Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Back to the Galaxy

They had just broken back into Known Space. Coren had a vault in the YT-2000 Tachyon Rising, but very few places to drop what he felt were necessary to keep. Sullust, Kashyyyk, the Dawn Treader. What he needed was a connection to who had been watching the galaxy. Zark, Veiere Arenais, someone who had been watching the galaxy in his absence. He had new ideas, new processes to defend the galaxy, to defend the Light and the knowledge. But as they entered on the outskirts of the OPA space, he spun in the chair and patted Porter on his dome. “I’ll send you our next location, buddy.” He stepped past the droid into the main cabin.

“Cel, hun? We’re back….” That sounded so just… odd to say. Back where? They didn’t know yet, but he had found them out of their trip through the Wild Space and Unknown Regions, out into the Western Reaches of the Outer Rim. The galaxy had changed since the collapse of the Alliance, and he wasn’t sure his place, and that was why he went to find it, accompanied by his now-wife. Stepping through the ship, he was moving around some of the boxes that they had stored there. He made the way back to their chamber, with a grin.

“How are you feeling?” He wasn’t sure when they were going to arrive back in the galaxy, but well, he and Celeste made their own countdown. And it’d be easier for them to be with the OPA or the SJO for what they had to do next. “Do you want to move up to the cockpit?”

Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel
Celeste reclined comfortably on the bed with her feet propped up on a couple of extra pillows. It felt so odd to be so...immobile, but it was a change of pace that she needed. And her feet hurt. A lot. She set her data pad down next to her, a holo-flick still playing. Did she want to keep watching or did she want to take a nap? Just for a minute, she thought to herself and let her eyes close.

She awoke to the sound of Coren calling, his voice echoed down the corridor to her. They were... back. Celeste sat up slowly, thinking. It'd been quite a while since she'd left her post as Chief Healer at Silver Rest. It had been difficult to step back— but she had left the Halls of Healing in very capable hands. And while she'd never dreamed of cutting herself off from the Silver Jedi, she was not sure where she stood now–with the galaxy open before her.

“We are?” she asked, craning her neck to get a peek of Coren as he appeared in the doorway. “Well, I guess we couldn't stay away forever.”

They'd taken a break—an extended holiday—a honeymoon; whatever people wanted to call it. As for Celeste, she very much considered it a honeymoon. After all, the two wed in a private ceremony some time ago. And as she placed her hand on the swell of her stomach, she gave Coren a smile.

“Oh, I'm tired... but I think I'm ready to stretch my legs,” she said as she reached her arms out to him. “Help me up?” Celeste canted her head, grinning. And once she was back on her feet, she embraced her husband. It was still so surreal to call him that. “So, where are we now?”

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser
This was not something that Coren was really familiar with. Sure, he was there for Jared, but he had been regularly deployed in the service of a Chiss House Phalanx. With Kaia, he had not been there, he was in carbonite at that time. So, seeing Celeste this way, it was very different, especially at this age, when he was more mature to remember it, and respond to it. The last few weeks of their trip, it had become more and more obvious that they were having some concerns. She was close. He thought.

Was that the term?

Still, when she awoke, he nodded. “It’d be hard, we don’t know the worlds, don’t know the infrastructure. For the next few weeks, at least, we need to come up for air, to known places, I think.” They could have gone to Csillia but he wasn’t sure that was best. A snow world, for more Starchasers? No.

He smiled as he reached for her, the silver band from her on his left hand as he held out both for her. “We’re just outside of the OPA space. Maybe a stones throw to Sullust, if I got creative with the navigation.” Western Reaches, he thought they were called now? He wasn’t certain. Smiling, he kissed her forehead. “But I don’t have anywhere I need to be.” Followed by a laugh.

Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel
Celeste reached out and took hold of Coren’s hands, grateful for the assistance needed to hoist herself up. There, in his arms, she felt her heart flutter—just like when they were young.

