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Aristomache "Mach" Mothma

Aristomache Mothma

Embrace the Force, and then kark with it.

A Vignette: There were once two guards who approached Mach the Mad, who even at an early age was known for her wisdom. Under the employ of a wealthy Kel Dor smuggler, they were tasked with bringing her back to either be the mob boss's wife, or as his slave.

Mach: They say Boros (the Kel Dor) keeps the teeth of a Krayt Dragon he killed years ago. People say it's as big as a small child. Is this true?

Guard: It is. Our boss is a man of means, Mach.

Mach: Do you think the dragon would have preferred to remain wallowing in the sands or dead in a smuggler's living room?

Guard: Alive and in the dust, of course.

Mach: Likewise. I choose the dust. Good bye.
"You folk don't know what power a knapsack holds.
Food to get by, and freedom from care."






Born into a wealthy family on Chandrila with a historically rich surname to boot, it seemed as if the galaxy was Aristomache Mothma's oyster. Her childhood was spent around the company of private tutors, other metropolitan socialites from the core worlds and in the presence of some of the galaxy's richest executives and their families. Everyone thought she would go on to pursue a career as a critically acclaimed artists and celebrity, but the Force had other plans.


("I learned about art, music, literature, history, but that wasn't what I needed.")

Aristomache Mothma, nicknamed "Mach" by her friends and family, began her remarkable story as the only daughter of an extremely rich business executive on the planet Chandrila - a core world with a rich history, and its fair share of heroes to boot. The owner of a company that manufactured moisture vaporators that were shipped to the Outer Rim worlds, he doted on his daughter heavily, ensuring that she got the best education from private teachers, and as she grew up and a love for devouring books became evident, access to all the material and literature she could get. As a child, Mach was already an eccentric - she was plagued constantly by nightmares, and suffered from bouts of anxiety and depression. The raw emotion soon found an outlet however, as soon her penchant for performing and putting on a show, making the most of her natural talents for singing and dancing, and her undeniably attractive features.


("They say you have to lose yourself in it - at least that's what they preach.")

And yet, the spotlight was to be hers only for an ephemeral time. It didn't take long before the fabulous life of decadence, spice, fine spirits, death sticks, gambling and being paired with the sons of politicians, businessmen and high ranking military and law enforcement officers disillusioned her. The depressive episodes increased in regularity, and her anxiety worsened - by age 19, she had discovered she was a Force Sensitive, and at around the same time, she ran away - leaving the lifestyle of the rich and the famous behind her in search of something more.


("I can't do this anymore.")

As destiny would have it, the Kel Dor monks of the Baran Do tradition would take Mach in, acknowledging almost instantly the extraordinarily high Midichlorian count in her blood sample, let alone the disturbance in the Force that was felt in her presence. By then, she'd been a homeless drifter for an entire year, having learned to live on next to nothing and only after she'd eradicated every vain craving she had for luxury or creature comfort. A few solar cycles in with the Baran Do monks, and Mach had been initiated into the practice of Hassat-durr. It turned out that the child had a spiritual bent in her, and her Force Sensitivity had been unleashed and optimized by the art's lifelong pursuit of self-discipline, and self-discovery. Techniques such as Ayna-seff and Tapas seemed to come naturally to her, and meditation would become the core of her practice. It was as if her previous life of decadence and vainglory had set just the right precedent for someone who'd become jaded with civilization, and always yearned for liberation. The once wildcard bombshell of a woman had turned into an austere mystic, whose Force Sensitivity and inclination to philosophy made her a force of nature unto herself.

Soon enough she left the Kel Dor, who were contented as well with having sent off one of their very few non-Kel Dor apprentices away into the world to represent them. Mach left the Baran Do temple on Dorin a proficient Force User, and a philanthropic preacher vehemently opposed to tyranny, hierarchy and what she perceived to be the "decadence of civilization". It seemed that she would spend the rest of her days as a mouthpiece for the Baran Do tradition, but it didn't stop there.

