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Assassination on Saleucami [PM to join]

Taleucema - The Capital City of Saleucami

“Thank you, Kesh.” Felicity said with a smile and a sense of immense gratitude. “This means a lot to me, and the Praxeum.”

“Anything for you, Master Jedi. Don’t even worry. We will have the Bubse Roots ready on your ship before you can say Bargain.” The Pantoran merchant replied.

“You’re ridiculous, Kesh. I’m gonna’ head to the Warren. May the force be with you, Old Friend.”

“And with you, Master Jedi. Be careful up there.”

Felicity nodded knowing the risk. The Warren was the seedier side of Taleucema but there was no avoiding it. As per usual Felicity had to stop in on the Black Market. It was a stop she made often across several planets in the galaxy, and especially when she was on Saleucami. It was one of the busiest markets in the mid rim whether the goods were legal or illegal. All that aside though she had something specific in mind; artifacts, holocrons, anything of Jedi or Sith origin that should be protected or destroyed. As a historian and archaeologist she felt it was her duty to seek these things out, especially now that she had been taking on a proactive role in the Praxeum.

Felicity decided to take the luxury speeder she had rented for the day down to the Warren. She was about halfway to the underworld market before the speeder broke down. “Not now!” She exclaimed with frustration as the grey smoke rose from the speeders hood. She hopped out of the vehicle and looked up at the setting sun. If she was going to fix it she’d need to do it while she could still see. She popped a latch and lock to get a good look at the components inside. Luckily she was a pretty good mechanic and knew what to look for, but unfortunately she was a pretty good mechanic and knew what to look for. She examined closely and could see the problem right away.

Ripping several wires out and into the open air, Felicity called out, “Alright, you stranded me here. Well done. Now come out and tell me what you'd like.” The uncared for street was silent no matter how hard she listened. “Come out, and show yourself.” She insisted as her mind wondered who could’ve done this to her. Knowing Taleucema, she assumed it was one of the gang’s looking to take advantage of an affluent off-worlder.

Again there was no answer, and the theatrics were wearing her down. She decided she’d expedite the process and so she leaned against the speeder and closed here eyes. She let her feelings reach out from within her and let her surroundings finish the connection. She figured she’d find the culprit soon enough.

[member="Darth Arabris"]
For several days the Sith was on the hunt, his mission was just another trial more or less, but it was his mission. Exactly what was that mission? Hunt down Jedi, and bring back their lightsabers as proof of death, or defeat. Which ever happened first. Arabris knew nothing else but the attire of armor, and it helped a lot when a large armor clad Nagai walked into your building demanding and data on possible Jedi sightings. Where had it been that he was searching, the black markets of planets near GA and Silver Jedi territory. Luckily for him, the maggots of the underworld were easily squeezed of all their information. There was words in the wind that there was a female Jedi who frequented the black markets, that her next stop might be on Saleucami. The Sith had never been here, but it was a good place to try as any.

Once his shuttle had landed on the capital of the planet, the smell of Jedi scum was subtle, but there. The female Jedi was here. Hours of tracking found the female, well a female, many females. The trail of a Jedi's presence was minor, almost non existent, but it was there, and with enough concentration, Arabris could follow it. It wasn't till he found a speeder parked in front of a building that he had found his target. He had to think quickly on what to do, a second examination confirmed the speeder of hers, a few tampering of the wires would make the speeder shut down in mid driving. When it did happen, he had to quickly follow the speeder on the roof tops until it shut down.

The female exited herself from the speeder, when she discovered that he identify himself, Arabris was caught a bit off gaurd. The boldness of this woman was unexpected. When she leaned against the speeder, the Sith could feel her searching for him through the Force. For him, it was too late to hide, his presence was there, and she would feel it. Only one thing to do.

With a single hop, he fell the ground with a thud, his knight's armor taking most of the blunt force of the landing. As he stood, his armor clanked together, to her she would see the design of ancient Sith attire drenched in red.

