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Approved Location Baban Tudu Mountains

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Name: Baban Tudu Mountains

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Classification: Mountain Range

Location: The center of Kasyamma, Duniya

Size: The chain of mountains is about 230 KM long at it's longest points, though steep hills covered in creeping jungle rise up for another seventy-five or so kilometers in all directions.

Population: No sentients

Demographics: No sentients

Points of Interest:


Ruwa Falls - A huge waterfall near the south end of the mountains, east of where the Baban Tudu mining settlement once stood, Ruwa Falls was renowned for it's beauty. Miners, known for their supersticions, said that mermaid-like creatures lived in underwater cavens under the falls, luring anyone that got to close to their watery demise. This kept most people from observing the falls up close- though a few attempted to find the mythical creatures, with no one ever suceeding, and few returning from the underwater caves that do, indeed, go on for miles underneath the Baban Tudu mountains.

Description: The Baban Tudu mountains were discovered and named by the first explorers on Duniya, and was the first place where Duniyan Fire Gems were discovered. The mountains, surrounded by hills and swamp to the south, are trecherous in many places, but were discovered for ithe rich veins of Fire Gems that were scattered throughout the mountains- paticularly the southern ones.

History: The first settlement on Duniya was constructed in the Baban Tudu mountains, on the southwest corner of the range, where Duniyan Fire Gems were found much easier then in other parts of the mountains. That settlement was hom to thousands of people, until the unfortunate natural disaster that caused tetonic plates to shift, literally lfiting the entire mountain range a few inches into the air, compeltely destroying the settlement and the extensive mines. There were no found survivors. Now, like the rest of Duniya, the Baban Tudu mountains are uninhabited, but it's still home to large amounts of Fire Gems just waiting to be mined...

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