Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private At What Cost

Ura Iolar Ura Iolar

In the late hours of night, a scream carried across the halls of healing at Silver Rest. Amani jolted upright in her hospital bed, crying out as she was finally pulled from her long sleep by a terrible dream. Flashes of the battle on Yurb played on loop in her mind, breaking as she glanced around the room in panic. Confusion and fear set in quickly, and the young padawan jumped as a figure emerged from the darkness. A straight-faced droid walked over to her bedside before piping up in an aggressively cheerful tone. “Hello, Padawan Amani Serys! I am an MMT-class medical droid, or Mechanized Medical Technician! If you would like, you can just refer to me as EmTee, it is what everyone else does!”

The droid began to scan Amani’s vitals, grabbing the datapad which held her medical file, all the while the padawan could only look on in utter shock. “You have been unconscious for quite some time! You suffered serious injuries in the battle on Yurb, and were placed in emergency care during the evacuation.” Amani’s eyes widened, and slowly turned her head towards her left arm. Or at least, where her left arm should be. Her breathing rate increased rapidly, and a cold sweat broke out as she felt the pains of a phantom limb that was no longer there. EmTee set the pad down and lowered next to her, his tone ever unchanging. “Miss Serys, you are hyperventilating. If you do not slow down, you may fall unconscious again. Perhaps we could try some relaxation techniques?” Before EmTee could even make the effort, Amani felt the world go hazy, and her eyes rolled back into her head as she slipped back to sleep.

Amani awoke much more quietly this time. Her eyes fluttered open, and she slowly rose up in her bed, absorbing her surroundings. It was exceptionally quiet. She had spent countless hours working in the Halls of Healing, but never had she been on the receiving end of their care, at least not on this level. Everything she once felt great appreciation for suddenly felt uncomfortably clinical. With a shaky sigh, the mirialan once again peered down at her left arm. It really wasn’t a dream. Everything just below her shoulder had been removed entirely. Amani clasped her palm over her mouth, closing her eyes and immediately breaking into a quiet sob as she was forced to accept the new reality.

“Hello, Padawan Amani Serys!” That same voice rang out, startling Amani out of her crying as she swung her head to the side to see the MMT droid standing at attention next to the side of the bed. “You may not remember from before, so I will reintroduce myself! I am-” Amani cut him off, quickly wiping her eyes dry as best as she could and replying in a weak voice, “I-I remember. EmTee.”

“That is correct! I have been helping the doctors with your recovery ever since you were put in emergency care, and have since been officially designated as your personal care and rehabilitation assistant! You passed out shortly after waking up the first time. It is now morning.”

“You’ve… been here the whole time?”

“That is correct! I have monitored your vitals and ensure that all your needs were taken care of since your arrival! And it is my job now to make sure you remain safe and recover properly.”

“Where are my friends? Are they okay?”

“Your friends are safe and sound. Some were also injured in the fight, but are recovering all the same. Do you not want to know about your medical report?”

“Did we get everyone safe?”

“You saved as many as you could. Miss Serys, you suffered multiple lacerations across the arm and torso, two fractured ribs, a pneumothorax, second-degree burns on your right arm, and a traumatic amputation of your left arm.”

Amani slumped back against her bed in defeat, groaning as a short wave of pain passed along her back and spread throughout her body.

“Your time in the bacta tank was able to hasten your recovery, but you will still feel some pains as your body completes the natural healing process.”

Amani sighed, remaining silent as the droid seemed intent on focusing on her rather than answering her many questions about the others.

“I notified some of the others that you were awake. Many of the doctors are quite busy tending to the other patients, but I would expect some visitors soon!”

“Visitors?” The padawan rolled over on her side, drowning out EmTee’s continued monologuing of her diagnosis as she gazed longingly at the doorway. Though she found the situation, to put it mildly, frustrating, she couldn't help my feel comforted by the droid's care.
In the hangers of the Silver Temple, a pile of sand was laying against a starfighter engine. One of the mechanics walked by and stopped before kicking it a some and speaking up.

