Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Aris


"No matter what, we're in this together." Kahlil nodded mater of factly before just laughing and moving to instead tickle her in turn. He wasn't ticklish. But he certainly knew she was. "Now stop trying to tickle me, jeeze."


"At the.. Temple? What temple are you talking about?" That wasn't something he was taught in the slightest. Jedi, Sith, he didn't learn those concepts. Kahlil had wanted him to live free of such things, after all, when he got a new body. Freedom. So, naturally, Aris had no idea.

"Should I be training?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Noble Home
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Good, you know I love to hear- H-HEY!" Valery squealed when he tickled her back, and spasmed a little in his arms because of it. She was, sadly, very ticklish, so even just his finger poking into her side was enough to make her squirm. "Even the death star had a weakness, and I just have to find yours," Valery said, snickering as she tried her best to grab his finger and hold it in place, just to keep him from tickling her.

"Maybe..." she tried both sides at the same time now, grinning from ear to ear.



Vera blinked as just her mother's yell reached them and giggled, "Mommy is in trouble again," she commented idly before turning to Aris. Right, he hadn't ever seen the temple, so it made sense that he didn't know. To show him, Vera pointed at a big posted on her door that had a view of Coruscant, but it focused on the Jedi Temple.

"That's where the Jedi train and talk to each other, and plan their missions! Mommy and Daddy are Jedi, so they use their powers to help other people everywhere in the Galaxy!" She nodded and looked at him with a grin.

"Only if you want to. We train to use our powers to help, and to be in control. But nobody is forced to be a Jedi."



He just raised a brow as he watched her once she'd stopped him. Then grinned.

"I told you, not ticklish."

Which meant it was time for her to face his wraith completely. He wouldn't stop, not until she cave up completely. This was her end now!


Eh? Trouble?

Aris tilted his head with concern before just nodding slowly as if it was okay. Clearly Vera though it was, soo why wouldn't he think the same? Instead, he hummed in thought. So he didnt' have to be a Jedi, but Jedi were the ones who helped people?

"I like the idea of helping people. .. How do I become a Jedi, then?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Noble Home
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Oh dear.

"N-no, no!" Valery screamed, her voice octaves higher than usual when he pulled his fingers free and continued the tickling onslaught. She had no defense against it, and before she knew it, Valery was on her back on the couch, squirming and laughing uncontrollably, with occasional pleas for mercy.

But he gave her none.

In an attempt to turn the tide, Valery suddenly moved to dive right on top of him, hoping to pin him down on the couch and get on top, so she could hold his hands down against the couch. Maybe that'd stop him!

"It's okay, Daddy is just tickling Mommy because she likes to pick fights she can't win," Vera said with a big nod. "Not real fights, but fun fights." She wasn't quite sure how to explain it, but he didn't seem worried anymore, so she figured it was okay. Best to get used to it now, because her mother was awfully persisent when it came to challenging dad.

Then he asked about becoming a Jedi, and Vera grinned wide.

"You could tell mom and dad! They are on the Council, so they are the most important Jedi in the whooole Galaxy." She gave another big nod and smiled. "Then you will be an Initiate like me, and when we're old enough, we'll be Padawans!"



"No no, you're not even getting a chance to struggle."

Merciless and overwhelming. Kahlil just grinned as he shifted to instead keep Valery pinned against the couch to continue tickling her. She wasn't going to win in the slightest. He was going to make sure she had no fight left in her when he was finished with his flawless victory.


"So it'd be easy to become a Jedi?"

Aris nodded slowly. It made sense, rising through the ranks anyway, but it felt kind of weird that all he had to do was talk to their parents and he'd be a Jedi. He frowned as he sat where he was, arms crossed over his chest. Thoughts pondering.

"That feels weird. There must be something else to it. I don't like the idea of a shortcut."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Noble Home
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"No, please!" Valery laughed uncontrollably, as she laid on her back and rolled from side to side between his arms on the couch. He was towering over her, keeping her pinned down and tickling her all at the same time, and there wasn't anything she could do to stop it anymore. "Have mercy!" She continued, now crying with laughter.

She wouldn't last very long.

In no time at all, Valery was on her back, her forehead covered in sweat and her chest heaving from all the laughing, rolling and squirming he had put her through. But the grin on her face never faded, while she looked him in the eyes.

"I love you so much," she said with a chuckle.

Vera shook her head, "There's a difference between choosing to become a Jedi, and being a Jedi. If you want to become one, you will have to tell mommy and daddy, but that doesn't mean you'll be a Jedi already. The training, the learning and the helping people is what makes you Jedi, and that's the hard part."

"There are no shortcuts for that."
She paused for a moment and blinked.

"I think Mommy lost. Maybe she needs reinforcements?" Vera asked with a big grin. Surely, her father couldn't beat all three of them at the same time, right?



