Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: At'Alarr

Region: Inner Rim
System: At'Alarr System
Suns: One Main Sequence Star, "Zal'Arash" (Native-Given name)
Orbital Position: Second planet (of five), rather close.
Moons: Two moons, a quarter of the planets size
Coordinates: J,9 - In the middle of the Hex to the left of the Hex Ord Mirit is in.
Rotational Period: 30 Standard Hours
Orbital Period: 321

Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Type 1
Climate: Mainly a desert world, Arid.
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: Deserts.

Native species: At'Eii
Immigrated species: None
Primary languages: Galactic Standard Basic, At'Eiin
Government: Direct Diplomacy (Prime Minister -> Ministers -> Councillors)
Population: 2.3 Billion
Demonym: At'Allarrians (or At'Eiins)
Major cities: At'Atarak
Major imports: Ships, Ship Parts, Electronics.
Major exports: Some Tourism, Quite abit of Cloth/Silk Materials
Affiliation: Neutral

Culture: That of the At'Eii culture, depending on their house. (See At'Eii for details)
Technology: Not as advanced as other planets, like coruscant. Mainly importants its technology, but it can make Vibroblades, small ships and shields. Aswell as its force-users making lightsabers.
History: The history of the planet is mainly that of the At'Eii. The Archives of the At'Eii do not record exact dates, as they were unaware of the galactic dating system and never had on of their own. But what is known is that long ago, the At'Eii were a unified, nomadic people who splintered into three houses and created their own cities. Over time thought, the houses met, and fought each other in brutal battles. Realising they couldn't go on forever, they joined their lands to create one big city called At'Atarak. From there they established their government, refining it over the years to become home to the hierarchy it has today. The force-users of the At'Eii discovered their powers shortly after the creation of At'Aarak, and saw it as a blessing, building their own academy and grounds within the city. The other houses are first distrusted these force-users, but over time have come see them as guides.
Notable PC's: None Yet

Intent: To be the homeworld of my created species, the At'Eii, making them a neutral race that has a force-based population, alongside the other 'houses' who try to work together to keep the planet and their people functioning. My next PC will be of the At'Eii race and from this planet, to represent them.
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