Alric Kuhn
Handsome K'lor'slug

Image Credit: Googled Blue Mold
Name: Asphodlaria MoldDesignation: Non-Sentient
Homeworld: Tatooine
Language: It's a Mold
Dev Thread:
Average height of adults: … Average Patch is 12cm?
Skin color: Blue
Hair color: Also Blue
Breathes: Type 1
-Can Heal Almost Any Injury
-Fast Acting
-Increases Sensitivity of Nerves To an Extreme Degree
-Extremely Expensive to Process
-High Chance of Allergy
-Highly Hallucinogenic
Asphodlaria Mold resembles many other molds found in the galaxy. It is a soft green tint with hair fuzz on it. Though it is not difficult to spot, it is rather difficult to distinguish from other molds that can be found in places. The only real distinctive marker that Asphodlaria Mold has is the fact that it only grows in one place in the galaxy and no other molds can be found in that place.
Average Lifespan: Theoretically Infinite
Races: No
Estimated Population: Extremely Rare
Diet: Moisture?
Communication: It's a Mold
Culture: Har Har Har
Technology level: ...Really?
General behavior:
Asphodlaria Mold is not much different from any other mold in the galaxy, save for its unique transitive properties. The mold itself grows only in small patches within the caverns of Tatooine, never growing larger than patches of twenty cm squared and never growing smaller than three. The reason for these odd sizes I unknown, but cultures taken of the mold have shown that it is nearly impossible to grow in a lab environment. As well, the mold itself is extremely difficult to find within the caves. One might wander for miles and miles and not even find a single one of these patches.
There is something about the unique air combination within the caves of Tatooine, carved by the Greater Krayt Dragons. It is theorized that this unique property that allows the Asphodlaria Mold to grow here and only here is a combination of left over Krayt Dragon Organic Matter, gathered moisture, chemical properties of the rock on Tatooine as well as several other smaller factors that are difficult, if not impossible to replicate outside of its natural home, though one Company has recently succeeded in doing so through the use of Yuuzhan Vong bio-technology.
Asphodlaria Mold has many effects when ingested, placed in a wound, or otherwise applied to a person.
Chief among the effects of Asphodlaria Mold are its unique healing properties. It is unknown how this healing effect is achieved* however when tested the effects are on par, if not substantially more effective than Bacta, Kolto, and even the mythical Kolcta. This substance heals nearly any wound short of death and does it in a time of only a few short hours. This is what makes Asphodlaria Mold so coveted, the fact that its healing properties outpace nearly anything else within the galaxy.
Unfortunately, these incredibly powerful healing traits come with more than a few drawbacks.
The first of these drawbacks is that the mold increases sensitivity of the nerves. The mold itself is responsible for this, and does it to such a degree that a light breeze on the skin feels like a thousand stinging wasps are attacking all at once. Though this does not do any actual physical damage, the mental agony one goes through is nearly enough of a reason to die instead of taking the Mold.
Alongside the almost suicide inducing pain Asphodlaria Mold comes with several other side effects. Not least among these is its habit of causing allergic effects within the users. It is easy to say that four out of five people are allergic to standard Asphodlaria Mold, with side-effects taking place only seconds after the molds use. These side-effects can range anywhere from a rash, to death, depending on the species and conditions of the person.
Lastly, Asphodlaria Mold is known to be extremely hallucinogenic. This effect, coupled with the extreme pain that Asphodlaria Mold can cause is almost enough to make the mold absolutely worthless as a medicinal tool. When ingested, the Mold causes such horrifyingly clear and disturbing visions that it almost always scars the psyche of the user taking it. Asphodlaria Mold can cause visions, the hearing of voices, the changing of landscapes, and even the slowing or speeding up of time. Due to the pain that Asphodlaria Mold causes ninety nine percent of the time the user will have a bad trip.
Asphodlaria Mold due to its behavior, growth patterns, and general difficulty is nearly impossible to find, much less replicate under lab conditions. So far only one Company has managed to do so and it was only through the aid of Yuuzhan Vong Bio-technology.
Asphodlaria Mold can only be found in deep caves beneath the deserts of Tatooine. These caves were long ago carved by the massive Greater Krayt Dragons of the desert and have since remained largely empty. Still, moisture gathers within these caves and using this moisture the Asphodlaria Mold grows in small patches. It should be noted that the conditions for this mold has to be absolutely perfect and stumbling upon it is completely impossible, harvesting it is nearly as impossible with scientists only being able to take away tiny amounts at a time, making it unsuitable for daily use.
The Arceneau’s have been a seven generation powerhouse on Tatooine since before the Gulag plague. With Lorell Rider blood in their veins, the Arceneau’s have long since had contact with the local Jawa clans and Tusken Raider tribes.
One of these tribes has seen the acceptance of Danger Arceneau’s father, August Arceneau, after his Demon’s blood ritual to gain acceptance and enlightenment among the A’Rashari Tribe. In killing a Sand Demon and anointing himself with its blood, he managed to pass the test. This was only further exemplified when he delivered a set of perfect Krayt Dragon pearls, proving his status as a notable warrior.
Accepted into the clan, he was made aware of a holy and special substance that the shaman of the tribe would use upon a severely wounded warrior. A black type mold was cast into the thick alcoholic pulque and then slather upon the wounds, prompting horrible and spine tingling death cries of agony. Yet death would not come, for in an act of miracle despite the wretched amount of agonising pain, the warrior would be brought from the brink of death.
It was only through years of study and trust that August Arceneau was finally able to determine what the substance was. It is an extremely rare and unique mold that could only be gathered once every decade, and only enough to fill a tiny two ounce size pouch. This mold grew deep underground in the Wound, farther down than any Tusken Raider could ever spot from the top of the ridge. Only those who were spirit guided could make the trek, and in it be able to wander and brave the Krayt dragons that guarded it for a mere sample of the mold. Rare beyond belief it only grew very sparingly due to perfect conditions in one specific area of this underground cavern system.
As luck would have it, warring over territory resulted in the shaman of the tribe’s death as well as the location of the cavern -- save for August Arceneau himself. This knowledge was passed down to Danger, who in order to keep good relations with the Tusken Raiders, made the trek the first time three years ago, supplying the tribe with their ounce of the holy mold -- but keeping one for herself.
Most recently, the mold was used to heal one Alric Kuhn, bringing him back from near death and reviving him.
After his miraculous recovery in health, he began to ponder exactly what the substance was that healed him. Due to the nature of the mold, what it was, how difficult it was to find, and exactly where it came from. Seeing an opportunity to make money, and perhaps even do some good, both Danger Arceneau and Alric Kuhn have recently plotted to process the Mold utilizing Yuuzhan Vong Bio-technology.
Notable Player-Characters: ಠ_ಠ
Primary Source:
Intent: In order to appease Silara the slave driver and create a sub for the super Bacta I'm trying to create
*Not opening up that can of worms. Other healing substances in Star Wars aren't really explained and I don't feel like embarrassing myself in trying to do so.