"What are you doing sleeping here, kid? Don't you have a bunk, or that another Lervon thing I don't get? Either way you're supposed to be in records today." The sand soon took on a humanoid form as Ura woke up, looking up at the mechanic before closing her eyes.

"I... I was just keeping busy...." The mechanic just shook his head, looking at the engine. He didn't have the Force, but he could tell something was up.

"You've got to get some actual rest. You've went through a...."

"I'm ok. Just lost track of...." Ura then heard a beep, and quickly grabbed a nearby datapad. Amani was awake. Her eyes widened in excitement before lowering again. Was it a good idea to go and see her right now? No. She needed to at least be sure Amani was ok. She didn't even notice that her left fingers seemed to melt away until looking down and getting spooked. The mechanic just sighed, patting her.

"Just go. I'll tell them you'll be... later." Ura just looked, nodding before getting up and making her way to the medical center.

Ura was slow and nervous as she waked in, never being as comfortable here as she was really anywhere else. It was just.... She felt like she couldn't do anything to help here. The last time she tried to help someone medically... well it didn't help anything. She just did her best to not get in anyone's way as she finally looked into the room Amani was supposed to be in.

A flash of worry and guilt went out through the Force when the Lervon saw her friend. The Mirialan's left arm was gone. Ura just... wasn't sure what to say or do. She did finally get something out though.


Amani Serys Amani Serys
Ura Iolar Ura Iolar

Amani practically jumped as she looked to see Ura at the door, a glint of happiness flashing in her eyes to see one of her friends. EmTee's stopped his analysis to turn and greet the Lervon, "Ah, Padawan Ura Iolar! How nice of you to drop in! Miss Serys has just wo-"

"Ura!" Amani cut off the droid, springing out of her hospital bed and promptly stumbling onto her knees, only barely managing to catch herself from falling flat on her face. Lying completely still in a bed for several days makes getting up a bit of a chore.

"Oh my! Miss Serys! Please, slow down. Let me help-" EmTee quickly came to her side, only for Amani to stop him, "Stop. I-I can do it..." Amani breathed deeply, closing her eyes again as tears began to well up again, frustration building as she slowly pushed herself back into a standing position. As soon as she was sure of her footing, Amani rushed over to Ura, dragging the IV pole behind her, and EmTee not far behind. Could you hug sand? Amani would try anyways. Pulling Ura into an embrace, she began to choke up, holding off her questions and simply taking solace in the moment.

Though once Amani finally pulled off, Ura was bombarded with rapid-fire questions, "Ura! What happened? Where is everybody? Areourfriendsokay? Acaadi? Kyra? Everyoneelse? Idon'trememberanythingafter-" She paused abruptly, a flash of the attack entering her mind once more. The last thing she could explicitly recall was the roof debris headed straight at her. After that, all was hazy. Amani did her best to compose herself, slowing down and staring back at her friend intently. "Ura... are you okay?" The Mirialan looked her up and down for any sign of injury, not that she would necessarily recognize it on a Lervon, though she meant in more than just the physical sense. "That was... your home. Your people."
Needless to say that Ura was surprised when she noticed the happiness coming out from Amani when she was noticed. The Lervon's eyes went a bit wide when her friend nearly fell, but before she could offer a hand the stubborn patient had told the droid there she could hand it herself. Ura watched with some worry coming from her as she watched her friend get up, and then rush over and give her a one armed hug. This was another surprise to the Leron, and Amani would find her arm seem to sink in a little, but a happiness came through the Force as she hugged back. It was good to see that Amani was still herself, even without her arm right now. After the hug though, Amani shot her with a bunch of questions. Ura began to look a little worried, her crystal structure shifting around.

