Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bad Dames and a Whole Boatload of Trouble


Rather than descend into panicked confusion, Aria was perhaps the only one in the dive completely unafraid, even calmer at the words that hissed through the air, and anyone who could bother to spare her a glance would've noticed that as her posture lost its tensed readiness her smile resurfaced, almost a smirk. Smoke filled the room and she sat back down, legs folded demurely, tracing a finger over the rim of her glass as though she were oblivious to the chaos. She could sense the aura behind the words - she knew what came next. She knew, knew without recognizing the figure breaking through the doors and without knowing the voice snaking into the air who it was that had burst upon the scene.

She'd known of his plans, even helped carry them out, but she'd never seen Darth Abyss in his armored form. This creature, this husk wasn’t something she was familiar with at all (and yet she'd been so quick to put a name to the mask) - so very other, eerie and arcane and wholly unnatural. Another in her shoes would be shocked, perhaps afraid of the Sith, horrified at what a friend had become, horrified to have had any part in it.

What Aria felt instead was something very like glee.

Cold gaze regarded the scene as Abyss dealt with the thugs, amusement playing at her features. It looked like intimidation, a display of power, but the Sith Lord wasn't one for such feats - she knew him to be smarter than to take lives for the sake of it. To her mind the one that killed with purpose was by far the most dangerous, but Abyss was a friend. She knew she was not in danger. It made watching him do away with the horde that much more fun.

He was quickly approached and so Aria chose not to intrude. But she sat, patient as she looked from [member="Darth Abyss"] to [member="Grimoire"] and Vaylin then back. It's good to see you again.

Darth Grimoire

[member="Vaylin"] [member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Garlen Zorabos"] [member="Cinder Rose"] [member="Shae'an Vai Li"]

Grimoire was slow to rise from the dent she had molded behind her into the bar. Clasping to the edges of the bar the sith knight shook her head and her disheveled black hair. The world was spinning, the force cancelling cloud had distorted her sense. Grimoire held her head and shook it, blinking her eyes.

"Hey? Can you walk if not I'll carry you" [member="Novin Jackal"] said. Grimoire tilted her head, to see a mandolorian armored man asking of her situation. Grimoire, still groggy, said nothing and instead waved her hand. Grimoire stood up she looked at her lightsaber hilt, still clenched in other hand. That is when she noticed the sudden attack from the thugs. She jolted up, but, her alert preparations were interrupted and the rendered unnecessary as another stranger, a powerful woman, tainted with the dark side dispensed the oncoming attackers with her crimson blade.

Grimoire looked to [member="Aria Vale"] with confusion. Another sith? Grimoire thought. Who is this woman? Why is she helping? But, before Grimoire’s answers could be summoned, more attackers, stragglers of the initial group. Grimoire feeling the force returning to her, decided she would end this once and for all. Injured and shaken but, not severed in her reach into the darkside Grimoire blasted the stragglers into one another with a final push. She had no idea where Tarlakk had gone if, but, it seems her rescuers were around her.

"You okay?" said the unknown Sith woman. Grimoire, in more control of herself, turned to the unknown Sith woman and nodded. “I am.” Grimoire replied, “But, for now I must go. I thank you.” Grimoire left the bar counter and began to move. She needed to get to the dockyards, take her ship and leave this place. She noticed more darksiders, a zabrak with a particular spirit for combat ahead of here was still in a brawl ([member="Vaylin"]). Suddenly, a much darker presence appeared. More powerful, a Sith Lord no doubt. Grimoire had heard rumour of the mysterious shadow that ruled Defiance. And now this. Grimoire’s mind complained.

“Everyone else, sit." the eldricth Sith Lord growled.

Now everyone in the bar was quiet. The Lord of Defiance was among them. Grimoire remained standing. Surrounded by the unknown Sith woman, a zabrak, a dragoness and a Mandolorian. Grimoire’s golden eyes rested on the Sith Lord, [member="Darth Abyss"]. Grimoire exhaled and returned her lightsaber to its holster. She stood for a moment in silence.

“This disturbance was unfortunate.” Grimoire hissed. “To think it was so great that a Lord would descend to this place.”

