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Approved Planet Arkech: Jewel of the Unknown Regions

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ARKECH: A Jewel in the Unknown Regions
"May Aisha guide you...." ~ Arkechi Greeting


· Intent: To populate the Unknown Regions with new and interesting planets for writers and factions to explore.
· ​Image Credit:
· Canon: No.
· Links: None.

· Planet Name: Arakech
· Demonym: Arakechi
· Region: The Unknown Regions
· System Name: Arakech
· System Features: Arakech holds two moons in its system, and another three planets.
  • Vestas: The temperate moon sits in orbit of Arakech, and is roughly a third of its size. Gravity there is little more than half that of Arakech, which means life there is very different. It however, houses a number of small colonies, which provide a lot of the food which is exported to either Arkech or to traders.
  • Petra: An icy cold rock which sits in orbit. It is pockmarked with craters, and wrecks of vessels from the Chiss-Arkechi wars and Arkechi-Ssi Ruuk War. The moon doesn’t see much activity, apart from the occasional mining post, and archaeological work.
  • Dellas: One of the two gas giants which populate the sector, Dellas is a massive gas giant. It has no settlements, or resources to offer. Despite that, it dominates Arkechi art and music, with its brilliant red glow providing muse for countless poems, songs and paintings.
  • Gordas: Sitting at the very edge of the system is Gerdas. A small, icy planet. It is so insignificant, some speculate that the planet isn’t really a planet, and is actually some asteroids which got caught into orbit of Aisha.
  • Aisha: The massive, white hot sun, Aisha provides the light and warmth of the system. It is also the muse for the Cult of Aisha, the dominant religious group on the planet.
  • Coordinates: Right, here. D, 29
  • Major Imports: Military Equipment, Manufacturing Equipment and Exotic Foods.
  • Major Exports: Food, luxury clothing, silks, water and starship fuel.

  • Gravity: Standard Gravity.
  • Climate: Arkech sits as a largely arid planet. Although, it does have regions of it which can and are cultivated for agricultural reasons. There are jungles on the planet, however they are sparsely seen in land, and are occasionally seen on the coasts.
  • Primary Terrain: Deserts, ocean and jungle.

Major Locations:

Baasher: The grandest of all of Arkech’s cities, Baasher acts as the capital, and has been the seat of power for the Sultan’s for over a millennia. The city boasts a population of over eight million, and growing. It’s grand temples, market places, and of course the palaces make it a grand sight for all to see. Bassher is built on the Alberga'dai delta, meaning travel via boat and ferry is often used.
  • The Asid Palace: Built by Baasher I, the palace is one of the oldest standing structures on the planet. It has since been abandoned in the wake of newer palaces, and acts as the current headquarters of the GRA, as well as the arsenal for Baasher. Despite it no longer commanding the presence of royal families, the Asid Palace still menaces over the city, a symbol of the Sultan’s power.
  • Shrine of Achmed: Built in honour of Achmed the Pious, the prophet who brought the word of Aisha to the masses, the Shrine is a religious monument. Sitting at the highest point in the city as so it receives the first rays of morning light, the Shrine receives hundreds of thousands of pilgrims a year. It is defended by a mixture of Emir Guards, and covertly stationed Knights of Aisha.
  • The Blue Palace: Built within the last century, the Blue Palace dwarfs the other palaces with its grand scale and size. Housing an entire regiment, known as the Blue Guard, along with an army of servants. In recent years, it has received defensive additions, including the establishment of bunkers, and pillboxes, which are ornately disguised as fountains and gardens. The Blue Palace sits in the conventional sense between a palace and the fortress.
  • The Janissary Fort: One of the advanced fortifications which sits on a large island, overseeing the Jaardeshi Markets. It is the Headquarters for the Janissary, and houses most of the cities Janissary garrison.

