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Approved Species Ashad

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Name: Ashad (Plural: Ashadi)
Designation: Semi-sentient
Homeworld: Refuge
Language: None
Average height of adults: .5 meters
Skin color: Light pink
Hair color: Shades of orange, brown and grey.
Breathes: Type 2
+ Physical advantage: Being used to the twice-standard gravity of Refuge, ashadi have denser bones, and are faster and stronger in environments with standard gravity.
+ Talons: A great means of self defense and offense, ashadi can use the claws on their front legs very effectively when they are in danger, or are the danger to their prey.
+ Senses: Ashadi have enhanced sight and smell, and can use them to effectively spot out their target, or something that would endanger them.
+ Agility: Having a small frame as well as wings on their arms, ashadi have quick reflexes and can use their wings to glide, as well as aid in climbing. These wings however are not large or strong enough to support their full weight, and thus they cannot fully fly.
- Alone: Because of their tendency to stick by themselves, ashadi are very open to being attacked and overwhelmed. This mindset can also affect training, as at first they would not be used to having a companion.
- Flying sponge: An ashad's wings are very absorbant, and have tendencies of sucking up moisture from the air. While this is not usually a large problem, it means not being able to glide in most storms due to the extra weight of the water in their wings. Due to this, they are inhibited in this way when in humid climates.
- Phobia of flames: Ashadi are deathly afraid of fire, and can become very irrational when in the presence of it. They will run, fly, swim, literally do anything to get away from that terrible orange glowy-stuff that destroys wildlife.
- Headstrong: More often than not, an ashadi will stick to it's idea or plan of action no matter what, and are very stubborn about it. It would take a great deal to get one to go back on something it has already set upon doing, and this can often lead to them being put at risk.
Distinctions: Wings, front claws, feathered areas on the body.
Average Lifespan: 15 years
Races: None
Estimated Population: About 30,000
Diet: Carnivorous
Communication: Vocal, a series of yips and yelps
Culture: Ashad can mostly be found in the drier areas of Refuge, where they can use their wings to their advantage in hunting, as in humid climates they are rendered practically useless. Amongst each other, ashadi can be somewhat territorial, but not so much as they will get into scraps with others that enter their turf. In fact, ashadi often disregard the company from others of their species, as they are primarily alone. In their life-span, they live a small part of their lives as pups with their fathers, but once they learn to hunt, they are quickly booted out of the family to fend for themselves. Though they prefer to be alone, this will rarely diminish their curiosity, as hearing something in the distance may sometimes trigger them to investigate for example. Once they reach adulthood, ashadi females will actively seek a mate, after which they will have a litter of usually no more than three offspring. The mother would then leave to let the father train the offspring, and the cycle continues.
Technology level: None
General behavior: In nature, ashadi are very clever and quick judges of character. They often use their wits, senses, and the area around them to their advantage when hunting or hiding, and so are usually hard to find if they don't want to be found. However, their curiosity often combats this, as a lot of times, it will override their quick minds. An ashad can likely easily be caught off guard just because they wanted to investigate something that caught their attention. Another trait most ashadi share is their stubborn nature. Stuck to a certain set of ideals, it is very hard to change an ahsad's mind, and often times this can cause trouble in training one.
History: Not much can be said about the ashadi, as they've been on Refuge since the beginning. Some say they are protectors of the forest, keeping a keen eye on whatever happens on the planet's surface. This belief mainly comes from the theowen inhabiting Refuge however, as most humans there simply see them as majestic creatures. Many times have there been when an ashad led a settler out of danger, or back to a safe place when they were lost, and so the title of protectors stuck to them. They are very highly regarded among both peoples. In the past, a few ashadi have been domesticated, and by very long means. The few humans that tried realized quickly that the only effective way to fully be able to train one is from the early stage of being a pup, while the mind is still learning. Once achieved however, the ashadi were bonded to their caretakers, and would rarely leave their side. However, the theowei implored with the humans not to domesticated the creatures, as they believed them to be mystical in some form, and that they were meant only to be in the wild.
Notable Player-Characters: None
Intent: To create a species that can be used as a companion, friend, and partner-of-the-hunt to sentients. Who doesn't want a flying fox for a pet?
[member="Rylan Thatcher"] So sorry for the delay. Onto the submission...
Designation: Non-sentient
This should be at least semi-sentient, as Ashadi are living and have senses and are capable of learning and whatnot.
Average height of adults: .75 meters
This is about the height of a Great Dane. Based on your intent, it seems like you're going for a more foxlike creature, which would probably be about .40 or .50m in height. If the .75m is accurate, then disregard this.
- Senses: Having excellent senses isn't always a good thing, as too many smells or lights can overwhelm them to a point of hurting the animal.
Being too good at something really isn't a valid weakness. Perhaps hypersensitivity to light or sounds? Perhaps their eyesight is poor, but they make up for it with a keen sense of smell?

- Flying sponge: An ashad's wings are very absorbant, and have tendencies of sucking up moisture from the air. While this is not usually a large problem, it means not being able to use them to their advantage in most storms due to the extra weight of the water in their wings.
The italicized imply that flight for Ashadi is difficult, if not impossible in humid or damp climates. If this is true, I'd like for you to better reflect this in your description. Also, are Ashadi capable of flight or just gliding? If the latter, I'd like for you to change the language in your submission so there's no ambiguity in it's abilities later down the line.
Culture: none
I'm going to need something here. How do they behave amongst themselves? Are they territorial? Are they relatively independent creatures or do they stick to a pack? How do they come to be domesticated? Those are just some examples to add, but please go beyond just those.

I'm also going to need a little bit more added to the history. The one thing I'd specifically like to see is how Ashadi have come to sometimes be domesticated. You seem to know what you want, so that shouldn't be a problem - just add a little fluff.

Looking forward to seeing your revisions.
Fleshed everything out a bit more. Changed sentience, height, and scrapped one weakness for another. I also expanded the second weakness, as well as the final strength to show that they can only use their wings to glide.

[member="Gael bar Ammon"]
[member="Rylan Thatcher"]

Changes look good. Just a couple more little things..

Since Agility is a strength, could you add the "+" so it's easier to recognize that it is one?
With the Flying Sponge weakness, it still doesn't address damp or humid climates. Since they're very absorbent to water, perhaps their ability to glide is dampened significantly. A good explanation of this might be that Ashadi are found to live in drier, arid climates on Refuge.

I'm also going to need another weakness or two to balance out the strengths.
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