“What can I do for you, my lord.” continued Grimoire, keeping her golden glare on Lord Abyss.
Vaylin's lightsaber passed through several thugs with a gleeful grin on the Zabrak's face. The utter chaos that had enraptured 'Deadend's Dive' meant her prey was confused at which way to even look. It wasn't until the second one fell to her assault that they finally fought back. One tried throwing a punch, which Vaylin easily ducked and gave the man a mocking glare. Did he seriously think a punch would do much of anything? He certainly felt the mistake when she flicked her red blade across and severed the offending appendage from the rest of the body. He let out a scream, drowned out by the chaotic mess around them, but even that was cut off when Vaylin removed his head.

A second thug; female this time had a somewhat smarter sense. As she began firing at the Zabrak with a rifle, but the first and second blasts were blocked with her lightsaber, followed by raising her hand and Force pulling her closer. The woman went tumbling towards her, and Vaylin quickly ducked bringing her weapon up to cleave her in two. A twisted smirk appeared on the Zabrak's face as she turned to see the results.

Though moments later her expression soured as an overwhelming dark presence suddenly made itself known.

Vaylin physically winced as [member="Darth Abyss"]' voice echoed in her ears. She raised her mental defences on instinct, even though there was no real intrusion beyond his simple words. Nonetheless, she was grateful for Sumiko's lessons right now, not wanting to experience something like she had on Athiss again.

The seemingly floating suit of armour made quick work of one of the thugs, showing no qualms with utterly tearing his mind out. Vaylin saw what it was, a show of boisterous power; sending a message to the man's fellows to not even dare thinking of stepping out of line. There was part of the Zabrak that was fascinated, specifically at the brutality of it all. But again, her previous experience with mentalism made her recoil.

Instead she turned to assess what was left behind, her amber eyes falling on [member="Cinder Rose"] as she continued to hold Tarlakk in her grip. Vaylin wandered what the dragoness would do, crush his skull? Hopefully she would.

Her attention shifted over both Aria and [member="Grimoire"], noticing the two women seemed to recognized whoever this...armour was. But the fact the latter acknowledge him as a 'Lord' meant he was powerful, at least enough to acquire the title. What intrigued her the most however, was her master's reaction. Whereas Grimoire seemed to know of him. Aria appeared to know him, to a point she seemed positively happy. With Abyss' order to sit, Vaylin almost instinctively wanted to challenge it, but decided against it and took a seat next to [member="Aria Vale"].

"Who is that?" She whispered, leaning a bit closer to her master.

[member="Novin Jackal"] | [member="Shae'an Vai Li"] | [member="Garlen Zorabos"]​
"Everything, and nothing at all."

The husk released a noise that was his version of a laugh, but sounded more akin to a jarring dissonance to mortal ears. Through his hollow eyes the arcane smoke of his pipe danced into the air, followed by a rather unpleasant, yet oddly intriguing, scent that was vibrant with the power of the dark side. Almost like a man the entity leaned back in his chair, so utterly unfazed by everything around him that it rather looked more than less threatening then before. Then his mask turned to [member="Grimoire"], offering her the fixed, mocking grin that he had chosen to show to the galaxy for all of eternity.

"Sit little one, we are about to make business."

There was another laugh, the barkeeper that stood not to far away shivering once the sound reached his ears. Abyss casually reached for the glasses placed on the table, placing one in front of everyone besides [member="Garlen Zorabos"]. He cared not even a little for whatever business the man desired to make with him. It was up to him to either leave or sit besides them while Abyss would continue to simply ignore him and his little, meaningless voice.

"I know why you came to my city, and I feel like we could find a agreement that would mutually beneficial."

From inside his robe the eldritch husk reached for a datapad, placing it on the table for the woman to pick up. On it was the exact price and position of the Dominatrix, as well as a list of possible supplies, weapons and crew members that the ship could need to run at full efficiency. The gaze of the metal abomination wandered from Grimoire over the rest of the group. He even made sure to call upon the power of his mask to mentally translate his words so that [member="Cinder Rose"] would be abler to understand what he said.

"The Dominatrix could be yours, including supplies, weapons and maps containing secret hideouts, hyperlanes and entire star systems. I would also offer you a small crew handpicked by you either out of members of my organization, freelancers or slaves bought on the black market. In return my cities will become your home port. What plunder you gather on your travels will be sold to me, and only to me. Repairs, supplies and everything else you need in the future will be bought inside the free cities. Should you agree then there will be always a home ready for you inside my realm in between your travels."

The datapad could've told all that, but Abyss had meant for all gathered to hear the fairly generous offer he had made. He didn't believed in chance, so all those unchained followers of the darkness meeting inside a city of chaos was clearly a meeting of fate. The futures of some that sat with him inside the deadend's dive were tied together by the bounds of the force. After the offer was out Abyss finally turned to his old friend [member="Aria Vale"] and to her apprentice [member="Vaylin"].

