Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Banned & Restricted Items List

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Restricted Items
1. Objectives which require you to visit a planet located within the Influence Cloud of a Major Faction may only be completed in Non-Private threads.

2. Submissions using Restricted Items will be reviewed by a Role-play Judge, and may be declined depending on the quality and effort of the submitter.

3. Technology that has a restricted material (Beskar & Phrik), will no longer require a ‘restricted material’ development thread as long as the item that is being submitted is labeled as UNIQUE. This does not cover any development threads required for what the item is.

4. Submissions which make use of base material submissions that utilize restricted materials will always require substantial development involving that restricted material. (i.e; Phrik Armorweave submissions will require development for utilization in future armor submissions)

5. For Restricted items, standard development may grant between Unique and Limited production depending on the submission, with a maximum of Minor production following additional development.

6. To be able to use a Restricted Item in your Factory Submission, a writer must first complete the objective attached to the restricted item in a convincing manner that adds to the quality of the role-play thread. Standard development may grant between Unique and Limited production depending on the submission, with a maximum of Minor production following additional development. Below in alphabetical order are the items and their associated objectives.

7. Completing restricted item objectives may count as development threads for the submissions using the restricted item. Each completed objective usually only counts for one submission.

8. If a restricted material is traded between characters, please link to purchase/trade thread of the restricted item along with the seller's original resource gathering thread.

9. This list is subject to change without notice. Changes will not affect past submissions.

Artificial Intelligence (Non-Droid) (( Objective: A thesis must be written, either in a blog or over the course of a role-play thread, consisting of the concepts of your Artificial Intelligence’s design. Scientific journal excerpts from your character’s time spent designing the Artificial Intelligence must be included. Minimum 1000 words total. ))

Beskar (( Objective: Perform a mining operation, a raid, an excavation, or steal to obtain Mandalorian Iron Ore from any of the following planets: Mandalore, Concordia, Echo'lya –OR— inflict a devastating defeat on a Mandalorian character and have them verify it. Characters belonging to the Major Faction whose influence covers Mandalore and/or Concordia are exempt from fulfilling this objective.
All tech submissions involving Mandalorians using Beskar will require a forging or construction thread of at least 10 posts where the item is made. Limited or minor production items will require longer dev threads of 20 and 30 posts respectively, or at the discretion of the Factory Judge. ))

Cortosis (( Objective : Perform a mining operation, a raid, an excavation, or steal to obtain cortosis ore from any of the following planets: Apatros, Obredaan, Katanos VII, Duro, Bal’demnic, Gallos, Conglomerate Prime, Bespin, Umphathia –OR—suffer a devastating defeat at the hands of a Force User Character written by another writer. ))


Echani graphite: (Objective: With two or more other writers write a story where you steal your restricted material from an NPC ship from within a Major Faction's influence cloud in a public Skirmish.) - OR - Complete a roleplay in a Rebellion from the perspective of an NPC where your character suffers a personal sacrifice to save/help a stranger.)

Hijarna stone: (Objective: With one or two other writers, complete a Bounty thread from one of the posted Bounties on the Bounty Board. (Completion does not necessarily mean you are successful.) - OR - Write a story with another writer and successfully raid a Tier 5+ company in a public skirmish. )
Impervium ((Successfully win a tournament --OR-- win two duels in one Invasion/Rebellion thread. )) [x]
Ionite (( Write a thread from the perspective of NPCs about the fall out of one of your previous actions --OR-- wreck your vehicle into another player's vehicle in an Invasion/Rebellion thread. )) [x]
Isotope 5 (( Write a story about your character enduring personal sacrifice to save/help a stranger)) [x]

Laminanium (( Objective : With two or more other writers, complete a role-play in reverse, starting with it’s end and ending with it’s beginning –OR-- complete a role-play from an NPC’s perspective who is accompanying your character. ))