"Barrien got you to the landing area, and... T-Tarish passed out. I... I think everyone's... relatively ok. K-Kyra went through some... some bad stuff." Ura still didn't know all the details of what had happened. She was just.... She had been doing her best to keep up with everything. And then, Amani asked if she was ok. Ura, looked down, her body starting to show signs of the slag had done before she forced it back to looking "normal." Worry and guilt seemed to take over again before she looked back up to her friend.

"I.... I'm... ok. I just...." Ura stopped. Of all people to put anything like this on.... Amani had been through enough already. Ura couldn't hide her emotions though, or the guilt that she had. It was just... all those people. She then tried to hide it, poorly but tried, and simply said "I'm... fine...."

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Ura Iolar Ura Iolar

Amani listened carefully to Ura's words, a look of surprise growing on her face as she slowly pieced everything together. "Barrien did? That's... good." Flashes of the battle played in her mind once again. Tarish's lightning, Reosyvern leaping at her, Barrien pulling her to safety; Brief, but clearer than before. She shivered, forcing the images out of her head. Her heart sank hearing Kyra had suffered in the attack, there was still so much Amani needed to figure out about what happened, seeing as she was unconscious, she never hear about anything that transpired other than the events she was already a part of. She'd have to start making the rounds with the others, she was supposed to be one of the healers helping these people. Instead, she was trapped inside a ward herself, and feeling useless did little to ease her conscience.

Amani's concern only deepened as she looked down to see the damage that had been done, despite Ura's attempts to hide it, her friend's words only making it hurt more to see. Amani did her best to hold her own emotions back, though her quivering lip and shaky voice did little to help with that. "You did everything you possibly could. Nobody can ask more of you than that." She stepped back and plopped onto the side her bed, resting her forehead in her palm. She reached to place her other hand against the frame, once again being grimly reminded of her own sufferings. This should never have happened. Everything felt so... wrong. Amani scoffed, unable to bring herself to look at Ura for a few quiet moments, eventually turning back, "...It's okay to admit if you're not fine. What happened was..." She sniffled, turning away again. Bold advice from someone like her; 'Do as I say, not as I do', was a good descriptor.

"So what have you been doing, then? These last few days."
Ura looked down for a little bit, not sure what to say or do. Everything was just.... She looked up when Amani said she did everything she could. It didn't help the Padawan much though. She finally spoke up, still seeming to be worried.

"I... I know, but.... I wasn't able make a Force Barrier when...." Ura closed her eyes as she slid into a visitor's chair. She looked at her hand, letting her body slip back to how it was originally organized. The fingers of her left hand seemed reduced to stubs, and there was some small craters that sank into her torso. Ura just closed her eyes again as she remembered everything. She seemed to lose form for a moment before pulling it back together. It was ok to say she wasn't fine.... Maybe, but it was hard to. "I... I did.... My lightsaber made the slag that did this."

Ura closed her eyes a little before hearing Amani ask what she'd been doing. Ura was a bit happy to hear such a normal question. Some of it rolled out through the Force as she spoke up. "I rested for a day or two. Worked in the hanger yesterday, and I'm supposed to help in records today. When I heard you were up though I had to come see so I'd know you were ok." She left out the part of her falling asleep working on an engine, but that wasn't that important.

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Ura Iolar Ura Iolar

Amani nodded intently, not saying anything but simply being a reassuring force and letting Ura speak her mind in full. She couldn't imagine what her friend was experiencing. Amani never knew the homeworld of her people, but always considered the Jedi to be her people in their stead. If something like that happened here... it wasn't a thought she relished.

"Well, I appreciate you coming. Really." Noticing the more pleasant reaction Ura had to her question, Amani responded in kind, driving it home even further. "Records, huh? Now? That's great! I'll come help!" She hopped off the bed, hardly giving her friend time to say anything else about it. They both needed something to take their minds off of what was going on, even if it was something as simple as that. EmTee perked up in surprise, "Excuse me, Miss Serys, you are going to do what?"

