Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Arms and Armour

Sabine was in her home Serenno, she was looking through the Mandalorian weapons and armour list. She noticed a gap in there manifest, scout equipment. She had a mine giving her crystals, which would help with it. She needed other things to make work as well, she then pulled up the schematics of clan skin. It was very good armour, but it was heavy and no use for scouts. None the less she wanted to keep its theme, and make sure her new armour would still fit the bill. She decide to look what she did have available, she recently required phrik from Alderaan. She did not have enough to make a mass or minor production, but if she spread it out by alloying it with Dura steel, she would be able to make a lighter armour for clan scouts.

Whilst musing over this, she decide she would need a new factory just to make the gear. As such she head on the computer screen, to locate a viable area near her home city to make such factory. It took her best part of hour, but she found three sights for it. She made appointments with the estate agents to have look at them, she hated having to deal with them, but needs must. Through the looking at them could wait till tomorrow, for now she would have to wait. So she decide to sit back, and watch her favourite Holo Show Clan lives. This week episode was about clan Vizsla, and in particular one members who just came to forefront [member="Ra Vizsla"].
Next day she had an appointment to visit estate agents, she took a speeder ride there. She did wonder about making her own some rane of them some day, but for know she had other things on her mind. That was why she was here, to build a new factory. All three sites where in old mandalorian quarter of city, until recently the planet was under there control. Though the local nobles did dispute it, nothing came of it. She now hoped the clans would come back, and possibly put the planet under her rule, though other mandalorains did have a claim to it. Like clan detta, as one of them married [member="Countess Calum Teramo"] and she did have a birth claim to the planet. Her claim was simple, she had an army a fleet and the power of the force behind her. Though without the clans backing, it would all mean nothing. As clan Detta had all these as well, she just hoped to prove more useful to them, than she is or the clan.

She looked at all three there, where issues with each of them. Though she chose site just outside the city, as it was cheaper land. Though less protection from raiders, if they ever came, then again who raids mandalorains. She then exchanged the money for land, and she got her droids and some local paid manpower to build the new factory, it would take her a month to see it built but it would be worth the wait.
Whilst the factory was being built, she had her designers have look what she could get her hands on. To make her new armour, and other personal gear. She started working on a concept, one she would need stealth technology, she would need a way of protecting them from force users, yet keep the suit light. The Initial sketch was good
The plate would only protected, the vital organs armorweave would protect the rest. She deicide on using young Ysalamiri, as they would be lighter to carry. They still offer the resistance to the force, but only meter bubble rather than five meter one. This had drawbacks and boons to it, the smaller bubble meant it would protect less from the force, but it would be lighter and force user like herself may less likely realise they are nearby when creeping up on them.
She need other things to give it, as well stealth technology and a baby lizard. She need to give them a rebreather, for protection from gas weapons. She also have to give them multiple options on how to see, Infrared, Ultraviolet and a droidcam. The droidcam would let them see as droid would see, this was a way around spotting stealth force users, as some could not get past droids. She did pounder about giving them jet packs, but decide no as they where scouts, nothing was less stealthy than man jumping over a ten foot wall. Though she was going to give them grappling hook, so they could climb over the walls. The boots where going to be made in soft leather, so to reduce noise naturally. She also going to give the a wrist weapon, silent fire blaster like her own, a garrote, as well as wrist rocket system. Also one Paddle beam on the other wrist, this would bypass lightsabers, stunning there opponent.

