Vina Zomo
Best Karking Healer. Ever.

Name: Barenth Medical Station (named for the Barenth Healing Plant)
Image Source: Wookieepedia ( )
Intent: To give the Healer's Guild a permanent place for its members to hang out (or live, in the case of the Head Healer and a few others), treat patients, and take care of other Guild Business.
Classification: Medical Usage
Location: Orbit of the planet Monastery
Coordinates: Q-14
Affiliation: The Healer's Guild
Population: Approx. 20,000 people, consisting of (from greatest amount to fewest amount): Healers/medics, patients, and security detail.
Defenses: No weapons, but the space station is outfitted with CW-era force shields, fixed up to be usable.
Points of Interest:
Medical Bays:

The Medical Bays, located on the upper portion of the center part (ICU area) and in three of the eight wings (Wings 1, 3, and 5), are where the injured are housed and treated. The rooms typically include 10 beds (5 on one side, 5 on the other) and include a holovid projector for the patients. Each bed is also separated by a privacy curtain which may be pulled completely around the beds. Some of the ICU rooms also contain bacta tanks, with up to 5 tanks per room (in the place of 5 beds). Also located in the three wings are observation and quarantine rooms, though there are few of those.
Crew Quarters:

These are the rooms where the faculty sleep, located in three of the eight wings on the station (Wings 2, 6, and 7). Only those who live full-time on the station are assigned a bunk, and only they may personalise their bed.
Mess Hall

The mess hall is where the healers, visitors, and mobile patients may eat. This is also where the food for bedridden patients is prepared. It is located in Wing 5.

The hangar is where all delivery ships come, either to drop off supplies or transfer patients and staff. Ships used by the Guild to deliver their own people are stored here, as well as the personal ships of any members. One of the eight wings (Wing 4) is entirely devoted to the ship traffic, consisting of Hangars A1-A10, Hangars B1-B10, Hangars C1-C10, and Hangars D1-D10.
Storage Rooms
The storage rooms are where all of the extra supplies are kept, like herbs, medicine, spare parts, and food. The whole of Wing 8 is dedicated to storage.
Garden Room

One of the newer remodels, the Garden Room has two purposes: it not only provides a place for off-duty healers and patients to hang out, but it also functions as a way for the Healer's Guild to cultivate its own herbs and plants. The garden itself is divided into various sections for different plants and patient needs. The plants grown include but are not limited to: Avabush, a small sample of Barenth Healing Plant, Behot, Grey Gabaki, Guroot, Osera Seeds, Pommwomm, Senoti, and Viptiel. It is located in Wing 7.
Description: The space station is an old Haven-class medical station left over from the Clone Wars. Somewhere in the middle of the Galactic Civil War between the Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the station was abandoned for greener pastures and promptly forgotten. The Healer's Guild, shortly before their re-emergence onto the galactic stage, rediscovered the station and not only fixed it up but moved it into orbit above the planet Monastery. Much of the original technology was kept, as well as the original layout. Very few new additions were added, though the entire thing was refurbished to be up-to-code.
History: The station originally started out as one of twenty medical stations the Old Republic had commissioned during the Clone Wars. The station had never been located by the Separatists, thus allowing the Republic to focus its attention elsewhere. After the fall of the Republic, the Emperor had the station moved from Ord Pardron to empty space near the planet of Falleen. However, amidst the war, funds for the station began to dwindle until the Imperials simply abandoned it. There it sat floating, unnoticed among the following wars, until a member of the Healer's Guild came across it. The Guild then set about restoring the station, only updating things which absolutely had to be in order to conserve money. They then collaborated with many spacers and owners of strong tracotr beams, moving the station to the neutral planet of Monastery. From there, it became the guild's central headquarters.