Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Baar'ur Beskar'gam, or how to burn your fingers

Rianna was studying several designs before her thinking about what she would need and then what it should be made out of. She would consult with [member="Ordo"] for his input and then perhaps other healers that wore such protection.

As a Jedi it was not unusual to see one wearing a bit of armor as a healer though she considered the idea almost needed. Ever since Ordo had been hurt if she had worn something like she was now envisioning perhaps all that had happened, that after affects would have been minimal. Maybe.

And now, her gaze looked over at the children playing she could not take that risk again what if something happen to the children. Rianna turned back to the designs.

First what metals?

And then would the metals hold the design and still be able to protect her.

Jedi Healer 101 - the patient comes first. So...would it be able to handle the amount of medical designs she wanted.
[member="Rianna Ar'klim"]

The remote hovered above her, the sounds of the droids repulsors whirring with the jedi healer arriving to come and meet the woman. Rianna was renown for her skill and Cathbodua stood in the bodysuit as she raised her hood and touched the lightwhip on her hi[. The feeling of the healing crystal of fire while she worked with her medical bodyarmor and was checking the holo. "Master Rianna, it is good to see you are well." She didn't have much to say, it was hard expressing something when you didn't and the droid couldn't see the woman's face under her mask as they were heading to meet with her and there was the designs for hybrid plexisteel but they would be going for some phrik. "I do hope you have been well since leaving the order."

Rianna turned, "Cathbodua it is good to see you as well" Rianna nodded, "I have been exceptionally well life continues outside of the other, how are things within the order?" While Rianna may not belong to any Jedi Order by name she was still a Jedi even when it came to being at odds with her husband over battles and war.

A peaceful woman by nature it had come as quite the change when she left to join [member="Ordo"] and the Mandalorians.

In her mind she was still the same person, how others perceived her though, she knew not, and truthfully it mattered not she had accomplished much as a healer and doctor, and as a woman.
[member="Rianna Ar'klim"]

She looked at th jedi master.. former whatever she wasn't one for giving a title to someone who while maybe not a friend was at least someone she could respect. Her work with healers and groups like the mandos was well known and she was standing there looking at her. "It is good to see you as well, so what is on the agenda for today master? Some adventure, some heroics, some disaster on a world we can go and help save people?" She was ready for anything and had her healing crystal of fire in her whip going forward with a few more thoughts and concerns while rolling her shoulders.

Rianna nodded, "I am considering making some armor for myself to wear when on the field of battle" Rianna laughed a bit nervously, "I think there are ways I can begin treatment through the use of armor, and protect myself"

She watched the young woman, "What do you think?"
[member="Rianna Ar'klim"]

She looked at the woman with a grin on her face under the mask, it was not always the most practical to be running around in bodyarmor but... it was smart if you knew there was usually going to be combat. She was more then prepared to work on armors and gear while speaking finally. "A smart idea, you can always use protection against things." She was looking at her and around with some of the others while she thought about it backing away and looking at her bodysuit. "I have been workign to get something of an armored bodysuit for myself I have have protection and be able to keep my medical conditions safe."

"Most times I am able to work and protect my patients, but there have been times when" She thought about watching [member="Ordo"] as he had been shot that day on Empress Teta, and the other time again Rolland on Coruscant, and then the numerous dominions.

"I think it should be designed for protection and healing, how hard do you think it is to do that? Such a contradiction it would seem to be though" Rianna looked down again, not ashamed in any manner just thoughtful on the past.

"anyhow, let's look at some designs, and some materials I"m sure we have many available through MandalTech." She smiled keeping her head up, it was time to be serious.
[member="Rianna Ar'klim"]

"it is not that much a contridiction, healing requires the ability to protect and that ability needs something." She thought about her lightwhip and how it had a heling crystal of fire within the hilt designed to augment her but she could still use it to defend.... though she had never tried to channel it into the lashes. that might be somethig to experiment with when she was next in the training room and there was a look under the mask while she was thinking about it. "Besides running around trying to heal people when you are unprotected it idiotic, if you get shot then there is two injured instead of just one which does no one any good."
Rianna smiled, "Being a healer though requires a particular balance within the force"

Rianna moved to a design table, and began to look, the first one a very basic design to start with, but it looked heavy cumbersome and made the Jedi Master feel uncomfortable. The second one she stared at, a definite NO. This third one had potential, it did not look heavy, and could be modified to suit Rianna's calling.