  • Tripoloai: The oldest of all Arkech’s cities, Triopolai is the second largest city outside of Baasher, and for that, holds a lot of signifigance to most Arkechi. In contrast to Baasher’s large military garrisons and presence of military headquarters, Tripolai is a centre of culture and learning.
    Aisha Gallery: Built by Sultan Ishmael II during the Dark Years, the Aisha Gallery is dedicated to the purpose of collecting the art pieces created by Arkech’s people. Is ornate halls are a magnet for tourists from across the planet, as well as sectors in the Unknown Regions and visitors from the known Galaxy.
  • The Achmedi Palace: Named after one of the few Sultan’s to locally grow up in the city, the Achmedi palace is the headquarters for the local GRA and Emir. Although many Sultan’s in the past have seen the construction of such a building as a sign of Tripolai’s dedication to Emir Council, and allowed it to be locally used, the Fahmed dynasty believes otherwise, and has forbidden any Emir from setting foot inside.
  • The Grand Museum: Created by Sultan Murad IV, also known as Murad the Wise, the last of the scientific Al-Bidi clan. The museum was one of the major investments of his time. After journeying to the Chiss homeworld, Murad wished to document Arkech’s history. And within its walls, one can find the comprehensive history of Arkech, its people, and its warriors.
  • Royal Academy: Sitting in the centre of the city, is the Royal Academy. A prestigious school which mirrors those of the Core world. It is designed to train a new generation of Arkechi in the arts of engineering, science and education. Again, created by the Murad VI, it was designed to make Arkech a planet to rival the Core, and become a centre of learning and culture. It has fallen into disrepair as of late, thanks to the anti-intellectual slant of Kattab V.
  • The Admiralty: Perhaps the only major military structure in Tripolai, is the Admiralty. A grand building, it houses the Naval Staff. It also acts as Tripolai’s armoury, and because of that, contantly has a brigade on standby. The Admiralty acts as a naval college, and works to train new recruits.

[*]Thepardi: The city of Thepardi is one that is unique to Arkech. Unlike the other cities, which have established tribal roots or a history spanning centuries, it is in fact a recent creation. Sat in the midst of the desert, it houses the work force for local miners, who dig for deposits of Rhydonium, among other types of precious starship fuel. The city houses most of the planets foreigners, who often clash with irate locals. Although the local government tried to keep control, the citizens know that the Dosuun Trading Company is the real power in the system. Armed with a small army of ex-stormtroopers and One Sith officers, the Dosuun Trading Company often steps in to fill gaps in law enforcement left wanting by local incompetence.
  • Governors Chalet: With no Emir pulling the strings, an executive of the Arkechi government, who reports solely to the Sultan is in charge. He or she commands edicts from the confines of the Chalet, which houses an administrative compound and a small garrison of Janissaries.
  • The Dosuun Trade Company HQ: One of the many mining companies to start up after the arrival of Sieger Ren, the Dosuun Trade Company is the recent owner of a majority of Arkech’s mines and fuel wells. For this, they have built a corporate tower, which they run their operations from. Thanks to the hostile nature of the local workers, the Headquarters employs their own security, procured from across the Unknown Regions, and the First Order’s Empire.
  • The Dosuun Trading Co Compound: The large fuel silos are protected by their own shueld generator. Ships regularly come and go, leading there to be heavy traffic overhead, and a constant supply of boozed up foreigners at local cantinas. A sizeable force of veteran mercenary soldiers can be found here. In fact, enough for the city to be capitulated.
  • The Devrod Desert: Surrounding Therpardi is the reason why the city was built. Rhydonium. Mined from deep within the planet, and brought out, the volatile fuel is transported to the DTC compound, where it is stored, and refined, before being dispatched across to First Order aligned systems. Derricks and mineshaft openings are a common sight, along with the highly trained security teams
  • The Kaffir District: Derogatorily known as the Kaffir District by more angry locals, the Foreigners District is a large, pristine, walled off neighbourhood. It caters for all species, and types of foreign workers. Large suburban sprawls make its inhabitants reminded of the luxury of home. Locals are barred from entry in more recent times, after brutal and often callous attacks against the families of foreign works.

