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Approved Species Atrisian Kagaragami

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  • Name: Kagaragami
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Atrisia
  • Average Lifespan: 400 Years standard/offworld) 4000ish (on Atrisia)
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: Long hair, pointed years, often tri-colored eyes with long lives tied to Atrisia itself. Their skin can vary in color largely from sub-races and denotes them but unusual shades do exist that can see them as exotic beauties among their people.
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: 2 Meters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Ivory white, Ebony, Jade green, bronzed and golden with chances for hues of red, purple, yellow as pigment anomalies.
  • Hair color: Darker shades of red, brown or black. Rarely naturally lighter colors.
  • Distinctions: Long ears, melodic voices, keen eyesight is shared across all of the Kagara and its sub-species. With variations among them. With lives that are strangely extended on Atrisia only.
  • Races: The Kagaragami are the most populace of the race and often work as farmer and merchants.
    • Sarugami - Kagara of the Forests with sharper points to their ears, lithe bodies and feline like eyes better able to track prey in the trees and at distances. THey know where riches and secrets exist within the forests.
    • Kijigami - Kagara of the Shadows are militaristic comprising a large amount of the Kyushi forces, acting as servants and slaves to the Atrisian vampires. They are just as physically fit as them, long lived and well trained.
    • Inugami - Kagara of the Mountains who built many of the marvels across the Nhai range and beyond. THeir bodies are tick and corded with muscles while protruding lower teeth are overgrown.
    • Binbōgami - Kagara of the Snow are often considered some of the most beautiful and were at the great city before it fell becoming lost to time and myth.
  • Force Sensitivity: Standard
  • Universal:
    • Atrisia: A strange manifestation of the force, the Kagara on Atrisia can live for exponentially long periods of time because of their connection to the world but only as long as they stay on the world.
  • Kagaragami:
    • Higher Population: The more common of the race who have been around Atrisia and worrk among the human atrisians. THey are longer lived and often elders in villages or healers using their knowledge to aid others.
    • Lithe Figures: Slim and flexible normally they are skilled at running and moving quickly compared to the more brutish cousins.
  • Sarugami:
    • Sight Beyond Sight: Tying to their force users, their Force sense abilities are largely augmented for seeing in the dark, tracking movement and being aware of creatures as well as visitors to the forest.
    • Mono-Gendered: A strange aspect, the Saru are hermaphroditic in nature and have lower birthrates.
  • Kijigami:
    • Physical Perfection: Practicing along the lines of Force Body, the Kiligami are living soldiers practicing the ways of war for a life time and considered often some of the most brutal next to the Horselords of Atrisia.
    • Might Makes Right: On top of their physical prowess they are stronger then many others presenting as almost superhuman in their abilities.
  • Inugami:
    • Lung Capacity: A strange and helpful evolution that has distinguished them... their lungs can hold a lot and have extra sections within them. Allowing them to hold their breath for longer periods of time and in some skilled users developing a technique along the lines or Fireball Belch that can be trained with different elements by their force users.
  • Binbōgami:
    • Telekinetic: Skilled in using the force (for their force users) with lifting and flying themselves around.
    • Frosty: Given their region and location the Kagara of the snow are more resistant to the frost and cold.
  • Universal:
    • Atrisia: Centralized on the world, the force bond on the planet that extends their lives has limits.. once they leave the world they will start to age rapidly. Better in the younger Kagara who can handle the strain but the older ones can become decrepit and tax their bodies to the point of death quickly.
  • Kagaragami:
    • Adapted: Compared to their cousins the Kagaragami are very adapted to living around the world which also makes them more vulnerable to the elements and poisons. They do not have the natural evolutions of the others to protect them.
    • Squishy: While lithe and able to move they are not the most durable and heavy impacts can hurt them.
  • Sarugami:
    • Blindness: A condition that they are more prone to, ocular degeneration and lose of eyesight is in a higher percentage.
    • Lower Birth Rates
  • Kijigami:
    • Bound: Mentally conditioned and forced from birth with a mixture of influence, training and drugs the Kili are deathly loyal to their masters and if they are removed from theirr supply of meds they will die.
