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New Star League Remnants

The New Star League Remnants are a highly militarized exile group who travel the galaxy bringing aid to those in need.

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Marshal, Journeyman Protector
Alula is located in the Alula-Kif system. The small solar system is a giant yellow star orbited at great distance by a fast moving but tiny black hole, which is what led to the original stranding, and cutting off of the refugees from the rest of the galaxy.

There are three habitable planets in the system; Alula, Zenith, and Nadir.

Alula is the capital world, modern and highly populated. Nadir is a green lush planet which produces the system's food and leads agricultural research. Zenith is a forge world with massive industries and huge mineral wealth which is heavily exploited.

The system was cut off from the galaxy for thirteen years after its discovery, leading to a unique culture among the survivors and their descendants. For the last twenty years the New Star League presence has expanded throughout the system, with space stations and outposts. All three worlds in the system are wealthy and powerful in their own right, but are nominally ruled from Alula where the Council of Seven has its seat in the old imperial palace.
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