Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Back Where It All Began


Naboo, Naboo System
Leaning over one of many bridges crossing the Solleu River, Connor Harrison wanted to lose himself from it all. Again. The sun was shining, the sky was cloudy but the temperature was warm. He stood, one leg crossed behind the other, sleeves rolled up on his blue tunic minus the usual cowl. He was in his "relaxed" mode - trying to remember what that was. The Skywalker hilt hung at his side with pride across his three brown belts.

Naboo was where it all began, so he believed. Invasions. Political scandal. Emergence of forgotten Sith. From this beautiful planet, many dark events had risen. However, that was a long time ago. It was all part of galactic history. Connor knew people too from Naboo; mostly they were serving soldiers from the Royal Palace or even a few young smugglers. Nobody really of great interest, but enough to finally make him pay a visit off duty - although off duty didn't really mean "off duty", he just wasn't openly looking for trouble.

A small gondola passed under the bridge, a couple of dignitaries passed him by, and a Corellian freighter passed over heading down to the port below the might palace in the distance that stood overlooking the city. If one thing could be said about Naboo with upmost certainty, was that the architecture was nothing but stunning.

The Silver Sanctum didn't know he was here, but they probably didn't care. There was a lot of change going on; lots of new direction the Order was taking and that feeling that he was a spent force still crept into his mind now and then. Since losing Iella, since his fall to the Dark Side momentarily....nothing had been the same since.

He sighed as he picked his fingers, lazily looking out to the thriving city ahead.

Yes. Leaning over one of many bridges crossing the Solleu River, Connor Harrison wanted to lose himself from it all.

[member="Jamie Pyne"]
Home. The simplistic term used to describe Naboo. For the eighteen years of her life thus far spent, save for the past seven or so months, Naboo had been her entire galaxy. Gazing up to the stars with an imagination of a child, wondering just what was out there and just how many other planets there truly were, and how everything seemed to just be. It all fascinated her. It drove a hunger inside of her to explore. Her family, a noble house linked to the high courts were often found in and around the palace grounds, with they abode just outside on a quiet expanse of land with a lush garden and towering trees that accented the glistening crystal pool that had been a natural formation of the landscape behind the home.

The young girl had been groomed for a life of politics since she was a child. Her parents had wished to ensure that the legacy of their house were passed on to their daughter and only child. Jamie on the other hand, had other plans. Plans of grandeur. Plans to see the galaxy. Plans to become something remembered in history books. That was what drove her, not the idea of being a page in Naboo history, remembered for simply following the same standards of life fabricated for millennia. As fate would have it, her wish had been granted in the form of the Force. A special gift that had been unlocked within her paved the pathway for her to leave Naboo with her teacher and what Jamie would now relate to as a sister. Keira had been a wonderful tutor thus far, ensuring her safety and providing her with a place to stay, as well as the obvious: training her to control and manipulate the Force.

The game of politics however still involved a great deal of deception and shrewd dealings. Payoffs and bribery from this or that fund or investor bought favors in turn for silence or a vote. Other times it was used to quietly dispose of competition or potential adversaries. One had to be on the up and up to play the game well. On this particular day however politics were set aside to celebrate. A yearly parade and festival held in the center of Theed included dancers, shows, rides, and bountiful foods. By mid-day the city would be bustling with activity. This festival had always been Jamie's favorite day of the year as a kid, and to this day brought back so many wonderful memories spent with her family or friends.

Dressed in a brilliant blue flared bottom dress with hair pinned up behind her head in a meticulously neat manner, a few sparkling bracelets of varying colors on either wrist, a silverite necklace around her neck, and a pair of white ankle boots Jamie wandered down the main street leading into the heart of the city. Without a care in the world on this particular day the blonde stopped here and there to look at the wares of peddlers as she neared closer to the action. The sounds of children laughing, the smell of incredible and exotic foods, and the music from the games and rides filling the air brought a childish joy to her.

[member="Connor Harrison"]
Ahead, the river Connor stood over forked into two and cascaded down as a waterfall to the planet below. From the spaceport beneath the city limits, he had seen it from the bottom, and it was high. A wonderful force of nature.

A few giddy children skipped by, and a few more people than expected going one way, over to the left of the bridge into the city. Connor turned and looked through the buildings that he noticed were waving flags along the green domed and flat roofing. It looked like a festival, or street parade.

Rubbing his chin, Connor glanced back to the waterfall, and then back to the street party hidden behind the houses. With nothing better to do, he pushed up from the bridge and started a walk over, hands in pockets and acting as leisurely as a Jedi could be without fighting Sith or nefarious forces. He gave small solemn smiles to those who caught his eye, a little nod of the head.

