Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Astaria



NAME: Astaria Kuvali
  • The Wraithtouched
  • Ezreli
  • Kuvali Astaria
  • Jurenna
  • Je'daii?
  • Jedi?
  • Fallen?
RANK: Force Master
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 165 lbs
EYES: White Irises
HAIR: White, bleached of all colour
SKIN: Ghostly pale
CHRONOLOGICAL AGE: Unknown due to time in the Great Bone Orchard


Standing over six feet tall, the statuesque human cuts an intimidating figure. Though her unnaturally pale skin may make her seem wan or sickly the mysterious force user moves with vitality and certainty that puts paid to that illusion. Her long face, though attractive enough, is marred by a white scar that runs from high on her right cheek running diagonally down and cutting across the middle of her lips, terminating on the left edge of her chin. Whilst her whole form appears robbed of much of her natural colouration, her eyes are the most startling, irises robbed of any pigment, even her pupils seem subtly greyed. Astaria's silken hair has grown long and, for the most part, is allowed to flow in straight locks, only tamed when action is expected.

Her wardrobe consists of simple robes in natural cloths, well made but unadorned with finery, similarly bleached of colour and apparently aged.


--First Chapter--

It was quiet and peaceful. After a while the traveller opened her eyes once again, eyelashes fluttering as she cleared fine white dust that seemed to coat everything here. As her eyes resolved the focus on her surroundings, all the woman could see were the stark spined trunks of the endless trees and the dusty, root strewn stretches of the forest floor that lay between each monolithic bole.

The trees and the floor material reminded her vaguely of the tall coniferous trees she had played amongst in her youth, but no amount of effort could summon a genuine location tied to that memory. Looking up she could see that the upper spines of the bone coloured trees appeared as the spines around the bole, but larger and more sinister. A few glimpses of sky suggested twilight above but she saw no moon or stars to guide her.

The traveller did not know where she was, nor how she had arrived in the forest of gargantuan white trees with their harsh spines and dry roots. More troubling still was the realisation that the traveller did not know who she was either. Everything around her, from the still columns rising to find the sky to the eerie silence and the still, fine powdered dust, like pale bone meal seemed to urge her to forget those concerns and simply lie down to rest.

She had rested before, of that she was certain, and to rest again would doom her to the woods will.

“Who am I?” she whispered to the deafening silence, her words rasping from her dry throat and a feeling that perhaps she hadn’t spoken for a very long time. When no answer was forthcoming she turned to look around, then down to the forest floor behind her.

It was there that she found the body, both halves neatly bisected and the wounds apparently sealed by some energy weapon.

Her right hand dropped to her waist and she felt the solid reassurance of a slender metal tube ringed with bone loops. A weapon that could have done this deed. A feeling in her hands later and she was sure that she had ended this other woman slain at her feet. Her left hand mirrored the right and she found the second deactivated weapon also hooked to her belt.


She named the objects and in naming them she found another small area of her thoughts that had been cleared of the cobwebs left by time in the Great Bone Orchard.

--Second Chapter--

A hunt, a long and deadly hunt had brought the pair here.

One evaded the other.

One had run so far and so desperately to avoid capture they had succeeded in crossing the boundary of the land of the living and the realms of the Netherworld to find solace and solitude. But the other had followed her relentlessly.

“But which was I?” she asks now, looking at the pale and wan from before her feet; The lifeless corpse - dried, desiccated and robbed of all of her natural pigment by the peculiar forest. The other woman’s features were sunken and any hint of emotion was likely false, but she fancied that the corpse looked horrified.

“A-Astaria..” she managed to form the word with dried lips as she looked at the victim again. “Ezreli -... Kuvali”

The words meant - something. Something significant.

Is it her name? Is it my name?

“Astaria nev Kuvali..”

Flashes of memory, colour, motion. The hum and whine of lightsaber combat - Terrible calm, and matched against unbelievable rage. The sound of impact and the aromatic scent of burning and charred wood.
Pulled from such memory stimulation the woman (Astaria - she hoped), looked around with new eyes, and after a moment she found the signs of her combat writ across the spines and thick trunks of nearby bone coloured trees.

Never! One of us will end here. You were once my sister, now I do not know you - The memory arrived, triggered by the scent memory of the melee.

One had triumphed, Her. Another had failed utterly, the offering left in the pale dust.

--Another Chapter--

WIP - Escaping the Bone Orchard.

WIP - Leaving the Nether.

WIP - Finding Purpose.


+ Iron Will - Only the truly focused and driven could hope to survive the endless never of the Bone Orchard, let alone escape its influence. Though it is unclear why Astaria possesses such singular will apparently it was a key trait of her past existence.

+ Saber Master - Her body appears to remember the various styles of lightsaber combat;- Mastery of Shii-Cho and Makashi, with some skill in Soresu.

+ Survivor - Astaria is a talented survival expert and knows her way around the wilds with great intuition.

+ Netherwalker - Whether by forbidden knowledge lost the past or by mysteries revealed in meditation in the Bone Orchard Astaria appears better able to navigate the Netherworld than others.

+ Neutral Trait - Example Description of trait.

+ Neutral Trait - Example Description of trait.

+ Neutral Trait - Example Description of trait.

+ Fractured Past - Astaria has only vague recollections of her time before the Bone Orchard. It isn't even clear if she recalls exactly who she was before the forest, or what it was she believed in.

+ Timelost - History continued to move on outside of the Nether and the Bone Orchard. Her memories are shattered, but she maintains the skills that she learned before her isolation, nevertheless, technology and society have moved on, many threats, factions and species will be utterly unknown to her.

+ Cold Heart - The Orchard seems to have drained much of the passion from Astaria, it is unclear if that can be recaptured, or if she will remain emotionally detached.



No PC Kills.


  • MASTER - Unknown Master (almost certainly deceased)
  • Example (Description of scene contents.)
  • Example (Description of scene contents.)
  • Example (Description of scene contents.)
  • A Lightsaber - White Crystal and Energy Field - banded durasteel and bone.
  • A Lightsaber - White Crystal and Energy Field - durasteel with sharp edges and bleached wood.
  • A Necklace with a ruby gemstone but the ruby is washed out and pale.
  • A Collection of rare old coins.
  • A cruel-looking dagger apparently fashioned from wood from the Bone Orchard and the crystal talon of one of the indigenous spiders.

  • Piloting
  • Diplomacy
  • Lightsaber Crafting
  • Mechanic
  • Investigation
  • Survival
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