    • Phychosis: Heir altered mental conditioning leads many more of the Kili to have dangers of psychotic breaks.
  • Inugami:
    • Stomach: The sachs for their lungs are good but also more prone to tearing internally. The sacks can cause massive damage when torn inside of their bodies and easily lead to death.
  • Binbōgami:
    • Hollow Bones: To aid in their own capabilities, their bones have evolved and are more bird like with hollowed section that allow them to move quicker but it easily breaks from a fraction of the impact others can take.
    • Heat: Their bodies are made to retain heat in the cold weather but in warmer climates they cannot cool themselves and can become sick.
  • Diet: Omnivore: They are fairly standard in their diets... normal poisons for humanoids are poisonous to them and they eat a balanced diet.
  • Communication: Verbal and written
  • Technology level: Atrisian Standard: High technology designed to improve quality of life and production. Advanced education and scientific study, manufacturing.
  • Religion/Beliefs:
    • Gods: THey follow the gods of Atrisia... different names but many of the same ideals and stories... just translated into their languages.
    • Cults/Groups:
      • The Vae'Yun is a predominant cult among the Kagaragami. Xenophobic and extreme in their views of superiority as well as keeping the bloodlines pure without intermingling the Kagaragami with each other or with other races.
      • Dara: A sect of the Saru, known for their more brutal taactics and capturing enemy forces using them as indentured servants.
      • Al-Shuj’aani: A revered figure in Kagaragami culture who combines aspects of therapist, advisor, escort, and artist. They are considered rare to have mastered the skills one needs to provide emotional or spiritual guidance, psychological or physical therapy, mental and physical stimulation, With the scarcity of them though there are dozens of acolytes who are chosen for their skills in any area. THey are used to handle the overflow of people seeking the services of the Al-Shuj'aani but waiting can take months.
    • The Force: The Kagaragami have an affinity with the force, most of the species are force users but some are not.. the ones who aren't live normal lifes... while their force users can live connected to Atrisia for tens of thousands of years. Like demons and angels on Iego or anzati. Their bodies are normally neutral and while they can go either way in terms of the force most tend to cherish life as Atrisia nurtures them and allows them to live for longer periods of time.
  • General behavior:
    • The Kagaragami are similar in most regards just slightly varied by region. From the servants and warriors of the shadow towers to the city and village bound Kagara... to the mysterious Bin that have long since been believed to be extinct. THey are a part of Arisia... they breath it, they survive on the world and they feed it when they do return to the earth to nourish it. Aiding each other and the other races of the world have a major benefit but they have been essential in creating genetic diversity in the past sometimes as slaves and some time as enslavers.
    • The Sarugami are some fo the most skilled fighters, exploring and bringing their talents to the world as sellswords and wandering fighters. Few join the yovshin but most of them are war wives. THey are regarded across Atrisia for their unique nature and seen as beautiful by many working as Adventurers for the villages.
    • The Kijigami are violent and powerful, serving the beings of the shadow towers... serving as the bulwark of its military forces who defend its borders. Aften regarded as servants to be exploited as opposed to beings who are there. The lavish Kyushi live with their massive towers filled with riches.
    • The Inugami look the most brutish with their overgrown teeth and muscles but they are some of the most artistic... often being seen as cooks and musicians. They are always welcoming to others and offering a chance for others to get along. They are generally able to influence mediation and peace using food and music or even art.
    • The Binbōgami are ancient and obscure.. often regarded as myths who disappeared when the winter came to the great desert city... whatever happened there changed and killed many of them and so they are reclusive... hard to find and rumored to be seen in the harshest blizzards as opposed to the cities.
Often considered the more mysterious on Atrisia, the Gami are descendants of the Ancient Atrisians from the time of the first civilizations... they managed to survive the dangers and the destruction by evolving and adapting. Protecting and interbreeding with the ancient Atrisians who were at bst able to be genetic cousins on the planet living there. Other species like the Jar'kai were around but were highly primitive so they could be controlled. THey built wonders across the world with the destruction like the different temples and even more different cities trying to recreate what was lost from the first civilizations.

