Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Back in Time [Coci]

Still mighty embarrassed by his less-than-subtle entrance, Thurion raised a hand to rub the back of his head as Coci led him inside the dusty old building. Despite it being long deserted, the people who shut these doors for the last time had not left a mess; all the tables were lined the walls with all the chairs stacked on top. One could still see the remnants of grandeur this place once carried itself with, had one set foot inside during its glory days.

The floor boards creaked from his every footstep, no matter how hard he tried to mimic his wife's nimble footwork. "I don't know how you do it," he finally admitted with a chuckle. "It's like you're not even there." His hand reached out to take hold of hers as they wandered the large room, placing a kiss upon the softness of her skin. "Just had to make sure," he added with a tender smile.

They soon found the lounge area, which appeared to have been handled with even greater care by the staff before they closed down. Thurion quickly found a seat in one of the luxuious sofas, stirring up a cloud of dust as he sat down. He let out a hushed cough as he waved his hand to disperse the airborne dust particles. "Well, if we intend to spend the night here, this is as good a place as any." He beamed a boyish grin to his wife from where he sat, before laying down on his back with his hands behind his head, letting out a content sigh.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
Slowly but surely, a smile crept across her lips and they walked around the restaurant, and a thought occured to her. "Why, exactly .. are we sneaking around and whispering? .. there is no one here", she whispered to Thurion. It was all for the fun of it of course, and it was wondeful to be young at heart once more. Every moment spent here allowed them both to forget for a while, forget all the trouble of the galaxy and duty and everything. And this abandon restaurant was simply perfect.

Coci turned and looked around the lounge room, when suddenly she heard the oomph from the sofa on which Thurion had placed his body. She was absolutely sure that that sofa had never had anyone with the weight of her husband on it supports. After all Thurion is heavy with his height and fit muscular frame. She turned around to see him shrouded in small dust particles daning on the air and visible on the ray of the moon streaming through a window. He looked almost .. heavenly.

Yet, she looked down into his face as he lay there on the sofa all content in the dust. And she smiled, yet the only thing to move on her was her eyes as they darting around the area. Suddenly the air shifted, and grew a little warmer and a breeze come from what seemed nowhere. Coci remained still. Edding around the floor are small pools of dust, twisting in a vortex collecting dust as they passed until the floor and the furiture was clean. Eventually the dust cloud made for the window and once out side exploded and showered to the ground.

Now this was a more suitable place to spend the night.

"Is there room for one more on the sofa?".
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Thurion watched as Coci cleared the room of dust, as if caught in a gentle breeze before being flung out the window. It was beautiful to behold as the cloud of dust exploded on the outside. "I was wondering how come your office is always so clean," he teased before grabbing her hand to pull her down into his embrace, locking lips with her as she lay on top of him. Coci always did have a better grasp of cleanliness than he did, most likely due to their very different childhoods. A dusty old sofa would've been a godsend back on Pelagon.

The crashing of waves made for a peaceful environment in spite of the dark of the night enveloping them. The power supply had long since been shut down, so no luck with interior lighting. It didn't bother him in the slightest, because his light was right there with him, in his arms.

Once their kiss of love came to an end, his nose touched hers as he gazed up into her dark eyes, the depth of which he could never hope to imagine. "You are so beautiful, my Coci. Your heart is beautiful."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
A beaming smile is what greeted him as he pulled her down on the sofa to rest on top of him. "And you are wonderful and amazing to me my Thurion, I love you so much", came her responce and her words seemed to ride on the sound of the waves. His kiss tasted salty, no doubt from the sea which as the waves crashed upon the shore, sent it's watery bounty in the air. Her hands that had been resting on his chest, moved to cup his handsome face as she leaned down to kiss him once more.

"Does that feel real enough to you?", her black eyes sparkling with the light of the moon. "I can be as silent as the grave, or make so much noise that I would wake those that rest in them". The sparkle shifted to a suggestive nature. "We need a fire", a metaphor most likely but the chill in the air had not gone and played on her skin.

There was the fire place in the room, but there was nothing in which to fuel it, no blankets to cover them yet there are means in which to warm the body. "Shall we create one?", she whispered to his ear as her nature moved to show him her intent. The warmth of her lips caressed his neck while her hands began to tug at his belt.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

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