Rich smells started to waft around his nose and his mouth started to water. The first part of the entertainment he came to, near a large domed building just before the main street itself was what looked like a puppet show. Eager children sat cross legged on the floor, shouting and laughing, and adults equally did the same, with a little less enthusiasm.

Connor stood at the back and cocked his head to watch what looked like some dramatized battle between Jedi and Sith and good and bad soldiers. A figure with a blue lightsaber danced around with a black and red skinned Zabrak with a crimson lightsaber – double bladed and both with big googly eyes. That was novel. The performers certainly made it amusing, lots of silly pratfalls and over-the-top jumps. Fiction seemed to be far more family friendly than fact.

He couldn’t help chuckle. If only reality was as fun as that.

[member="Jamie Pyne"]
There it is. A wonderfully grand grin formed on the face of the pale blonde haired noble girl. The Star Thruster. Her favorite ride. In the center of the city it stood like a massive pillar stretching towards the sky so high up one could hardly see the peak. Along the outer edges of the ride sat six seats on each of the four sides where riders would strap themselves in and await their fate. Jamie stood and watched as the first group settled into their seats and locked themselves in. Many appeared eager, some nervous, some sitting in sheer terror. Moments later the sound of the ride's alarm sounded off, letting the riders know they were about to be thrown towards the heavens.

Yes. Suddenly the 24 passengers were hurled upwards towards space at impossible speeds. Screams of joy and fear filled the air as they were cast further and further from the ground hundreds of feet into the air. At last the ride reached the peak, at which point it allowed them to almost free fall about half the distance before slowing their descent, stopping just half a foot above the ground. While most knew what was to come, some assumed that was the end of the ride. Much to those riders surprise they were again thrown upwards back to the peak, eliciting even more screams of terror as they were unexpectedly hurled into the air once more before finally being brought down and allowed to exit.

Jamie let out a joyous laugh as she headed to the line to await her turn.

[member="Connor Harrison"]
Connor moved on, a small smile stuck to his face. It was nice watch things. Watch others have fun, to smile and be carefree. The last time he did that, it was before the Silver Sanctum days that's for sure. Still, this was his time away from things for a while.

Stopping to let a couple pass by, he made his way to the edge of the huge street, as wide as anything and leading straight to the Theed palace at the other end. It seemed no matter where you were in the city, you could see part of the palace. Looking up at a chorus of screams, thankfully happy ones, Connor saw a dizzying looking ride that seemed to replicate a crashing starship!

His eyes went wide as the ride plummeted down, then stopped feet from the ground. Looking away and blowing a breath, he shook his head. Crazy.

There were dozens of stalls creeping all the way along the sides of the streets. Entertainers. Craftsman. Vendors. Rides. Music. It seemed he'd hit the best time to visit the city after all.

Gently pushing to the edge of the street, using his senses to pinpoint whatever was smelling sweet, he found it in seconds. Popped corn. He smiled and quickly ordered a small bag. If they sold blue milk, he'd be in heaven. The sweet smell hit his nose and he looked across as he waited for a fresh batch. The street - the city - was alive, and it was amazing to take a little solace that maybe some of his scarifices and work as a Jedi had helped give the Naboo people a slice of freedom to put on such a dazzling parade.

[member="Jamie Pyne"]
Finally! Several minutes of standing in line for her favorite ride were enough to drive her crazy! Bouncing over to her seat she plopped down and secured the lap bar and safety belt long before the technician orchestrating the ride was able to assist her. After all, she'd been on this particular ride hundreds of times now. Lifting her legs from the ground the blonde allowed them to sway back and forth as she looked out towards the crowd of spectators with a massive grin on her face. It was always easy to pick out the people who were petrified of the ride, others who were curious, having never seen it before, and others who were eagerly awaiting their chance to ride next. Jamie could spend half the day on this ride and still want for more.

Finally the man wandered back towards the terminal with the ride controls. The boy next to her squeezed the straps of his safety belt with enough force to choke someone to death, his eyes closing tightly so that he wouldn't see the moment they would be launched into the sky. Jamie laughed, leaning her head towards him and placing a hand on his leg. "It'll be fine. I've done this hundreds of times." For a moment he opened his eyes and smiled, though that expression was quickly soured as the man behind the terminal decided that was the moment to launch them towards the heavens. The sudden jolt even startled Jamie who quickly retrieved her own hand as the boy once again shuttered his eyes from the world and let out a wild scream.

