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Approved Location Balroyaal's Secret Laboratory

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Company: G.H Corporation | Owner: Grudge, The Grutt

Name: Balroyaal's Secret Lab.
Classification: Laboratory
Affiliation: @Grudge The Grutt
Location: Rutan. Specifically, it is a laboratory unlocked through Grudge's voice. The lab is located 3.3 km underground.


The lab serves as Balroyaal's safe-haven. Even more so, it's his company's temporary HQ of which his mutation machine is used to produce the first wave of Grancha Mutants until Balroyaal receives enough funding to expand and build an actual plant for his company.


This laboratory belonged to Balroyaal before he died 200 years ago. The lab was the HQ for his team of biological engineers and scientists of whom helped create his mutation serum. Before death, he layed off all of his employees and associates to be able to fund the serum's completion. After Grudge re-discovered the lab on Rutan, he found his possessions dusted over, the papers littered everywhere and bugs running a muck. Grudge quickly took to selling his unnecessary possessions cooped inside the lab and used the funding to kick-start his mutation corporation once more. As for the lab, it served him well in his glory, so he figured why abandon it.


The underground's base is primarily composed of an aged steel for the interior, walls, floors and stairs, etc. The base has flora growing from the cracks, as it's been 200 years, and it is used for bio-engineering. There is an scientific section dedicated to studying DNA, replicating it, housing DNA and sustaining individual cells. A small portion of the lab has a medical portion, the medical equipment far outdated and rusted thus far. A large majority of the lab is currently used to store Balroyaal's mutation machine. Monitors and levers are positioned around the machine to monitor activity and dictate what occurs inside it, and how much. The mutation machine is belt atop an assembly belt, meaning things can go in and out very quickly. It is used alike an assembly line, specific parts of the mutation machine possessing their own designated task to create the desired mutant. Also worth mentioning, Balroyaal has a separate room that houses many fluid tanks of which are used to house rare specimens and grow the mutants. Beyond this, there are four elevators that are used for easy transport to the surface. The other notable entrance is through a cave-rock composed sliding and automated door which leads to another massive elevator capable of holding 50 people at once. It was designed for a hutt, after all.


Grudge The Grutt said:
Specifically, it is a laboratory accessed through Grudge's voice
(This is nit picky, I know) switch accessed to unlocked. I had the image in my head that whenever he speaks, his lab is there.

Grudge The Grutt said:
The lab is located underground.
How far underground?

Grudge The Grutt said:
The lab will serve as Balroyaal's safe-haven. Even more so, it will be his company's temporary HQ of which his mutation machine will be used to produce the first wave of Grancha Mutants until Balroyaal receives enough funding to expand and build an actual plant for his company.
Switch your tenses from past to present. It does serve as his safe haven, he's already found it as seen in your awesome dev thread.

Grudge The Grutt said:
the medical equipment far outdated and rotten thus far
Use rusted here instead of rotten. Meat rots, metal rusts.

Fix these small, very nit picky thing and I'll approve
KeCholo said:
(This is nit picky, I know) switch accessed to unlocked. I had the image in my head that whenever he speaks, his lab is there.
Changed accessed to unlocked.

KeCholo said:
How far underground?

Now says 3.3 km underground. Not sure if that's applicable, but yeah.

KeCholo said:
Switch your tenses from past to present. It does serve as his safe haven, he's already found it as seen in your awesome dev thread.

Switch your tenses from past to present. It does serve as his safe haven, he's already found it as seen in your awesome dev thread.

KeCholo said:
Use rusted here instead of rotten. Meat rots, metal rusts. Fix these small, very nit picky thing and I'll approve
Rot changed to rusts.
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