Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Back In the Loop (Dranok and Vitor)

Serana Onyx

The Shadow's Sister
Serana sat quietly at the small table. Darren had expressed his love of Tatooine on multiple occasions, she agreed. It was nice. To just sit back and drink, not giving a care for anyone or anything.

But she spent to long in the dark, away from all the chaos. She missed it. She wanted to get back out there. Which, of course, lead her back to that one thought in her head- Darren. She only knew her brother for a few months and then he left. It didn't make her feel good.

Serana only wanted one thing, to settle down. But she wouldn't do so until Darren was with her. She wanted her brother their to help and she wanted him to give up his misadventures and do what she was doing. Of course she didn't know where he went of what became of him.

That's why she was here. She sent a encoded message to a few old friends. She knew they would tell her where he was and what he was doing... or so she hoped. In case, she did have her blasters ready. She wasn't going to stop her search for Darren, not this time...

@[member="Vitor Imperieuse"]
@[member="Dranok Lussk"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
Vitor had been on Coruscant when things went down. He too had been reminiscing, catching up on things, when @[member="Serana Onyx"] had messaged him. He smiled... She was the one tether to this modern world he had, and he didn't want to lose her.

With that said, he landed.


"It's been too long, Serana."

Serana Onyx

The Shadow's Sister
Serana nodded at the table. "Sit. Drink. Where's Lussk?"

She didn't want to dwell. She needed Lussk and Vitor to find Darren. Once she had that she would be leaving. Of course they would discuss the past, but she knew what she was going to say. She even knew what to say if they asked what had become of her, only a short time before the Bluehawks dissolved.

@[member="Vitor Imperieuse"]
@[member="Dranok Lussk"]
The black-clad man entered the cantina with the usual grace of a soldier. He gave the other patrons of the establishment a quick glance, using his senses to further ensure his safety. He was a well sought after man, many made attempts on his life and all failed. He was Ex-Sith, but still drew his strength and power from the darkness that inched closer and closer to overwhelming him each passing day. However, a light from his past had made itself known in the past few days when he'd received an encrypted message from a name he'd not heard in a long time. Serana Onyx, formerly Williams. She was Darren's supposed twin sister, the man who'd performed experiments on the primitive race and transformed them into bloodthirsty abominations.

The memories washed from the large man's mind as he spotted Serana's signature auburn hair and her figure motioning for him to approach. So he did, also noting the familiar form beside her, Vitor Imperiuse. The Lord Admiral made his approach with a calm, collected air.

"Been a while."

@[member="Serana Onyx"] @[member="Vitor Imperieuse"]

Serana Onyx

The Shadow's Sister
Serana smirked. "Right on time." She motioned them both to sit at the booth and waved her hand at the waiter. As the astromech droid arrived she ordered three Kuaty beers. It rolled away and she started to speak.

"I didn't call you here to chat," she said, looking specifically at Vitor. "I need to find Darren, my brother."

@[member="Dranok Lussk"]
@[member="Vitor Imperieuse"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Your brother? You mean the one who betrayed you and nearly killed me?"

Vitor gave an agitated growl. He still remembered how angry Darren had made him. The trial, all the recordings he had made...

"He wants me dead."

Serana Onyx

The Shadow's Sister
Serana nodded. "Yes. But that doesn't matter right now." She took a drink of her bear and glared at Vitor. "If you cared about your well being, or mine, you'll help me try and find him."

@[member="Vitor Imperieuse"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Your brother verbally and physically abused me on numerous occasions, then flat-out killed me and attempted to harm you, yet you still want to find him..."

He sighed, looking the auburn-haired love of his life over. "Very well."

@[member="Serana Onyx"]

Serana Onyx

The Shadow's Sister
Serana smirked, knowing she had won. "All I need is information. You won't have to confront him... unless I need you to."

Serana took a sip of her drink and looked at Dranok. She was bent on finding Darren and no one, not even two of her longest friends, would stop her. Vitor would eventually help her confront him, but she decided to leave that part out until she got a tracker on him.

@[member="Vitor Imperieuse"] @[member="Dranok Lussk"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"And two cents says I'n going to end up being involved in a confrontation..." He sighed, looking @[member="Serana Onyx"] over.

"Okay. What exactly do you want to know?"

Serana Onyx

The Shadow's Sister
Serana smirked. Finishing her beer she leaned in so they could still hear her speak in a soft and sinister tone. "I need to know where he went. After he was exiled from the fleet I planted a tracker on his ship. However, the only computer that can locate said tracker, is the Dying Light."

Serana knew Vitor would want to back out of this mission after hearing those words. But she also knew that Vitor would do anything for her, so she would use that to her advantage.

@[member="Vitor Imperieuse"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"...and why would his ship be the only one capable of accessing that tracker?"

Vitor really didn't want to go back to the hellhole that was the Dying Light's wreck, but hey, if it meant @[member="Serana Onyx"] would finally accept his love, he'd definitely do it in a heartbeat.

Serana Onyx

The Shadow's Sister
Serana grinned, she won. "Onyx was the admiral of the ship. The tracker was recovered when we were investigating. It was powerful enough to track for months. The computer it is linked to is on the bridge."

Serana sat back, relaxing a bit. "So... you in?"

@[member="Vitor Imperieuse"]

Serana Onyx

The Shadow's Sister
Serana stood. "Good. Meet me here," she dropped a small piece of paper on the table, coordinates to her shuttle. She then made a swift exit, she wasn't even going to listen to Lussk, he was just sitting and listening with not much to say. So she just left. She was gonna find Onyx, she knew it...

@[member="Vitor Imperieuse"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
And with that, Vitor left the area as well. He felt sorry for @[member="Dranok Lussk"] not getting any words in...

But then again, @[member="Serana Onyx"] was the dominant one, after all.

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