Oh. There were no shortcuts. His expression didn't betray it, but inwardly he was relieved. The last thing Aris wanted was to be given something he hadn't earned. What a weird thought. He paused in his inward reflection before smiling, just a little. Already they were rubbing off on him, weren't they?

Mostly. He blinked in surprise at what Vera said next, head tilting to the side.

"How would we even help?"


"Oh I love you too, but don't think that means mercy."

Kahlil was all grins at this point, and he still hadn't let up. Well he did, some, but he renewed it with that much more intensity to make up for what he'd been slacking in during his totally not distracted moment of meeting her gaze.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Noble Home
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Vera didn't see anything change in his expression at first, but the moment he began to smile, she knew that he understood. It was going to be a difficult journey to become a Jedi, as it had been for Vera already, but that's how he wanted it to be. With this life, shortcuts only meant trouble later. They had to really be ready for everything, so no easy paths to get through training or tests. Mom and Dad were very strict with not giving them an easier time.

"Just follow my lead," Vera then told him as she got up, opened her door and briefly peaked into the hallway. She could hear a brief moment of silence but...

"Oh I love you too, but don't think that means mercy."

Valery was smiling brightly at the first part of his sentence, but blinked when he said but. "N-no wait, I- NO!" She had hoped he would get lost in her eyes, the way he had in the past, but he had gotten stronger. More resilient to her beauty, or perhaps just more excited about teasing and messing with her. Either way, he continued his assault again, and with a face like a tomato, Valery was rolling around screaming again.

Unable to get away.

"We need to give mommy a chance to escape. This way!" Vera giggled, sprinted down the hallway and approached her father from behind. She then jumped on the couch and used its springs to bounce up and onto his back, where her arms quickly wrapped around his neck from behind. "Get him, Aris!" Vera yelled while she tried to pull him off, but dad was far too strong. So instead, she ruffled his hair and tried to obscure his vision.

Valery died from laughter.



Kahlil blinked in surprise as Vera made her move. Then, grinned. Rather than stop tickling Valery, he reached up with one hand to pluck Vera from around his neck, and started tickling her too. "There is no escape, you both will now suffer my wrath!"

Aris, though, just stood and watched. He blinked, more surprised by the sight than anything else. And yet, after a short while, he smiled. He still didn't join, but he was already feeling more and more like this was, indeed, his family.

Noble Home
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"No, Vera! Run!" Valery tried but it was already too late. Kahlil snatched her and kept Vera close to her mother on the couch, while he relentlessly tickled them both. Vera was as ticklish as her mother too, so she couldn't stop giggling and together with mom, they were ultimately defeated. By the time Kahlil decided to give them a break, Valery was flat on her back, chest heaving and her face entirely red from all the laughing.

Vera was a little better off, but giggled while she rolled off the couch and turned to Aris. He had been standing there, watching for a bit, so she wanted him to not feel left out. So, she stood up, walked over and just pulled him into a hug. "We like to laugh and be silly," she told him as she pulled back a moment later.

"I can't wait to play more with you too!"

Valery turned her head to the side to look at the two kiddos with a smile, before glancing back up at Kahlil, "You've... got... to... make up... for that later," she said between heavy breaths. Valery then tried to sit up, and messed around with her hair to fix it a little again, but she was still grinning all the same.

"You two tired? Or want to play a little more before bed?"



Aris blinked in surprise yet again as he was pulled into a hug, but he didn't hesitate to return the hug shortly after he realized what it was. Yeah, he could come to love this family.

Kahlil snickered though, glancing down to Valery with a wide grin before he reached down to ruffle her hair and make a mess of it again. "I'll make up for it, sure. But I do think it's time for bed, you two. C'mon."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Noble Home
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble


Valery squinted at him for messing up her beautiful hair, but decided to just leave it be for now. It was going to get a lot messier than this within the hour anyway. Wait... was that why he wanted the kids to bed already? Valery looked at him with a smirk, before glancing at the kids.

Vera looked like she was going to protest against it for a moment, but then thought about it. If her new brother was sleeping in her room, they could chat and maybe share some stories before actually sleeping. Then, in the morning and for many days to come, they'd be able to have a lot more fun!

"Mkay!" She called out, before grabbing Aris' hand to pull him along. "We'll brush our teeth first, and then get ready for sleep!" she said, leaving her parents alone in the living room. Valery slowly turned to him, tucked some hair behind her ear, and just stared at him for a moment.

"Our lives never get dull, huh?"



"There's no chance of it."

Kahlil smirked, glancing to Valery once the kids were off to go and brush their teeth. It was good they at least kept up on that. Though, there were different plans now for the adults.



Aris blinked as he was pulled along, but smiled just a little in the process.


Valery Noble Valery Noble

Noble Home
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

While the kids got themselves to bed, Valery looked at her husband with eyes that said more than enough. She stood up, took his hand, and walked over to their own bedroom. It'd have to be a quiet night, somehow, but there was too much emotion inside of her now, to not enjoy her time alone with him.

