Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aria Lyr

Aria Lyr

The Pink Explosion
"Nothin' is as satisfying as an account full of credits, a few new corpses in the ground, and a warm body in your bed."
Basic Information
  • Name: Aria Lyr
  • Alias: N/A
  • Faction Allegiance: The Confederacy
  • Faction Rank: Independent Contractor
  • Species: Zeltron Cyborg
  • Races: Zeltrosi
  • Age: 29 Standard Years
  • Height: 5'5"
  • Build: Athletic
  • Eye Color: Lavender
  • Hair Color: Blue
  • Force Sensitive: No
  • Significant Other: N/A
  • Parents: N/A
  • Siblings: N/A
  • Offspring: N/A
  • Extended Family: N/A

(+) Empath: As a Zeltron, Aria possesses the ability to sense the emotions of others around her.

(+) Pheromones: Like all Zeltron, Aria exudes pheromones that make her more attractive to others around her.

(+) Pyromaniac: If there's one thing Aria knows in this galaxy better than anything, it is the art of making things explode.

(-) Greedy Lil Chit: Offer Aria a nice fat paycheck, and she'll do just about anything.

(-) No Admiral Or Pilot: Aria prefers a fight on the ground. Put her in the air or space, and she's out of her element.

Notable Possessions

  • Armor: WIP
  • Weaponry: Anything that goes 'BOOM'.
  • Primary Transport: Whatever works.
  • Property: An apartment on Zeltros.
  • Miscellaneous: Nope.
Notable Vessels

Aria Lyr was born on Zeltros, the homeworld of the Zeltron species. Most of her young life was frankly uninteresting. Her parents were traders, and traveled the Outer Rim with her in tow. She spent precious little time actual time on Zeltros, though the world does maintain a special place in her heart, and she visits when it's convenient.

When Aria became an adult, she arrived at a crossroads: what to do with her life? Trading? Open a business? Become a farmer? All of that was just so. . . boring. Aria wanted excitement, she wanted a good fight, things to go BOOM. So, naturally, she entered the hired gun business.

Aria earned a reputation as a trigger-happy pyromaniac that would happily blow anything sky-high. Her love of explosives and the art of destruction of course led to a few accidents during her career, and she has required several cybernetic enhancements to compensate for injuries sustained.

After several years as a cyborg mercenary, Aria has found herself falling in with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, specifically an elite squadron of soldiers and mercenaries knows as 'Null Company'. Whatever. As long as the CIS payed her fee, and gave her things to blow up, she'd be happy to kill in their name.

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