  • Native Species: None.
  • Immigrated Species: Humans (73%), Chiss (21%), Other (6%)
  • Population: Moderately Populated.
  • Demographics: Arkech is a largely human dominated. Chiss do live within the larger cities, but any other species are essentially confined to the mining city of Thermadi.
  • Primary Languages: Arkechi. It’s essentially a blend of basic and the Chiss language.
  • Culture: The Arkechi are a proud people who hold the traditions of their religion and military to heart. As a culture devotion to one’s family, friends and Sultan are encouraged. The native, human Arkechi are somewhat xenophobic, and have garnered a hostile opinion of foreign species, even the Chiss who have been here for more than a few centuries. Despite their hostility, the Arkechi will welcome strangers into their home, as is customary, and do hold old traditions of hospitality to heart.
In more recent times however, the Arkechi psyche has changed. While Arkech has always welcomed traders, the younger generations are now, more than ever wanting change in the way the planets affairs are held. More than ever, is there a push for a new, freer democratic society with less conservative social norms. However, the richer, upper echelons of society wish to keep things the way they have always been, believing that a closeted hermit kingdom is what is needed. This is, ironically, despite them profiting most out of mining leases.

This change has also effected the Chiss, who have been the victims of xenophobic rhetoric despite a staggering forty percent of all Chiss on Arkech serving in military positions. This has lead for tensions, and for the more openly bigoted among them, a call for a race war.


  • Government: Absolute Monarchy
  • Affiliation: None. Although it does have ties with the Chiss Ascendency.
  • Wealth: Arkech is a highly wealthy system in the Unknown Regions, considered one of the few glimpses of Core world decadence in a region sparse of any real class or civility. The planet acts as a tourist stop, and a way station for traders, explorers and smugglers to rest and offload goods, before either transiting further into the Unknown Regions, or returning to the Core worlds. This, along with an abundance of natural resources, have allowed Arkech to flourish.
  • Stability: Medium. While the planet may be in the midst of a civil war, crushing battles have seen the reigning royalists manage to seize control of the planet, and drive most, if not all resistance cells from Arkech, and to her moons. However terrorist attacks against military targets are not uncommon. Although the war weary public has become long accustomed to them.
  • Freedom & Oppression: The Fahmed Dynasty, is a family hell-bent on retaining power. Because of that, they field an extensive military and intelligence apparatus which acts to subjugate rebellious subjects and keep sedition to a minimum. Those who speak out publicly against the Sultan can anticipate a visit by his dreaded Knights of Aisha, or to have their family and property destroyed by the Grand Royal Army.

Military: The Arkechi Royal Army is not a well equipped military. But what they lack in technology or manpower, they make up for in regards to tactical ability. The military is built into four separate tiers. All of which take care of important parts of military strategy and ability.
  • The Grand Royal Army: Despite their name, the Grand Royal Army, is not grand, nor regal in its conduct. Made up of primarily recruits, it sits as the largest part of the military. It acts as a hybrid of a police and military force. The main duties of the GRA, are the continuation of law and order, as well as the defence of Arkech’s people. There are two subdivions of the Grand Royal Army.
    The Stardidi: The Stardidi are the cavalry division of the GRA. Cavalry on Arkech can be taken literally, and often times, there are soldiers who ride beast mounts into battle. However, the Stardidi are increasingly becoming the de-facto mechanised division of the GRA, with the purchase of speeders and wakers to bolster their modern capability.
  • The Ronaghi: The Ronaghi are the desert enforcers. They are the one branch of the military considered truly trustworthy by the average citizen. Noble, often heroic, they work in the dunes of Arkech, often helping small communities and settlements locally with pest control and helping locals rebuild after the devastating sandstorms which ravage the system. The Ronaghi have, however in recent years become somewhat ostracized, with many of their number defecting to the Reformist Movement, and deserting their duties.