With the armours plan made, though other things would come up as the final build was made.
After the month her factory was built, and utilities put in gas water and electricity. The actual machines where now being installed, each section of armour had own machine or machines to press it, and mold it as well as paint it. Spray booths to give it's colour, for each camouflage world. Leather utility belts, with blaster holsters, as well other things being put in. As she toured the factory the phrik had arrived from Alderaan, and so had her stealth crystals from Aeten II. Soon they would begin actually start building the armour, and then she would field test it. Though she would need some fellow mandalorains to help with that, after all she need them to rate the armour. Otherwise the clans would not be interested in her product, and then this expense would be for nothing.
[member="Kami Meran"]

Sabine had invited a few fellow mandalorains to Serenno, to check out and put through some of its paces her new scout armour. The job was simple, she had a guard post near one of her factories. They had to use the suit to get past the first layer of defence without being seen. The group of mercs where each issued with set armour for them, and when they gathered she told the mission, she spoke in fluent Mandalorian.

Hello everyone, the job is to get past my droid forces guarding a mine. The mine is just for Durasteel production, and is located ten clicks from here.
The mission is to get as far as you can into it without being caught or killed. You will be facing my personal combat droids, and I don't care if you destroy them I have more.
Now happy hunting.

She watched them as they moved out, each had map of the area. Their own weapons, and of course the armour she made them. She then watched the security reports, of the mine. Seeing if they get caught or not. The wrist blaster was capable of firing ion rounds as well as standard blaster fire as well.
Well.. it was lighter atleat.. and it fitted. som times being as short as a Wookie wasn't a blessing.
Mando's had a habit of forgetting that some of theme were rail thin.
this stuffwas ok it could do with a weight reduction.. but to Kami every ghing could do wiith that.
​Blasters wern't realy her style.. there were obvosly security watching her.
" ok lets take out the security footage. loop it so im not seen. and of this stuff gets approved see if i can get it in a light red."
As they left [member="Sabine Kurtass"] warehouse in the new armour, she saw a fellow vod [member="Kami Meran"]. Hey wait up, She said as ran up to her, she asked her as she caught up to her Any idea how we get to this mine, like speeder bike or do we walk. Rhodessa was mainly a pilot, but she need the extra cash so she decide to do this field test in the armour. She also had no real idea what she was doing, she was not ground pounder. So she hoped following this other vod would help her, do the job and get paid. The scout group consisted of twelve in total, and they where the only woman of the mission.
[member="Kami Meran"]

Whilst the scouts headed of sabine, took a ship to the mine. She wanted to make sure the droid scanner worked, and the was only one way to test them. That was to see if they could spot her, she had gotten there an hour before the scouts could hope to make it by. As she got off the Vulture class gunship, it took off as she did not want anyone noticing it, as they may suspect she was here. The whole point was they would not know, and would have to spot her. She then moved into the mine, to monitor the reports as scout would be here soon enough. When they arrived, she use the force to conceal herself. Then hide in the open and see if they spot her, she needed to know if it works. As if it does, it give the clans a boon in fighting other force users, as most of them where just wrong. The Jedi where hypocrites, and sith gave the force a bad name, and worse they called sith a true code, but they follow it wrongly.
She laughed a little at the joke, and then one of the fellow scouts, by looks of him he could have been one striders bastards, he did have lot of them. Shouted ​Hey everyone, let's take that armoured personal carrier, and just get nearby so don't have to walk the whole way. She scrambled to it, to get window seat. Though when she got on she soon realized they all where. She found herself sat next to [member="Kami Meran"], who must followed her on. She started checking her armour over, it had smaller nutrient pack on the back. Which meant it was lighter than carrying a full sized adult. She the started playing around with different vision options, and by mistake left it on droid scope system. She then asked the woman next to her, So why you doing this, is for money like me or free suit of armour as well? Mandalorians took job on for many reason, but money and free stuff did help.
Sabine was aware of approaching armoured personal carrier, she did not alert her droids, as that would invalidate the test. She did however begin to draw inward, she wanted to become cloaked in the force. She stretched out her arm, and pretended to dive into water, as drew her arm closer, she was getting deeper. As she got deeper the different colours, began to fade, and so did she. When the fingers touched her chest, she was out sight to everything but droids. Droids had different sense of sight, and as such where unaffected by this particular forcepower. She was planning in on learning other ways of concealing herself, so she could avoid it in the future. She then wander up to the surface, and sat down on grassy area, to watch for these scouts, and see them attack her mine.
She was next to the talkative lady. she liked her " Lets just say i find most of the stuff we wear ... restrictive. this new stuff it's ok i suppose. could do with being lighter. and a lighter shade of red. or yellow. seriosly we dress like armored corescantian nobles ay a fancy-dress ball. sure cash is good and free stuff is free stuff. but in doing this as a favour to one of my brothers." she admitted shrugging. she didnt admitt this was her first paying gig after tagging along wirh her brothers for a few bounty missions.
[member="Kami Meran"]

