Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Back from Inactivity

Flint Dexen

Wandering Lost Soul
Hello! If anyone remembers me, I used to RP here until I went inactive some months ago. I was having problems with my computer, and for a while I didn't have the time to come back to RP even after I got my cpu fixed. RL issues, you know. I sincerely apologize for my inactivity the last few months, espeically for people that I was in a RP with.

I'm back now, though, and eager to get back to the swing of things. Can someone update me on what's been happening lately? I see that I've missed out on a lot.
Welcome back old friend. It's good to have my friendly rival back.

In any case... Sith empire fell, people are being flung through time due to some mad woman named Akala. The jedi have opened an Ossuss Academy. I've now got a six inch pet wolf. And other than that, nothing too incredibly big has gone on... oh yeah, Krag, now @[member="Darth Vulcanus"], attaked coruscant and wee headed off to blow him up.
@[member="Flint Dexen"], hehe not done anything with Avano since you left Was waiting for you to come back i also got busy and kinda forgot about this char XD

Flint Dexen

Wandering Lost Soul
Hello people, again thanks for the welcome back.

Its good to see you're still around, @[member="Vulpesen"]. Thanks for the update! (its been what, like three times that Sith Lords have marched straight into Coruscant? That's nothing too out of the ordinary to be honest. XD)

@[member="Avano Reed"] - We can continue where we left off, then. ;)

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