“Sullust?” she repeated, brow furrowing for a moment. But her expression softened again when he placed a kiss on her forehead. And the words that followed were sweeter to her ears than he’d ever know. Coren Starchaser, no schedule beeping, no war-drums beating… she smiled wide.

“There isn’t any good food on Sullust,” she said, with a tiny mock frown. “How about you get extra creative, hmm?”

Celeste gave him a look he knew well by this point; there was a glimmer in her eyes that said she had a craving.

“We’re not that far from Naboo, right?”

Celeste didn’t know what life would be like in a few weeks from now, so she was all about enjoying the moment.

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser
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As he helped her to her feet, he smiled. This was a different Coren than had left the galaxy months ago. That Coren was battle hardened and raw. A fighter, and a leader. He had brought as much peace to the galaxy as he had brought pain, he knew that now. After their travels, they found themselves going from place to place, chasing down relics of times long gone, chasing down leads. And finding each other.

He laughed at her comment about Sullust. “No, there never really was any good food there, but it is a place that I can always come back to.” That was one thing he didn’t disappear from, merely changed how his approach was. He was part of the Home Guard. Something he had to do for the Jaius Sovv.

“Not terribly far. I can probably shave a few parsecs off the charts… What are you craving, Missus Starchaser?” He grinned.

Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel
Celeste gave him a knowing look when he spoke about Sullust with such fondness. She knew that he'd want to check in there fairly soon. But she was pleased when he replied amenably. After traveling so much, and many of their meals cooked in the ship's galley... she was more than ready for something fresh and refined. And this way, she wouldn't have to worry about what to cook for a day or two.

She gave him a little shrug, “I don't know. I really just want some nice greens, they have such lush produce there. And maybe something with Muja fruit. Oh, and that five blossom bread is delightful.”

The blossom wine from Naboo was quite good, too. But that was strictly off-limits to Celeste, the thought occurred with a small pinch of sadness. A hand went to cradle the side of her stomach. Soon, very soon.

“I'd like to walk around some, too—as much as I can,” she added, already shifting her weight to the other foot. Celeste wasn't sure if Coren would catch her reasoning, and she flashed a sly smile. Walking would definitely help things along.

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser
The galaxy was always an expansive place, and no matter how far Coren tried to get them off the edge of the map, he never really felt lost. Maybe it was because this trip was literally him trying to get lost, and find Force relics, history of the Jedi. Ahch-To was a place that he had been a few times, but picking up a Jedi compass along the way, he was able to find many other places that he and Celeste were able to study and catalog. This was a really useful way to spend their honeymoon following the wedding. Exploring around, learning the Jedi history, and learning more about the Force. He had come to the known galaxy to drop some of his finds off with the Dawn Treader, with the Sentinel Training Ground on Sullust, and some with others he knew he could trust. Then it was back into the wilds of the galaxy.

They had some dehydrated vegetables and proteins, and it was as appetizingas it sounded, but it was surplus military rations. If they were exploring and got stuck? It’d keep them fed until they could figure their situation out. But Celeste was not wrong, they needed some better food, especially for her, in her… condition. Was that an insensitive word? He knew it was partially his fault.

Smiling at her, he nodded. “And you want to do that at Naboo as opposed to Kashyyyk?” She had her home there among the Silvers, he had his… wherever he made it, really. But this was an important decision, he felt. They could go to Corellia, but diving back to the Core, that felt tiresome…

“You just point us a destination and I’ll get us there.” He smiled at her., as they made their way to the cockpit.

Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel
A soft laugh escaped when he asked about Kashyyyk, she couldn't help it. Goodness, Coren was very lucky that he was so adorable. Yes, the home-world of the Silvers had been her home base for a long time. And it was odd to not think of it that way. Celeste now made her home with Coren. Wherever he went, she'd go, too.

But even if they were separated, her presence would go with him—and his with her. The silver bands on their fingers would make sure of that.

