armor, for no reason other than uniformity.

As the pod entered the atmosphere, Mikkel powered on his weapons and braced for the impact. Reaching the surface took a bit longer than expected, and Mikkel ended up being taken by surprise when his pod crashed into the ice. Mildly shell shocked and quite annoyed, Mikkel climbed out of his pod and walked onto the ice. He could not tell if it was day or night; ice is generally mono-color and his Umbaran eyes allowed him to see in either case. Getting himself together, he started looking for the Commander to receive his next orders.


Huntress of the North
PC Template - Ciara
Location: The Deliverance
Objective: Objective Two
Enemies: The Shadow Empire
Allies: The Primeval
NPC Template - 20 Personal Guardsmen
Location: Cargo hold, deliverance
Objective: Objective B
Controller: Ciara
Force Limit: 8 House Savona Guardsmen, 12 Graug Guardsmen
Ciara paused for a moment as she disembarked from the HSS Rebluff. The Graug behind her carried several black plastoid cases of various weaponry. The Deliverance. Or really, the Deliverance-class Heavy Cruiser. If she recalled correctly, the same type of ship she stepped aboard when visiting the Host Lord. She sighed, feeling slightly safer inside of a heavily armored and heavily armed metallic coffin. But the fact that it was essentially the flagship of the entire fleet scared her. It was basically attaching a huge red target mark on the ship with the words, "FIRE HERE."

She sighed. Ciara really needed to take the edge of her, although she was forbidden from taking foreign substances for relief. It would interfere with her biological processes and lead to inefficiency later on. The research and development team of House Savona had, although, provided a derivative form of a mild relaxant synthesized from natural sources. It was a subpar version of hypnocane, but it was enough to take the edge off of Ciara for now. She opened her visor quickly and took out a unlabeled plastoid bottle from her belt, popped the cap and took out a single pill with her index finger and her thumb. Analyzing the unidentifiable light blue pill, she tossed it inside of her mouth without hesitation and the pill dissolved and fizzed in her mouth as it reacted with the hydronium ions in her saliva. She replaced the visor to her helmet and sighed in relief as the tension in her body. She set her path to the cargo hold, which was supposedly a makeshift headquarters or command room. All she knew was that Dredge was inside and well, it most likely gave its location significance. Not necessarily a tactical one, but more of a, if everything fraks up on board, it's probably the origin of the solution.

She moved into the cargo hold and bowed as she saw Dredge. The men behind her followed in suit, before entering the room and creating barricades in front of the door way. The House Savona guardsmen were armed with DC-15a Blaster Rifles, Ceremonial Senate Guard Armor, two DC-15s Blasters, six WW-41 CryoBan Grenades, three Electro Magnetic Pulse Grenades, and three Class-A Thermal Detonator. Of course, all of this hidden under the symbolic blue robes which flowed elegantly as they walked with Ciara. The Graug were starkly contrasted, wearing their traditional Graug armaments and armor, and vile and gruesome in nature. Unlike the Guardsmen, they immediately went to roughly throwing crates in front of the door way rather than stick to formalities and protocols. And Ciara had brought another unexpected guest...a droid. A droid named Destiny.

Ciara bowed once more as she approached and stated, "Greetings."
Location: Resolute
Objective: Three-Claim the Ice Caverns
Enemies: [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] [member="Nickolas Imura"]
Allies: [member="Solan Charr"] [member="The Shadow King"] [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Kitsune"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Alisa Kalor"]
Gear: Convergence Pistols, Arc Shadow, II-1ASR, Shadow Walker Mk.I, Sentinel Dueling Gloves

Location: Resolute
Objective: Three-Claim the Ice Caverns
Controller: Judas Zambrano
Force Limit: 20
Gear: Convergence Pistols, Rapture launchers, Convergence Mk.I's, Arc Shadows, II-1ASR, and Dream Crushers
Submission Link: 7 Crimson Avengers, 3 Azuchi Guards, 9 Crimson Walkers, 1 EDG Droid

Judas had sat in the hanger of the Resolute soldiers running to and fro as he just whistled a little tune as he shined a combat knife that was soon sheathed. Judas truly didn't think this was a smart fight and even after trying to make peace with the barbarians known as the Primeval. It was just a waste of time. The imbeciles couldn't see what the peace that had been offered would mean for both factions. Yet Judas wasn't one to back down from a fight and had even volunteered to be one of the ones to go down to the planet. Being the crimson agent he did have quite a few people beneath his command that he could've brought to the fight with him, but no he had settled for beings that wouldn't make those same mistakes. Entities that felt no pain, had no fear of death, and that's where his droids came in. Completely under his command the droids were the first ventures into droid technology with his company, and he couldn't have been more proud.

All the droids went through their basic protocols checking over the weapons and ensuring that no problems would be encountered during combat. Their red eyes glowing and frightening some of the soldiers in the hanger and making them go around or outright avoid the droids. Judas seemed to have the same effect, the rumors of him being a Zambrano and a Garhoon having spread. Finally snapping him from his daze the voice of Solan poured through his helmets com alerting him that it was time to make their way to the ground. Standing Judas began to make his way to one of the Umbra Class Dropships his droids following behind him without him having to speak a word. They had been programmed already to follow his every command.