"It has been a while Aria, even for my standards. What brings you and your apprentice into my land of chaos?"

[member="Novin Jackal"] [member="Shae'an Vai Li"]
"Friend of mine," she answered simply, only barely leaning her head back in acknowledgement of her apprentice. There was a long story to their friendship (light and darkness and darkness and d a r k n e s s) and it was even a tale she'd gladly share with the Zabrak another time. But she neither felt like recounting the story nor felt it the time - she was confident Vaylin knew she was always at liberty to inquire.

Her attention was fixed on Abyss and Grimoire, watching the scene with a detached interest - she could hear without having to strain the conversation taking place between the pair and she was happy to. She could infer well enough what was neglected out loud, and she was intrigued, of course she was. The note to talk to the Sith woman about the deal filed itself neatly into her mind, automatic.

Another slower sip of whiskey - casual, relaxed - went down beats before Abyss turned to face Vaylin and herself, and Aria looked pleased indeed to be talking again to the Sith Lord. He was a different creature from the one he'd been last they'd met, but Darth Abyss was and always had been a being of darkness for as long as she'd known him (the basis of their relationship even when she'd called herself Jedi) and so long as that constant remained she'd talk to him as she always had, regard him as she always had. It was simply her way.

"It has," she agreed mildly, and reminiscence of all that time in between was clear in her eyes. "I came to unwind, and I managed to convince Vaylin to do the same." She'd never introduced her apprentice by name or otherwise, but it was plain she didn't need to. "You've held up well?"

| [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Vaylin"] |​
"I see," there wasn't much more Vaylin could say. Aria made it apparent she wasn't going to elaborate right this moment, so the Zabrak remained silent on the matter. Though she could tell there was a story there, one she was most certainly going to ask about when the time was right. Which right now, it wasn't.

She accepted the glass gladly, taking a sip of its content not long after it was within her hand. After all she had barely managed to finish her first drink before the chaos erupted, and it had been lost when Grimoire had been sent flying into the bar. That, and killing a few annoying thugs worked up a thirst for the Zabrak.

Vaylin listened as [member="Grimoire"] and [member="Darth Abyss"] conversed, the latter laying out a deal for the woman to mull over. The man was a mystery to her, and while she made no outright intrusion she did stretch out her senses a bit to try and pick up on what he actually was. However, the Zabrak only discovered darkness. An ever swirling maelstrom that seemed to sit within the center of the robed husk that stood before them. Ready to be unleashed at a moment's notice, much like it had on the thug that Abyss had chosen to make an example of. Had she been stronger, Vaylin might've seen further that there was in fact no physical body residing within the armour.

Abyss seemed to be the type to just swoop into things, with eyes and ears everywhere to keep himself as informed as possible. The fact he knew about her being [member="Aria Vale"]'s apprentice was one such example, although it certainly wasn't something the pair had tried to hide. Either way, that knowledge certainly hadn't come from her master if they hadn't spoken until now. There was also the matter that he had an offer and information laid out for Grimoire in quick succession. He was a man who saw an opportunity and not waste a second to make it his own.

The Zabrak twitched slightly, somewhat in discomfort when Abyss finally turned to face them. Were she on her own, it would've been worse, but the fact Aria was comfortable around him lessened it. She let out a silent snort at the notion of 'unwinding'. A normal, more civilized person likely wouldn't find that in a city like Defiance, most certainly in it's Crimson District. Where you were most likely to get backstabbed going around a corner.

But then again, Vaylin was certainly not normal when it came to such matters. Spilling blood and lopping off heads was most certainly one way for her to unwind. She said nothing in response of her master's words, but did raise her glass up to Abyss in a form of toast - a gesture of appreciation.

[member="Cinder Rose"] | [member="Novin Jackal"] | [member="Shae'an Vai Li"] | [member="Garlen Zorabos"] | [member="Shae'an Vai Li"]​
Shae had sat out most of the fight, keeping to the shadows as the bar erupted into violence and interacting only by sending one mean looking thug who had turned her way a inkling of fear. He had paled and moved on to another target. Thus she had been in a good position to observe the actions of those had gotten caught up in the 'brawl.' A rather benign word for a quick fight that had left several bodies. Evidently life and death were sold for cheap on Defiance.

