Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Aris


The last thing he'd ever expected to do was bring a child home. It was one thing if they were his Padawan, but this was different. Drastically different. He glanced down to the boy he'd bundled up, the boy he carried in his arms. He was still asleep, still would be for a while Kahlil imagined, but it was, as ever, his face. Fuller and healthier than Kahlil had been at that age, but him none the less. He still couldn't wrap his head around the fact that the boy seemed to grow a consciousness on his own.

Perhaps that was a blessing.

He stepped into his home, lifting his gaze to look directly at Valery. She already knew everything, but he still couldn't help but smile sheepishly.

"Hey. I'm uh, home."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Noble Home
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Ever since she had felt her husband's reaction when he discovered the boy, Valery had been on edge. There had been danger in that lab from an unexpected guest, and there wasn't anything she could do to help. But whenever kids were on the line, she knew that Kahlil would never let himself fail. After Vera had been captured by Carnifex especially, he had been very careful about keeping children safe.

But beyond that, they had also silently agreed to raise this kid together.

So by the time the Bastion landed close to their new home, Valery had already prepared so much. The bed in the guest room had been made for the kid, and she had prepared a meal in case he'd be hungry. The other kids were in their own rooms, playing or just relaxing for now, allowing the two parents to focus on the boy for now.

Finally, after what felt like an endless flight, the door opened and Valery was up on her feet immediately to greet them. Seeing her husband with the child in his arms had her eyes widen, and she quickly stepped closer to kiss him on the cheek and look the kid over. She already knew he was fine, really, but motherly instincts made her double and even triple-check it.

"I've prepared the guest room for him. We can turn it into his own later, but he'll have a comfortable bed." her heart was racing as she looked between them, but Valery also turned her gaze back to Kahlil.

"You doing okay, love? I... know this is probably a lot to process?"



"I am.. Surprisingly fine."

Kahlil gave a smile as he felt the kiss on his cheek. It just made it more real to him. That she was accepting of this. It was ultimately a choice he'd made as a boy, but it was also one he made as a Sith. It was.. Good, to know she supported him. He lead the way to the room in question to lay the boy out, gently as ever, though he tilted his head as he glanced towards Valery. Frowned. Boy wasn't fitting, not in the slightest.

"He's going to need a name. .. I'm thinking Aris."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Noble Home
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Good, I was a little worried," she admitted, but she still managed a warm smile before kissing his cheek. A kiss that she could feel really brightened him up. From his perspective, it had probably been a little stressful for a moment — what if Valery hadn't been okay with just taking in another kid? But she'd always support him, and this kid in his arms was something related to his past they couldn't just ignore.

To her, it really felt like their child already.

After making it to the guest room, Valery sat down on the bed by the boy's side but left more than enough room for Kahlil to sit down as well. Her hand gently settled over his forehead, just to check his temperature, and she gave him another close lookover. "He seems healthy," Valery commented with that motherly tone she had. Her eyes then shifted back to Kahlil, and she blinked at the suggestion of the name.

Then, just smiled.

"That's a perfect name, love. Aris..." She turned back to their son and pulled the blankets over him to keep him comfortable. "I'm pretty sure Vera is already curious, but let's first give Aris some time to get used to his surroundings after waking up, hm? Vera and the triplets might be a little... overwhelming."



"It'll be a little while before he wakes, I imagine. He.. Wasn't supposed to have a soul."

That's what made this so.. Weird. Or important. Or just, different? He still wasn't sure what to make of it. What did matter now though was Aris now had a home. With them. He wouldn't be alone ever again, even as he woke and learned the world around him.

"But when he does, he'll be happy, I imagine."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Noble Home
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"He can sleep as long as he'd like. As long as he feels safe and comfortable," Valery said with a nod and a smile before she looked down at her son. It was quite the adjustment going from four kids to five just like this, but somehow it felt... right. It was just as important to her as it was to her husband, and it had to be that way for this to work out. He had to feel like he was with family here, and so did the Nobles who already lived here.

The triplets were too young to understand, and Vera... well, she was the sweetest girl she knew. Everything was going to be just fine for little Aris here.

"I really hope he will be. I'm... curious about what he'll be like, and isn't it exciting to bond with him more? Maybe we should take some time off and just do things with all the kids?" She smiled and reached for his hand to squeeze it. "I want him to really feel part of the family, so I don't want to leave him alone too much. Not right now, anyway."



"I'm just as curious who he'll be when he wakes up. How much will he be like me? Will he be like me at all? He wasn't meant to have anything, so whoever he is, it's his own choice."

