Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ari Zannareth Feedback 1.0

Ari Zanareth

So another char.

It's been very long since I tried my hand at a Sith. I'm trying to write Ari as less of a marauder and more a cold, Calculating Sith. Much like a cross between Palpatine and Dooku. With a little Darth Plageuis in the mix.

How am I doing?


Disney's Princess
Dueling freestyle. Check.

Calculating? Maybe. Showing up alone on Kashyyyk was probably the best way to get captured by the Silvers ever. But, I suppose a little crazy never hurt anybody. (Probably...) :D :p

Recommend that your next duel be on either neutral ground or Sith territory for maximum effect. +1 Swag

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