The presence of the richly dressed thug had been hardly worth mentioning, given the nature of the city thus far. A fully armored Mandalorian, while normally perhaps a sight worth commenting, barely passed notice. Conversely, [member="Grimoire"]'s lightwhip had elicited more than a little surprise, being such an unusual weapon, and the evident skill of the user. Shae idly considered trying to tap into her memories to learn, but the obvious presence of dark side power there dissuaded her. She hadn't gotten this far by taking stupid risks, after all.

But it was the arrival of the shade, soon identified as [member="Darth Abyss"], that drew most of her attention. She had heard the name, of course, of the man decried as a traitor by her masters in the One Sith. But he had gone on to survive and thrive, while the rest of them had died at Castameer. And where they were doomed to eternal torment around the broken ruins of that planet, he had died and risen again. At least in a manner of speaking.

So where others panicked Shae felt only an intense curiosity and a feeling something like awe. Power radiated from the shade, the power of a Sith Lord with a deep connection to the Dark Side of the Force. An opportunity, perhaps?

She moved closer to the now apparently congenial discussion being had between the lightwhip Sith, [member="Darth Abyss"], and a pair of other women who both exuded dark side presence. A sinister gathering. She was but a minnow among sharks here indeed.

[member="Vaylin"] | [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Cinder Rose"] | [member="Novin Jackal"]
In all honesty Shay was seemingly at a lost at how to proceed as she held the man above her... while the concept of crushing his skull with her bare hands seemed quite intriguing, the devil found herself rather distracted by the racket behind her. Foreign words rung over and over and over and quickly the pressure she was applying to the thugs head softened as she began to shift her gaze back and forth for her translator droid which seemed to dive for cover after the little scuffle.

A bitter sense of anger seemed to bubble up in her, seething and burning as her tongue flicked out to taste the air. there were many unknown scents but one in particular seemed to catch her attention and a low hiss seemed to leave red haired woman. She looked over her shoulder and glared at the black cloaked man as he made his dramatic entrance. And upon speaking a single word everyone around the Dragoness quickly found a seat and averted their attention to the stranger.

Shay simply tilted her head and looked [member="Darth Abyss"] up and down for moment as she stood out like a sore thumb, still holding the man in the air as gave up struggling once Abyss had entered the scene...the trickle of warm blood dripping down her side was becoming more and more irritating as the knife remained embedded in her side. Taking a breath and returning her focus back towards the one she held Shay lowered him slowly, setting him down on his feet and grunting in pain as she then let him go and lifted an arm to examine the wound he had delivered to her...a low and feral growl escaping her coal lips as she reached down to tug at the blade only for the droid to make an appearance.

"Ni, zupynyaysya, ty tilʹky sama poranena ... YA zatelefonuvav Hazel." He explained quietly...Shay's expression softened at the mention of Hazel, giving only a brief nod of understanding before leaving the knife in her need to excessively damage herself with a doctor on call...the man she had let go seemed to be in a hurry to make his exit, pushing past the red haired woman and causing her to scoff as she turned around and grabbed him by the back of the neck. Squeezing her sharp nails into his neck as Shay dragged him towards [member="Grimoire"] , the woman that he seemed so keen on attacking. Once by her, Shay forced the man onto the floor and glanced back at Abyss as he spoke to everyone...then readjusting her attaintion back towards her as she took her sharp pointed tail and ran it along the mans neck.

She would hold him here for least until the mysterious figure concluded

She kept her thoughts to herself as those gathered watched and listened. Shay however had little interest in whatever was currently of now she was all to focused on how she destroy the man who was beneath her boot. Forgiveness...was not in her nature, and she would show him no mercy...but, Grimoire had first dibs, being the victim of his assault. But if she decided to spare him her wrath...Shay had just as much to give.

[member="Shae'an Vai Li"] | [member="Vaylin"] | [member="Aria Vale"] |​

Darth Grimoire

Grimoire stood still and pondered on [member="Darth Abyss"]'s deal. It was a tempting one. It would kickstart her operations. With that much equipment and power, she could ravage entire outfits on planets and reap the rewards. Grimoire's stern look snapped into a raised wrinkle of her upper lip's left edge barring a canine fang. But, what was the point? The whole purpose of this escapade, of leaving the Sith Order, of abandoning her master [member="Anaya Fen"], of removing herself from her dark mother's legacy...was to forge her own path, her own victories, and her own rewards. What reason would be there to break all subservience in order to be beholden to someone else again.