Perhaps that's what was most exciting for Kahlil. Aris wouldn't have the terrible memories, wouldn't be pushed to become someone he wasn't. Just able to grow and learn himself all on his own. He smiled faintly as he watched the sleeping child before he turned to leave him to his rest and squeezed Valery's hand in return. He did agree as he nodded. They couldn't leave him alone, not now.

"He'll learn quick, but it'll be important that we're around, yeah. We should stick close by, as close as we can. Time off is a good idea."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Noble Home
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Valery smiled warmly, "Exciting, isn't it? I also think he has the right family around him to help him make those decisions for himself. He's young but he hasn't seen much of anything yet. Not experienced anything..." she frowned but shook her head to push negativity away. "We'll support him but I honestly think Vera will really be important too. She'll help him understand what it's really like to just be a kid and have fun if he doesn't already know."

Valery then smiled at the squeeze of her hand, and let herself be pulled along a little after getting up. Giving him a moment to wake up later and adjust without people surrounding him would be good. He'd be able to come out when he felt ready, and they'd be ready to receive him warmly.

"Then time off it is. The little ones will love it, too." She chuckled and gently pushed Kahlil down onto the couch, before sitting sideways on his lap.

"Our lives never stop being interesting, huh? I'm... just at a loss for words, but so happy." She couldn't smile brighter and leaned in to gently peck him on the lips this time. "I also wonder how Vera will respond to him."



"I'm sure Vera will love him. She's pretty wise beyond her years."

If anything he was more worried Aris wouldn't be as fine with this as they were. It was his life to decide, but he also didn't know how to? He shook his head a little as he sat on the couch, pulled Valery more into his lap as she plopped down. Smiled as he leaned into the peck with a chuckle to escape him shortly after. They were a family now and forever. And Aris would always be welcome.

"From the report I had, he seems to have at least learned some things. Basic things. T7, the droid that I left in charge, was programed to teach just incase when I transferred over I forgot things. While he wasn't ever truly awake, he was at least able to learn some things. Mostly schooling skills and how to take care of himself. If anything, he should be the same level as any six year old. Just.. No real social skills."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Noble Home
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"She really is," Valery said with a proud, motherly smile over Vera.

Valery then happily leaned into the warm embrace and enjoyed the quick kiss before she relaxed in his arms. This is what life was all about to her — family. The more she got to enjoy these things, the more she realized that she'd have to always keep working hard to not lose this. No matter what, she wanted this family to last, and to raise their children together. Aris was just going to be another, equally important part of it.

"You know, I can tell you're a little worried about whether or not Aris will be fine with all this. But... my momma instincts are telling me he will." She chuckled and knew that it didn't really mean much, or maybe it did? She did actually believe that all of this was just meant to be and that they'd simply have another wonderful kid to raise together.

"I'm glad he'll have learned some things and social skills? I'm sure that won't be a problem with Vera helping him, and we should maybe let him attend classes at the Temple too, once he's ready. If... he even wants to be a Jedi." She blinked and realized there was a lot he'd have to figure out for himself.

But he'd have Mom and Dad to help him with those decisions.



"He's going to be strong in the Force. Even if he's not a Jedi, we'll have to make sure to teach him how to control it. I made him to be a body I could be truly free in." Uncorrupted and powerful enough to stay that way. Kahlil didn't want to have his options limited when he was finally able to decide his fate for himself. Not that he lingered long in that line of thought. And now that body was Aris's to use.

No, it was always his.

"I'm really glad you're so accepting of him, honestly. I was worried you wouldn't be. I mean, I know you'd always be, but.. Yeah, I dunno. I guess I'm just really worried about him. And where he's going to end up, y'know?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Noble Home
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"We'll teach him, just how we've helped Vera when she started getting her visions," Valery promised. They had agreed that someone else should eventually become Vera's Master, and the same would likely apply to Aris, but their kids developed their abilities long before being Padawans. Until they were ready to train under a Master, it would be up to them as parents to teach them at least the basics.

The ability to control this connection they had.

"It makes sense you're worried. He's your son. Our son," Valery smiled warmly and turned to cup both of his cheeks with her hand, "You're never going to be alone with these things, love. I will always support you because I love you." She smiled and leaned in closer for a longer kiss, but a gentle, loving one. Not the kind that would lead to more.

"I want the best for our family, and Aris will be a very natural part of it. Just like any of the other kids we have, and will have." She couldn't help but smirk at the last bit of that sentence, but she did mean it. This family was everything to her, and she was going to make sure it'd last.