After a rather eventful night, Valery had gotten up early to prepare breakfast for everybody. Bacon and eggs, not just because it tasted good, but also because she wanted the family to be ready. Vera was going to continue some of her training with her dad in the morning, so she figured that Aris could join her for some.

Within the little training room at their house, Valery stretched and groaned. She was still walking a bit weird from last night, and definitely a tad sore, but she was ready to show her son what it was like to train.

"Alright, sweetie. Vera and dad are going to work on her lightsaber skills, so I thought it'd be fun if we did some training too. I usually go through my routine in the morning if I'm not helping Vera, but... let's do something that helps you, okay? Have you ever really felt the Force before?"



Aris sleepily sipped at a morning cup of OJ as he followed along with Valery, glancing around in the process. He was up later than he thought. Turned out falling asleep after being asleep for so long was difficult. And he liked talking to Vera. Well, more he liked listening to Vera talk and occasionally offered his own insights on what she was currently speaking of. So he was tired. Not crazily so, but still.

He nodded after a moment, taking another sip.

"I do, yes. I can feel.. Warnings, sometimes. When Vera threw a pillow at me I could tell it was going to happen and reacted accordingly."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Noble Home
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

He looked... tired.

Maybe he had trouble adjusting to sleeping in a real bed, in a new- Nope, it had to be Vera. She had been so eager to have him sleep in her room, and Valery just knew what that meant. Relentless rambling from their little star, and poor Aris was her target for this first night at the Noble household. While she wasn't going to say anything about it yet, Valery did make a mental note in case it became too much on him.

She wasn't sure how good he was at telling Vera no just yet.

"Danger sense is a very common ability, but very useful," Valery said with a nod of her head. "But a lot of what come early to us are abilities we use on instinct, or when we really need them. As Jedi, or as any Force-sensitive really should, we try to work on controlling it. That way, we can use the Force when we need it, but also limit ourselves to prevent things from happening that we don't want to happen."

"One way to start practicing that is Telekinesis, or even something like Force Speed. With one, you'll learn to control the Force to lift up some rocks or weights, while the other is more about controlling your body, and it lets you be very fast."
She chuckled and glanced at her son to see what'd interest him more.

There was no reason to not make this first lesson fun, right?



"You can.. Lifts things? With your mind?"

He was busy with another sip, but the realization there brought a sparkle to his eye on just what she was saying. He hadn't felt an ability like that at all, but the fact that he could made him all sorts of excited to figure that out.


Valery Noble Valery Noble

Noble Home
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

She saw that sparkle.

"Put down the orange juice for a moment, and I'll show you," Valery tried with a smirk. But whether or not he did, she raised a hand and all around him, weights and other training materials began to float. Was she just showing off to her son to make herself look like the coolest mom in the Galaxy?


"The Force flows through everything and everybody, so as long as we can reach out and connect, we can manipulate its currents to do a lot of things. This all starts with the mind, and bringing it in tune with the Force. So try to close your eyes, and focus on your breathing first. Get yourself to be calm, and try to feel what's around you, even if you can't see it."

"Then, reach out, and let that feeling guide what you want to do. Move one of these weights, or lift up a training lightsaber. Whatever you can picture in your head."



Aris carefully set down his OJ as requested before watching in silent wonderment. She really was lifting everything up around them. No wires, no tricks. His expression remained calm as ever, but there was no hiding the sparkle in his eyes.

Then, he sat down. Immediately tried to follow her directions. It was ultimately pointless, though. Aris would never be capable of using the Force externally at any point in his life. Not that he didn't go about trying to while he sat there. Nothing came, nothing lifted, but boy did he try his best regardless. He wanted to be even half as cool as his mom, after all.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Noble Home
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

She really felt like the coolest mom in the Galaxy after seeing him watch her lift everything around her. It even made him want to try hard himself, so as he sat down, she watched closely. Basic telekinesis wasn't the most difficult, but when he started tapping into the Force... Valery felt nothing.

Suddenly, her heart felt so heavy.

To see him sit there, trying so hard to make the stuff around him even just nudge a little... it was so hard. Slowly, Valery sat down in front of him and reached forward to place a hand on his shoulder, "It's not easy on your first try, sweetie," Valery said as she looked to make eye contact with him.

No matter what, she wanted him to know that she'd always be proud of him. To her, he didn't need to lift a penny to be cool and loved.

"Sometimes, it's easier to start with the Force that flows within us. Abilities that tap into it are called Control abilities, and Force Speed is one of them. So are techniques that make us really strong." Valery levitated over a small stone she used as weight, held it in one hand... and then punched it with the other.

The rock shattered into tiny bits.

"Very few Jedi learn how to do this, but I think you can. Cool, huh?" She could, after all, feel the Force flowing within him. But why wasn't it coming out?

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