Arumi Zy

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Intent: To create a new robotic arm to replace the arm that Arumi lost in a battle with firebreathers in the Invasion of Prakith between the Jedi and One Sith.
Development Thread:N/A atm
Manufacturer: Zytech
Affiliation: Personal
Modularity: Synthetic Arm, can be tweaked and upgraded
Production: Unique
Material: Beskar, Desh, Armor Weave, Synth-rubber, Plastoid
Description: After loosing his arm in combat Arumi began to work on creating his replacement arm, being the warrior type he focused on combat and utility over a realistic look. Using the remnants of one of his Beskad swords and the Beskar forearm guard to make the arms casing he began to weave the components together.
The hand is made with a combination of actuators and reactive materials that enhance the strength of the grip making it roughly as strong as a crushguant. Several synthetic force crystals have been embedded in the arm allowing limited use of force powers with the arm. This excludes any type of channeled or focus ability such as force lightning and only small amounts of telekenisis and push abilities leaving only his real arm to be his primary force enabled arm.
The Synthetic arm also has two blades imbedded in the knuckle that can be extended and retracted as needed. This gives Arumi a built in ability to defend himself even if he is “Unarmed”. The hand is also able of fully locking on a lightsaber hilt preventing it from being able to be removed from his hand forcefully.