Kahlil nodded slowly. Yeah. Just like they helped Vera, they'd help Aris. That was enough for him. He smiled an all too relieved smile as he sort of just leaned against Valery. Closed his eyes. Yeah, Aris is their son. Their son. Together. He wrapped his arms around her to squeeze gently, but the click of a door had him lift his head and blink. Aris stepped out, still bundled in the blanket as he looked around. His eyes were the same silver as Kahlil's own before he focused on the two of them. Blinked.

"I'm thirsty."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Noble Home
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Valery was leaning into him as much as he leaned into her, enjoying the warmth and affection. Very few things could snap her out of a moment like this with her husband, but the second the door opened, she was pretty quick to turn around. There he was, Aris, their son, standing with blankets wrapped around him in the doorway.

He was quite adorable like this, and Valery smiled brightly.

The moment Aris said he was thirsty, Valery reached for a glass of water she had already prepared and... gave it to Kahlil. They were in this together, but she couldn't deny that the impact of this was probably greater on him. So, she wanted him to have this first moment with their son.

"Did you sleep okay?" Valery asked as she got up, and followed her husband towards the little one.



Kahlil took the glass before crouching before Aris. So the silver hair, the eyes, they really were just a part of him? He smiled softly as he handed over the cup of water, to which Aris gladly accepted and started to sip at. He let his gaze travel between both of their smiling faces before slowly lowering the glass and tilted his head.

".. I slept for a long time."

Kahlil nodded, smiling ever still. "Yes, you did."

"Where am I?"


Valery Noble Valery Noble

Noble Home
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Valery watched Aris closely while he sipped from the water, and felt a cuteness overload because of it. Wrapped up in his blankets, his hair messy from the long sleep, and those curious little eyes. She loved it, and the only thing she could think about now is if he was going to accept this at his home. Because just like her husband, she wanted him to feel like he was there - at home.

"We-" she paused and chuckled before correcting herself, "Dad brought you home after your long sleep. I'm..." She glanced up at Kahlil and took a small breath to set aside any lingering doubte. "...I'm mom." Her hand slowly extended towards Aris to gauge if he'd accept her as such.

She didn't want him to feel like he had to make any choice against his will, but she would do anything she could to make him feel part of this family.

"Do you remember much about your sleep or before it?"




He watched Valery for a moment, then looked to Kahlil.


Aris nodded slowly as he lifted up his cup to again sip from. Then looked down at it for a moment. Stared, really. "And this is home. Okay." The gears were churning in his little head by all appearances. He looked around the room for a moment before raising a hand to point towards one of the nearby walls. Right where a pair of multi colored eyes were watching in the distance. "Does that make her my sister, then?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Noble Home
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble


Valery's heart skipped a beat, and her smile brightened immensely when he said that. It became a true love overload when he then referred to Kahlil as his dad as well, and he accepted this as his home? Valery looked up at Kahlil and nodded before she reached over to gently take his hand. The worry they had about him being okay with all of this was gone now, and that relief and joy made it impossible not to have a smile from ear to ear.

Then, hiding in the doorway of her room, he spotted Vera and pointed at her. Valery looked over her shoulder, chuckled, and turned back to him.

"That's Vera, your sister," she confirmed before giving their little star a signal to come over. Vera rushed out immediately, slid over her socks, and came to a stop right in front of Aris.

"I'm Vera!" she said, then she blinked. "Mommy? Daddy? He looks like a mini daddy," she commented with a giggle before looking him in the eyes.

Did she just get a new brother? But why was he not small like the triplets?



Kahlil squeezed her hand in turn, smiling towards her. It was a bit odd how calm he was, but perhaps that's just how he was? Kahlil shrugged. What mattered was him feeling comfortable. And he seemed to be very much so. Aris watched Vera as she stepped into view, occasionally sipping at his drink in the process. Then he nodded. He did look like a smaller dad, didn't he? But.. Wasn't that how kids usually were?

"Kids look like their parents. I look like dad."

He nodded matter of factly before taking another sip.

Kahlil meanwhile just bit back a laugh.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Noble Home
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

<He really is a mini you,> Valery teased telepathically when she watched him be... surprisingly calm. The way he sipped from his drink and looked around just gave her that feeling he was very much like his father. Similar to how Vera and her rather chaotic behavior made her look a lot like her mother. It would hopefully make for a fun balance within the family, especially with the two being around the same age.

"I don't look like mom. My eyes are prettier," Vera said with a giggle, and Valery's eyebrow went way up.

"That so? You think that holds up if I tickle you?"

"No!" Vera laughed, "No tickling!" She called out before turning back to her brother with a big grin on her face. He was just as calm as Daddy, but maybe she could get him to go a little wild anyway.

Then, she blinked.

"What is your name?"


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