Amani walked around with a false sense of purpose and cheerfulness, "I'm going to go help Ura with her work in records!" She paused for a moment, "...Where are my things, EmTee?"

"They are next to the refresher. Miss Serys, I do not think this is a good idea!"

"I'll be fine! Please, stop worrying about it!" The tone in her voice hitting with a twinge of impatience as the droid continued to try and talk her out of it. Amani grabbed her robes from the pile beside the refresher door, looking around confusedly before speaking again, "...My lightsaber?"

"It was... destroyed, broken off from your belt and crushed when the rubble fell."

Amani sat completely still, grinding her teeth together as another flash memory of what occurred struck her mind, and the look on her face turning sour as she stood up, using her teeth to rip the IV out of her arm. If droids could faint, it looked like EmTee almost would have. "Oh my! Miss Serys, please reconsider! You are still injured! You need to say here and recover! You only just woke up!"

Amani slammed the refresher door shut behind her, the droid's pleas continuing from the other side. The girl carefully removed her hospital gown, staring blankly at her body in the mirror, taking her injuries in full for the first time. The left arm reduced to a stub of flesh just underneath the shoulder. She reached across her chest, touching the bandages that were wrapped around her ribs, recoiling from the pain. A fain bruising remained on the left side where her ribs had been broken, and a small, faint scar was visible, where they had to cut in to reinflate her lung. She examined her still working arm, flexing her fingers. It still felt tender, difficult to move, Faint burns, though mostly healed by the bacta, were still visible. She reached out and touched the mirror, as if to ensure she still had it. Another flash hit her memory. Instinct. Fear. Lightning. She recoiled again, holding her breath, and beginning the meticulous process of clothing herself.

Finally, the door slid open, and Amani stepped out dressed once again in her jedi robes, the left sleeve now rolled up to prevent it from dangling. Her eyes were wet, though she held back any tears. With a shaky sigh, she looked to Ura, "Whatcha think?" Trying to carry a positive tone, though her voice wavered with an air of defeat.
Ura felt a little better when Amani said she was glad that she came. It seemed to calm the sand-like being down a little, but she still couldn't help but think she could've done more to help. Maybe Amani wouldn't have lost her arm if.... No. No need to dampen the moment right now. She watched as her friend and the droid, EmTee, went back and forth. It was actually kinda funny to watch. She looked over at the droid before speaking up, though the droid wouldn't be able to know the emotion behind it like the others. To him, it would be monotone.

"EmTee, her mind's set. You won't be able to change it anytime soon. Tr...." Ura stuttered for a second, looking down. "Trust me...." She closed her eyes and waited for Amani, trying to keep herself calm. When she did walk out, the Lervon was somewhat surprised. She'd almost expected to see two arms still, not a bundled up sleeve. She noticed the wetness around the Mirialan's eyes, but she didn't say anything. Amani asked how she looked, and Ura tried to let some happiness off as she spoke.

"You look good." Trying to look happy, as much as just a pair of eyes could convey at least, Ura looked over to the door and gestured. "If you're ready, we better bet moving, or your buddy here might stop you."

Amani Serys Amani Serys
EmTee ceased his pleas as Ura explained to him Amani's stubbornness, "It is my duty to protect her. I feel I must try." Still, he stood patiently, as bashfully as a droid could convey.

Amani gave a weak but genuine smile when Ura complimented her appearance, feeling for a brief moment that things were normal again. "Thank you." As fleeting as it was. On cue, as the padawan made her way over to Ura, EmTee gave one more attempt at talking Amani out of it like the Lervon had predicted. "Miss Serys, I once again must ask you to reconsider." His voice was toned down somewhat now, more quiet and worried. "What if you have other guests?"

Amani shrugged, "Tell them I'll be back. They can always come back another time."

"You just removed your IV! Without the medication, your pain is going to start setting in soon."

"I'll just... use the Force to control the pain, then."

"You could hurt yourself further!"

"EmTee, seriously, stop. I'll be okay."