“Oh, relax,” she mock-chided him as they started off towards the cockpit. “I'll be fine.” Celeste gave his arm a squeeze of reassurance. “Besides, we'll only be there a day or two at most. Atti will be back on Kashyyyk in three days.”

It was the longest she'd ever been apart from her son. However, Celeste was trying her best to remain stoic when faced with Atticus and his growing independence. He was a padawan with his own master now; he needed his mother less and less—a thought that made her equal parts proud and sad. Still, she was very excited to see him again and hear about his travels.

“So, just take me to the lake country for an alfresco dinner, and I'll be happy.” She would have considered this their 'babymoon,' had they not already been away on an extended holiday. But it was their last chance to relax before the chaos of newborns and family reunions. If Coren Starchaser thought he was getting out of diaper duty, he would just have to think again.

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser
The Jedi Master knew that the Silvers were a family to her, the same way his Shattered Jedi were to him, even if they latter seemed to fold into the former, or elsewhere among the stars. He was happy they had a home, that they had purpose. His own, he had a newfound purpose. He was to protect the past, and instruct and defend the future. War would be there, but he wasn’t going to find it. Smiling, the silver band on his finger grabbing his attention. Almost keeping him calm, and level, that bit of Celeste attached to himself.

“Yeah I know but…” He tried to not make the wrong signal but the whole situation that she had now, that was going to be worrying him. “I’ll have Kaia try to meet us. I know that Jared is probably off on maneuvers. Taking up where I left off…” He was more saying that for his own benefit. During the honeymoon? Coren didn’t think about the war in the galaxy once. He just was. “But she’ll want to see you, I’m sure.” The wedding was small, Coren, Kaia, Jared, a few other close friends and comrades on his side. That was when he knew the galaxy would be okay.

Smiling, he leaned in to kiss her forehead. “I’ll get us there. Want me call ahead for seating?” The longest drive for dinner probably in galactic history, but she was the one doing all the work at the moment. He knew he had a few things to do on Kashyyyk and Terminus, hopefully he’d have time before the twins arrived.

The Force help him.

Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel
Celeste arched her brows at Coren when he raised concerns. Sure, an out-of-breath waddle had replaced her graceful strides, and her trim waist was absolutely nowhere to be seen. She was just pregnant, not a ticking time bomb. Well, maybe she was, in a way. But she had a craving that needed to be satisfied; she was determined.

“I'd love to see Kaia,” she said with a fond smile. “And Jared, too, but... yes, I know.” It had been a wonderful experience to meet Coren's children. Celeste could see quite a lot of their father in both of them, manifesting in different ways.

As they reached the cockpit, she awkwardly lowered herself into a chair and breathed a labored sigh. “Yes, please,” she nodded when Coren said he could call ahead. Yes, she did want to get out and get some exercise, but she also wanted to make sure that there would be a comfortable chair waiting and ready.

Celeste sat back and smiled over at Coren. She'd seen him do his thing many times now, but it never got old.

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser
A fighter, and a warrior, Coren Starchaser was the type to always watch out for his family. And it was growing. Little did he know how much it was going to be growing by, but he had Celeste, and the twins were on their way. He could only imagine how someone like Jacen Voidstalker Jacen Voidstalker would look at him now, family man. Or closer to it than he had ever been. It was definitely an interesting way to see the galaxy, after all. All of these responsibilities. And a time-bomb of a wife.

That last word definitely sat better than he thought it was going to. Of course, that was a completely different Coren Starchaser. Kaia was running a company, and Jared was making sure that younglings were safe, from everyone. Keeping them moving, keeping them learned, and skirmishing targets he could find. Starchaser life, privateering against the Empire. Not that Coren didn’t cut his teeth in a TIE Fighter, but whatever.