[member="Felicity Skye"]
Her eyes opened, and the saber drew to her hand on instinct; the snap-hiss of the yellow blade stifled under the bang of armored boots hitting the ground. Instinct had brought her guard up but had the man come down with a strike Felicity would’ve been unable to defend herself. The thought was tossed away and so we’re all other distractions. The unknown was something that could not be dealt with an attention divided.

Her knees bent bringing her into a stance indicative of Form II. She twisted her wrist and angled her lightsaber in a way to keep the distance between herself and the unknown sentient. She looked him up and down. He was clad in the kind of crimson red that said one was up to no good, and his armor was meant for close combat, or so it seemed. It was hard to make heads or tails of a person who chose to hide behind armor but she could certainly feel more than she could see. And what she felt was the dark side.

She gulped and took a breath, attempting to center herself. Never had she been in such a seemingly precarious situation with no warning.

“You’re clearly not from the Warren,” She declared. “So I'd just like to know, who you are?” She asked keeping her stance wide.

Whoever this man was he seemed confident, even at home with lightsaber blade a few measurements from his face. It was unnerving, but a true Jedi had nerves of steel.

[member="Darth Arabris"]
[member="Felicity Skye"]

Imagine a picture of a woman with just robes going up against a dragon, this was what it was like right now. There was a sense of some form of fear, it was subtle, tiny, but it was there. Arabris breathed in, taking what little fear she had, and empowered himself with it. For him, the Sith was at home keeping his opponent far and close, either or was fine. The yellow blade lit up the world around them compared to his dark red light. Regardless of what she first felt, she was ready for him. She only asked him one thing.

"They call me the Red Knight, but you may call me Arabris."

Arabris lowered the staff to his side, putting his left foot behind him as he prepared to make a swift movement towards her. It would be a thrust attack with most of the lightsaber staff thrusted forward with his single right arm holding it out.
"Arabris!" Felicity restated with emphasis as she managed to sidestep to the right and away from the saberstaff. She flourished her saber into a more defensive position, both hands firmly grasping its hilt. "I do not wish to fight you, but I will do what I must." She took a breath, raising her chest and adjusting her posture. Sweat began to bead on her forehead, not from exertion but from the day's heat. One could only imagine how Arabris was doing on the inside of his armor.

"If you drop your saber now no blood will be spilt today. But if you attempt to strike me again, I will be forced to retaliate. Think carefully on your next move." The more words that left her mouth, the more comfortable with the moment Felicity had become. Her words had afforded her a brief moment to take her enemy in, to weigh her options and choose a strategy.

The reach advantage belonged to her tall and bulky aggressor, but to the more compact duelist, went the boon of maneuverability. She'd have to get in close if she wanted to win. Either that, or fight smarter than she normally had.

[member="Darth Arabris"]
[member="Felicity Skye"]

For a moment, it was almost like he could smell the fear, the Jedi truly did not like what she was looking at, but Arabris knew she was ready to clash swords. Even though he fed on what he could from her, any Sith knew not to back any Jedi into a corner without a sure victory in hand. She gave him one warning, one chance to leave it all behind if he simply dropped his weapon.

"As you wish."

The sound of the staff echoed through out the alley way, bouncing off the walls. Arabris stood there for a moment before speaking once more. "Now, what is your plan? I have no weapon, and even with the Force by my side, you still hold the higher chances of victory. Will you cut me down where I stand, or attempt an arrest? I do not believe you have the necessary tools required for such a thing in your speeder. Tell me, will you try to convert me?"
As the staff hit the floor, Felicity hit a wall. She was taken aback by Arabris’ actions. His words hit heavy like blaster bolts, but still it was his action that kept at the forefront of the Jedi’s mind. Why would he give up his advantage? Was he truly surrendering himself? He couldn’t have been, and didn’t seem like a man who would, so she kept her saber angled toward her attacker as she created some distance between the two.

“You are correct. I have nor the tools or place to take you, should I put you under arrest. And even if I did I doubt there are very many chains that can hold you,” Her lightsaber snap-hissed and the yellow blade was gone. She kept the hilt in her hand incase of any danger to come. “As for your life, I cannot take it. You’re dangerous now, and may become more so in the future but to cut you down now would be a waste of it.” She continued staring down the red knight before her. “My only option is to convert you, but I have a question. Do you believe yourself beyond conversion?” She listened intently, his answer affecting the actions to come.