What metals did they have that Rianna could use, she looked at [member="Cathbodua"] , "What do you think of these?" Rianna needed someone who knew the strength of metals, she could look but there were only two she was familiar with, beskar and phrik.
[member="Rianna Ar'klim"]

Cathbodua looked at the armors while she was working on it and thinking about some of the gear. "They look good, as an armor. With the right materials you could do more. I would suggest talk to Sasori they make some equipment for healers. Ranger's Utility Boots, Sasori Harness, Sasori Bodysuit and one of the healing Sasori Crystal." Looking at more of it as she brought the equipment up on her holopad. There is also an environmental shielding Sasori Circlet able to be used and would provide more protection from dangers like acid rain on some of the more polluted worlds. Matsu is a friend of the healers circle and always willing to help give things." A few more things she had to work on and build up but she had the design for her bodysuit that was being worked on and the piece was a beastly thing with lightweight armor over the bodyglove.

"So you believe these things would compliment the armor itself? The materials for the armor must be collected as well, [member="Ordo"] should be able to tell me what we have on hand to manufacture such a thing."

Rianna's own mind worked against her, she did not want to intimidate anyone with the armor, and could not help but wonder if it would. "I know Matsu, and yes she is a friend."
[member="Rianna Ar'klim"]

"Yes the different pieces can provide protection and needed things while including equipment like a force enhancing crystal. With a healer it can lessen the strain allowing you to have more stamina and heal more people." She was looking at some things then turned off her holo projector while she readied herself. "Plus, you are one of the few people I can talk t that isn't going to tell me how you are so much more powerful using the darkside to heal. It is refreshing and worthwhile." Cathbodu was prepared to get going and go after some stuff, it gave her things to do and look forward to.
Rianna was caught a bit off, "darkside healing? I thought that the version of dark side healing was life drain you know heal only yourself, not others" Where had [member="Cathbodua"] gotten the idea that dark siders did healing?

She wasn't sure but, if there was any question she hoped she could clear it up with the young woman.

"Helping more people is good, but we must also be sure that quality care is still given. A crystal within the armor, interesting. What made you think of that?"
[member="Rianna Ar'klim"]

"From what I have seen there are ways, sith magics can bludgeon the force and break the rules if they are strong enough. It will drain and corrupt the sith who uses it but they can turn the magics to make those they heal." She said it with her fingers coming up for emphasis. "INto their servants as opposed to a jedi healing a person. It is deeply selfish and dangerous." Though she did have a look and she had broken many of the thoughts she had heard from Maya about how sith can be friends and heal people. It served a purpose for her at least while she was movign with some of her attention towards the woman. "But we should continue on master Ar'klim and construct for you what is most useful. I know there are some things from Sasori that would be helpful."

Rianna did not realize what exposure Cathbodua had with other Jedi Healers she knew only a few that still moved about the galaxy she nodded, "Yes let's look at what can be useful for me. What others may find useful I do not know if I will." She nodded.

"What from Sasori is helpful other than what you have already mentioned?"
[member="Rianna Ar'klim"]

"Well there is always new things and they do have apprentice healers and doctors working together to try and make stuff that helps. If I wasn't so stubborn I might actually be willing to help but they did help construct my saber and bodysuit that is being worked on. Protective weave layers over plated armor so flexible and protective with crystal shard made in the materials so it is a focus." She was ready and almost bounced from foot to foot in excitement, thankfully her clouded vision and hypersensitive skin wasn't visible to the other master with the mask and suit so they could proceed and get to it.

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