Grimoire made her decision. Her golden eyes eyed the others gathered each of them. [member="Shae'an Vai Li"] [member="Aria Vale"], and [member="Vaylin"], we're watching her. They were very supportive and to be here they must have their reasons to run as well. Grimoire searched them through the black void of the dark side, and she was pleased by what she sensed. Her gaze then returned to Lord Abyss.

"A generous offer my lord." Grimoire said her fang still showing beneath the knot of her upper lip. "But, no deal. I plunder and ravage for me, and me alone."

"Besides," Grimoire hissed. "What would my poor broker think."

At that moment the dragonness ([member="Cinder Rose"]) with fire red hair stepped forth, a beautiful beast in burning eyes carrying Tarlakk's body. He was still alive, and she dumped him in front of Grimoire. Grimoire nodded to the dragonness and then reached down and dragged Tarlakk up by his shirt's collar. Tarlakk kept a defiant stare and squirmed. Grimoire leaned her head to the side to re-address Lord Abyss.

"If you shall excuse me my lord." Grimoire continued, "But, I have a ship to collect and a thug to murder."

Turning to the other women, "I thank you for your assistance. Perhaps I can repay you sometime."

Grimoire turned around and dragged Tarlakk with her. Then the sounds of a tank and tonking of a metal device echoed in the silence. Rolling across the floor was a thermal detonator. Grimoire say it and threw her hand in front blasting it away from her and towards the bar's door frame. Upon detonation the door way was vaporized as was the rest of the structural integrity of the bar. Everything was consumed by a blinding light and smoke.


тнє ναмριяє ℓσя∂
Gliding through the stars in a barely functional "borrowed" warship from the Ord Binnir shipyards, I stood on the bridge contemplating my life. I had served faithfully in the only family I ever known, and yet it was time to spread my black, sickly wings in search of something different. I had heard of a Sith Sisterhood, forming and bonding together to dispense chaos across the galaxy, and perhaps this is where I should be; dispensing chaos along with those of my gender. Whilst looking out the viewport, my hand was gently caressing the head of my only true friend now, Ostara, as she stood by my side faithfully grooming her right paw.

"We will find a home among the stars one day," I said to my furry companion. But did I believe it, absolutely. Despite leaving behind my Sith family, I had ensured myself contingencies in such an event. I had my die-for-me Dread Knights roaming about the ship and I had my personal army, The Black Dragon Legion stationed in a secure and remote region of the galaxy; with new labs being erected to continue birthing them. One day, I would wage a personal war on the galaxy; though the timing wasn't right. My allies, outside what I possessed, was sorely lacking.

"We our drawing upon our destination," the navigation officer announced, his voice still shaky from the fear I implanted into his feeble mind upon collecting this ship and the skeleton crew to operate it. "Slow and steady," I replied, "Until they accept me as one of their sisters, we shall remain cautious in our actions." Ordering the lone communication's Officer to open a channel, we sent an encrypted broadcast to those that we hoped to align with. The Golden Age of the Sith was long gone, but a new age was looming on the dark horizon.

The husk didn't even do as much as twitch once the explosive device ushered in what little stability remained of the Deadend's Dive. He had seen the weapon in the hand of the man before it reached the ground, in fact he had already seen it before the man even had the intention of using it. Instead the cursed book hanging on a small chain around his belt was suddenly lifted into the air, the pages turning rapidly besides him. Abyss hollow eyes stayed locked on the others on the table, closely monitoring the reactions of those that had not left with [member="Grimoire"], while the book found the page he had been looking for. The ancient runes written into it with blood and ink began to glow in a dim red, as dark energy and words of power wove a spell to protect his empty shell from the rain of debris. His voice echoed with arcane might, bending reality to his will and shattering the boundaries of what insect minds could fully fathom.

"Tnamli ra ir Svistuis ra." ("Unbend and Unbroken")

The table and the seats around it were caught in a bubble of protective force, powerful enough to hold the weight of the falling structure until everything had rained down around it. Framed by rubble to table stood untouched as the bubble faded away. Casually the husk reached for two of the glasses that had fallen and spilled the liquid in them through the impact, setting them in a straight position and refilling them while the pipe caught between his mechanical jaw reignited by itself.

"How annoying, this place had potential. Pale Hand?"