She smiled about the comment colour scheme, she did wonder what corescantian nobles wore these days. After all they no longer lived on coruscant with the sith take over, though they may be returning soon, after all Galactic Alliance did launch an invasion of the world. Yeah I agree about the weight of most armours, that's why I became a fly girl. I just hope this one is lighter. Then again it's not a flight suit, so no good in deep space. Just the odd bar I guess. The personal carrier came to a stop, not far from the mine. They parked it out of sight, and then they all started getting off, the intercom used a hush system. Soi they could talk to one another without, making noise. She heard one of them say Spread out, and engage the stealth mode, only when you are about to break cover. She then crept forward, making sure each step was clear of any twigs that would break under step. She had her carbine in hand, and she waited near the rear of the group.
Kami broke in to her run covering twenty feet in a few seconds and powering up a tree like a jedi making no sound. the tree was atleast 20 ft tall too
she planted her foot on the trunk and ran up it a few feet leaping up she hooked a branch and pulled herself up "Total Sith assassan style." . she whispered joking to herself.. "Oh dam it this Interlink is on isn't it?" she noted.
She tried not to laugh at [member="Kami Meran"], but she could not help it. Her voice was almost giggling as she replied Yes it is you stealth sith you. Then another voice came over, Keep the chatter to a minimum, okay we got four droids up there. Rhodessa then spotted something it was [member="Sabine Kurtass"], she was lazing on the grass. She was obviously part of it. She then asked the rest of the group Can you see how employer? She waited for replies to come in, did the other see her on droidcam.
"Nothing but 4 droids all wrapped up like a Lifeday present. i know in wearing a helmet but i smell a trap. either that or my toothpaste isn't working." she answered. this was too easy far too easy. either this was a rush test just a formality without minimal work or this was an obvious lure.
there was a mine entrance with 4 droids guarding and two step sides forming a small gully.
She could circle round and attack from above and behind.
She listened to [member="Kami Meran"] and the others, then one asked What viewing system are using, as I got nothing. She quickly replied Droidcam, I repeat Droidcam. Couple switched over to droidcam, then confirmed Yeah I see her, right you lot two fire each droid the other four fire stun rounds at [member="Sabine Kurtass"]. As we can't kill our employer, but this is her test. Then a pause, then his voice came back over, On my mark, MARK! She then fired on Sabine......
" awwe i wanted to make this more technical." she grumbled as she rolled out of the tree tucking in too a forward roll and sprinted into the fray. drawing both her daggers.
"im telling you this is too easy. i reserve the right t nener neener if i'm right. "
Sabine smiled as she got fired on, it meant the droidcam had worked. She quickly knocked back three of bolts, but the fourth hit her in the leg. She fell down to one leg, but this was part of the test. She was numb from the stunning shot, but not out her droids where though, and then one of them [member="Kami Meran"] began the charge. Well done she said over the intercom, the test is complete, thank your help Vod. She recovered from the shot and asked for any feed back on the armour.
"SERIOUSLY? this isn't a trap? will i resend my dibs on the neener neener. " ok people were glaring at her from there helmets. it took real skill to shoot daggers from a lare of plasteel.
"Could be lighter but that's just my preference everything else works fantastically. ".. don't mention you never used any of it.

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