[*]The Royal Janissary: Above the GRA is the Royal Janissary. Although they outwardly project themselves to be the elite of the elite. They aren’t. Largely populated by those who have ascended through nepotistic means rather than through determination and merit, it is little more than a bloated bureaucracy. Officers often fake entire battalion’s existences, to ensure they receive more funding for these battalions funding. While the GRA receives most of the blame for the Janissaries corruption, they continue to misappropriate funds while spouting they are in fact the superior branch of the army. They do receive better equipment, and more advanced training than the GRA, but the average GRA infantrymen is able to outthink a Jannissary and use his equipment better than most jannissaries.
[*]The Emir Guard: The real elite forces of the Arkechi are the Emir Guard. The Emir Guard are made up of combat veterans and those physically assessed to be of the best physical and strategic knowledge. Although initially dominated by humans, the Emir Guard has, in recent times, been dominated by Chiss officers and soldiers. This change in demographics has lead to the creation of the so called “Blue Guard”, the Sultan’s personal defence force, headed by the best tacticians the Sultan has at his disposal. Although seen as a more honorary role, the Emir Guard often spearhead assaults against rebels, and their leadership can often be found training GRA recruits and mentoring junior commanders. Due to the professional nature of the Emir Guard, there has often been friction and power struggles between the Emir Guard and the Janissary.
[*]The Knights of Aisha: The Knights of Aisha are the most deadly military force on the planet. Put in charge of defending the Sultan, while simultaneously engaging in subterfuge. Their ranks are almost entirely made up of force sensetives. Taken from families from birth, the Knights of Aisha are fanatically loyal to the Sultan, and will lay down their lives in his honour and in defence of him.
Technology: Arkech is not a terribly advanced planet, technologically. While the army is well supplied with laser weaponry, the quality of its products is older. The planet holds but one armoured division, and its navy relies on older Mon Calamari designs, rather than the newer vessels produced by the corporations of the Core, and Unknown Regions. However, military ability aside, the planet still suffers from a lack of industrialisation. About one in every ten houses has a terminal, and the wonders of holographic communication are not widely spread around.

Arkech was discovered in 700BBY. The planet was initially settled by people from Onderon, seeking a new way of life, away from the troubles of their planet, and away from the burdensome taxation of the Old Republic. Arkech, was supposed to be a fee market paradise. Built on libertarian principles. However, within generations, infighting tore down the utopian society, and a primitive social order was put in place. Those with ships left the planet, leaving behind millions to fester in a primitive tribal state. Thanks to Arkech’s isolation from the rest of the Galaxy, it became something of a hermit state. One which festered and fermented conflict far from the prying eyes of the wider Galaxy, and even the Chiss Ascendency.

As Arkech fragmented into warring settlements, and independent tribes, a discernible religion began. The Church of Aisha. Started by the Prophet Achmed the Great at approximately 550BBY, the religion began to worship the sun as the blessed Aisha, the “Mother of All Creation” and Patron to all who are pious”. Achmed was a travelling merchant caravaner, who traded the lush green vegetables farmed on the coast for the rich meats hunted inland. However, during a horrendous sandstorm, he was separated from his party.

For three days, he wandered the desert. Parched from water, and with nothing but the dust covered rags on his bag. During this time, Achmed began to hear voices, the voices of a beautiful woman, who told him her name was Aisha. The woman instructed Achmed to follow the sun as it rose, and the next morning he did. For a good twelve hours he did so, before coming across an oasis.

It was there, that Achmed felt he had been beseeched by a higher power, and when he finally returned to civilisation, he spoke of the merciful Aisha. He preached that Aisha was a merciful God, and those who prayed to her glory, and name would be rewarded with gifts and power. For the peoples of Arkech, they saw this as a rallying cry. One which would help them, after generations of being trapped beneath the yoke of brutal warlords and barbarity.

The Church of Aisha was not automatically accepted across the planet. And in the early days, many of the missionaries who worked to spread Aisha's light were executed for heresy for not adhering to the more pagan religions. These martyrs sacrifice would not be forgotten. As Arkech's trade networks began to form, religious tensions increased. And over the course of a generation, Arkech's people became strictly divided between the four major religions. The Church of Aisha, Followers of Matassi, Shadasi, and finally the Darabech. There were small scale religious engagements between the four separate religions, but these insurmountably increased tensions.

Something had to give. And eventually it gave thanks to Baasher Asid. An early convert to the teachings of Achmed, a ruling warlord known as Baasher Asid rallied an alliance of pious religious followers and began a war of religion in reaction to the death of his son at the hands of Shadasi zealots. Using the Church of Aisha as a rallying cry for his revenge, Baasher's crusade saw five years of intensive religious conflict. Over five years, Baasher managed to unify the planet. Using a mixture of brutality, playing his enemies off each other and speeders, he saw all of Arkech come under the rule of two men. Himself, under the Church of Aisha, and the Followers of Matassi under Grigar Jai.

Despite the peace that prevailed, both Grigor and Baasher plotted against each other. Tensions between both parties were rife. And although they officially settled their differences, skirmishes between the two occurred. Baasher was the first to strike. And decidedly crushed Grigar Jai within a matter of years.