The dropship was extremely packed by the time that the droids finished loading into it, and Judas himself was the last one in squeezing in among the droids. Pulling out a holocommunicator Judas activated it the cavern that they were supposed to be capturing popping up. "This will be our objective, and upon exiting the ship I want formation Alpha being taken." Judas said a smile touching his lips as he had a certain surprise for the enemies he faced on the ground. He planned to give no quarter unless allegiance was pledged to him. With the sudden shaking as the dropship began to exit The Resolute all the droids aboard activated their magnetic grips not budging. Judas couldn't be more proud of his droids.
Location: Aboard a ship, falling out of Hyperspace.
Objective 3: Land ASAP
Enemies: @Primeval | [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] | [member="Nickolas Imura"] | [member="Laguz Vald"] |
Allies: [member="Solan Charr"] | [member="The Shadow King"] | [member="Judas Zambrano"] | [member="Aedan Miles"] |

Location: Aboard a ship, falling out of Hyperspace.
Objective 3: Guard Kezeroth
Controller: Kezeroth the Malevolent
Force Limit: 2
Submission Link: EDG Enforcer Droid x2​
" Back at it again... Lets get this over with."

*Thump Thump Thump* Heavy spiked foot steps tapped rather loudly in the Hangar bay, Shadow Dynasty Troopers moved back like ants as the Gen'dai prepared his Bloody Crimson Armor making sure everything was snug and fit. Looking slightly to his right he scanned his shoulder blaster and grinned as it twitched, moving where he turned his head and locking on where he commanded it too. Raising his right arm Kezeroth tested his mounted flame thrower aiming it towards the ground. " Check..."

It seemed where ever he went War also followed. It was Depressing slightly, but this time he would make a profit off of fighting. Being old friends with the Shadow King had its Perks and no matter how much Kezeroth disliked the guy he still respected him. Kezeroths mask folded over his face as a trooper walked by him, the solider was young and full of energy. The Complete opposite of Kezeroth whos energy was Dark, Draining and full of Suffering. Staring at the Solider through his mask Kezeroth growled " Is something wrong?" wondering why he had stopped by, was not everyday a young solider approached a Gen'dai.

" Sir... What is that on your back? That Hammer?" he said refering to the Power-Hammer strapped across Kezeroths backside. With a chuckle the Gen'dai grabbed it and rested the Weapon on his left shoulder. " This old thing is Bone-Crusher ." he responded. The Solider titled his head and examined it, It was large for most Species and outfitted with a Blade on the opposite end. " Well... Whats it d.." he stopped talking when Kezeroth said " Whatever I want it too... Right now Im thinking it might launch you into the Orbit of Helska. Now beat it!" he scorned the man and watched him march off. Kezeroths thoughts were everywhere, the calm before the storm was not him. In the midst of Conflict he worked best. Looking around the hangar for a moment the gen'dai strapped his Hammer back where it rested on his back and made his way to a Crate by his Gunship. He was suckered into training [member="Judas Zambrano"] for the Promise of Weapons and such, It was time to see how well that Promise would work out. Crouching down to a knee Kezeroth opened the Large Crate that was labeled " Iscariot Industries ", Inside was a interesting Rifle, large and fitting in looks for the Brutish warrior Kezeroth was.

" Convergence Mk.1? Hmm... Fancy." he said inspecting the Rifle more, In truth he was excited to see it preform in the upcoming battle. Looking back down to the Large Crate he picked up some Energy Cells and shoved them into his Bandolier that was slung across his armored chest. Attaching a thick leather Strap to the new rifle he let it too rest as searched more in the Crate. Some Grenades, More Ammo, more Ammo and more Ammo. Kezeroth was a Gen'dai of Simple taste and this crate held what he liked. Fixing his Belt that held his trusty Bryar Pistol, the weapon was one of his favorites for its simplicity. Time was wasting and he did not have all day to choose all the Weapons, Eyeing the Drop ships he watched as loads of Droids load into the neighbor drop ship that he assumed had Judas inside, He could only laugh. He had two last Items to grab before he was ready, With the press of a button the ramp lowered on his gunship and on the wall mounted were the items the Gen'dai wanted. One being a Large Fancy Sithsword and the other a Cloak given to him as a gift for being a savage in battle during his prime years in One Sith. Both served him well in the past and now they would return to his side.

Stashing the Cloak around his Chest over his Bandolier and Holstering the Sithsword on the back of his Hip Kezeroth shrugged beneath the weight of all his equipment. It was a change he would adapt to in battle but right now it would be slower than normal. Walking down the Ramp of his ship Kezeroth eyed 2 EDG Enforcer Droids holding Electro-staffs waiting to be commanded. " What is this? What is your objective?" he asked them tilting his head slightly.

" Protect and Serve, Mr. Malice" they both responded shortly and continued. " You command we Obey." they both finished with and held their Staffs against their chest. Kezeroth smirked as he said " Self-Destruct..." pondering at their intelligence. Both droids stood silent and suddenly laughed!? " Haha ... We do not Function that way. We will guard your back while to slaughter many Flesh-lings" Their green photorecptors flashed as they stepped to the side to let the Gen'dai walk past them both. " Hahahahahha!! Good! Load up!" he pointed to a almost Empty Gun ship and walked towards it ready for battle. Now only thing to do was wait to deploy!

(( Total-Equipment: Armor, Rifle, Bryar pistol, x6 G-20 Glop Grenades, x8 Special Energy Cells, Sithsword, Cloak & Bone Crusher. ))
((OOC: Little Request... If you plan on Battling me PM me before please :) ))

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