"There are still precautions we nee-"

"I said STOP!" Amani whipped towards him, swinging her arm out defiantly, a burst of Force energy pulsing outwards from her. The IV pole squealed as it bent in on itself, the bag popping and several objects in the room being knocked over or pushed a few feet away. The droid recoiled, waiting for a moment in the silence that fell after before raising his hand, meekly pleading with her again, "Miss Serys. It is my duty to-"

"Really?! Is it?! You think that's what I want to hear?! You're just looking after me because its 'your duty'? They couldn't even send in a real doctor to keep taking care of me! I guess they figured I was only just worth enough to sic some droid on instead, huh?." She delved into her emotions, her voice shaking with every word as she angrily unleashed them on the poor medical droid, who could simply do his best to continue trying to remedy the situation in the only way he knew how.

"...Miss Serys, there are many patients to take care of in the halls right now. If you could just wait for a little longer, I am sure we can get a doctor here to see you."

The Mirialan's lip quivered, a tear running down her cheek "I-I don't NEED your help!" She walked past Ura, ushering her along, "C'mon Ura, we're leaving now." She stormed out the doorway, her face flushed hot with frustration. Amani shook her head, wiping her eyes with her sleeve as they continued into the hall. Presuming her friend followed, she would stay silent for a few minutes before speaking up again weakly, "Sorry about that. Let's not... I don't..." She sighed and touched her left shoulder, a faint fuzzy pain slowly beginning to creep in already. "What's been on your mind?"
Ura was happy to be able to help her friend feel better, but soon didn't know what to do as she listened to Amani and EmTee go at it. But then.... Amani did something.... A pulse of energy came from her, throwing the Lervon back a little as she did. Ura was spooked, trying to get Amani's attention before her and EmTee spoke again.

"Amani?" But EmTee started again, and got his patient riled up yet again. Ura didn't say anything as Amani quickly started to walk out and call for her friend to follow. Ura was quick to follow as she noticed her fellow Padawan wiping away her eyes. Amani didn't seem to want to talk about it, but when asked Ura what was on her mind, the sandy Padawan couldn't help it.

"Honestly, after that, you're really ok? Amani.... I...." Ura's eyes closed as she looked down. "It sounds like you're... like.... I wish I could help more than I really can...." She just didn't know how to help her friend right now. She just didn't know enough about how to help with with what happened to Amani, at least without feeling like she was somehow responsible. Ura looked down, just waiting for a response.

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Amani gazed up at the ceiling as the trudged along, "I... I don't know. I don't know." she sniffled, "All this worrying is just, ugh, I... I want everything to be normal again. But..." The burning sensation in her shoulder grew, making her flinch. She went silent for a few seconds, trying to use the Force to dull the pain, succeeding for the time being, though it was yet another distraction to worry about in an already addled mind. Amani simply sighed, looking back at Ura and giving the most genuine smile she could muster through her injury, "You're helping me just by being here, Ura. Thank you."

She couldn't find the words to explain everything she was feeling deep down. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to yet. The details of the battle were still hazy in parts, but she knew what she did in those moments before consciousness. The Dark Side. It lingered still, a faint pit in her stomach that wouldn't go away. And while the anger she tapped into back in the room may not have necessarily been enough to trigger it once more in full, it was no less reminiscent of what she felt. Amani swallowed nervously, trying to push the subject back to Ura, knowing she had problems of her own on her mind. "Talk to me about it." That was what she could do. Being the counselor for others. Helping them carry their troubles and work through them. When it came her turn... she never knew how to feel.

Ura Iolar Ura Iolar
Ura looked at her friend as she explained that she just wished things could be normal again. She looked over and nodded, understanding what her friend was saying. "I know.... I wish we could just go back to that too." She then seemed to show some happiness through her eyes and the Force. She was actually helping. That was good to know. She could tell something was going on in Amani's mind, but not what it was. She then asked Ura to talk to her about it. The Lervon looked down at her "chest and left hand," closing her eyes a little as she did.