Abyss agent began to crawl over the rubble, unharmed like his master. He had used a small technological deceive developed by the sith assassins that worked rather similar to the arcane spell the Prophet had summoned, only that it utilized gravity as kinetic shielding instead of the otherworldly power of the force. As the book slowly descended back to his belt the husk began to type on the datapad, before handing it over to his agent. On it was a altered list of the offer he had made prior, as well as a set of instructions. Pale Hand was tasked with overseeing a delivery of a reduced collection of supplies to the Dominatrix. Weapons, ammunition and survival supplies but no crew.

Additionally a piece of art, a man sized hand holding a globe of Malachor, engraved with the words "The Prophet sends his regards". He had commissioned a Malachorian artist with creating it exactly for a situation like this. Yet there was another instruction, one of the drawbacks when refusing him. He wasn't the type to kill or harm those that did directly, but they inevitably got marked as a threat for it. Pale Hand, using his connections throughout the Free Cities which included a certain "Grayrat", was also tasked with tampering with the Dominatrix's communication systems, installing a small application that would send a ping of the ship's position at random intervals hidden under outgoing transmissions. Abyss had no intention to track them down at a later point, but as a pirate himself it was quite possible that they would set their eyes on the same price one day.

"I have done quite well, thank you for asking Aria. Hopefully this series of unpleasant events has not scared your little apprentice."

There was a twisted, almost cruel laugh as the Prophet addressed [member="Aria Vale"], before moving his body enough to have his empty black holes look directly at [member="Vaylin"]. He had not yet meet an apprentice of Aria, and he had an almost academic interest in testing her and her limits. There was little doubt that the former jedi had slightly less aggressive methods when teaching, but it was the extend he wanted to perceive, the amount of rightful fear, respect and discipline she would show in the face of his little mockery.

[member="Satia the Cruel"] [member="Cinder Rose"] [member="Shae'an Vai Li"]

Sal Katarn

A dark corner of the Deadend's Dive:

The shell slid smoothly into place. The chamber revolved. Another tucked in, fitting with a smooth click that said this was where it belonged. Patiently sitting in the chamber, until called forth for its ultimate purpose. The man who loaded the pistol seemed anathema to a purpose in life. To existence. His fingers were sure, but his greasy hair hung lank before his eyes. Eyes of a cat's piercing green now seemed to stare aimless, the whites bloodshot.

Sal Katarn wore a tattered black poncho over a set of decrepit body armor that looked as if it hadn't been cleaned in weeks. A scarred helmet sat on the bar in front of him. Signature T-visor a dead giveaway that whispered of Manda'yaim, but the current owner was no vod. He'd crawled inside the helmet like a snail finding a new shell. Spineless. Devoid of any conscious thought but the instinctual urge to continue to draw breath.

Folks in dark robes with cowls aplenty started to drift into the cantina. If that hadn't been a dead giveaway, then the way his amulet grew cold as ice against his skin told the rest of the story. He didn't seem to care. glancing away from the gun on the table only to pick up another glass and drain it of its contents, which burned his throat on the way down. Enough to hurt. Not enough to fill the void.

"Another," he rasped, voice sounding as though someone had taken sandpaper to his vocal chords. Not far off from the truth.

"You got credits for another?" asked the bar tender suspiciously.

Grunting, the man fished inside first one pocket, then the other. When he came up empty the bar tender gave him a shrug. "No free lunches. No free drinks either."

The empty-eyed man looked down at the slugthrower he had just loaded. He wondered what the gun metal would taste like in his mouth. Bitter, probably. He reached out to grab it, then a lot of things started happening. Voices in his head. In all their heads. The crackle-snap of a lightwhip. An explosion. He'd seen it all before, but not alone.

The roof partially collapsed, just missing burying the man. Choking on the dust of vaporized interior furnishings, he picked up his pistol. The grip felt reassuringly familiar in the palm of his hand.

Around him he heard the hiss of words, a mix of Basic and High Sith. He understood well and cared little. The bartender moved to grab a weapon from under what remained of the bar. Katarn shot him. The point-blank scatter shot took the bartender in the face, blew the top of his head off, and left the brains painted across the back wall. Shot kept on going, busted a couple bottles.

The APC repeater the bartender had been reaching for clattered to the floor. Liquor from the broken bottles gushed out across both it and the body, mixing with the blood. Sal's mouth twitched. Idiot. Would've gotten us all killed. Glancing around, Katarn realized it was really just him, the Sith, and mercenaries remaining.


He reached out, grabbed the bottle of whiskey, and poured himself another glass.

"It's free now."

Of course it wasn't. He'd just paid with a different form of currency.

[member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Grimoire"] | [member="Darth Abyss"]

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