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Attuning a Family's forgotten destiny.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Sunrider's Destiny.​

The Crystal sat in her hand as she smiled, the artifact that had been buried a long time ago in the tomb of the Jedi Master Vima Sunrider. It had been a crystal which when attuned to the user of the crystal only worked for that user. It was a property that was extremely useful for when someone was disarmed and further when the saber could be used against them. This made it a highly useful relic of the past if not for its historical background, the combat value.

There were a few crystals like this throughout the universe, though this was the one she most wanted to keep on hand as she brought it to the ground in front of the central tree standing in the rooftop garden of the Order's Alderaan temple. An object that helped her draw the force in itself would help her alter and attune the crystal to fit herself. This was in the same way that one took a new saber but to overwrite the original connection was something that she had never truly attempted so it was a bit of a foreign practice. None the less though she had gathered what she could on this and placed her hands over the crystal.

Step one, remove the previous connection.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Her hands worked to warp the previous connection, time having already eroded the connection as well as the death of its former master, but there remained a connection there none the less. It was like trying to carve away what was inside that crystal and what had been there for thousands of years, a fact that she needed to understand when it came to even understanding the nature of a bond between the crystal and its master.

The bond between Jedi and his or her crystal was on a level that was generally hard to break, especially when their bond began to mess with the actual functions of the saber or how it operated through the force. There were crystals like the heart of the Guardian and the Mantle of the Force that did so on such a level it actually affected the physical being of those that they were attuned to and that made Alexandra smile at that thought. She was delving into a world where the crystal in front of her was beyond what was normal for those of its kind. Even the crystals in her current sabers were just connected to her through the force and allowed her to sense them. They held no special properties.

But that didn't stop her knowing that fact, instead it forced her onwards as seh continued to twist apart the connection the crystal had with the long dead masters that once held it and in their place would be a connection to her. Having found this saber cyrstal with the body of the old Jedi master while accompanying Gray Raxis was a find she would never forget.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She smiled as her hands drew out the threads that had woven this crystal into the motions of the force. It was a long process to override the connection but she soon found herself working with a rather focused intent behind her work. It was all down to the actions left before her in that instant as she tied off the now snipped threads and watched as finally the crystal was separated from its previous pack. It hadn't been as much effort as the normal projects she put herself through but even then it was taking a bit longer than she had anticipated. Already two hours had pass with her hunched over the crystal in the moonlight, watching it hit the crystal while she worked and casting a shattered spray of color over the tree in front of the both of them.

That was a bit marveling as she looked on while she worked, watching as the colors shifted with the moonlight while her hands worked at the force and tied the crystal no longer to its previous master. She imagined it like untying a knot, just to tie it once more when you were done. The motions were jumbled and frantic at first but once the single break in the knot was found it had been a simple matter of taking that break and following it to the source before unraveling the entire thing before her own eyes. That was what also interested her a small bit was the intricate work of this 'knot' in the force. It was so well constructed that it almost seemed like the entire process had been natural from the start and for a few seconds she felt bad. It was a marvel of the force, seeing how closely this crystal could tie itself to those that it was attuned to.

She wondered as she worked what had led up to the creation or simple finding of this bond. To the saber crystals original location and why it had been a long forgotten relic of the past. This was a unique work of art that she had never seen before and couldn't wait to tie her own body to it and to tie it to her saber once the crystal was ready to be fitted.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Now began the process of attuning that crystal before her to herself. It was not so simple as a connection with her sabers or even the crystals in them was. Unlike those she needed to focus on the crystal and create a bond that was stronger than those two crystals and that left her smiling as she turned her hands over so that her palms were turned to the sky. She closed them and her eyes closed with them until the world around her fell still. She listened to the wind and to the sounds of animals in the forest moving about. Night predators in the sky and the world around her stopped as her heartbeat slowed and her breath began to halt with it.

She was now in the state she drew most of the force from, her form leaving her body and reaching out to touch those same threads she had been meddling with before but instead of pushing the force into the crystal she did something far different. Her hand shot to the side and plunged into her physical bodies chest as she ripped from it the thread that connected her to the force. It remained attached but she could feel her own form grow cold as she worked and began to weave her soul and the crystal to eachother. It was a procecss that would ensure a connection between only herself and the crystal before her, ensure that its effects only benefitted herself and ensured that no other would be ablle to use the crystal should they handle the saber that it was within.

The process hurt, after all she was tearing her soul herself and tying it to a crystal. This was perhaps a bit much but she had to ensure the effects worked the way that they were suppose to and with such a work of art contained in this crystal, it was all she could do to make sure she did things right. After all this was a rather unique crystal and with it carried a unique function that otherwises would not be common place in the galaxy these days.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She drew her hands through the weave as its loose connection started to resemble that old knot that it once possessed. She was a few hours into the work now, three or four but she would have to keep at the process if she wanted to ensure that it was completed without a mistake. Daeda cared for her body while she worked, just as he always had when she stepped from it to work through the force but she had to find a way to thank him after all this work. Her hands moved almost on auto pilot as she moved them through that otherwise loose weave which she had started to form, cold to the fingertips though as she was working with part of her own soul as she did this. It was hard work in the sense that one wrong move could damage your being rather than the crystal but she enjoyed the reward far too much to care about the possible risk.