"It... it still hurts, but its hard to explain. I don't know how to compare it to organic pain, since I only know some through a merge. But...." Ura closed her eyes, not sure how to explain it. She finally opened her eyes again, speaking up. "I couldn't form a Force Barrier, and.... I've never had trouble before but...." She looked down again before looking to see where they were. They were close to the records at this point, making the Lervon a little nervous.

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Ura Iolar Ura Iolar

Amani scratched the top of her head, "I admittedly don't know much about how your species works. You say it's a different experience than how we feel pain?" She didn't mean to pry too much given the moment, thought it would be useful information both now and for future reference.

"As for the Force Barrier..." Amani lost herself in thought for a few moments before addressing Ura again. "Could you think of any reason why you had trouble? Anything specific about the moment that made it seem different from any other time. Anything at all, even if its... hard to talk about." For Ura, it seemed the Force Barrier manifested in a way similar to how it often did for Amani. More often than not, it was instinctual. There might be something there to examine further.

They moved closer and closer to the records room, and Amani turned as she sensed some nervousness in her friend. "You sure you're up for this? It'll be good to give you something to do, but... it's just records right? We can go somewhere else, do something else." She couldn't believe that she was the one offering to ditch an assignment, but at the moment, she just couldn't care less about being told what to do. Either way, she would follow Ura.
Ura nodded to Amani when she made sure the Lervon meant that pain was different for the sandlike species. “Mhm.... Because of how our minds work, memories are kept though out or structure. The elder say melting isn’t the most painful, but... it shifts memories into other crystals, including the pain....” She looked down, seeming a bit worried when she looked back up. “Nothing that won’t go away, just longer.”

Amani then asked if she knew why she’d had trouble. Ura thought back, her crystal mass shifting some as she thought back to the battle. To the fight. Everything. “I... I was scared. I’d only ever heard of hyperram before that. I could feel the pain from the ships involved. I....” She stopped there, which seemed to naturally lead into the question of whether or not she was really ready for this. It was a simple job, but maybe she did need more time to rest.... Ura looked at her friend, thinking for a second.

“If you think I’m pushing too hard... maybe tell me and we can go?”

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Ura Iolar Ura Iolar

Amani listened curiously while Ura explained her physiology, “I see...” It was certainly a fascinating subject to her, learning how species differed on a biological level. The padawan was a little more relieved when Ura said it would merely take time to go away, but nonetheless held onto her concerns.

She could sense the feelings running through Ura’s thoughts as she recalled the battle, unintentionally leading to Amani doing the same. Yes, the hyperram. She remembered now. The planet’s had rocked by burning debris, crashing down at light speed. To see that happen, to one’s own homeworld no less, it wasn’t an idea she relished. “It could be a psychological factor. You said you were afraid, and then there’s the matter of the pain you felt, I wonder-“ she cut herself off. All too eager to delve into the science of it, she refocused on being an emotional support to her friend instead.

“Maybe things better dwelt on at another time.” She flashed a weak smile, looking away for a moment. Amani wasn’t typically one to allow analysis to take precedence over emotional support, and she felt somewhat ashamed that she was more interested in being clinical on the matter. Perhaps she herself didn't feel ready to delve into what they experienced that day.

As they stood in front of records, Amani nodded to Ura, finding her solution to be a fair compromise. “That’s a good idea. Works for me.” She gestured to the doors, further trying to make sure Ura was ready by having her take the initiative, “I’m right behind you.”
Ura looked at her friend, happy to hear her concern, and a bit of her theory about everything. It brought up some bad memories though, so it was also nice to hear the suggestion that maybe this was a better talk for later. She looked at Amani, nodding a little. "Thanks. It does help some...." She then looked at the records room, closing her eyes before starting to walk in. She tried to put the thoughts of the battle into the back of her mind as she thought, looking around at all the databases, holocrons, and larger storage computers. An old Master turned to look at the two Padawan, a droid of some kinda assisting with something before they spoke up.

