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Approved Tech Band of Conjuring

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  • Aids in the usage of Similfuturus, allowing the wearer to more readily create Dopplegänger's through the Force
  • Allows the wearer to more readily focus past distractions, and can act as a meditative tool
  • The Sarrassian Iron used makes it much more geared toward Darksided meditative techniques, and provides a corrupting influence
  • Can enhance the wearers general use of the Force, as well as occasionally recycle spent energy to reinvigorate its wearer
  • Focusing and meditative tool
  • Capable of enhancing the wearer's Force abilities
  • Capable of occasionally recycling spent energy through the Force
  • Alchemized to assists the user in the creation of more believable, and easier to conjure, Dopplegänger's
  • Standard alchemy strengths apply (more durable, etc)
  • Permeated with the Darkside of the Force, making it hard to ignore
  • Naturally corruptive influence and aura due to the Sarrassian Iron
  • Rendered useless in the presence of Force Dampening/Suppressive sources
  • Weakened or damaged by Force Light
  • Just a ring
  • The Dantari and Kasha crystals used are just small slithers, and thus their effects aren't as potent as the Qixoni's
  • Any Dopplegänger created lasts only as long as the user remains focused on its conjuring
Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn promised to have a ring made for Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr , so naturally that fell on Arcturus to make it happen. Malum was specifically looking for a tool to help him better draw upon the power known as Similfuturus, or Dopplegänger, though given that Arcturus already had crystal shards left over from the creation of Aeternum he also worked in more generic Force-related features too. The inner band is lined with countless miniscule runes which all work in tandem to help with the summoning of these Dopplegängers, so long as the wearer remains focused upon it.

It should be noted that this ring would not be helpful should the wearer be trying to hide their true identity, as it has a very potent darksided presence permeating it. With that said, the ring's presence cannot be used to differentiate the wearer from any dopplegänger version of themselves as the nature of Similfuturus makes them indistinguishable for as long as the power is active.

For the first time when taking on a commission, Arcturus decided to make a secondary version of the ring for his own personal collection. This way he can test it to figure out better methods in the future, and will always have a copy to reference for future projects.
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