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Approved NPC B7-Y2

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Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Name: B7-Y2
Loyalties: Oka Osaa
Role: Friend and Unit of Oka Osaa
Development Threads: None.
Age: 7 years old
Species: AcroMech, Droid
Force-Sensitive: No force
Appearance: An red and green droid marked of the republic. Normal acromech legs/mobility. Round top with a cylinder body. Has a red lens with few buttons.
Personality: B7 is a superior and friendly droid to Oka Osaka and the Republic. To the Onesith, its just regular droid functions. B7 usually is obedient. In the end he's just a friendly droid unit.
Weapon of Choice: Electric Shock
Wealth: No wealth
Combat Function: To open/close/turn on/off things, manipulation to other droids or to get past other droids
Weak against blasters, the force, light sabers.
Skills: Good at flying and creating distractions and commotions. One of his most common distractions is turning on/off random stuff in the enemy lines. He can usually befriend other droids until orders are given.
Notable Possessions: Levitation Rockets, Shock Stick
Other Notes: Intelligent droid unit.
[member="Oka Osaa"]

I will be taking this on. So.

Are you sure it's a completed submission? Because I am seeing so many blanks I must consider it was a Work In Progress. Please do not post WIPs in the Codex as it's reserved for submissions which are already completed. In the future, please either post a complete submission or save your WIP in a blog or a word processor.

Please @mention me when you're done.
[member="Oka Osaa"]

Let's get to it now.

First of all, Loyalties is meant to be a simple name or a simple group's name, not a rank or role, thus I am going to ask you to change Loyalties to just "Oka Osaa".

Second, I am going to ask you to add the droid's age. Even though ICly his age is not known, he has to have some kind of an age. A submission must be completely transparent - no hidden things, no surprises. While age is not a field which could be abused too much, I would still like it to state the droid's age. A completely unrelated example, "17, though unknown ICly". That is how you could state his age and tell everybody that his age is not known IC.

Third, I would like you to add more to Appearance and Personality fields. They're a bit lacking at the moment. A little paragraph of both would do the deal.

Fourth, in the Skills field you mention creating distractions. What kind of distractions are they?

Also, I see you are quite new to the forum, so I will take the liberty to welcome you and wish you good luck! :)
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