She watched as the strands through the force felt like velvet... no silk to the touch. It was soft and easy to manipulate but also beautiful and moved like water in her hands. That was another beauty to the process she had developed. One could discover an understanding into the force, and connect themselves to the very things that were important with a stronger more thorough connection than one who only took the surface. She worked under that surface, drew from the threads and weave of the crystal in places where few others touched minus those original holders. That was why wen she worked with this weave her hands touched and manipulated it like it was water yet still stayed together as one form. It was hard to describe as no material or liquid acted like this, yet it was still somehow familiar whenever she touched and manipulated those threads that connected her to the force and the crystal to the force.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She pushed a bit of herself forward and felt the cold return suddenly as her fingertips were all the more chilled, the heat leaving her body and she felt it even as she sat across from that physical body. She worked to pull more of herself out, mixing and twisting the strands and threads of the crystal with her own soul's, adding the force into the weave to act as a bond and to help hold the form and create a shape for the connection. That was what the force's job was when it came to connections and bonds. It was like a glue, meant to hold together the two people, the two objects, animals, or any other connection. It tied itself in and pulled together those threads and strands, twisting and manipulating them into a grand cloth, a blanket, or even just a fine rope that curled around her body and the crystal itself.

She enjoyed the work, it kept her busy nd she watched with marvel as the force did its part in this beautiful work of art, this beautiful picture that it could only witness all the time. Even when it was done, she would only be able to see the thin thread that this marvelous weave would become, the connector between herself and the crystal that would be contained in the saber. She wanted to know if there would be someway to see this as this grand weave like the force would once she was done, but she knew such a thing was far less likely than she could ever hope for. It was a depth that only those with superior sight, those who used only their sight for decades if not centuries would see and she knew that was not a chance for her to witness and experience again as she looked on at the weave once more.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
8 hours in -

Her breath was a bit short, the process becoming tiring as the light began to give way to a morning sunrise that started to display an entirely different array of colors against the tree that stood at the center of the garden. And while that array was thrown like a painting, she was busy creating the final parts of the weave. IT at this point was nothing short of breathtaking as blues and silvers fluctuated before her, tinges of red and purple flaring across it as a pulse sent from the crystal to her body and was returned in kind. It pulsated like a heartbeat so to speak, the timing kept in a steady four count before the next pulse was sent through the fibers of the weave. It was a scene she had never seen before and she smiled as her hands moved through it and connected the loose ends of the weave to the rest of it.

She knew her job was nowhere near close to done though, as even if when she finished this would she needed to reconstruct the phrik casing that the saber to her left was contained in. That Phrik had saved her life once upon a time and now she would be replacing the damaged crystal that she had kept in it with the new crystal which sat before her. She smiled as she worked though, watching the pulses go back and forth and simply fascinated in what she had been seeing. Her soul was tied to the crystal at this point and when she drew her hands back she watched as the weave was done.

It would curl up, the sheet becoming curled like a poster but continuously growing every thinner and smaller until it was no thicker than the string from a ball of yarn. Her hands touched at it and gingerly worked it through her fingers before she smiled and sighed. With that her being drifted back into her body and she opened her eyes to stare at the small crystal infront of herself, touching and turning it over in her hands as she nodded at the finished product.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Now began the reconstruction of the saber's interiors. Thankfully the exterior casing was built to withstand the damage and it was a simple matter of fusing the breaks on a molecular scale, just as she had done in the first place when she had been forced to creating the casings and bind them. It was the internal components that would prove to be the most difficult. Infact to her that entire situation remained a bit worrisome for the fact that she now had to rearrange the internal components to ensure that the saber worked properly with the new crystal. It was not the first time that she had worked wit creating modifications to a saber but it would be the first time that the two sabers did not have the same sizing internally.

The second saber would be using a far different crystal, another one she had dug out of a cave on Dantooine, left there by a jedi long ago and she had already fitted it inside that first saber. That crystal had been nearly the same size as her original silver ones, so it wasn't as much of a worry when it came to getting that one set, but this crystal was indefinitely large. It wouldn't prove an issue but it ould leave her to remember each saber was not quite as familiar as the other. With that she grabbed the second saber and placed it before herself, holding her hands over it and taking apart the phrik casing that surrounded the damaged internal components.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Midway through the work she had run into a problem as she realized the emitter would need to be changed for something that could focus the larger crystal. She should have expected the issue and while it wasn't something too difficult to fix it did set her back a bit as she had to look through her stores to ensure she had the correct fit, otherwise she would run into the problem of her saber working in a rather erratic fashion, something that in a fight could mean life and death. So she spent the few dozen minutes make sure that the lens and emitter matched up perfectly so to ensure there would not arise a problem next time she needed the sabers.

She then fit them and watched as the pieces slowly came together. Working to connect the various wires and the new powercell. It was boring, and a bit slower than one would expect it was all to ensure she fully understood and could take apart the saber and its alterations without causing the insides damage. It was then that she smiled and leaned back to look over her work. Everything would fit together and the casings would be able to be molded once more into the proper locations. She would be done soon and that was enough to make her simply lean back and look at the still rising morning sun, the air and fog filled with the dampness of the morning.

She loved this world.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Her hands worked as they floated the parts infront of her, sliding them together and watching as it all locked into place. Her eyes stared at the process with interest and smiled wide as she knew that it would be a much easier time now from that point on. All that remained was the casing and that took her focus completely as she sealed and fused the cracks between the plates that formed the saber's hilt. Soon enough though the cracks and plates were fused together, connected and stable which left her to bind the sabers once more in the leather straps that she put over them to keep the metal protected and to keep her safe from the saber overheating.

With that she laid the saber on the ground, watching it for a few seconds before scooping it up into her hand and staring at the point where the blade would come out. Her hand hovered over the activation stub for a few seconds before she pressed down and watched as the light blue blade, almost icy in color, spring forth from the hilt, humming softly and stable in her hand. She smiled as she moved it around a few times before nodding contently with the result. She wished there was another around to hold the saber for her so that she could see the connection work in action, but for now she was happy that it worked at all considering that if she had done it wrong, the crystal would not have worked for her either.

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