Grinning, Coren nodded to Porter to find them the restaurant and seats. Taking a deep breath, the Jedi Master was falling into he Force as his hands worked over the navigationentry… He was reaching out into the Force, feeling hyperspace, feeling the ebb and flow, as he moved his ship in real space before pushing the ship to lightspeed, a short jump, but enough to get him to the longer jump. The first was only a few minutes and he was keeping an eye on the time and the Force, pulling out around a nebula, he grinned as he winked at Celeste.

“Next jump should get us there.” Should meaning ‘would definitely.’ Another deep breath, realign, and a jump into hyperspace. “I think I’ll be ahead of the main routes by a few hours.” A proud grin.

Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel
Celeste folded her hands patiently atop her belly and watched as Coren dipped into the flow of the force. All of this flying business was foreign to her, but it came so naturally to him. And it was always fun to see the stars blur before them. A rosy blush brightened her complexion when he winked. Even after all this time, he could still make her feel bashful.

“Only a few hours?” she canted her head, teasing.

And she matched his grin with one of her own. “Well, then... I'll just close my eyes for a few minutes,” she said, and tried to drift off to sleep—a hard task when little feet kicked. “Oof,” she muttered, shifting in her seat. Placing a hand against her ribs, she could feel motion. Celeste could feel the force stirring within, too—right there, beneath her heart.

“They have your energy,” she remarked, they were Starchaser for sure. “And they never stop moving.”

Whenever she sat or slept, they kicked. Tiny fists woke her in the middle of the night—several times a night, in fact. And so, Celeste made sure to nap when she could... and as often as she could. They must be running out of room, she thought to herself with a tiny chuckle.

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser
It was definitely interesting to be seeing the change in Celeste. When Coren had Jared and Kaia, he wasn’t around for most of the pregnancies. The joys of being active military at that point? It was even before the Alliance, back when he was serving a rogue Imperial commander. But it didn’t matter. They had their honeymoon months which were so exciting and yielded a lot of reward, and Force knowledge. It was enough to keep them afloat for a number of years to come on their wanderings.

He laughed when she teased him. Coren was known to pull on Aing-Tii skills and could fold space around a starship to instantly move it from point A to B, but he was trying to not knock hard on the door of the galaxy that Coren Starchaser was somewhere that people were monitoring, especially if it was the Sith who found out, and then found out about Celeste and the twins. He had people to care for now.

Kaia and Jared knew they were back, and he was hoping to hear from Cotan and Veiere real soon.

When she mentioned the kids, he smiled. “Well, they’ve been more time in space than planetside, with our planet hopping. But maybe we can deliver them not on a spaceship.” He laughed, Kaia was born starside, and she hardly ever came down. “I’m hoping they’ll have your smarts though!” They’d have the galaxy as their playground real soon.

"Do you want to get some rack time before we arrive?" He grinned, offering a cheeky wink.

Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel
Celeste had to chuckle. “I agree—I really am quite fond of this ship, but I don’t plan on giving birth here!” The laughter lingered in her gaze and on the gentle curve of her lips. And she could only shake her head at Coren’s cheeky humor, but her smile grew.


Once they touched down on the pastoral world of Naboo, Celeste changed out of her sweatpants and into something more… fit to be seen in. During their travels, she’d been opting for anything stretchy and willing to accommodate her growing midsection. It wasn’t fashionable, but she was comfortable and that’s all that mattered to her right now. But Naboo was posh, and she couldn’t step out looking like a hot mess (she’d have to lose the hair scrunchie, too). And so, she donned a midnight blue wrap dress—one she’d purchased before finding out that she was having twins.

It wouldn’t be long before hangry Celeste appeared, and she really didn’t want to snap at Coren because she was hungry. Also, she was well sure that she’d snap at him plenty when she went into labor.

“Ready?” She asked, turning a glance over her shoulder at Coren. The Lake Country wasn’t as crowded as Theed, but it would still be quite strange to venture back into civilization after spending so long away. Most of the worlds they visited were sparsely populated at best, sometimes they went weeks encountering no one— not that that was necessarily a bad thing. Celeste, for one, enjoyed this time with Coren.