Jamie retrieved her small data pad as she neared the peak of the ride, quickly snapping a photo of the horizon from high above before quickly replacing it into her pocket. Such things were not allowed as they posed a danger to people on the ground and the riders, though Jamie was cunning enough by now to sneak it in without being caught. A minute or two later and they found themselves back on the ground. "See, told you you'd be fine!" The blonde reassured the same boy with a smile. In return a meek smile was offered before he was released from his straps and wandered away.

And with that Jamie headed towards the concessions for something to eat. The lines didn't look too bad at the moment, and the popcorn smelled incredible.

[member="Connor Harrison"]
”Thank you,” came his content curtesy to the vendor.

Taking the small bag of popcorn, Connor turned and stepped for a little out of the way and was just himself, munching on a cheap treat and watching the street around him. It was now he’d forgotten about his duty as a Jedi, not that it dictated everything about him – who was he kidding – but that not all planets were being invaded. Not all planets were being sourced for weapons and minerals and technology. Not all planets were cracked with lava and coated in snow and swallowed by dark jungles.

Some planets, like Naboo, just existed and thrived and got on with life.

The sounds were buzzing around his head, the smells and sights. Colours, everywhere. Coloured smoke drifted above the rooftops. Whistles, cheers, street music. If the Force was encapsulated by a physical act, then Theed was off the chart with Force sensitivity.

He aimlessly threw kernel after kernel in, a few little chews and done, ready for the next. This was so moreish, he hadn’t eaten popcorn in years. He’d have to see about getting a machine in the Temple cafeteria.

Stepping aside for a pretty blonde girl, he smiled and looked at her, then looked away. She looked rather different to the others – probably an entertainer. A singer, no doubt. Or dancer. He could feel she was full of self-confidence, and pride; pride in herself and her surroundings, which were obviously her home.

”Excuse me,” he leant forward to catch her before she vanished, ”sorry, I’m not from here. Can you tell me what this is all about? It’s magnificent.”

[member="Jamie Pyne"]
"Oh!" The sudden tug of her attention by a comparatively tall man with dark, greying hair pulled her momentarily away from her march toward the snack she had been after. "An off-worlder?" She said with a bit of interest. "Well, you certainly chose the best time to visit!" She exclaimed with quite a bit of glee. "This is what's known as the Royal Faire! It's just the best!" Jamie's voice was akin to that of an excited child the more she explained to Connor. "There's lots of rides! Like that one!" Pointing towards the Star Thruster that towered above the city that she'd just ridden. "That's my favorite! Very scary!" Then, turning back to Connor, continued rattling off all of the things he could find. "There's also plenty of games to win prizes, and others just for fun!"

Each area of the city center had been sectioned off for each specific activity. Concessions were scattered throughout offering a variety of goodies all over. One would have to explore to find them all. "Oh! And lots of entertainers too! There's fire breathers -" Jamie began using her fingers to count off the list. "And jugglers, and dancers, and plays! And there's also the big parade that travels through the main drag near the end of the day, concluding with a brilliant fireworks display at sunset!"

It was clear Jamie had quite a bit to say, and would likely stand there speaking all afternoon about the things to do. "There's so much to see! Come on, I'll show you around! It'll be fun especially if you've never been before!" The blonde hardly waited for any response from the man before pulling on his hand and trailing off towards the performer's center.

[member="Connor Harrison"]
From the first glint in her eye to the first syllable escaping her mouth, Connor felt the energy and enthusiasm she had for life; not just the parade! She talked, and talked, and talked, and pointed, and talked more.

Connor was taken aback, expecting a few sentences and a curt nod, but not this who programme. He nodded with each check point, glancing to where she glanced to make a mental note of what was where, but she didn’t stop for breath.

”I see, tha - ”

And then she had taken him off into the street before he had time to point elsewhere and ask about the puppet show.

”Alright, miss, but please I really don’t want to detract from your quite obvious enjoyment.” While social skills were down on his list, he didn’t need someone with her over-excitable demeanour to narrate everywhere he went for the next hour or so.

He tilted his bag to her. ”As you seemed to have forgotten yours.”

Then again, he had nothing better to do and he didn’t want to look so obviously lost.

”Are you from Theed itself? You know an awful lot, unless you’re a keen regular.”

[member="Jamie Pyne"]
"Oh I don't mind at all! Visitors are the best!"

