Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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At least my Lobot has his bass (If you want, ask for invite)

See? Now that was a bit that worried him. Coren, while he had furniture and other creature comforts aboard the Dawn Treader, that was around Annaj and would be taking cruises out into the Unknown Regions when it was needed by the Fringe Federation, he didn’t need them. In fact, most were purchased by his late wife. Not everyone could live in half a dozen 2 by 1 by 1 boxes, and a duffle bag. And he understood that, though he didn’t get it. Really, all his personal gear was in a locker aboard the Tachyon Rising, ready to go.

He had the holocron, and that was making him consider the Force for a moment. Coren knew he had a little skill in a dark-side power known as drain. And being that he wasn’t a Sith, and sometimes sat on a sliding scale, he figured that would translate well into the more light-side power of stun. Sure, he being a Starchaser would probably never be able to use these against other Forcers, but it’d keep mooks at bay should he find himself planetside. He knew where his focus was, however, and that was astrogating and psychometry. Finding the ways and items in the galaxy.

“I mean, I’ve got a spare room you'll be able to use, make yourself comfortable, but know that we’re probably not going to many social events.” So combat boots and whatever made one comfortable on a ship were mostly the chosen footwear.

[member="Inger Strömfire"]

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