Mandalorian Iron (( See: Beskar ))
Neuraniam (( Objective : Complete an entire role-play from the first person perspective in which you only use the first pronoun ( “I” or “me” or “my” ) only six times --OR-- participate on the winning side of a Rebellion with a minimum of 5 posts contributed. ))
Orbalisk (( Objective: Closed to Lightsiders. Darkside only, must be a force user. Travel to Dxon and attempt to find the parasite and construct the armor (or what you're trying to do), must have every post of the dev thread be a haiku - 15-20 posts without repeating a line more than 3 times))

Phrik (( Objective : Perform a mining operation, a raid, an excavation, or steal to obtain phrikite ore from any of the following planets: Gromas 16, Alderaan, Arkania, Rendili, Bastion, Wayland, Roche Asteroids, Seltos, Demonsgate,Val'hala, Sekalus –OR—suffer a devastating defeat at the hands of a Non-Force User. ))

Personal Cloaking Device (( Objective : Complete a role-play without your character by only describing the scenery and actions of other characters from NPC perspectives without changing the course of the story directly. Ask for permission from the participants before engaging. ))
Pyronium ((Write a thread about the actions of a civilian with no fighting skills and how they survived a past invasion --OR-- participate in a Tier 3 Dominion that does not become a Rebellion.)) [x]

Stygium Crystal (( Objective : Perform a mining operation, a raid, an excavation, or steal to obtain stygium crystals from any of the following planets: Aeten II, Maramere, Kelsier, Enigma Prime, Kazahana Asteroid Field –OR— kill a player character account who has more than 500 posts and get them to verify it.))

Songsteel (( Objective : Consecutively rhyme the last word of every other sentence in a paragraph in every post for the full duration of a duel against a Force User player character –OR— assist members in completing ten other objectives --OR-- have your character sing a battle song IC during an Invasion/Rebellion thread for your allies ))

Ultrachrome (( Objective : With three or more other characters your character is familiar with, complete a story about how you met in the distant past –OR— with two or more characters your character is not familiar with, become trapped in hostile territory and escape. ))

Void Stone: With two or more characters that your character does not already know, get trapped in Otherspace by a hyperdrive accident and escape. OR: Perform a mining operation, a raid, an excavation, or steal to obtain small amounts of Void Stone (suitable for Limited production or less) from any of the following planets: Kayri, Elrood, or Caeliar. As with all restricted materials, this objective applies to the use of derivative materials (such as voidsteel or Velokite). Note that derivative materials often have specific affiliations.
Wintrium: (Objective: With two or more other writers, perform a public skirmish to raid or steal Wintrium from the planet of Klatooine successfully ( Klatooine Legends) - OR - Write a story from the perspective of an NPC who witnesses the fallout of stealing Wintrium where angry Klatooines kill a player character account who has more than 500 posts and get them to verify it. )

Banned Items
Banned Items

i. Banned Items are not permitted to be used in canon role-play threads on Star Wars RP: Chaos without the explicit permission of the SWRP Staff Team.
ii. Banned Items are not permitted to be used in submissions within the Factory without the explicit permission of the SWRP Staff Team.
iii. Banned Items are only permitted to be used in Non-Canon role-play threads or Non-Canon Campaign threads.

Celestial Technology
[member="Darth Vornskr"]
Extragalactic Subjects (canon species/technology/planets/etc exempt.)
Gree Technology (Not including Nav Computers: they provide no information on the technology of the Gree)
Neutron Bomb
Nanotechnology: All nanotechnology is banned.[ x ]
Plagiarism: Any obvious use of material from outside the Star Wars universe, including but not limited to: Gundam Wing, Halo, Marvel, DC Universe, Dragonball Z, Final Fantasy, Star Trek, etc. Attempted plagiarism could result in disciplinary action as it directly contradicts Star Wars RP: Chaos’s General Rules.
Quantum-crystalline Armor
Rakata Technology
Stargate ( See: Hypergate )
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