"Padawan Iolar, you were supposed to be here over an hour ago. I understand you've gone through a lot, but you said you were.... Oh. Padawan Serys. I'm surprised you're up and about." Ura looked down a little, trying to figure out an answer. "I... uh... well...." The master just sighed.

"You're here now. There's some Old Republic files that just need to be organized. Double check and be sure we don't have any copies. It's new data, but shouldn't be anything too bad." Ura looked, not sure what to say at first before just turning to looked at the computers with the data.

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Ura Iolar Ura Iolar

Amani nodded and followed her friend through the door, stepping ahead of her as the master questioned her late arrival. “They, uhhh, let me out a little early, just to get out of the hospital room for a while." Definitely a lie. She didn't exactly feel comfortable saying it, but she doubled down since the master was also questioning her friend. "It was my fault, honestly. I needed some help with something and Ura happened to be nearby. Took a little longer than we thought." She desperately hoped the master wasn't going to pry for more information because that was about all she had. Luckily it seemed they had already resigned to the way things were, and Amani shut her mouth, knowing that trying to lie further would just make it even more suspicious.

She turned back to Ura, joining her in staring at the computers. "I'll admit I'm not an expert with computer stuff, but one time I did fix one by turning it off and back on again." She smirked, proud of the accomplishment before approaching them. "Mkay... Shouldn't take too long. She said the Old Republic stuff right?" Amani tried for some idle chit chat as she began to work, "You said you were working in the hangar right? Anything in particular?" The dull pain crept further up her shoulder now, and she bit her tongue as she refocused on controlling the pain.
The master did glare a little at the padawans, but shook their head before getting back to work. Ura was just happy that the master wasn't too worried. She did chuckle a little at Amani's joke. She looked back at the computer, opening the data to see what the basic files were. It seemed to mostly be some basic history files. Some battle files that Ura would be avoiding like a void stone, logistics from the Old Republic, and a few individuals. She quickly opened one of the files, seeing some data on a ship. "Yeah. This isn't anything too... heavy?" Ura honestly didn't know the Basic word to describe it.

The Lervon then heard her friend's question, and looked away for a little bit before answering. "I was... working on a fighter engine. I may have... um... fallen asleep working on it...." She also noticed a hint of pain coming of Amani, but wasn't sure if she should say anything or not.

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Ura Iolar Ura Iolar

Amani chuckled as Ura seemed uncertain of her own word choice, "Yeah, that's one way to put it." She got the point across at least. The padawans got to work organizing the files; Boring work, but it passed the time. That said, Amani was quickly finding that operating a computer with only one-hand was somewhat more annoying than she had considered.

An exasperated sigh drew from her lips, and she turned to listen to Ura instead. "Can't say I know much about ships, either. Mine's just about ready to fall apart." she half-joked, looking back at her screen for a moment before quickly swinging back to Ura, "Wait you fell asleep? Working on a fighter engine?" Amani thought it seemed a little boring but not that boring, "Are you... not sleeping well?" It wouldn't exactly surprise her. The only reason she had gotten any sleep herself was because she had literally been unconscious since the battle. It felt like focusing on anything but the event was using most of her brain power. Amani was no looking forward to tonight's rest.
Ura chuckled at the idea that Amani's ship was possibly falling apart. Maybe she should offer her a friend a little help with it if it was really that bad. Take her mind off other things, but her slip about sleeping while working on a fighter engine seemed to worry the other Padawan some. Ura looked at the computer screen for a second, not wanting to say anything before closing her eyes. She looked back, some sadness slipping trough the Force. "Honestly," she started. I haven't. From just hurting to remember everything.... It's been... difficult." She then looked back at the screen, quickly moving the file she was looking at to it's proper place. She then looked back again after a couple more files, trying to seem better.

"You being ok as helped."

Amani Serys Amani Serys

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