“Does this look alright?” she asked, self-conscious about the way it hugged her curves. “I wasn’t expecting to be this...big.”

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser
The Tachyon Rising was definitely something else. Had kept Coren alive more times than he wanted to admit to anyone, including himself, but it was no place to deliver a baby, not to mention two. Jared and Kaia knew this ship like the back of their hands, but they were born and raised in a different time. Well, a different time for Coren.


Naboo was a nice world, a verdant world. Starchaser had been here a few times, trying t follow certain stories of the Jedi and the Sith, but he never stayed for too long. He knew that Jared had one of their fighters, so that was an interesting piece of trivia, but nothing more really. Helping lock down the ship, he gave Porter an order to watch out for anything and to lock it down if anyone but them came by. He didn’t suspect as much, this was a ship that was well known but landed under false pretenses and a forged transponder.

Before landing, he did grab a quick shower and changed, a not so much in spacer gear any more. Clean denims and a white button up shirt, he felt it would suit well for the Lake Country. Seeing his wife changed and readied for a few hours out into one of the more fancy areas in the galaxy. When he heard her call ‘ready’ he nodded, a big grin on his face. He stepped closer to his wife, putting his arms around her.

“You look wonderful.” He kissed her forehead and pressed the control for the boarding ramp, taking her hand, he smiled. “Ready to see the galaxy again?” Not like it was some official welcome back, that probably wouldn’t occur until Kashyyyk, but something in his mind said he wouldn’t be on the forest world for long. Didn’t matter, that was the future, right now he just wanted to enjoy the Lake Country.

“Up for walking or do you want me to get a speeder?”
Celeste smiled and gave Coren a squeeze for good measure. She kept close to his side and took hold of his arm as they started down the ramp. With her center of balance so far from normal, she felt a bit wobbly at times. But as they walked out into the fresh air, she drew a big breath and let out a content sigh.

“I'm fine to walk,” she said, nodding. “On the way back, however, I might need that speeder,” Celeste added with a chuckle. As they walked, Celeste took in the sights. The elegant architecture fit in perfectly with the natural landscape. They had chosen carefully every hue of paint, delicately reflecting the cerulean found in the sparkling water of the lakes and falls. Yes, this was the perfect place to relax.

“You know,” she started, pausing for a moment to keep from running out of breath. “We have some rather important business to discuss.”

Glancing sidelong at Coren, she let her expression grow serious for a moment. But a smile broke through soon enough, “We kept putting it off,” she started again. “But I think it's time to think more seriously about baby names.”

Atticus had been easy to come up with, it was a Rigel family name. As for her side of the family, they didn't have any special names that really stood out. Still, while she knew for certain they were having twins... she didn't know quite the combination to expect. “I think it'd be prudent to have a couple names picked out.”

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser
Walking along with Celeste, he was smiling. This was the first time he’d been on a planet he knew where he didn’t feel like he was looking over his shoulder. Sure, he had a shoulder bag that had his lightsaber in it, as well as comm and some variety of credits, but he wasn’t feeling like he had a target on his head, or that he was looking for anyone else. The world of Naboo was so unique, so serene and feeling forward. The word may have been posh, but he wasn’t so sure it was the right nuance for the Lake Country, Theed, probably.

“Well, you just let me know, and we’ll grab a speeder when you need it.” He kissed her forehead and they continued to walk. Corellia was a world that had a lot of beaches and modern cities, but there was something about how Naboo blended with the rest of the planet, it all felt like it was all supposed to be here.

When Celeste took a break, she started speaking and his stomach dropped right out from under him. He was not expecting that. Coren Starchaser, who lead galactic movements, was highly resepcted by many Jedi, and fought wars against the toughest Sith in the galaxy was blown away by this next task.

