Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress Ava Dove


  • Age: 30​
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Twi'lek
  • Appearance: [ Describe the NPC. Height and build? Any distinguishing marks? Do they show their age? What do they usually wear? ]​
  • Name: Ava Dove​
  • Loyalties: Marcus Carter patron at the The Ruby's Den and occasional partner for jobs - Frank Dove adopted daughter - Hard Times Vol.1
  • Wealth: [ How wealthy are they? Where does that wealth come from? Are they stakeholders in existing corporations? If so, link to them. ]​
  • Skills: Bounty Hunting, Gunrunning, Smuggling, Scamming, Gambling, Drinking, & Business​
  • Languages: Basic, Huttese, Mando'a, Shyriiwook, Twi'leki​
  • Personality: Ava Dove is quite an angry Twi'lek, even when Frank Dove Frank Dove adopted her as a child. She's quite brass, blunt, and hard-headed person, making her quite hard to get acquainted. She dislikes those who are annoying, gross, loud-mouthed, and a liar, which cause quite a rift when her father have all of those quality at his senior age.​
  • Weapon of Choice: Pistol, Hand to Hand Combat, Intimidation​
  • Combat Function: She was trained to be a Mandalorian by her adopted father Frank Dove Frank Dove intensely and was taught everything he knew. Her fighting prowess excels in short and medium range, head on or stealthily.​
  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only): None​
  • Gunsmith​
  • Weapons Expert​
  • Master Manipulator​
  • Intimidation​
  • Close Quarter Combat​
  • Hard Headed​
  • Easily Angered​
  • Doesn't Like To Be Looked Down​
  • Long Range Fight​
  • Social Skills​
Ave Dove is a young Twi'lek who was adopted by Frank Dove Frank Dove when he found her alone as a very young child during a bounty contract on Denon. Due to her ferocity and tenacity, Frank Dove Frank Dove decided to adopt her and trained her to be a Mandalorian so she would continue the Dove Clan legacy to bring peace. She easily went through training to become a Mandalorian, as she seemed to have a talen for it, with Frank Dove Frank Dove continued to up the training difficulty. It didn't take long until she became an adult, where she became a full pledge Mandalorian of Clan Dove and follow her adopted father legacy.

Unfortunately her relationship with her father diminished, due to Frank Dove Frank Dove becoming less of a warrior and more of an annoying old man who just want to do whatever he wants. She was quite frustrated at him because he had abandon the Dove Clan purposes which he instilled and taught her, as he then left home permanently to be independent. She began to work not only as a bounty hunter but sometimes as a mercenary for government to quell rebellions and uprising, which made her fame rose up. High ranking officials and military officer began to hire her frequently due to her success rate and her following orders efficiently,

During her travels, she went to Coruscant, where there she heard of a high stake sabacc game with great sabacc player invited to come play. Ava decided to get an invitation, to which not long later she got it. During game night, she started off playing at the sides, before she kept winning and was put on the main game, where there she met and faced Marcus Carter Marcus Carter . It was an intense game, as neither back down and tried to outdo the other. Marcus Carter Marcus Carter was on her nerve all night, due to him being obnoxious, with him talking and singing all the time, telling weird stories. At the end she lost after Marcus Carter Marcus Carter prompted to go all in, which she also does. But his card was better than her, causing her to lose all her winning.

Not long after her meeting with Marcus Carter Marcus Carter , she once again met him as they were on the same job, a raid on a spice factory. She didn't quite like that she was going to work with him, as she almost tried to beat him up but was stopped by the other bounty hunters. During the raid, she was pinned down by enemies, with her shoulder injured from a blaster ricochet. She was helped by Marcus Carter Marcus Carter , as he flanked them from the rear, which prompt the two to work together and at the end finish the job. He had earned Ava respect for what he did even though he had no reason to help her, especially after what she tried to do to him. The two became acquaintances and occasionally take on jobs together, while sometimes she also became a regular player on the The Ruby's Den.​
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