[member="Darth Arabris"]
[member="Felicity Skye"]

There were many strategies to winning a battle, and not all battles were clashing of steel and exchange of heated energy bolts. Some were of the mind, and Arabris was certain his will was strong. While it did appear no wounds physically would be sustained today, it was certain someone would be mentally scared. At first, this Jedi was unsure of what to do about the actions taken, it was possible this was the first time her demands at been met by a Sith. When she dictated that Arabris was, for the time, being somewhat trustworthy with his actions. But then it was her question that made him lean hit that mental wall.

What required one's conversion? The knight was unsure what one needed, should he confess his sins? There weren't many compared to the other Sith Knights and Lords in the Empire. Did he reject his lessons learned as a warrior, they were all he knew.

"I am nothing but a means to an end. Feelings are not something I can conceive, what am I converting from, and why? What exactly have I done wrong? We are at war, I followed my orders just as you have. In all truth if I were to say have any feeling it would be hate, and I do not hate you Jedi. All I want today, simply, is your lightsaber."
Truthfully, Felicity was absorbed with what Arabris’ had said. He was erudite, yet spoke simply. And she could only think of a few men that gave off the kind of charisma he had in that moment. With no wasted words he’d given her a lot to think about. She couldn’t help but ask herself; Was this a Sith Knight? If so, maybe there were exceptions to what she’d previously seen and heard.

“And you will not have it,” She answered. “I cannot give it to you or let you take it away. This is my shield, not my weapon. And I will not lose it in a war that I do not fight. I will not lose it to further the ambition of an enemy. If that is what you want it for, you will take my life before you take my lightsaber.” She spoke with a conviction and a confidence she hadn’t since the start of this confrontation.

“But I don’t think you will.” She paused. She didn’t know why or what, but she felt something in the moment made her say that. Maybe it was an unconscious glimpse of the future or just her feelings. Whatever it was she stuck by it.

[member="Darth Arabris"]
[member="Felicity Skye"]

A sigh escaped Arabris as the woman spoke in return to his answer. It was true, the Jedi saw the lightsaber as shield, not a weapon. "It's more so a tool, be it shield or weapon. It holds multiple purposes for different times. When, however, does the lightsaber stop being a shield and become a weapon to the Jedi?" He stopped for a moment as he considered his own words. When did his become a weapon? Probably when it was offensive, or to take the defensive lives of people.

"And no, I will not kill you over a tool. It would hold no meaning, but bragging rights and a trophy. If I take your life, it is because I must. Same as with you. But still, I would not say I am not convertible, but rather there is nothing to convert."

Arabris sat down for a moment, crossing his legs as his weapon laid next to him. He looked at it for a moment, then looked back at the woman. It was at these times the Sith wondered who had he been, and what made him say and do these kinds of things. Far from ignorance was he, Arabris knew he was something before he was Sith.
“I cannot speak for every Jedi. Only myself.” Felicity paused and watched as the Red Knight sat down, legs crossed, with his staff laid beside himself. “I believe the lightsaber becomes a tool when it is used with the intent to harm, to wound, to kill.” She continued. “Do you raise your saber to ward off an attacker, or do you raise it to harm them before they harm you?” She asked rhetorically. “It might seem a subtle difference, especially if both intentions result in the same outcome, but you asked and I am giving you my answer.” The answer. One she had come up with when she had asked herself the question in years passed.

“As for the matter of conversion,” Felicity shifted the conversation as she shifted her body, clipping her lightsaber onto her belt. “How is there nothing to convert? I see a man before me. He is hidden inside armor, but he is there. He has a past, a present, and future that make him something. How is there nothing to be converted?” She asked expecting. Her body relaxed. She put the majority of her weight on one leg, hand on her hip, in a stance and with a posture more feminine than she typically held. If the Red Knight was to relax a bit so was she.

[member="Darth Arabris"]

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