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Approved Tech Ashin Cardé Varanin's Custom Reloading Kit

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Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
  • Intent: To create a specialized reloading press for Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Turns a kyber crystal into a bullet for some weird Force stuff.
  • Designed to be compact and lightweight enough to be portable, unlike most reloading kit, which requires a whole workbench
  • Will allow the customer to create custom bullets for the purpose of engaging non-corporeal beings with very corporeal bullets.
  • Convenient and portable. The average reloading press takes up a lot of bench space and weighs a figurative ton. This one uses automation to miniaturize down to something that can be carried in a pack.
  • Time consuming. The process of creating the kyber bullets, as described below, cannot be done quickly. It takes time and a great deal of care. Anything carried into battle will have to be meticulously planned beforehand.
  • Scarcity of ammunition. Kyber crystals, or similar crystals with an inherent connection to the Force, are rare. Disposable ones are even rarer. As the process inevitably destroys the crystal, insomuch as the primary uses in lightsabers are concerned, the customer will be unable to mass produce these rounds. They will, by necessity, be very precious commodities.
When asked to design a bullet that could potentially be used to affect non-corporeal beings, such as Starweirds (whatever the hell those are), smoke demons (not a frigging clue), living fire (hot), etc, Rusty was at a loss. Not being Force sensitive himself, he had no idea just how he was supposed to pull it off, so he called up Eralam Eralam , who suggested that the process could be be achieved through the use of kyber crystals. Known by most as a rare but potent energy source, they also, apparently, have the ability to connect with the Force. If a lightsaber is seen as the physical embodiment of its user's connection to the Force, the elder Shard explained, then the kyber crystal was surely at the heart of it. This made no sense to Rusty whatsoever, but it did give him an idea.

If a Force user such as Ashin was to form a connection with a particular crystal, then it stood to reason that this connection could be maintained even if the crystal itself was no longer a single unit. So, he devised a means of milling the crystal into a superfine powder via a lightweight, portable air mill. This powder could then be formed into a bullet thanks to a dense binding medium, sintered under heat and pressure to make a solid projectile. This, of course, is the exact same principle upon which frangible ammunition is based. Suitably formed into a projectile, the customer would, theoretically, be able to project their will at a distance via a "base" formed from the donor crystal, kept upon their person. "The basic principle is that the customer forms a thaumaturgical connection with the projectile, and uses that to broadcast their will and intent at range," according to Eralam. Once again, Rusty just shook his head and moved onto the next phase of the project.

After the projectile is formed, a fuse is placed in the base. The fuse is programmed via a laser rangefinder (commercially available from a wide variety of sources) to detonate at a specific distance. Once the bullet reaches the prescribed distance, it explodes into a puff of powder, giving the customer a very brief window through which to inflict whatever space wizard powers they want on the target via the base crystal.

Will all this metaphysical nonsense work? Rusty neither knows nor cares. All he did was design the equipment to allow the customer to risk their own neck in finding out. Even if the theory turns out to be an abject failure, the reloading kit, at least, is rock solid.
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