“Oh… What about… Starchaser One, and Starchaser Two?” Trying to hold a straight face, it failed as he started to laugh as he looked at his wife. “We really do. At dinner? Restaurant isn’t too far away.”

Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel
Celeste's hand rose to her mouth to cover a laugh. Her husband's initial stunned silence spoke volumes. Yes, he was already a father— but this pregnancy might have taken him out of his comfort zone. And it probably had been a long time since he'd been around... babies. Her smile remained when he cracked a joke; classic Coren.

“That sounds like a plan,” she said,

One arm wrapped around Coren's, and the other cradling the underside of her belly, she started walking again. And as they arrived at their destination, Celeste smiled wide. Lake front property with picture-perfect views. “I have to say, this is pretty great,” she gave a nod of approval. With the afternoon sun shining on the water, Celeste had a seat and soaked it all in.

Soon, there was a basket of bread and freshly churned butter on the table. “I'll have a lemonade, please,” she caught the waiter's attention before he left. Celeste wasted no time and cracked open a bread roll, which was still toasty and warm, and slathered it with a helping of butter. Normally quite ladylike when it came to eating, she decided to indulge these cravings.

“I won't lie,” she started after taking a bite. “It will be strange to have an infant again, let alone two.” Celeste wanted to soothe some anxiety that came along with their anticipation of having the twins. “Are you... scared?” Celeste canted her head and fixed her husband in a curious glance. Part of her was teasing... and part of her really wanted to know.

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser
Celeste could probably vouch for this, but it felt that jokes and smiles were coming a bit easier to Coren. The further and further they got into the Unknown and Wild Space, the more he felt the problems of the galaxy were off his shoulders. The fact that even when Jared and Kaia were infants, he wasn’t around much, yes, this fact terrified him. He wanted to do right by these two, and he had told Celeste this on sleepless nights in the past few months.

“I’m not going to bring you to anything less than the best!” He laughed as he lead her inside, announcing their name and being seated by the water. The sun was out, and it had been a long time since he felt this relaxed in a place he recognized. Like his family, he lived by a mantra of not all wanderers were lost, and he did feel more at ease on the edge of the Known, beyond the map. Of course, he’d have to update it to Kaia so she could get her mining equipment out there.

“It is nice to know where the food is coming from, right? Some of those worlds we had seen, I don’t know how they really survived.” Not that they were bad, but they weren’t as verdant and lush as some of the other worlds, and while he had been a smuggler, he knew how shipping of food stuffs worked. He had signaled the server for a second lemonade as he lead back with a content sigh. Taking a second to listen to Celeste’s words, he nodded.

“I’m not sure scared is the word. Apprehensive? I didn’t do the best with Jared, nor Kaia… I think it has me wondering if I could enlist again.” He winked and shook his head. “With the two of us, I think we can handle a pair of infants.” Though, could they?

Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel
It was very nice to know where the food was coming from. Dehydrated food could take care of them, but it wasn't like anything fresh. As Celeste took a peek at the menu—that was almost as large as a book—she already knew she'd have some kind of salad. Oh, maybe pasta, too. And more of this bread.

“I'm sure we can,” she replied, nodding. “But, it's not going to be easy.”

Coren had been in countless battles, but how many bottles had he fed a baby? But as Celeste eyed him across the table, she had a feeling he'd do just fine. He was a good teacher, he got along well with the padawans and even the younglings. They all came to see him as a hero, and there was a certainty inside that told her their children would, too.

“Well, let's see...” Celeste sat back to let the waiter serve their drinks, and she took a few sips before continuing. “Atti was a fairly easy-going baby,” she said, eyes staring off for a moment as she thought back to those early days of motherhood.

Celeste laughed. “This time,” she said, smoothing the cloth napkin across her lap. “I'm carrying little Starchasers, and I have no idea what to expect.” She smiled, but then she thought of all the around-the-clock feedings and twilight-awakenings there were in store for them. And she shivered.

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser

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