Jamie's head turned back as she pulled Connor along through the crowd, flashing a smile before turning back to where she was heading. "Yes sir, born and raised here! Mhm!" The blonde slipped between a few people, tugging the older man through through the crowd in an almost fluid like manner. "My family serves the high court. It's kinda hard for me not to know a lot about the city really." Part of the reason the bubbly girl was so excited was that off-worlders had stories of their own to share. They were a momentary breath of fresh air that brought newness to the world. As a kid she never left the planet, so these visitors were the only taste of exotic planets she ever experienced. Things were different now, but she still very much enjoyed playing tour guide to visitors.

"I'm Jamie!" She shouted as they made their way through a thick crowd of people, a few children screaming at one another. "Where you from?"

[member="Connor Harrison"]
”Connor!” He called, trying to hold onto an excitable Jamie and keep his popcorn from being knocked out his hand or dropped to the floor.

He was intrigued already – the Force worked in mysterious ways and any being he encountered in the galaxy he believed there was a reason for it. A purpose. She was Naboo born and bred, and related those serving a high court.

How useful that could be.

Connor arched his back to avoid a couple of children, wondering how long one had to live here to navigate the streets more cluttered than an asteroid belt.

”Voss. Originally from Coruscant, and everywhere else in between!”

And then it happened because he wasn’t paying attention. An excitable chap ducked from nowhere and sent the popcorn up out of the bag and onto the floor, left behind…gone…to be trodden into dust. Connor glanced back but it was over as soon as it began.

”Feel free to slow down anytime soon!”

[member="Jamie Pyne"]
Voss? Coruscant?

Jamie stopped dead in her tracks in the middle of the street just as Connor asked her to slow down, nearly causing him to collide straight into her. Voss had been explained to her as the home world of the Silver Jedi Order, and Coruscant? Well, Coruscant was widely known as the former seat of the Galactic Republic and their own Jedi Order.

Is he a Jedi? That seemed certainly possible, given the two worlds he called Home. Still, it was a longshot. But to say it didn't intrigue her quite a bit would be a lie. "Sorry! We'll get you another bag of snacks! Or you can share mine!" Jamie let go of his hand and slowed down her pace to match his as she directed the two towards another concession stand nearby the stage where a troupe of fire dancers were about to begin a really magnificent acrobatic show with plenty of danger and flames. "There's some tables still open if you want to sit."

[member="Connor Harrison"]
Applying the brakes and scuff his feet down to avoid barrelling into Jamie, Connor stopped and crumpled up the popcorn back, and walked a little slower.

”No need, it’s fine.”

Looking at the fire troupe setting up, a seemingly dangerous event, Connor took her lead and walked to a table to the right, nearer the edge of the street as not to block the way – the entertainers were doing that with the crowds anyway.

”I have to say,” he said taking a seat, ”I’ve never seen anything like this. It’s amazing. I’ve never even been to Theed. Naboo as a planet, once. But not Theed.”

He linked his hands and watched the entertainers set up.

”Can I ask what your family do in the court? Are they lawyers or something? Guards?”

[member="Jamie Pyne"]
"It's so much fun! As a kid I used to pester my family every year at the crack of dawn to bring me here. It is really the highlight of every kid's childhood around the city. Some things are the same every year, the big rides for example, and usually most of the food, though we have seen an influx of exotic merchants as of late. Other things like the performances and games are always changing. It keeps things fresh and entertaining!"

Jamie adjusted her dress, fanning out the wrinkles with her hands before crossing her right leg over the left. "What brought you here? Naboo is out of the way for most travelers." There was a bit of added curiosity behind the question, given where Connor had said he was from earlier. Perhaps it would help her to piece together exactly what he was.

"Politicians." She said bluntly, to answer his question. "Both parents are planetary lawmakers for Naboo, as well as relief aide travelers."

Depending on the person, the simple word politicians could be enough to evoke a certain level of dread and disdain. Jamie's folks were good enough people in the grand scheme of the political world. They frequently traveled to war torn planets, others suffering from severe drought or famine, and others in grave poverty. There they would bring with them food, clothing, and other necessities collected through various charitable organizations or relief funds to help stabilize populations and recover economical growth.

"They're starting!" She said joyfully, clapping with the rest of the audience as the dancers stepped up on stage.

[member="Connor Harrison"]
”I like it - never seen anything like it before.”

Connor smiled. He toyed the kernel dusted popcorn bag in his hands and chuckled at the growing infectious glee from Jamie as the fire troupe began. A display of fire-breathing, pyrotechnics, music and dance. It certainly was dangerous, and at least it was all for the name of entertainment!

