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Approved Species Ba-La

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Image Credit:
Name: Ba-la
Designation: Non-Sentient
Homeworld: Asobi System
Language: Squeaks
Average height of adults: .5m
Skin color: Pink to white
Hair color: Hairless
Breathes: Type 1
  • Poisonous bite
    Based on the real life Brazilian Wandering Spider: The neurotoxin causes pain in the bitten area while lose of muscle control sets in, paralysis and eventual asphyxiation without a antitoxin. The venom in an average sized human can take effect for the first stages within three minutes and fully in two hours. Multiple bites and doses of the venom can accelerate the process.

  • Small
  • Easily killed when alone
  • Harvested for their venom
Very few and far between there are some that can get larger then half a meter.
Average Lifespan: 7 years
Races: There is only one race
Estimated Population: 300,000,000
Diet: Moss, meat
Communication: Squeaks
They are born deep underground and rarely come to the surface of the planets within the Asobi system. The small creatures are considered dangerous in large numbers able to use their large mouths and poisonous bites to paralyze people for several hours. The more bites the quicker the poison can work stiffening the muscles and allowing the creatures to eat at their leisure. Their rows of teeth gnawing as they first attempt to suck at the blood inside the person then nip at the flesh to get down into the bones and marrow. They're communal with little infighting except for the alpha of the pack that usually is the largest and if in the past their venom has been used by hunters to paralyze targets.
Technology level: N/A
General behavior:
Very fast and quick to respond to sounds as they skitter around the underground tunnels and catacombs, once and awhile coming up higher to search for food when they don't find any but avoiding the harsh light. The small creatures are not afraid to attack larger prey and when they do the scent of blood will attract more of them until there is usually a pack on a single target.
Long ago when there were eels on the planet Cazador the Ba-la evolved, beings came from the sky and they stowed away on the ships getting brought to the different worlds in the system and moons burying themselves deep in the underground rivers and streams. Eventually getting out of the water and growing limbs to hunt in the dark as they slowly evolved over the time finding the man made tunnels that people left things in. Trash and rotten food they found enjoyable even in the game of politics bodies but always disposed of, they never went towards the surface of the world or out of the caves instead enjoying it and as people came down to search for riches they would be attracted to the sounds. Their venom discovered to be a dangerous paralytic that could be used for hunting larger creatures and milked by trained professionals. Then sold for a good value as it was easier to find more of them and capture them then crystal snakes on Yavin IV. Their evolution has been... stable and consistent as they haven't needed to evolve beyond pack hunting and climbing around the tunnels to get at prey, their long necks are highly flexible.
Notable Player-Characters: None
Intent: To create a species to further expand the Asobi system with new creatures.
[member="Matsu Ike"] - Just one thing, the venom. How quickly does it take effect? How strong is it? How much is needed? Clear that up, I'll read it over again, and you should be good. I like the idea of these, reminds me of the compnys from Jurassic Park.
[member="Matsu Ike"] - Fair enough. Might have to make some poison darts out of this. How long does it take (roughly) in, say, a human? Just so if anyone uses this venom the victim knows what's going on. It could take an hour, or it could take a second. (I'd prefer it dosen't take a second...>.>)

After that, you're approved!
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