After ten years of peace, the bloc of cities, who had followed Matassi descended into civil war. A war Baasher capitalised on to fully unify Arkech. Crushed, those who were not already pressured into worshiping Aisha, were forcefully converted to the Church. With this final victory, Basasher became Baasher the First, first Sultan of Arkech.

In his honour, grand city of Baasher was built on the Maradev Delta. The originally housed approximately ten thousand denizens, but within four generations of its establishment, it saw its population increase to just under a million. Baasher the Firsts’ rule, despite his turbulent rise to power, was largely peaceful. He oversaw the establishment of a bureaucracy which spanned planet wide and the construction of great monuments and defences.

However, despite the grand accomplishments of Baasher the First, his son’s would languish while in control. Baasher II, Mustafa I, Grigor I-II were all decadent Sultans. They did not accomplish nearly as much as their father and forefather had in his thirty years of power. Although they did see to the implementation and codification of a legal system, the Asid Dynasty was largely concerned with power consolidation, and it would be the reign of Grigor the Second, or Grigor the “Weaker”, which would see to the end of human domination for nearly sixty years.

In 460BBY, the Chiss Ascendency discovered Arkech, and the inhabitants there. Although the Chiss initially attempted to peacefully pursue diplomatic relations with the Arkechi, this was bluntly rebuffed by Grigor the Second, who, in an attempt to appeal to the martial legacy of his great grandfather, pursued a war against the Chiss, believing that this was their entire force.

He was wrong. Dead wrong. The Chiss returned, in greater number, and within days of arriving, their commander, general Mur’gwan’ordu had managed to systematically cause the collapse of the Arkechi government, and the end of the Asid Dynasty. Arkech, for sixty years became a Chiss client state. The Chiss used the natural resources and manpower offered by the Arkechi to expand their own burgeoning empire.

Despite the often benevolent and noble nature of the Chiss, those assigned to govern the planet were often cruel, and corrupt leaders. For sixty years the Arkehchi were subjugated. Had their religious monuments torn down, and were subject to ridicule. There were many smaller uprisings. Many attempts to shatter the chains of their oppression. But they didn’t work, until the Emiri Rebellion.

While the Chiss had naturally supplanted the Arkechi way of governance, in favour of their own autocratic and more efficient form of governance. Despite this, the old tribal roots which had formed in Arkechi society prevailed. The various cities across the planet, along with the oasis and rural settlements, all held an Emir. An elected tribal official.

From 403 BBY to 400 BBY, the Emir’s of the city of Baasher, Al-Durani and Tripolai covertly began to organise an uprising against the Chiss. In 399 BBY, the Emir’s struck, and began to fight against the Chiss on a scale as yet unprecedented. After six days of heavy fighting, the Ascendencies forces were routed from the trio of cities. This was followed by further settlements also revolting. And while the Chiss for a time were able to suppress the revolutionaries, it was all too much to handle.

Chiss marshal, Hurra’gart’oridi, the butcher in charge of Arkechi, and brutal tyrant, was recalled to Csilla. The evidence of his and the other regime’s corruption was on show for all, and he was later executed for his crimes against sentient kind. The Chiss ended their occupation, but many on the frozen Chiss capitol felt somewhat cheated, and embittered by the loss. How was it that the Chiss had lost such valuable infrastructure to a technologically inferior foe?

Armed with Chiss military assets, left behind in their defeat, the Emir’s all decided to join under the rule of a newly anointed Sultan, Achmud the First, or more colloquially known as Achmud the Liberator. Achmud was the Emir of Tripolai, and personally lead his men to victory on the front, and now, with the Chiss stunned, began to use the Chiss’ spacefaring knowledge or his own.

When the Chiss did return, with their fleet, they were caught out and surprised that the Arkechi had in fact learned so quickly to use the spacecraft they had left behind. The arrogant and vengeful Chiss officers who had returned to glass the planet, were overwhelmed, and soundly defeated. Their vessels impacted on the arid, lifeless moon of Petra.

With the routing of the Chiss, the Arkechi finally had the independence of state that they wanted. Achmud the First was installed as Sultan, and his early reign was somewhat fractured, when compared to the previous rulers of the planet. The Sultan did not wield the absolute power many of his predecessors had. Achmd had neither the political capital to take the reigns from the Emir’s who had risen up and now taken power in their respective cities.