Now the problem being Connor Harrison was that it was near impossible to turn off the brain - even now, he found himself looking around the crowds, looking up at the gorgeous buildings, noting the entertainers. Living and fighting in a dark, dangerous and deceptive world made one look for the dark, dangerous and deceptive in everything. And a public event on Theed; the thriving gem on Naboo, was making him wary.

”Call it an off duty visit. Off the grid. I've heard about the city in my years and always wanted to have a look. Glad I did now as it seems the right time for wanderers like me. Lots of history here, lots of architecture, lots of nature - and away from the chaos.”

He clapped with Jamie after an acrobat juggled three flaming orbs.

"Are you in politics yourself? You look more like a singer. And, that's a compliment I assure you!”

[member="Jamie Pyne"]
"I see! Well, you did get lucky! You'll get to see the very best of Naboo on your first trip to Theed!" Jamie turned her head to the dancers as they began their routine. One thing that was incredibly special about the dancers and performers were that every time it was something new. Some of the performers were regular appearances each year, while others were new. What was certain though was that regardless of whether the performers were new or old, every year their performance was fresh and innovative. Part of the reason that the festival was always so popular was in part because you never knew what to expect, and every year was simply better than the last.

"But no, I'm not in politics. At least, not really." Perhaps that required a bit of explaining. "My parents did a good job grooming me to take up their mantle and continue the tradition, but it's not really something I want to do, at least in that regard." She gave a wink, "Being queen? That I'd do. I would like to represent the planet on a galactic scale, to negotiate trade and economic agreements with other worlds, and ensure the safety of my home." Shrugging, the idea of working the royal court in the manner that her family did wasn't of much interest. "My family does good work, but it's just not really my passion."

[member="Connor Harrison"]
He chuckled a little at her infectious attitude towards things.

”So what do you want to be? What do you want to make with your life? Sounds like you’ve got the pressure of your family name to follow in their footsteps. It can’t be easy being in a family of dignitaries.”

Connor clapped again, watching the entertainers and listening and toying with his empty bag.

”Could you look at being a Senator? Well, not that it’s the most glamorous or rewarding job to be honest. Forget I said that.” He dismissed it with a wave of the hand.

[member="Jamie Pyne"]
Just then one of the men performed a spiraling back flip over the shoulders of two other co-performers while simultaneously vaulting his pair of fire batons into the air in a wild fashion, catching them with speed, precision, and grace just as his feet touched back down onto the stage. The crowd erupted into a well of applause and roars of cheering. Jamie too clapped along, pausing their conversation only briefly before returning to answer Connor.

"I want to be someone who is able to offer aide to impoverished worlds. I want to be able to serve and protect Naboo as more than a simple dignitary or," She snuffed at the word. "A senator. Those types of politics are too interwoven with cynics, two-faced liars, and favors through bribery." The blonde shook her head. "No, I would like to be Queen, or an adviser to the queen. I would like to make sensible, rational decisions for the betterment of my people. I would like to help protect and serve the people of Naboo. I would like to help ease tensions with foreign worlds."

[member="Connor Harrison"]
Looking to the entertainers a the crowd cheered, Connor recoiled a little at the dangerous stunt he just witnessed. Frowning, he laughed and shook his head at Jamie, clapping where clapping was due. They made it look so easy – these sort of skills would be priceless in a battle.

”I see. I see. Good point about the Senate too. I don’t trust anyone working in that arena. Too much deception, back-stabbing and ego play going on for me. Best out of that.”

He tapped his fingers in a pattern on the table – another cheer went up, giving him another second to think.

”How about serving as a Force sensitive diplomat, or a Sage? A Guardian even, you know, with one of the Orders.”

Then he kicked himself – she knew she was Force sensitive, right? Surely, nobody didn’t KNOW the ability they had at her age.

[member="Jamie Pyne"]
Jamie sat up straight the very moment he mentioned her being Force sensitive. She knew she was, but she hadn't quite had the inclination that he knew she was. If that were the case, then her own suspicions were thus validated. The man from Voss and Coruscant was in fact a Jedi of some kind, whether it be retired, Silver, or Republic, of that she was now entirely sure. It would be obvious to Connor, given her facial expression that she knew she was Force sensitive, but that there was now something else bouncing around her head.

"So you are a Jedi then? Ordinary people don't just know someone is touched by the Force. Ordinary people aren't usually from Voss and Coruscant. Ordinary people don't usually go off the grid. And ordinary people most definitely don't fall into all of those coincidences all at once." She leaned forward, her voice shifting towards more of a whisper. "So, what's your real story then? Connor."

[member="Connor Harrison"]

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