Over time, she would come to formulate a philosophy of her own, and develop an entirely original practice of her own. After renouncing conflict, superstition and material possessions, she threw away even her Baran Do robes, substituting the prestigious garments for a rough wool cloak, a walking stick, a napsack with barely any essentials, a comb and a firebrand charisma that denounced societal conformism, defaced culture and popularly held opinion alike, and preached complete independence and a life patterned around the natural processes evident in the universe - as decreed by the Force. She returned to being a drifter, except this time by choice. She looked unkempt at most times; her attractiveness contrasted heavily against her radical new lifestyle. She begged, foraged or hunted for her food, but could be just as content scouring through refuse litter or contenting herself with the secondhand extracts from public bathhouses and parlors. All throughout she proclaimed herself to be the wealthiest person alive, for everything she could ever need and desire could be easily attained, and as conveniently at-hand as looking through the nearest disposal bin. It was a hard, spartan life, but eventually it drew admirers and sympathizers from around the core worlds.


Mach also regularly trained, in addition to her minimalist, maintenance-based diet. She would go for long walks, hunt her own food when in the wilderness, embrace statues in the rain and snow, or roll around in hot sand on sunny days - absurd as they were, these absurdities and extreme ascetic practices kept her remarkably healthy, tough, lean and strong for her size. Those who were wise enough to see past the eccentric, and quite frankly mad behavior, understood exactly what Mach had become - invincible. There was nothing one could take from her, and her arrogance proceeded from the fact that she laid claim to nothing besides her own faculties of judgement and reason, and would be just as willing to give up her life if faced with the prospect of having to give even that up. "Did I ever tell you I was immortal, or that my head couldn't be lopped off?", she famously asked a guard who threatened to kill her after she'd badgered his employer while walking on the streets of Chandrila.

Just a few years after running away, the soft, spoiled princess had turned into a fringe lunatic philosopher, an accomplished Baran Do tradition Force User, a wandering drifter with a philosophical bent, and one of the most agreeable and lovable characters there was to the people - ironically. Her simplicity, rejection of all ostentatious-ness, satirical wit and simple lifestyle were refreshing, and on several occasions she denounced both Jedi and Sith alike, both Republicans and Imperials - the latter for their childlike delusions of grandeur, and the former for their insufferable pretentiousness and their holier-than-thou arrogance.



She's often seen looking rather scruffy and unkempt, usually after not bathing for a day or two. She walks barefoot, wears nothing but a rough cloak she can fold over twice in cold weather or when going to sleep and in need of a pillow, carries a small knapsack with a few seeds, dried berries or leaves inside for food, and a walking stick - presumably for self-defense. She's a charmer to everyone she crosses, and one of the most agreeable and eccentric characters anyone could ever have the pleasure of meeting and speaking to.


+ Philanthropic: Mach preaches, and she does so in several ways - almost all are entertaining and novel, and equally offensive as to be able to draw attention and get her point across.

+ Witty: She has a sharp tongue and wit, and her humorous gaffs, comebacks and denouncements are often enough for her to get by - preaching her philosophy,

+ Bold: She's also shameless, and will go to extreme lengths to push her agenda of promoting the rejection of cultural decorum, and all conventionally held societal values. She's charismatic, outspoken and defiant.

+ Critical: As expected of one who has renounced material possessions and claims to property, Mach is an incredibly perceptive individual. Her philosophy essentially promotes "embracing the galaxy, and then karking with it."

- Radical Eccentric: Her eccentricity means though that she's also aloof from the crowds, and she often comes across as mad and delirious as she is witty and transcendent.

- Homeless: She owns nothing, save her walking stick and her cloak. She possesses no financial capabilities to pursue anything other than occasionally buying herself little items with credits she gets from begging, badgering or scavenging.

- Force User Gone Mad: While a Force User, Mach subscribes to no other code of conduct than her own. Other Force Users may be repulsed by this rebellious Cynicism, which seeks to deface even the coinage (customs and traditions) of standing Force-Using institutions and organizations.

- Renunciate: Mach has renounced virtually everything, save for what is necessary for the maintenance of a bare, minimalist existence.This has allowed her to develop a distinct moral boldness, and a firebrand attitude towards the rejection of all institutions, organizations, social constructs and societal values.


1. Hassat-Durr (Family of Techniques under the Baran Do Tradition.)

a. Ayna-Seff (Telekinesis)

2. Light Side Abilities


3. Dark Side Abilities


4. Sith Magic


5. Other Force Abilities

a. Tapas
b. Waveform
c. Taming Beasts

6. Dathomirian Magic



1x Rough, Worn-Out Cloak
1x Walking Stick
1x Comb

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