Although he had the support of many as a unifying figurehead, Achmud’s rule relied on the vote of confidence and trust placed in him by his subordinates. Because of that, Achmud’s rule was one of consensus building. One which saw the establishment of the Emir Council as a governing entity. It acted conventionally as a cabinet of ministers, and simultaneously a representative body, with an Emir from each city or region acting as a representative. One who would, in theory take the concerns of their regions and present them to the Council.

The Emir Council saw two separate hierarchies established by its members. Those who came from the larger cities and settlements saw the larger portfolios such as Treasurer, Religious Affairs and Justice. The other smaller areas of responsibility, such as Culture, Trade and Health were overseen by Emirs from smaller cities. Initially, the Defence ministry was overseen personally by the Sultan himself, however this was later done away with by Achmud’s descendants.

Achmud’s rule ended when he died of stroke, several years after taking power in 391BBY. His son, Kattab the First took over after him, and although he started out as a strong leader, who worked on his fathers reforms, soon became too wrapped up in siring bastards with his servants. Kattab was covertly murdered by his younger brother and son, Fahad and Murad. The duo poisoned the Sultan, making him retire to his bed, where they then smothered him.

Murad the First then in turn murdered his uncle that week in a similar manner to ensure the throne was his. Murad is regarded in Arkechi culture as a divisive figure. The murder of his relatives stood against the patriarchal nature of Arkechi culture, though the changes he made to the nation were arguably for the best in the long run. Murad the First was by no doubt a sociopath. He often enjoyed toying with his Emir’s, playing them off each other, rather than unifying them as his grandfather had. The Sultan also took sadistic pleasure in executing heretics, instilling new punishments for heresy, that included crucifixion, burnings and beheadings. To ensure that the Church of Aisha was being followed, according to his specifications, Murad saw to the establishment of the Aisha Guard, precursor to the Knights of Aisha.

Although he was often manipulative and brutal, Murad the First also implemented the creation of new courts.. At the time these were an extension of his will, but after his death became important venues of mediation and reconciliation between landowners. His progressive taxation regime, which saw the disproportionate burden placed on the rich, made sure that Arkech’s coffers were filled. However, Murad I’s legacy truly laid in the moon of Vestras. Towards the end of his forty year reign, Murad I saw to the colonisation of the temperate moon of Vestras.

The capitol of the planet was named Kattaff, after his families name, and although it was considered by the Emir Council to be a useless and fruitless exercise. One performed in order to, at least in the minds of the Emir at the time, that Baasher III had a legacy of some sort. They were wrong, it was a success. Kattaff within three years became fully self-sufficient. The colony was such a success, that Murad I in fact visited it, the year before his death in 341 BBY.

Murad I was found dead in his private quarters, dead. For a while it was considered to be an act of murder, however, no culprit came forth. With the death of Murad I, saw the end of the Kattaff dynasty. Relieved that the manipulative tyrant was gone, the Emir Council quickly elected a regent, who later seized power anyways, Herod.

Herod’s Achmadi dynasty held power for five successive generations, with those Sultans being Herod I, Kattab II, Baasher IV, Herod II and Herod III. However, none of them would be of any real importance. They were largely religiously oriented. They built temples, and constructed infrastructure, which modernised the desert interior of the planet. It wouldn’t be until the Ssi-Ruuk invasions of 190 BBY when there would be a change in leadership.

Sultan Herod III, the ineffective, and believed inbred son of Herod II was a weak, and feeble minded ruler. When the Ssi-Ruuk threatened to invade Arkech, thanks to a warning received by refugees fleeing the Lhweck cluster, the Emir Council staged a Coup out of fear. Without any clear successor, the Council installed the Royal Army’s Chief of Staff, Achmed Durani.

Durani saw to the establishment of defences across all the moons, and the modernisation of the army in a matter of months. Within weeks, Durani established an elite branch of the military, the Janissary, designed to act as a professional force to push through the thrusts and opportunities created by shock units. Durani consistently advocated for an aggressive defence, and when the Ssi-Ruuk did arrive, they were greeted by a strong defence. Although their drones delivered accurate ground-support, the aggressive use of the Janissary meant that a foot hold on either of Arkech’s moon was an impossibility.