The evolved, they changed, they were left behind.. wars with the ancient Atrisians taught them how to fight but the world itself taught them how to survive as they connected to it and used it to heal the planet and themselves. THey spread out to different regions and slowly over time started changing and evolving.. the different tribes of the Ancient Atrisians proved just as dangerous as some of the creatures and war was inevitable the battle changed some of them with the Bin tribe settling in the great deserts where they helped one of the atrisian clans. The centuries after it changed them with the tribes evolving to their regions more and more.

Slowly though as Atrisia changed with the rising of civilizations again there was a lot more coming to all of them. The tribes had changed into distinct differences and they fought against each other but they aided different tribes as well. The Kili tribe being subjugated and ovetaken by the Kyushi after a war dwindled their numbers. THey would spend the remainder beign shaped and changed into the perfect servant class... warriors loyal and strong to the masters of the shadow towers that has survived the destruction on the surface.... while in the deserts the Bin clans along with the Atrisians faced destruction... something from the sky brought corrupted them.

The corruption saw mass sacrifice preformed to alter the world and the deserts became frozen wastelands where only monsters of the ice lived. Their numbers reduced to the bare hundreds as they didn't survive the elements but were also hunted down over the centuries by more dangerous things in the snow. The Kagaragami though exploded population wise being in the most temperate region they could spread out and with many of the clans they interacted becoming farmers and officials. The lack of as many hardships kept them rather normal as opposed to some of the cousins they would have as the world united under the Jade Empress.

the Inu and the Saru were less inspirational but never the less important... where they evolved and changed naturally they largely remained to themselves. the Saru eventually spreading out and becoming adventurers across the world who sold their swordarm and skills while the Inu spread out bringing their brand of arts, vocals and cooking skills. They became renowned in their fields of preformance and the emperors and empress of Atrisia often had their cooks and kitchen led by Inu chefs. The Saru gaining a reputation in wars for their fierce skills and even more for their unnatural beauty and composure.

The years of rebuilding and expanding Atrisia saw them slowly evolve though.. they became extensions of the world itself and working with the people on the planet it expanded their better works. The kagaragami expanding the most to different regions as wars came, republics fell and the Atrisian empire rose once again.. even harvestors and netherworld rifts opened on the world. The invasion by the Lords of the Fringe and the One sith in their times saw many population centers across the planet disrupted and destroyed... more so when Mythos unleashed storms and Jar'kai fell... but the return of the people of Atrisia showed how strong they could be.

The resistance that was brought to restore Atrisia and get offworrlders saw many of the tribes reunite under a banner and they launched attacks on the world. With Saru and the Kili forces defending many of the remote areas to flank and back up the main army forces... then there was the airships that many worked to rebuild and use. Not as fast as starships but they were better for being quiet and able to get around some of the fast tracking defenses. The Jishi era weas ushered in and thanks to the emperor and empress the world was recovering with it... new technologies and new environmental protections to heal and preserve the world.

Now the clans largely seek to expand and aid the planet with new farming, new mining and new protections in general to preserve the world they aid in the construction and reconstruction of historical sites.. in renewing older traditions and bringing back events and tales from long ago.
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Ylla Caeli'runa

Junko Ike Junko Ike , lovely submission as always! I do have a couple of points that I'd suggest see some changes.

Average Lifespan | So, for the ones that live on Atrisia, there needs to be some number here rather than unknown. This could be played by a writer as an ageless/immortal character as long as they live on the planet. While conditional, this is against the rules. Maybe a loose range would suit the species better than a definite hard number if that interests you more and fits into the narrative?
Tech Level | How does Atrisian Standard compare to Galactic Standard for this field? Is it on par? Above Average? Below? For the readers that aren't familiar with Atrisia, I believe it'd be better to relate the technological level to that of the Galaxy at large.

Please give me a tag if you have questions or if you'd like to let me know that edits are complete.
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