The Chiss returned to Arkech, this time to drive away the remnants of their forces. Although initially hesitant, Sultan Achmed signed an agreement with the returning conquerors. A non-aggression pact, and trade deals. He saw the Chiss in the same way Ma’thrawn’oodo would later see the Galactic Empire. As a shield against the insidious horrors of the Ssi-Ruuk and later the Yuzahn Vong.

Achmed I, once the army was fully modernised with advanced doctrines and weapons, but rather continued. He saw to the establishment of the Ronahgi, as a localised police force. Set to defend rural settlements against the banditry and criminal elements which had begun to persist under the rule of the Achmadi dynasty. Achmed I died two decades later, with a kingdom soundly under his control. His rule would be the last for nearly five centuries to end in conflict.

From 60BBY to 450ABY there was peace. Although there would be no public squabbles, Arkech continued to operate as it always had. With the Emir’s plotting against each other, the Sultan’s relatives plotting against each other. It was a vicious game of thrones. As the centuries came by, Arkech became something of a trading post. First the first First Order used it as a base of operations to deploy fleets, and repair their craft. Their presence was tolerated, simply by virtue of the Emir Council and ruling Sultan, Murad II, not wishing to expose his people to their violence. However, after their collapse, things changed.

With the Unknown Regions now free of a large, and capable, despotic regime, Arkech became a trading post. Despite the somewhat backwards and archaic religious beliefs held by its populace, the system was considered ideal for trade. Smugglers from the Outer Rim would often arrive to the planet, and lay low there. Or trading convoys from the Core worlds would stop on the planet to offload goods before pushing further afield.

It was a civilised gem in a region of the Galaxy fraught with dangers, such as the Yuzahn Vong, the Ssi-Ruuk and even the Chiss. Soon enough, after a split within the Ascendency, Arkech became home to an estimated ten million at the time. Despite some frictions, Arkech welcomed the Chiss, and soon enough, it was blessed with their architecture and more importantly, militant minds. Chiss came to dominant the higher ranks of the GRA, although the bloated Janissary would be resolved for solely human combatants.

The Gulag Plague however marked a down turn in Arkechi society. The current Sultan at the time, Herod VI, was on an official visit to Csilla, perished. With the Galaxy seemingly regressing back to a state of feudalism, Arkech did as well. With no Sultan, the Emir Council elected Baasheri Emir, Hussein Fahmed dynasty. For eight hundred years, the Fahmed dynasty ruled.

Their rulers were largely conservative, religious theologians who were hellbent on retaining their power, and that of Arkech as a power in the Unknown Regions. However, as the darkness faded, and civilisation and the interstellar space travel the Galaxy had been accustomed to, returned, Arkech returned to traders maps as a planet to trade upon.

Arkech flourished in this new Galaxy, thanks to Fahmed’s and their conservative policy. As exploration returned, and the grand educational institutes of the Core worlds opened, giving young students the chance to met the finest scholars of culture, economics, military strategy and art. Sultan Baasher VII, had two sons, Crown Prince Armuad, and Prince Kattab.

Wishing to give the Crown Prince the education, he felt he deserved, and sent him to the prestigious Venderie Academy on Coruscant. Prince Armuad was gone for quite some years, and during his absence, Baasher VII felt that it would perhaps be Kattab who would inherit his throne, as the younger prince was a dedicated theologian and was moulded into the image of his father.

However, the Sultan would never have to choose for his sons. As h promptly vanished during the Netherworld event. The event sent Arkech into chaos, and in the immediate aftermath, Kattab was put in charge as regent. Amuad was recalled from Coruscant almost immediately, and within two weeks, Kattab was forced t surrender his new found power.

While in the Core worlds, Armuad had somewhat changed his views. Rather than the stern, religious conservative his father had known, his views had evolved, and he had become something of a liberal. He believed the autocratic monarchy of Arkechi society needed to go, and despite the protests of many in the upper echelons of the military, and the Church of Aisha, Armuad began to reform the government.

The Royal Janissary have Armuad five months to see how far he would progress, and within three they were startled at the progress he had made. Many conservative Emir’s feared that Baasher VII’s autocracy, which he has strengthened, was at risk. And rather than having some young upstart come in and destroy the legacy, they opted for a coups.

Planned to execute Armuad, the plotters failed in their clinical objective to do so. Those sympathetic to the Sultan assisted his escape from the Blue Palace. Kattab assumed the throne as the fifth of his name, and with the support of the Emir Council, immediately set about tearing down the democratic reforms championed by his brother.

In exile in the desert provinces, Amuad rallied his followers, and a civil war ensured between the royalists and the republicans. Many units of the GRA defected, and for the first ten years, it was a brutal affair. One which saw deep sectarian divides split the planet apart. Kattab rallied behind a mixture of religious fervour and fear to rally his troops, while Armuad spoke of hope, change and optimism.

The civil war practically ended after its twelfth year, with Armuad’s last conventional military force being routed by Chiss Brigadier, Charm’all’torda. The defeat saw Armuad go into hiding. Since then, despite asserting control over the planet, Kattab V has been a deeply unpopular figure.

Despite the censorship mandated by the government, Akrech’s reliance on foreigners for trade and investment has lead to the flow of information continuing. While the Sultan may claim absolute authority with his secret police, and large army, his rule is week the further inland one gets. Roving bands of brigands still terrorise the towns, with many Rohingi either too green or dissatisfied with the regime to help.

The rise of the First Order, and the increase in interest around the Unknown Regions as a source of income has seen local mining businesses bought up by corporate interests such as the Dosuun Trading Company. The Dosuun Company in particular wields near absolute power within the confines of cities like Theopardi, where most, if not all of Arkech’s wealth lay. Their ways are wicked, and with an increasingly fractured nation, where even the most patriotic are beginning to wane their support, action must be taken.

But the Sultans problems don’t lie solely at the feet of marauding miners. The court and military staff provide a multitude of enemies. Many of the younger Emir’s privately despise him. The youth hate him and wish for a new democracy and the Chiss dominated military staff find his often bigoted opinions and the political assassinations he performs unnecessary and polarising.

The system now sits on the precipice of exploding back into civil war. It is only a matter of time now. But the question then becomes, who will reign over this gem of the Unknown Regions.


Well-Known Member

See the Codex rules:
9. Earth crossovers should be avoided as part of the subject matter in Codex submissions and are grounds for edits or denial. If you are unsure what constitutes as "crossover" please ask the Codex staff for clarification.

You've got serious ottoman/turkish parallels going on here, to the point where it's not so much a nod as it is a ripoff. You even use real world names (i.e. Mecca, Sinai, Janissaries, etc.). Please reduce the level of similarity and change the names, then we'll move on with the judgment.

I edited Sinai out. Wasn't able to find Mecca in my submission. Unless you're referring to the Temple of Achmed.

While I agree perhaps the use of Sinai was a bit much, I think to ask for the expunging of Janissary is invalid. It's a Middle-Eastern word, sure. And the Middle-East has been a definite influence in creating this world. But the word been used on Chaos before. And the use of historical military names has not been an issue in the factory, or even in the codex before, as seen here with the word janissary. Also here with hussars, another historical unit and here with cruissairs. The term jaissary is used extensively, regarding the lore of the Tygaran Alliance.

As for the similarities, I'd like a little more guidance on that, if you don't mind. What sort of edits would you like?


Well-Known Member

Robogeber said:
From 403 BBY to 400 BBY, the Emir’s of the city of Baasher, Mekka and Tripolai

Robogeber said:
In his honour, grand city of Baasher was built on the Sinai Delta.
  • Still there.

For the Janissaries, it's more a matter of context here as opposed to the linked examples, where it's just a free-floating term. So long as you're not actually making them exactly like the Ottoman Janissaries, I'm fine with you keeping the term.

Let's put it this way – drawing heavy parallels to the Middle East and Ottoman empire puts this sub on thin ice for obvious Islam-related reasons. While you don't describe the main religion to be super similar, there's the whole "OG prophet" shtick, the Temples, brutal conquest & subsequent religious unification of the planet, etc. I understand trying to pay homage to an interesting Earth culture, but this particular case is tricky and potentially rife with issues. For this reason, I'd like you to reduce the similarities to the absolute minimum.
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